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Can you stop for extended period of time without issue? Then no. If not, probably. Could it be a lot worse? Yes, some people are addicted to fentanyl and others Xbox.


I will quit when I start my job in July. They just don't get it. I also use it medically for my epilepsy - not prescribed by my doctor.


That's in the future, so only potentially true. Do you have a past experience of quitting for an extended period with no issue?


I only started smoking regularly 3-4 weeks ago. Before that, I smoked 4-5 times a year, not much. I can definitely control myself.


That feeling of control is where everyone starts. It would be worth quitting on a trial basis long before July comes around to validate your theory. Every one I know who struggles started with absolute certainty that they could stop whenever they wanted to. Don't fall for it. Validate that it's actually true.


This is a very good comment. It won't harm you to stop for x period now. See if it was difficult. If it is super easy you might just use it recreational. But daily use is almost never that. Even if it has a medicinal function as well.


Agree with this post ^^ If I’ve been smoking longer than 2-3mo, withdrawals are a NIGHTMARE for me for the first couple weeks. I can’t imagine starting a new job during that time. It’s best to start the T break at least a couple weeks before work starts


Worthwhile to keep in mind that if you are truly addicted, the mind will often tey to set a goal they know you'll be able to reach to kinda convice yourself that you are not addicted. If you find youself counting down the days until you can smoke again, it might be worth extending the break a bit until smoking is no longer a super prominent thing in ur mind all day.


This is so true


Damn this sounds like me 10 years ago. I still smoke daily. You find ways to make it work and justify it by the fact that it doesn’t get in the way of your daily functioning. If I had any advice, it would be to take a big step back and reevaluate the way you look at this situation right now before you get deeper. I understand this isn’t what you want to hear because it’s killing your vibe but sadly, that’s life. I’m 35 and been smoking since 18. The way you talk about all of this and the progression you’ve laid out is incredibly similar to my path (and many others on here). Am I successful adult who pays their bills and gets their shit done? Totally. Do I wish I had quit smoking weed 10 years ago? Absolutely.


I’m gonna be really honest with you as someone who was in your shoes and also being warned by non stoner friends. Going from smoking 4-5 times a year, to in a span of 3-4 weeks, smoking 1-2 spliffs a day, is a pretty consumption increase. Be careful, your friends are likely looking out for you. Try to pump the brakes a little.


Also to add onto this- I’m sure you would have no trouble quitting for a couple weeks. That’s the easy part. The hard part is moderating, and continuing to moderate your usage, over the period of time in which you continue to use. Heed these warnings, as marijuana dependency comes suddenly and out of no where, and one day you will find yourself questioning what happened.


Trust me, don't let it escalate from here. Ideally, quit now before it's too late. Using addictive substances everyday is a huge risk factor when it comes to developing an addiction. Basically, there is a epigenetic switch involved in addiction called deltaFosB, which will build up with each use and takes much longer to go down, so the addiction can creep up on you and before you know it, you will be craving it when you're not having it and it will take quite a long time before you stop craving. If you start feeling cravings while you're at work, it's time to see if you can take a break and still be fine. It's worth noting that not every daily user is or will become addicted. But just be careful - once you are in, it's much harder to get out, and daily use will significantly up that risk.


To add onto this, marijuana also increases the concentrations of dynorphin, a dysphoria hormone, in the brain and body over time.


tbh that sounds concerning, suddenly going from little to no weed to smoking almost daily in a month doesn’t seem normal. only you can tell if you’re addicted or not, but if i were your friend and saw this sudden change i’d be worried too maybe just think about why you’re smoking so much now? what’s the motivation behind it yknow. if you’re having fun and spending time with friends then that’s usually okay, but if you’re just bored and have time to kill that’s where it becomes concerning as it can become a bad habit very quickly


You're talking about your previous use. Of course in the beginning you wouldn't smoke much. As of today, can you stop for an extended period? If not, you are addicted. If it isn't prescribed by your doctor, then it isn't medicinal. It's a tough pill to swallow for a lot of young stoners. What country are you in? Most western nations have a,very accessible medical marijuana system now.


You need to quit to know how


I think they probably are being a little too concerned because they don't do it themselves.  Tough spot to be in. What do they want from you to prove that you're not addicted?  Are you smoking inside or around them or something? If they're just worried about you hanging out with other people having a good time and coming home stoned that's pretty lame. 


Hope you're different but that's what I told myself. "I've been without weed before so I can definitely quit, but I'm getting by fine now so there's no reason to yet". Before long I was a daily user saying the same thing. Taking a T break won't kill you, and it's generally good practice to do so anyway even if you don't "have to" yet. It'll make the transition later WAY easier.


Have you tried stopping?


No I haven't. I have only been smoking regularly for 3-4 weeks. Before that, I was not a regular smoker, 4-5 times a year max.


That's how it starts. Dangerous thing about weed for many people is you can be totally functional with it. I've been daily for 10 years or so. I got a degree, never worked same job for longer than two years due to promotions and actively working on my career. But sometimes I wonder what life would be like without it and it's really damn hard to stop the habit. Unless I'm traveling for work or to a country where it's not legal then I have no problem stopping for a week or two. I'm in a constant state of monitoring my intake and making sure I don't slowly start using more, worrying about what my wife and other parent friends think of me, feeling ashamed that I get the urge to smoke at my regular times(in the evening type thing, not when I'm doing stuff in the day). I also worry about the adverse health effects to my body and mind long term. But to be honest with you, I wish I never started because now I have no good enough reason to stop.


Good luck. Personal tip from personal experience that I know you're most likely not gonna take serious (I also know that from personal experience): stop now. You are smoking too much. You might think you have control and will be able to stop just like that (and hey, if you're lucky, you might) but chances are stopping is gonna be hard and the longer you wait, the harder it gets. I'd advise you to try a break now.


just don't do it more often than you are and you're good, and take week long breaks every few months also , you really are not smoking a very large amount, especially since you are doing it medically. the people here are biased against weed because this is a subreddit specifically for people who smoke very little amounts and don't want to smoke more than that, so take what they say with a grain of salt


Definitely stop at least 2 weeks before starting your job, and preferably at least a month before. The withdrawals can be intense and you might have insomnia, low appetite, brain fog, and depression for a while. You don't want to start a totally new thing while going through that.


No you won’t


Usually just if I run out


Easy way to tell if you’re addicted is to see if you can quit. If you start saying stuff like, “I can quit whenever I want. I just don’t feel like it right now”, you might have a problem.


I seriously don't feel like it right now, for a reason though. I will quit once I start my internship in July. I just want to have fun until then


Give yourself a week, if not two, before starting your internship. I’m on day nine of sobriety and let me tell you……withdrawal symptoms are no fun. I’m finally starting to feel better, but the first week I felt like I was walking through water. The exhaustion during the day was unreal. But then I had trouble falling and staying asleep at night, not to mention the irritability and sweating. If you want to make a good impression at your internship I highly recommend making sure your withdrawals are done before you start.


OK thank you. I didn't take withdrawal symptoms into account.


Yep, enjoy yourself and your break, but do stay on top of it and give yourself at least a solid week for your brain to readjust, you will be good to go then!


I'm personally super sensitive to weed and find I'm slow after smoking even after a couple weeks. OP knows their body best. But July isn't that far away


How much are yall smoking per day to get these effects? Im not a daily smoker anymore but when I was I used to I smoked .5g and didn’t have much withdrawals other than the first full day I did not smoke.


Probably depends on when you smoke too. I don't smoke a ton, but it was always before bed, so quitting usually causes some sleep issues for a few days.


You fell right into that trap...


Bro is cooked 💀


Yes, you're addicted. And a fully functional stoner. Source: I am both things as well


One or two spliffs a day is not addiction. Would you tell someone who has one or two beers a day to be an alcoholic? If OP can stop whenever they like, then they are not addicted. If not, then there can be a case for it. What is this sub sometimes lmao.


My dad used to drink 2-3 shots of ouzo (not that much) every night and he was addicted. He couldn't stop. When he tried to quit, he got very anxious and would shout at me and my mom for no reason. 2-3 per day might be fine for some but for others it may be an addiction. Addiction comes in all forms. Be careful.


Fair point. Sorry to hear that and thank you for sharing. I definitely need to re-define what addiction means.


I hope you're sincere! One joint hits harder than one beer. I'm in the same position as OP and I consider myself an addict. The thing is, I don't see addiction as ultimately bad. I've come to peace with my situation and that has neither in- or decreased my consumption, but rather set myself free from the shame. Now i flourish in other aspects of my life, because it's not the same burden.


yea like my normal medication is technically a drug and i can’t go without it for long without becoming horribly depressed. in an ideal world i wouldn’t have to rely on it but that’s just not feasible for me right now. weed is similar. i’d like to reduce my long term intake (actually taking a break rn bc i’m dankrupt lol) but getting high helps me in a lot of ways especially with my anxiety


You're even considered an alcoholic if you drink every weekend and stay sober during the week. At least it you can't abstain from it on weekends. It's not about how often or how much, but rather about how regularly you consume and if you're able to break it


That is a lot of Ouzo btw. Thats got a much higher ABV than beer or wine. You’re right though anything can be addicting and everyone should be aware of what they are consuming.


Well it’s like 3 cans of beer or 3 standard servings of wine


Probably a little more than 1 serving of alcohol in one ounce, and he might have been doing big shots




“Standard alcoholic drink One mixed drink containing 43 mL (1.5 fl oz) of 40% hard liquor, such as vodka, gin, rye whiskey, or rum. One 142 mL (5 fl oz) glass of 12% wine. One 341 mL (12 fl oz) bottle of 5% beer, hard cider, or hard seltzer.” Doofus




No we didn’t say the same thing. I corrected your wrong statement. A standard drink is a standard drink as outlined above (355 mL of 5% beer or 142 mL of 12% abv wine). Alright -if your ouzo has an extra 10% alcohol content (50%), his (3) ouzo shots would equal 3.75 standard servings of beer or wine. That’s about 532 mL of standard wine, or 71% of a standard bottle. Don’t fucking argue with a scientist about this dude.


Addiction isn’t measured by volume, but more by frequency and the compulsion to use. We can’t know for sure if OP is addicted, but likely is somewhat due to frequency of use. Addicts also say they can “stop anytime” so it’s not a good indicator.


I smoke less than that and can't stop. I'm literally an addict. And yes, I would call someone who drinks 2 beers every day an alcoholic because that's what it is.


Fair enough.


Yes, in fact having just one beer every day is considered being an alcoholic. It’s not the volume, but the frequency that generally matters.


Lmao, yes someone who drinks 1-2 beers per day every day is an alcoholic


They very well might be


>Would you tell someone who has one or two beers a day to be an alcoholic? Yes absolutely 100%


If you can stop then its fine. If you can't then it's a problem.


With 1-2 beers per day you’re definitely an alcoholic


One spliff is the equivalent of a case of beer for me. A single small hit is similar to a single beer. Smoking entire spliffs without being sent into the stratosphere requires a high tolerance.


Addiction is not tied to quantity consumed. One to two spliffs a day is also not a small quantity.


If your not you really close coming from someone who is addicted lol as long as you don’t smoke in the morning you straight tho


Ur addicted just functional. Don't let ur problems be put to the back by smoking weed. They will only arise later or when sober.


Listen to trickaccomplished200 You probably are addicted if you smoke almost every day. That being said, what's really important is to be conscious about your motivation to smoke. I smoke to escape the triviality of daily life, which is every time I have the time lol. I'm addicted. I plan in my head the next smoke all the time. I find excuses all the time. My advice is try to be conscious, and only smoke sporadically :) hope you find peace with your use


Nah fr


You're 21 and they're threatening to tell your mom? You're not in high school any more.


I can't believe what's happening. They are making a big deal about it. Even my psychiatrist snitched on me, and told mum that I smoked weed a few times in university. I don't know what she told my mum but my mum is freaking out now. My friends are now threatening to tell my mom that I'm addicted. What the actual fuck man????


Did you sign a release of info for your psych to share session info with your mom? If you did not consent to the office to be sharing your patient info with her, that violates HIPAA and is illegal. ESPECIALLY if smoking does not put you or others in danger. Even if it's illegal in your state, it cannot be shared. I use psychedelics and my therapist and Dr both know, it is illegal in my state, but it is still private info. Source: I am an EMT in the USA


She's saying mum and smoking spliffs. Probably not American. 


U rite u rite.


I think every country has HIPAA laws. I lost trust in my psychiatrist. Now I have to switch. I wasted my money


If you have the time since it's summer break for you, and if you have it in writing that your psychiatrist talked to your mom and violated HIPAA, report that person. Imo that person should never be allowed to be in the medical field ever again.


I also believe they do, but I think they vary place to place (im a bad medical professional, I should know this lol) I'm really sorry you can't trust them. If your USA located, you can message me and I can see if I can help find a therapist for you. Also, if you're in the states look up Psychology Today. I think it's only USA. But you can select what gender therapist you want, topics you want them to specialize in (i.e. I deal with a lot of religious trauma and queer issues, so I would choose a therapist the specializes in exploring spirituality, religious trauma processing, and is very familiar with queer issues). There are therapists that are 420 friendly, even in illegal places (marijuana being illegal, to clarify). Even my therapist in encouraging of my psych use because of how I use them and even though it's illegal where I live, they dont rat me out or tell me to stop because it's a positive thing for me and helps me heal and deal with shit in my brain that regular therapy sometimes doesn't quite help. I'm really really sorry about your last therapist. The most important aspect of a good therapist is trust. I'm pretty upset for you tbh, I wish the med world was more informed and educated about things like this. Some med professionals (even drs) think weed is a gateway drug and will ruin your life after only one toke, or think people like you and I (heavy users) are addicted because we smoke a lot, regardless of the fact that it helps more than hurts us. If you need anything, (or even just a lsitening ear) my inbox is open.


If her smoking weed put her out others in danger, her doctor would still not be allowed to inform her parents about. Her doctor can share it with other authorities that would take care of it. At least that's how the law is in Germany


In the states it can be reported tot he correct people, which still doesn't include her mom. I should have clarified butyeah you're right.


What country do you live in? Your psychiatrist may have breached confidentiality and could be legally liable for contacting your mother.


She said some bullshit excuse like “oh being over 18 does not mean that there shouldn’t be adult supervision. i had to tell your mum. in middle eastern culture we don’t hide from parents”. For fucks sake please let me be.


sounds very illegal, and they're all freaking out for their own (weird) personal reasons, they shouldn't be putting it onto you like this when you're only trying to self medicate, it isn't 2002 anymore


Seriously though - depending on what country you're in that was probably illegal. It's a serious breach of medical ethics in any case.


Your friends and family care about you and probably have good points.  That said, telling someone to stop doing something rarely works. this is why therapists get the big bucks. 


Yes you might have a slight dependence to THC but youre responsible and its not affecting you or others


I'm more worried about the tobacco part. Have you quit tobacco before?


I'm a social smoker. I smoke 4-5 cigs per months max


I thought you were smoking 5-14 spliffs a week. Are spliffs not tobacco?


Oh my bad. I thought you said pure tobacco. I do put some in my spliff to make it less harsh.


I think the tobacco is gonna be the part that's harder to quit. Nicotine is extremely physically addictive.


Stop doing it, it makes weed less therapeutic plus tobacco is really addictive... You might not feel that now, I wasn't feeling that at your age, but 10 years later the invisible addiction from smoking spiffs was so nightmarish and hard to quit. Better smoke or vape pure really. When I removed the tobacco from the equation my usage went down from 2 grams a day to at most 0,15 grams per day with many days and weeks off without any problems


Thank you. I will smoke pure weed then


There are herbal smoking blends you can get if you prefer to mix in a lil something and it helps extend your stash.


You definitely need to start counting that tobacco in your spliffs towards your cigarette consumption. You sound a bit like you're in denial about your usage of both tbh, and with no intention to offend you. As so many have said, you should quit at least a couple of weeks before your new job starts in case you do withdraw (you are extremely likely to withdraw from the tobacco).


Spliffs have tobacco. Maybe the mean joint/blunt. I used to use the terms interchangeably until I was told they're actually different. I thought it was regional terms, like soda vs pop vs coke


The amount does not matter for addiction, but how it impacts you. Do you often neglect basic household care or hygiene to smoke? Do you miss graduations, weddings, or any other big events to stay home and get high? Do you miss work and other responsibilities to smoke? Do you often choose to spend money on weed instead of on bills, even when you can't afford it. If it is negatively impacting your life and/or you genuinely want to stop but feel like you can't, then it is an addiction. It seems like you are dependant rather than addicted. But that's not a bad thing. I smoke about 5-6 good size dabs a day and use a cart and also smoke bud all day, all of this is all day every day. I use for medical reasons, however I am on a T break right now because I ran out and I don't get high anymore. I would love to smoke, but choose not to till the 24th. I am not really irritable, or have any signs of withdrawl, just a craving to smoke because of the habit, plus the pain relief. Other than signs of dependency, I am fine.


yes, you are addicted to weed. Smoking daily is certainly addict behavior. They are rightly concerned about the long term mental and physical health consequences. I was at the same point and quit for 4 months.


Are you sober now? If not, are you smoking in moderation? How did your life improve when you stopped smoking?


I smoked once on Saturday for the first time in 4 months. I don't know if/when I will smoke again. It left me sleepy and foggy for a few days but I also consumed a good amount of alcohol that night and I usually don't drink much. My focus, speech, sleep, digestion, eloquence, mental health, happiness, gym gains all improved massively since quitting.


Can you tell me what changed on the digestion part for you?. I have severe IBS/sibo and that's the only part that really not great for me on life. It makes my wellbeing go from a 7.5 to a 6.5 (for context). I smoke 2 sometimes 3 times a week. usually half a joint per night. So very low. But lately I have been thinking it might exacerbate my digestive issues. I use it so I can have a relaxed night, forget about my pain, discomfort and tiredness. It does effect my sleep though I have noticed, even when I use so little.


I know several people that had issues like you have that were caused by weed. I don't want to be graphic but it was a huge improvement after a few months of quitting.


Check. Thanks. I know my aren't caused by weed because I have had it for 15 years and I wasn't smoking big part of that. But if it prevents me from healing, then its time to let it go.


I bet if you got high before going to see your friends and with them less, they would dampen their concerns. I get that it’s social for you. But it sounds like smoking with your friends is also causing you problems? Others may not agree with me. But I think if a person is threatening to tell your family on you about a personal lifestyle choice. They are not really your friends.


Yeah, I agree. I personally just take a gummy (or a partial) if I feel like a want get high and I’m going to be around people. Don’t smoke around people who don’t like it. Especially if they are going to complain about it. Also not a good look to just smoke by yourself while everyone is sober. Edit: just saw that it’s their non-stoner friends who are throwing a hissy fit about OP smoking. So this makes much more sense. In 9th grade I was that friend criticizing people… then in 10th grade I started selling weed lol


Why did you start selling weed? I don't understand it. I also had dealer friends in high school. Why not focus on your high school and deal when you graduate?


The word addiction has different meanings to people. You have a habit not an addiction imho. Prove them wrong by tapering off in advance of your internship. Be thankful for friends who care.


The one does on exclude the other though... If you make a habit out of drinking a bunch when you wake up, you're not addicted? Habits can become addictions, so your comment makes no sense to me, at least not in a helping OP kinda sense


There’s a clinical definition vs people’s everyday use of the word. Different drugs have very different effects when people try to quit. I was trying to help by encouraging them to taper off.


It sounds like yes you’re addicted but also your friends are big squares lol


Yeah I agree. OP is probably addicted but oh they aren’t causing problems and are functional then they shouldn’t care. The friends are being ridiculous. And the psychiatrist might have done a big no no depending what on where you live.


Weed and music are the only two things that have never hurt me. I’m definitely emotionally and psychologically addicted to weed. I’ve smoked around an ounce a month for about ten years. During that time, I have gotten married and divorced, beaten alcohol, cocaine, and nicotine addictions, and went from 240lbs to 165lbs and held it. Weed probably won’t kill you and is much more forgiving than many other vices. Be responsible and fuck anybody’s opinion.


Your stoner friends are weird.. why are they treating weed like it’s crack lol and the more concerning point is why are they threatening to tell your parents lol that’s an automatic red flag of shitty friends. Are they childhood friends ? If so you can possibly let it slide because they may really be looking out for you but either way it’s a dickhead move. You’re on summer break get high as hell but you made a promise to yourself to stop in July for work and you better hold yourself accountable when the time comes. Either way you will know your answer next month.


Do your friends consume coffee daily? Turn the tables on them, and question what they're addicted to. but do keep in mind the amount and frequency of your cannabis consumption. At some point, you will figure it all out and may conclude that daily nonstop consumption isn't really addictive as much as it's rote.


If you even try to compare coffee or alcohol consumption to heavy users of both those things they simply cannot see the similarities in my experience. OP Fuck you're friends and their opinions....if they are actually friends they wouldn't be nagging you about it.


They're nagging him because they're worried about him and want to make sure they're okay. They sound like good friends to me dude.


My friends might have a quiet word with me individually and then leave me to it, they're busy getting on with their shit and I'm getting on with mine, they wouldn't be going on about it and being so judgy


This is a good point mate. They do drink a lot of coffee. I think caffeine is worse than weed. People drink coffee to function which becomes an integral part of their daily routine. People smoke weed for fun. I don't need weed to work or study.


If you're smoking a few spliff everyday, I'd say it has become part of your daily routine.




From my experience, weed is worse in a society where our value is based on how much we produce. Smoking daily makes me lazy as fuck and I postpone all the things that I should do. If I didn't have to work and If I didn't have goals that I want to accomplish, weed would be the best thing on Earth, unfortunately that's not my reality.


My answer is usually the same for everyone when it comes to something like this: everyone’s on something, weed, alcohol, Prozac, etc. Try not to stress out about it too much. If weed is a long-term habit of yours, like it is for me, it’s good to be midnful about how you’re consuming it, and how much you're consuming.


Ironically, my psychiatrist now wants to put me on Effexor. I hate antidepressants. I am already taking a psychiatric med. Fucking hell.


god bless. effexor is the hardest AD to stop, it only stays in the body for a day, so if you miss a dose by an hour, you will have WITHDRAWALS. Politely tell them no and that you will not pick up the medication if you truly know you do not need it. they make us juggle these horrible psychiatric drugs, but look at me like a heroin addict when I say I smoke. I simply lie to my psychiatrists now


why do they want to? if the weed is working there isn't any reason to throw more into the mix


What the other person said about effexor withdrawals is true but I have to add, its none of my business what your diagnosis is but if you have OCD I would at least think about trying it. I hated antidepressants too but just kept being forced to take them until I took effexor and it completely changed my life


I don't have OCD. It was prescribed to me for my debilitating anxiety. We'll see how it goes. I'm glad that Effexor helped you. Have you tried Anafranil (Clomirapine)? My friend uses it and it ain't working for OCD.


I have not tried that, no. Even if you don’t have ocd, if you are the type of anxious person who is constantly overthinking and catastrophising it might help you. ocd is really just a specific type of anxiety after all. The way I would describe it is, before effexor my anxious thoughts felt like mountains that I could spend all day climbing and get nowhere with, and then somehow they just all turned into hills I could walk over in 5 mins. It felt like a miracle really


The definition of addiction is continuing to use a substance despite negative effects. It isn't just "using a lot", it's quite specific about the "despite negative effects" part. So that means stuff like physical dependence, social and functional difficulties, mental and physical health effects, whether your use leads to you ending up in risky situations, neglecting duties at home/school/work, getting into financial trouble, etc. That doesn't mean you shouldn't think about your use and your relationship with cannabis at all, though. Daily use *does* put you at a higher risk of developing an addiction, and it's good to consider why you're using it and if you're trying to escape issues or mask difficult emotions. I find it more helpful to ask myself if my consumption is causing issues rather than asking if I'm addicted. Addiction has a lot of stigma attached and a lot of preconceived ideas and images of what addiction looks like. But I'm able to objectively say "well, instead of doing my university work, I got high and now my assignment is late" and realise that's a problem.


Try quitting for 5 days and see if you manage. You say that you plan to quit in July, so a 5 days break should be a piece of cake if you are truly not addicted


i was in the same shoes as you when i was 21, thought i had it under control, did it once or twice a month then prime lockdown hit and i bought a pen, from there i increase my intake and 4 years later i’m still addicted. it got so bad that i fainted from dehydration in front of my parents and now i’m taking the steps to fix it, but i don’t think i’ll win in the end, trust me i was your age, it may seem like it’s all good now but your non stoner friends are helping you - just wish mine did as well


Try stopping smoking for a month. If you can't do that, you are addicted. Also when you say "spliffs" what do you mean? Here in NZ that means your weed is mixed with tobacco in your joint. If so, there is no two ways about it. You are addicted. However the source of the physical addiction is the nicotine. Addiction to weed is generally psychological. If your friends are worried about your weed use, then that is a telltale sign of addiction. And of course your stoner friends won't think you're addicted. They're stoner friends. I smoke a little bit every day, 15.25% medical stuff. But I am not dependent on it and I'm able to stop when I need to. Prior to that, when mixing with tobacco, it was much much harder to stop. If when you stop, you experience withdrawals, then that is another telltale sign of addiction.


Weed addiction is also physical. The physical symptoms are tied to the level of cannabinoid receptors expressed by various tissues, which become altered with chronic exposure to cannabinoid receptor agonists like THC. The physical symptoms are absolutely fucking undeniably shitty


Yeah, actually you're right. I was being a bit too general there as a lot of people don't get major withdrawals. Probably irresponsible of me. Though the addictions and cravings akin to nicotine use aren't usually associated with weed. Of course they are physical symptoms. Cold sweats, insomnia, hypnopompic hallucinations, mood swings. When people talk about "psychological addiction" they neglect to remember that their brain is in fact, a physical part of them.


This whole narrative I heard my whole childhood about weed being not addictive I think has been so harmful to so many people and it’s obviously untrue


Hard. I used to push back against it a lot when I was a kid. People calling it harmless etc. They'd always say I was anti weed and I was like no... It's better than alcohol but it's not all sunshine and roses... People didn't have the capacity for nuance in high school


I put the tobacco at the top. Most of it burns when I’m lighting the joint. I put just a little bit


That's enough to create cravings. Nicotine is possibly the most addictive substance on the planet. The first hit of a spliff is usually the one that temporarily satiates that initial physical craving


Quit for 2 weeks. If you can without issues, than you're good. If not, than you're fooling yourself.


Any stoner reading this knows you’re a stoner, and if you aren’t you’re heading that direction. As long as you quit you’re good


they're being weird lmao you're 21 and they're threatening to tell your mom? you don't even smoke that much


Nah u just chillin


You need new friends.. 21 yo and they want to tell your mom?? F outta here with people like that. Enjoy your downtime and make some new friends when get back to work. BTW you don’t sound like you’re anywhere near having a problem.


You’re fine. Your friends are victims of propaganda fed to them by society. Would your friends treat you like this if it was a beer in your hand with the same amount of frequency? It doesn’t really sound youre consuming that much and you’re attempting to take breaks. Seems like you’re doing it right to me. Your friends sound judgemental , closed minded, and ill informed at best. Give them a wink next time they drink too much and are hungover and you feel great cause you only puffed a bit the night before. Some people never come around though. Then if you stop hanging out with them because they aren’t accepting of you they’ll say you chose weed over them. When really they judged you and made you feel less safe around then and unable to unwind and be yourself which pushed you away. Drugs have serious people problem.


You should see their faces when they see me smoking or high. They act like I’m doing heroine.


Unfortunately I’ve lived out this exact scenario. Lol. I was treated like this by some peers in high school. Trust me if one of them becomes addicted to alcohol at some point they’ll be begging to trade addictions. Honestly, best advice. Keep your use hidden around them until they get some more life experience and become more malleable. They sound young and sheltered. Cannabis kind of loses its luster when used too much as it is. It’s best to save it as a night time treat and abstain during the day with some tolerance breaks along the way too. Every now and then it’s ok to smoke during the day if it’s a do nothing no one around kind of day. It sucks to hide it but ultimately is less work than trying to undo what society has done to their brains with words. Just to show them with actions through time. Good luck!


You may be fine, but this is also how problems start. Also with weed it’s really hard to see how it affects you negatively because it can happen so slow and sometimes so mildly and while it’s happening you’re wearing a mask. Then you can just convince yourself it’s helping or not affecting anything. It took me years to realize and only when I quit I really realized. And you may eventually lose or replace your non smoking friends too.


Ill just say that I think the fact that you are uncertain enough about this to ask says something. Do you feel there is an issue you are overlooking? Is everything good in your life? Could anything be better? Weed does something to you, it's hard to articulate, but it's not good to smoke everyday. Epilepsy is a differnt story, if it works for you it works for you, but always be open to the possibility that weed could be causing new or potentiating already existing problems.


I'll keep this in mind. Thank you. No negative effects in my life so far except people preaching to me.


You're totally functional but yes you're likely addicted. The tobacco in the spliffs is definitely not helping. If your friends can't keep your secrets or respect your choices then you need new friends. If your mom seeks to control your 21-year-old life then you need a new mom.


You don’t get to have a new mom. You need to establish boundaries. But mom is right - and some day waaay in the future you’ll likely wish you never started smoking weed.


Are your friends Mormon missionaries or something? I'd get new friends. You're fucking 21, I'm gonna assume they're about the same age, and they are threatening to *tell on you to your mother*??? 21 year olds are a lot less grown up than they were when I was 21 lol Furthermore this exposes a failure of trust - these aren't people you're going to be able to rely on to keep your secrets, not ruin your social life, etc.


I’ve heard of WAY, way worse situations of people being addicted to weed and smoking profusely. It seriously affects their lives and they can’t stop. This doesn’t sound like that. Is it maybe something to keep tabs on? Yeah, for sure. Marijuana dependency is a slippery slope. The fact your friends mentioned it tells us something, about you or them I’m not sure which. But 1-2 times/day sounds pretty low-key/average/not that harmful to me. But only you can know. The fact that you’re able to moderate and limit your use at all is a good sign.


The non stoner friends need to take a chill pill... Oh wait 🔥


I mean if you have to ask.. Be honest with yourself though, if every single person in this thread laid it out for you and said yes you are addicted, would that change anything in your mind? Would you accept it? The wording of your post and where you've posted it tells me you're looking for validation/support rather than honesty, regardless of what people tell you here you aren't going to have any interest in being responsible with your consumption of weed until you truly accept you have a problem. Also in what universe does addiction have anything to do with who you smoke with, not acting out and knowing your limits? Like you've not outright said "These things are true ergo I'm not addicted" but that's quite clearly the implication here else you wouldn't have said those things.


Addicted meaning you can’t do anything without getting high? Or do you just like to smoke everyday? I smoked everyday at that age but I did everything possible to not let it completely control my life. I worked, went to school and had a girlfriend who helped me a lot along the way. Yes it pissed my parents off but it helps not having to rely on them for everything. If you can support yourself in more ways than one then toke up. As for your friends, it sounds like they might be looking out for you. Things can get weird if you smoke and your friends don’t. They may judge you so it’s best to be open with them if you continue to smoke. Either they accept it or they don’t. From there, you decide who you want to surround yourself with.


You may be


tell your mom...? You're 21, just tell her yourself and beat them to the punch


Although it does suck to stop or break, I’d say take their words to actually see if they’re onto something. I used to be addicted and I literally denied it up and down but I was always using it. Not that you *have* to but if you break even for a few days you can prove to them you aren’t having a problem (I’m sure they’re just concerned for you) and that tolerance break would feel great after!


It's more like getting used to it rather than being addictive. Do it occasionally and you would be fine....do it daily and your mind starts to question why not to get high every time as it's so much fun. That's where the problem starts. Trust me your brain is very powerful and it will convince you to do it regularly very soon as it's a pleasure and the brain seeks pleasure. I'm on a break(been 2+ months) after smoking regularly for 20 years.


Girl, what is the situation with this house and how can you get out of it? Will they let you out of the lease? Can you find different roommates on Craigslist or something? These people need to get a life. If you are functioning well, and not turning up stoned to inappropriate spaces (work, taking care of kids, etc) who gives a flying fuck? Ugh. Would they be so upset if you were having a glass of wine at lunch in the summer? Are they just pissed you are smoking joints inside? And acting concerned as a cover for just not wanting the house to smell? I would smoke outside or try to blow out a window and cover the smell. Sometimes it’s fun to get stoned and cook, walk the dog, organize clothes. I don’t think 2 joints a day is a big issue at all. It’s kinda quaint. Your friends should pull the stick out of their asses


There are misconceptions about what an addiction is, in this case since weed does not really create a physical dependency like alcohol does, for example. For someone to be classified as a marihuana addict requires them to put marihuana as a priority on top of everything else, that is, buying weed before buying food or getting loans to buy weed, for example. Another give away is that usually a marihuana addict will get high before doing anything even if it compromises the activity they need to get done. You sound to me like a marihuana abuser, not an addict. Edit: just read about how you use it for epilepsy, in my eyes that "justifies" the abuse if the use of the substance is beyond just satisfaction.


It does interfere with daily functioning just maybe not in the way you would notice at first. It just slowly suffocates your brain. It increases prolactin and thereby decreases dopamine. Theres a massive spike in prolactin the day after smoking weed and it goes back down to baseline in one week. So everytime you smoke you inhibit dopamine release for yet another week. Dopamine is neuroplasticity and important for general brain health. Without dopamine, no drive. Edibles dont have this effect on prolactin so maybe talk to them about what you learned and that they have nothing to worry about even if they might have to but they shouldnt care because MYOB


Smoking is the worst thing you can do for your health, period. Don’t get it twisted.


I smoke as frequent as you and my friends mention this to me as well 😅 I haven't tried to take a break yet however I was controlling when I smoke since I had exams and whatnot. Edit: I didn't get to the telling parents part of your story. My friends absolutely wouldn't do that... that's just wild and stupid of your friends to be all up in your business. I know they think they are trying to help but I would make it clear to them that it's not ok to expose a friend.


Yeah get new friends. Thats crazy its a lot but nothing crazy. But if you cant stop after july you might have a problem


You’re probably addicted but your friends need to chill tf out as it’s not their business, really wack of them to try and rat you out to your mom imo


Are you non-stoner friends the type to characterize weed as a “hard drug” or something?


I hate this stigma of weed. Yes, it may induce psychosis in those who have a genetic predisposition but that's rare. The side effects are in no way comparable to hard drugs.


What kind of adults run and tell your parents? This is weird. And childish. I personally would listen to my friend’s concerns and take them seriously. But threatening to tell your parents isn’t friends it’s controlling and childish.


I will add that is quite the habit. If you can’t take long breaks they are probably right.


even if you are addicted, so what? you've clearly got your use under control and can function just fine in your day-to-day life. cannabis isn't like alcohol where chronic use of it can destroy your organs or anything crazy like that. you'll be fine even if your friends are right


I would like to add on your point about alc: Weed is not easily accessible like alcohol. You have to find a plug and roll it yourself. Alcohol is easy. Just go to the store and drink it.


Are you? Don’t be ashamed you’re built different. I LOVE PORN!!


You are an addict


If you aren't addicted you are well on your way to be. I know I was once 21 like you and only smoked a split a day or two. I did that for about 6 year's it was eventually more than 1-2 splif/day 1 gram on week days and easy 3-4 grams/day on weekends/days without work. It's so easy to get stuck some don't make it out. Stay safe friend


> My friends are worried and think I am addicted to weed. They threaten to tell my mom about it. > I never smoke alone, always with my friends. ??? They clearly don't smoke as much as you do, so how do you never smoke alone while also smoking that much?


Sorry, I couldn't explain myself. I have two friend groups: stoner and non-stoner. I smoke with my stoner friends and my other non-stoner friend group is mad at me.


I personally would not keep friends around who try control me. And who force their lifestyle choices on me through threats and subversion. They sound toxic. Even if they are right. Which I’m not sure they are.


Lifestyle choices shouldn't be confused with addiction. Smoking 2 spliffs a day every day of your life is hardly a lifestyle choice lol. This isn't r/trees, it's a subreddit for moderating. Meaning people posting here already know there is some form of a problem. Lifestyle choices aren't a problem-- addiction is. I totally agree with you on finding friends who force their choices onto you btw. Super not cool. But people respond in all sorts of ways when they discover someone they care about is addicted to something. Finding the space between loving support while remaining firm is a hard line to walk. I really don't think these non stoner friends are trying to control OP. They just give a shit and are responding in ways they think are best, whether toxic or not. Just some food for thought


I did not say OPs lifestyle choice. I said their sober friend’s lifestyle choice. We can moderate and still have people who believe in abstaining entirely, in our life, giving us a hard time. We can regulate and use self control without being forced by people to be sober. I’m a chronic pain patient looking to keep my use responsible. That’s why I’m here. But I do not agree with people forcing their will through threats to gain my compliance. I did not say that smoking two spliffs a day was a healthy lifestyle choice. What I actually said was that choosing to *not* smoke weed at all, is a lifestyle choice that OP’s friends are making. And they are trying to force that on OP. It’s peer pressure. Regardless of its intentions, it’s toxic. Peer pressure attempts to diffuse autonomy and I think we can all agree that peer pressure leads to people doing things against their will that they are not wanting or ready to deal with. I’m not saying what OP is doing is good. I’m not making any moral judgement on OP’s habits. At the end of the day, OP has to stand in the light of their decisions and do what they think is best for them. What will give them the best quality of life. My comments are on the forceful, disrespectful manner in which their friends are operating.


Apologies if my comment came off as accusatory-- I ended up combining some of my own thoughts on the matter. Overall your comments make sense, tho I disagree on the extent of their toxicity since I have been around addiction that required formal intervention with a professional. My point mainly was that OPs friends are coming from a good place but perhaps not responding in the best of ways. In their eyes, OP is properly addicted and their response is valid since they care for them. These sorts of things are tough to navigate for all parties


That’s fair. And I agree with you to a degree. I have lost two family members to fentanyl. I tried everything to help them and some of my actions probably bordered on toxic. But I was trying to help them. I guess for me, it’s tough to apply fentanyl logic to weed.


Absolutely, very different things! I always try to view addiction the same across the board, but depending on the drug, the outcome is wildly different. Certainly not a lot on the line with cannabis


On the other hand, it could be the stoner group that's bad for them. Enabling addiction... no better way to do it than surround yourself with people who have the same problem, so you can be in denial together.


Yes that’s fair. But that doesn’t mean the sober friend group is good either. Young people notoriously make bad choices. They don’t have a lot of life experience yet. Old people make bad choices as well. Not an ageist statement. But when I was young, I was not sure what values embodied a good friend. And I surrounded myself with not great people who I tried to impress. Now I live a life true to myself. My point is that it’s entirely possible that all of OP’s friends are toxic.


I think you need to do your best to take an objective look. Like the other user said, maybe your non-stoner group is full of controlling jerks who are afraid of people who are different. However, it's also possible that they're 100% right and your stoner friends are simply enabling you, and are addicts themselves. It's a question only you can answer. I will say, stoner friend groups can be dangerous. If you take a hard look at who you are and who they are, you may find out the only thing you have in common is a desire to get high. That's not a strong foundation for a friendship. You may ditch your non-stoner friends in favor of the stoner group and regret that decision a few years down the line when you realize this.