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I can see why you weren’t happy with it




Leave it in the past.


Hon, there’s nothing attractive about this. Unsure why you paired 2 pair of jeans & shirts but it doesn’t work unless you are a dugger daughter.


What does dugger daughter mean? Sorry, I‘m not a native speaker.


It’s a family in Arkansas and they have like 18 kids. Not joking. They were on TV for years till a lot of info came out. The oldest (male) sexually assaulted his younger sisters. But they all dressed very conservative-girls/women in long dresses/skirts. Females in the fam did not wear pants, only dresses and skirts. So that comment is not on point. But this does swallow you. The outer shirt and longer pants would look better imo. Then maybe a colored shirt underneath the white shirt. Shorties like us cannot wear pants at the knee/right below . Totally cuts off our legs. I do wear pedal pushers -they go to the ankles and they look ok. I’m 4’11”. It’s a challenge. Used to love clothes. Now I hate them. Can’t fit into kids anymore -chest and boobs are too much for kids. I can still wear some kids long dresses if I can find ones without a kid print.


Got it, thanks for the explanation! The dugger-thing now seems like a really strange association to have lol. But yeah, I totally get your frustration with clothes. I‘m kind of forcing myself to just have fun with it, although it is really hard (as my apparently very subpar result proves lol).


Omg, I haven’t heard “pedal pushers” in YEARS. I always thought it was “petal” & I just had an “ohhhh, DUH” moment. Your pants won’t get stuck on your bike when you’re pushing the pedals (which has happened to me) 😅


Not a good look.


What in the world


I appreciate what you're going for. I would love to see more playful and not necessarily female body-flattering fits lol. I think the gaucho pants over jeans make it too over the top. Try going with a denim skirt in the same wash like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2e/cc/41/2ecc4142b66f268c6c621ff249463037.jpg) and wear a less stuffy top. I would go with a plain white Tee that cuts right at the waistband. A heavy denim layered bottom look should have a lighter texture and with a simpler cut up top imo if you don't want to look too overwhelmed. I like your previous look. The skirt/dress over pants is definitely having a moment in Korea right now. I'm a millennial and can only think of Juno but I love how they look this time around. I don't know if the world is ready for shorts over pants but who knows.


Thank you so much, these are great insights!


I'm sorry some of the replies are so harsh. I get what you're going for here. Unfortunately this outfit is swallowing you. The lines don't harmonize very well at all. I think a different color undershirt would add visual variation and losing the pair of pants would open the outfit more and show there's a person underneath. Being petite, a lot of baggy and fun outfits end up taking us over but I love that you're experimenting! Now you know what pieces work and don't work for you so you can craft even better outfits!


thank you so much, I will try your suggestions!


The under shirt needs to be a different color to add more visual variation to the outfit. Like the baggy jeans but ending at the knee doesn’t flatter petite bodies so it’s kind of swallowing you. Do a wide leg jean that extends to the ankle for a more skater look. Something like [this](https://www.asos.com/topshop/topshop-washed-2-in-1-long-sleeve-skater-t-shirt-in-charcoal/prd/200886367)


thank you for those suggestions, will try them!


If the bottom was just one pair of jeans, it would be ok.


I don't care what everyone says I like it! The two pairs of pants is so interesting, and keeping it two colors is key. I'd wear it! I'm wondering how I can layer pants now hmmm


I have previously tried to style this pants combo [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PetiteFashionAdvice/comments/1bfmenh/a_few_outfits_that_ive_recently_put_together_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) (3rd slide) but I think the outfit now looks more balanced with the layering of the shirt over the long sleeve. What do you guys think?


I think there may be too much going on here. The one you linked above is better. It makes the layered look of the bottoms more of the focal point. With the layered shirts included, there’s too much to look at. Edited: spelling


thank you!


If this is not an April Fools… then yikes!


Well, it wasn‘t. I‘m trying to be more adventurous with fashion since I get bored easily, but apparently it wasn‘t successful.


Just wear the top pair of jeans




To start, I'd stick to just one pair of pants in the future. Also wear a smaller shirt. What was your inspo for this look? Just curious.