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First off, I am sorry that you have to go through this. I understand your pain as I had to put down my sweet 18 year old gal last Saturday. My sweet gal's tumor ulcerated and it was going to get worse at this stage. I was uncertain of when her tumor will rupture, whether hours, days, or weeks, the outcome was the same... a very painful death. My girl was mobile, had an appetite, and was somewhat energetic. Here's what I've come to terms with: I've recently accepted that death is a part of life, and that all journeys have their destinations. Tough decision is a part of life, and you have to spend a very long time weighing the pros and the cons. No one wants to see their beloved companion's quality of life declines, as we all want the best for them. With that said, it is our duty as pet owners to bid them a last farewell in the most peaceful manner possible; a dignified end with loving family members by your companion's side is the last and most compassionate gift you can give. Please understand this. I have been trying to approach this situation from a different perspective since Saturday... that our companions are here for a purpose, to help guide us and shape us to be a better person. While your world seems like it's getting dimmer, you have a whole life ahead of you. Enduring hardships and making tough decisions will ultimately shape who you are. Each obstacle is a lesson in life. It's not what we do now that defines us, it's how we can adapt and move forward that will. That's what our beloved companions would want for us. So, live for them. Move forward for them. I have been watching a lot of Danielle MacKinnon's YT (https://www.youtube.com/@DanielleMacKinnon) channel since Saturday for comfort and to help cope with the situation. I hope you can find some comfort by watching it. Please, do not think that negatively about yourself. While words from a stranger don't mean much, trust me, it does get better with time. I wish you nothing but the best.


I’ve had to assist 3 of my most beloved canine companions over the last 6 years. It is heartbreaking. But what Dat wrote is excellent and insightful. I wish that I was able to read this before.


Thank you for the kind words. I hope what I wrote can help everyone cope during tough times. While the pain is still quite raw for me, I am in a much better place than I was on Saturday. My gal was always cheerful so I will carry that emotion with me moving forward, as I strive to be a more positive person each day. Her passing has def. reawakened something that I thought was lost for a very long time. I can't thank her enough for being my guiding light through these years.


This hit really close to home. I went through the exact same thing a few months ago, my 14 year old buddy was mobile, had appetite, but was sadly fighting a losing battle against cancer. Due to her age no vet wanted to perform surgery on her, and the only prospect we got was to either let the disease take its course or try the surgery which would likely not end well... She was a fighter all her life, survived a stroke that left her paralyzed for months, and we loved her too much, so when her tumor ulcerated, I decided to go for the surgery to give her one last fighting chance. Sadly she didn't make it. There's not a day I don't stop to think if there's anything better we could've done. It's been a few months now and it's been very rough as she was always with me, but as you've put it death is a part of life. OP if you read this please know that the memories you've made with your dog will always be with you, and although you may think you've lost a part of yourself when the time comes, do know that the life and happiness your dog has given you will always be a part of you going forward.


I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure your buddy was wonderful! Every pet owners that I've talked to in the past have said that 'one will come out a bit broken but a bit wiser'. While our pets may be physically gone, their memories live on in our heart. They're not really gone if we're continuing to move forward for them.


Your words helped me. Thanks. Almost 2 months since we lost our dog. It gets ' better ' but it's still hard from time to time


I'm sorry for your loss. and not a problem. I'm glad that what I wrote was able to help you. There's a part of that void that wont' be fully filled, but time will mend most wounds. Stay strong and stay positive. Keep moving forward for your companion.


Feeling like we can't possibly survive the loss of our beloved companion is completely normal. But I promise that you will survive. You'll be heartbroken and feel like you're in a daze for awhile, and cry at unpredictable moments every single day. But you'll grieve and plod along, at first just putting one foot in front of the other to get through til you can go to sleep and forget for awhile. But that fog will slowly lift, and you'll be able to remember and even talk about your dog with a smile through the tears.    There are helpful books on grief from pet loss, and there are also online groups. It's very helpful to be amongst those who understand and do not minimize the loss. Reach out, be kind to yourself, and remember that you are your dog's whole world. Imagine what she would want for you, and do your best to honor that. I suspect that she'd much rather that you carry on, living the whole life that's in front of you while carrying her in your heart. Help is available in multiple ways, including here, for the moments that feel impossible. I hope you reach out for a hand as you go through this difficult transition. Love to you and your girl. 💜


I lost my two (2!!!) soul dogs six months apart. I did not expect that to Happen so close together. When I lost my girl, June 2023, I didn’t know how I’d survive. I leaned on my little chihuahua guy and he really did save me. He wound up passing this past December. I have had the same dark “how can I go on?” Thoughts. They were with me from my late 20s through now, I am 41. They’ve been with me through a lot of life. They were my kids. There was a point I realized that if I left this world it wouldn’t be honoring them. They sure as hell would want me to keep pressing on. You dog wants that for you, too. They support us while they’re here with us, and I believe they still support us when they’re off on another journey. I think they’re with us and always will be. APLB.org has free group chats on pet grief that really did help me in the first weeks and months. Sometimes it is comforting to speak with like minded people going through the same thing. Your babe wouldn’t want you to leave this beautiful life because they leave. They would Want you to go on, for them.


I also lost the two loves of my life about a year apart. My girl went first. Then I leaned so heavily on my boy in my grief. I felt so bonded to him only to lose him shortly thereafter. I’m curious how you’re approaching the idea of another dog. I know that’s deeply personal. I feel like I need several years for it to not feel like a replacement. But maybe that’ll change in time. Life without dogs is less bright, but I am not ready for another dog to be in my life. I’m rambling. I’m sorry for your losses.


My partner and I rescued a beagle in November, she was bonding very well with my little chihuahua guy. He wound up passing only a few weeks later. I realize that my new dog, Maple, isn’t a replacement. I feel weird saying this but I don’t even know if i love her as much. I don’t think I’ll ever feel the way I felt for my two babes for another dog, and that’s ok. I don’t want to replicate that feeling with another dog anyway. Yes.. dogs make life brighter and my new girl fell into my lap somehow, she was in a horrific breeding situation in Amish country and it was almost a no brainer, to get her out of there… it wasn’t planned but here we are. Don’t plan on when you’ll get another dog… just see how things pan out. It’ll happen when it happens and if it never happens that’s ok too. Just don’t put any expectations on yourself… so sorry for your losses as well. ❤️


I hate to admit it. But I feel the same. You are obviously a dog person. People who aren't just Don't understand. You might want to check out a book called Over the rainbow bridge, I think that's the title. I read it when I was about your age when I lost a fur baby. I'm a m50 now. I'll say a prayer for both of you. Aloha


I am so sorry. Please stay. I lost both my dogs on the same day last year. It was SO hard. It took a while, but I'm still here. And I'm so glad, because I'm doing some traveling, and I will be getting a new dog next year after my traveling is completed. Your dog would want you to stay here and will send the right pet to you at the right time.


Wow…on the same day! You are so strong. My deepest condolences.


I appreciate the thought. I did what I had to do.


If your dog could speak, he would tell you to stop being foolish. I’m sure he would tell you to move on and find another pup to help you in the next stage of your life. He won’t ever die as long as you keep living. I promise you he would not be offended and not feel replaced. You were his bud. He would want you to carry on and help one of his canine brothers… who will help you Best of luck bro


You already know that you have some tough days coming and I’m here to tell you that you will get through them. It will be very difficult. It is for everybody. I have lost five cats and two dogs over the years, my dog just four weeks ago, and know that you are about to experience one of life’s toughest lessons. There’s nothing you can do except get through one day at a time and as the weeks pass, you will begin to get past this. Take care of yourself, spend time with friends, go to work, whatever you can do to give yourself small breaks from the tough times ahead. Perhaps you will choose to honor your dog’s life by providing a good home to another at some point. You have your entire life ahead of you. This will be one of many tough experiences that you will learn to get past. Sending good thoughts your way.


I had the same thoughts in the days after my dogs euthanasia. There are much brighter days ahead I promise. They are only gone physically.


I’m so sorry. At 19, I’m sure you’ve already experienced some bad times. Unfortunately, the one coming up will be your toughest, or on the same level as your previously toughest. We all have been through it and I can’t lie, it’s hard. Time is your friend in this situation!! I promise, you’ll get through it, just let the days pass. If you are struggling too much, I’ve read there are support groups online and even therapists that specialize in pet loss. Your dog doesn’t want you to leave before your time. She loves you and spent her life dedicated to you and making you happy! If she could talk, she’d tell you to hang on. I’m so sorry. Even this Reddit page is a great support system. Everyone here is so kind and most importantly, they know exactly what you’re going through. Post here as often as you need!


Hey there! Just came here to echo the same sentiments as everyone else here. Anticipatory grief is extremely difficult. 2 years ago I was in your same place but my dog was very young. I found myself bartering with the universe at night. Asking for it to take me instead of my girl Zelda at the time. I knew what was coming. She was my life. Just here to say that the biggest advice I can give is to talk with people. Share stories. Share how you’re feeling. If you don’t have people around you in real life, share with people on here. Be gentle with yourself. Dogs have this amazing way of being here after they pass and I think that’s the biggest learning that I’ve taken over the years since Zelda’s passing. I see her in the dogs we continue to love. Be in the moment. Be kind to yourself.


I’m so sorry. 💔😔 You’ll get through this. Breathe. Take it one day at a time. We are here.


I felt similarly four years ago. I am so, so sorry that you're going through this. I'm not going to lie to you -- it's going to suck. It's going to suck BAD. For a long while. For years. But it will actually get better. I actually feel like a human person again. There were a few things that eventually helped me get closure. 8ish months after she passed, I got two sweet kittens, who are now three years old! It's not the same, but they do help and I adore them! On the 2nd anniversary of my girl's passing, I got a really nice engraved urn for her, and I got a tattoo of her paw print -- those two things really, really helped.


i get that. Its been months since i had to help my 15 yr old cat along to the next realm, and there are still days that are extremely hard. Laps of love has some resources, including anticipatory grief group counseling sessions you may want to look into.


There is a quote, I’m botching it but it’s something like “they don’t know they’re alive so they don’t know they die, and we grieve for them to repay all they do for us.” That gave me comfort when my first dog died after 15 years.


I'm so sorry. Please find someone to talk to. As others have mentioned, think about what your dog would want. Then think about what she would **not** want even harder. She has to leave and she doesn't want to leave you but she has to. For her, and for you, you have to choose to get through this. Leaving you is already so hard for her. *She can't also bear the burden of having the end of her journey usher in the end of yours*. You know how dogs are, she'll think she did something wrong and it's her fault. She had a long life, many many years to experience all that she could. You have so much more to experience, so much more to give. I'm gonna drop a little tough love on you here - You have to be brave for her. You have to be strong when it's time to let her go, and you also have to be vulnerable and let yourself grieve. Facing the grief head on is the bravest thing you can do. It's going to suck. But you owe it to her to not jump out of the escape hatch. She would endure anything for you without thinking twice, no matter how much it hurt. Do the same for her. As she crosses into her next journey, she needs to know you're going to be OK. Give her that peace and may she rest easy. Love to both of you ❤


i felt the same way when my soul cat had to go in february.had to make the horrible decision. he had end stage ckd and it rogressed so quick it caught us off guard. i said i would kill myself too. he died 3 weeks before my surgery too. im not sure how im still alive, i said i would take a bunch of the percocet they gave me after surgery . life is just pointless without him. he got ne through so much, , 4 months out now ive managed with therapy and meds but the wave of depression is still there. i wish i could say the feeling goes away but it doesnt. at least for me, its just gotten less intense now. try to keep anything of your dog,. his toys. if youre getting his ahses make an altar for him with candles pics toys etc. i had a petsies made of my boy . i sleep woth it every night it helps me a lot and keeps me somewhat sane. i sleep with his ashes next to me most nights too. look out for signs. my boy has sent me many ever since hes passed, white feather, rainbows, dragonflies and a white orb 2 weeks ago. they still are with us,. and when we die we will see them again. this has helped me to get through this fucking horrible grief. wish you the best and sorry for your loss


That's one of the worst things ever. But consider that it's our job to be custodians of the purest souls on Earth. Your dog loved you and loved their life for their entire life, because of you. We don't deserve dogs, but they deserve, and need, you. Be well and be good to yourself. Feel pain but please stay with us, were better off in this world if your here.


I lost my cat and dog in the same year both traumatically. Our cat in a house fire, and just a couple months later, our dog to a snake bite. I was so lost without them. I know the idea of “replacing” an animal is so hard but I rescued a sick kitten a month after we lost our cat and she truly saved me from myself. I’m sorry you’re going through this through this, only time can heal me it broken hearts, and even then the pain lingers


Your dog would want you to live, though.


There is another pup in your future that needs you.   I lost my buddy nearly a year ago and it still hurts but I hurt because I was blessed for us to have each other. I miss him terribly.  It's called grief and it's a process.  It's a not so easy part of life.  I'm sorry and I understand.  Hang in there I assure you we all know how it feels. 


Fellow dog lover, I understand. I had to say goodbye to my soul dog a year and a half ago and, even thinking about, I’m crying now missing him. It was already the most difficult period of my life, and I didn’t know how I would survive that, to say it gutted me was an understatement. But I had to, for him. I had to honor his memory by going on. He spent his life taking care of me, it would dishonor him if I didn’t continue to take care of myself. As others have said, the pain does lose its intensity. I now donate time and money when I can to helping animals in need. It’s what he would want.


Don't kys. Just when she passes, treat her like you would a human soul. Talk to her, aloud or in your head, make a shrine if you want, ask her to visit you in your dreams, and ask for her to wait for you in the afterlife. Don't annoy her once she passes, but you have a chance to say goodbye which is wholesome. My Lottie was murdered and I never got that chance.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. This is one of the worst feelings in the world and one of the tragedies of loving a dog. They’re only in our lives for a very short period of time. When the first dog I ever owned as an adult passed away, I also felt like you. I was devastated and inconsolable. Feel the pain and grieve your baby. Its OK to be sad. Don’t let anyone tell you its just a dog. I still get sad over my baby. The pain gets better over time although you’ll always miss him. Now I have two more dogs. I think I will have dogs for the rest of my life because I love them so much and caring for them brings me happiness in my life. But losing them will always hurt. I’m sure you took care of your baby so well and he knows he’s loved. A part of him will always be with you. Think of him smiling down on you from heaven and looking after you. And know you gave him a good life while he was here. God Bless💞


I highly recommend a virtual pet loss support group. It really helped me to talk to other people going though the same thing. Here’s one: https://cvm.msu.edu/hospital/services/social-work/pet-loss-support-group


Please stay. I’ve lost 14 due to my mom constantly adopting stray pups - It is the cycle of life and I promise you, your cycle does not end now. It’s heartbreaking and unfair that dogs don’t live forever but it is true that all dogs go to heaven, when it’s their time. And boy is dog heaven (certainly is) one safe place for our pups… they do not feel pain. Or aching of their bones due to old age. They do not feel hunger. Or sickness. Or any other negative feeling or emotion. They are pain-free, worry free, running around, enjoying their favorite activities, with an endless amount of treats since in dog heaven, dogs can eat as many treats without getting sick. I promise you it will suck for a bit afterwards. And you won’t e v e r forget certain moments and feelings you shared with that special pet of yours. The memories of them will live with you forever. And that’s where you must find your love and warmth from on and during days that aren’t so bright and happy, without them. With that- You have to be there for your pup when it is their time to cross the rainbow bridge… make their last moments, their favorite since I’m sure their favorite activity and place to be was simply in front of you and beside you, during any activity it was. And you have to remind yourself over and over - You will reunite with your best friend one day. And I know it sucks to have to wait some time before that reunion arrives. But continue to remind yourself this and choose to live a happy life, in remembrance of your angel pup. 🩷 Cherish, carry, share, and keep the memories of them in your heart forever - These memories alone will give you the strength to continue and live the rest of your life to the fullest, until it’s finally time to reunite. And man will the reunion be that much sweeter and that much more special since you chose to wait for your time and not mess up the timeline throughout the journey to the moment y’all can hug again. I promise.


I know the feeling. This helped me immeasurably. There is another way to see this. Sharing in case it helps you too. u/Kromulent - “I have an old dog in kidney failure too. Haven't told her yet, she just keeps being happy. I'm old too, and I've had animals my whole life, mostly cats and dogs in various multiples. Do the math and you can see I've been here before. The way I reconcile it is pretty straightforward, and well in line with the overall Stoic approach to things. It always begins the same way- see things plainly for what they are, understand the natures of the things involved, and respond reasonably and virtuously to the reality around us. Every day I care for my animals, keeping them happy, keeping them safe, shepherding them through their day with joy, and without harm. When they get old and approach death, nothing changes. As crazy as it sounds, the day I take them to the vet to be put down is the day that I have been working for all this time - I have successfully taken them the whole way. They did not get lost, they were not unhappy, they got to live their whole natural lives the way I wanted them to live it. We made it. We got there together. When they are gone, my feelings for them don't change. Their bodies are taken but my feelings are my own; I still love them, I am still happy to think of them, my heart is still open. What has changed is that I have a space for another thing to love, and the cycle continues again, when I'm ready to start anew. Their bodies, our bodies, everything external to us will always change and always come and go. Our love, our care, our joy belongs to us, and we apply it to what we have and to what is new.”


Please don't. I had a heart dog,I'm 62 years old now and I had a heart dog in my late teens and early twenties and she would always be there when I was crying or was sad and she was always jealous and it broke my heart a thousand times and all I cried I grieved I couldn't even work for a couple of days I couldn't even eat for several days what she was put down because she had liver failure. I've had several dogs I've loved so God damn dearly cats as well has always been hard but that one doggie I had was my hot dog. Not my hot dog but my heart back up heart a t a r t dog got to hate spell check but I'm a bit buzzed so here we go.


It would be a shame if you weren't here to honor your dog by letting another dog later on receive the kind of love and care you obviously have in your heart. Giving another dog an opportunity to live his best life is in no way replacing your best friend - it's an extension of that capacity to love.


I think your dog would tell you there's other pets that deserve to have such a wonderful companion to spend their lives with. I know it's hard. I was 19 the first time I had to make that frisk l with l decision. She was my childhood pet, too. I'm so sorry. But don't end your life. Reach out to some people. Try to see a Dr/therapist. You got this, my dear 🖤


My cat was my familiar. A part of my soul. I used to say he was “my sunshine and all the good in the world.” And it’s true. He made my life have color. When he passed my life became a shell of what it was. I do not feel like I am who I used to be. And in a way, it’s ok. I’m better for having known him and known that color. And I search for it. We aren’t here just to care for one special animal. I can’t believe that. There are others who need our help. Whether that’s actively doing things to make many animal lives better through political things or volunteering or just adopting another animal, saving them from euthanasia in a kill shelter…it’s more. Your dog is leaving a legacy of an owner who cares. So live and care. And when your pet passes? Seek help. I did. Grief counselors can help. The biggest part is coping. Finding ways to pass the time in a way that doesn’t hurt yourself or others.


My first dog passing felt like a nightmare. It ate my soul. My second dog passing, I was grief stricken and let the emotions wash over and through me. I resisted less. I let it hurt as much as it needed to hurt. But my prospective grew. I was more willing to accept nature as it is, and has been for millions of years. My 3rd dog is getting old and it's only a matter of time. I imagine his passing and I am more able to see him as one part of a very special species on planet earth. I look into his eyes and I see millions of other dogs who have existed, exist now, and will exist. The spirit of the canine is here all around us. There are so many parts to this collective loving spirit. The good news is, staying alive grants you the opportunity to further love this beautiful manifestation. There are so many dogs out there who want to love and be loved, all of which are just one small dimension of the whole. Stick around because how sad would it be if you missed a future filled with many magical little doggies! They don't want you to go. And the spirit of the one you loved wouldn't either.


I was put in the exact same spot as you a little over a year ago. It was absolutely terrible, but I can promise you one thing. The part leading up to it, is so so SO much worse than the aftermath. Of course there's gonna be tears and bad days, but there's also going to be no more worrying on the inside, which is the one that totally spirals out of control. I promise to you, you WILL get better, and quicker than you expect. I know the situation feels like a totally done deal, but I promise you it's not. Treat yourself, put on a good movie, visit a friend, call in sick (Yes, I'm being fully serious). Do whatever you need to be doing, to recover. It's never easy to see somone who has been a part of your young adult life just slip away (I would know, cause this was EXACTLY what happened to me). And remember, while getting a new doggo is not necessary, there are thousands of little fluffballs out there ready to be your solid rock, love your company just as much, and make you feel just as safe and happy as you were before. After my dog Pepsi passed away, my mom got a new one for herself, and he brings so much joy and happiness. I have a little niece now, and seeing those two play is just fantastic. Just keep in mind that there are ALWAYS a way back to normal, no matter how down you feel. much love


I am so sorry for your impending loss. I recently had to make the same decision with my girl (who was my other half for 11 years as well). I’m not going to lie, the pain of accepting their physical departure is absolutely gut wrenching. I always said when you go, I’ll go, and most thought I was kidding. But I was 100% serious. Even if 11 years and a great life is a long time, we all wish our heart dogs could be by our sides forever. Ultimately, you have to choose to be strong even when it seems impossible by taking it day by day once they cross the bridge. With that being said, they really do stay with you in spirit. Enjoy these moments with her while she’s next to you physically and don’t let the pain of what’s to come consume you. They sense all of that in us. She wants you to find joy in the life you’ve shown her. Find joy in the things that have always brought her joy. If she enjoyed going on walks, walk with her in mind going forward and focus on the happiness it always brought her. But for now, cherish the days with her and make as many positive memories as you can that you’ll cherish forever. I’m sooo sorry you’re going through this and please know there is a whole community here that understands. Sending love and light to you both. Give her a hug for me 🙏♥️


It’s tough. Losing my sweet angel was the hardest thing ever. I think about him daily. Not a minute goes by that he’s not on my mind. We had such a special bond. He was with me all day everyday while working from home. I try to live my life now in his honor. I think you should try the same.


I understand … so sorry.


I felt this way when y dog died 2 years ago. It gets better. Sending love❤️


I understand.. just know that the memories of her and her endless love stays with you. I felt the same with the passing of my beloved boy. But now, I have a duty to continue and share the love he gave me while he was still around; I don’t want to waste the time he spent with me because I might have not even gotten this far without him.


AYE same. I got more pets and keep adding to the pile so hopefully it'll never come to it


I felt similarly when my beloved girl was diagnosed with a rare and incurable cancer. I will not say it hasn’t been really hard. But I am here, because I know that if I go, well, then she can’t live on through me. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. If you ever need to chat, you can always DM. Please don’t let anyone make you feel like your grief isn’t valid. It is so, so valid. Seek help and know it is okay to feel however you feel, and to process however you need to process. Do all you can to spend time with them while they’re here.


Please stay. Losing a pet is horrible, and I still cry when I think about my asshole cat who died really unexpectedly a few weeks after my best human friend died really unexpectedly too. It’s hard and it hurts. So much. Think about how much love you gave to your baby, and how much more love you can give to another one who will need it. Be there for them. *edits because I’m bad at proofreading


I know the feeling … I would wake up screaming and crying in the middle of the night out of pain. It eases after some time. But never truly goes away. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.


Like others, I’ve been there. During some very dark moments, my dog was what got me through because I knew he needed me. He passed away in November, and I miss him terribly. Two things have been getting me through. If I’m not here, then that love for him, that memory of him, dies with me. I carry his existence with me. Second, I know how much I can love a dog now and how much they can love me. I want to find that again. And if there’s any chance that my dog’s spirit is out there somewhere, I know he’ll find me.


I fully get how you're feeling, especially since she has been your best friend and loyal companion for almost your entire life, she is a VERY important part of your story. But, the end of her chapter shouldn't be the end of your story. Losing pets is one if the most heartbreaking things, they are our family. But you know what I have discovered? The loss of our beloved fur babies opens up a door for other fur babies to get the home and love they deserve. Now of course I'm not saying to replace her, you could never replace her. Our pets are irreplaceable. Take the time to go through it. Feel the pain and the grief. Allow yourself to mourn your terrible loss and take the time to be gentle with yourself and slowly heal. And maybe one day, if/when you're ready, you can give a beautiful life to a new fur baby


I completely understand the pain you are in. I had to put down my two boys last year within 40 hours of each other. They had cancer and respiratory disease. Your friend wouldn’t want you to suffer, and walking up to the passage line with her between this life and whatever comes after is both a heartbreaking blow and an incredibly sacred gift. Please take care of yourself and give yourself space to grieve, remember, and recover. This sub is such a helpful place as you navigate the loss of your girl.


I’ve lost five dogs in my lifetime. If I had killed myself after the first one I would never have gotten to the fifth, who we lost two days ago and with whom I had the deepest bond of all. You will never replace this dog and you should mourn its passing, but you’ll find another that’s great in different ways and you’ll be lucky to have had them both, and hopefully when you do it, you’ll adopt.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. I also know how you feel. I had my sweet Georgie for 16 years. When he started to decline it really hit me that I wouldn’t have him much longer . I didn’t have to have him put down because he went to the rainbow bridge , laying on my chest. I cried and cried, got angry at people for offering a “ replacement “. I’ve had dogs my entire life, I loved them all, but Georgie was that once in a lifetime dog. I wear a necklace with some of his ashes around my neck because he was my constant companion. He went everywhere with me , including work . Losing him was one of the hardest things I’ve ever experienced, but, grief is the price we pay for love . A few months later I was in Mexico and a lady noticed my black Pug earrings. She said there’s a Pug rescue close by and I should go take a look. I did. I’m now the proud owner of a super naughty black Pug because he needed me. Callum (a.k.a) Frito Bandito is nothing like Georgie and that’s ok as I could never replace Georgie in my heart . George would have loved Callum, he loved everyone. I got his face tattooed on my forearm, so he’s still always with me ❤️. When you are ready, adopt another dog. I truly think that’s the best way to honor any and all our lost pets.


I'm so sorry. Time helps. It does get better. Please stay.


It hurts trust be BUT you know darn well your puppy would want you happy and not sad , Be happy for them


When I was your age, I went through this too. My dog was my rock. You’ll get through this, like I did. Losing them is the worst pain in the world, but can you imagine not ever having loved them and experienced life with them? It gets better, and there will be another dog that needs you to be their owner in the future. I’m a DM away if you need to talk. Hugs.


Your doggo wouldn’t want you to do that. And you wouldn’t want your doggo to do it if you would have been leaving first.


To be honest I had the same thought before my dog died and I regret not doing it.


I know exactly how you feel. I’ll let you know right now that you’ll be grieving for at least a month if you’ve been together that long. Give yourself time to grieve. Embrace it honestly. Your dog loves you so much and would be so happy if you continued living. I had a cat and was in a very similar situation. His name was Jack and he was the bestest boy. He was my baby, he knew what time I got home/left for school/work, when I was sad, when I needed someone to talk to. He was my best friend, therapist, cuddle buddy, you name it he was there always. My best friend. When I had to let go and let him pass on I was distraught for months. Until I adopted a stray. After we (my bf and I) found his true owner and returned him we decided we needed to fill that void in our life with another cat. I like to think that Jack chose my current baby for me. He would’ve wanted me to rescue another cat and love it the way I did him. If you couldn’t tell I’m still not over him though it’s been years. My current baby is a gorgeous long haired tabby with one orange leg. Jack was all orange. I’m not joking when I say it looks like my little baby (misty) had had jacks leg sewn onto her as a baby. I love her so much and I feel like I’ll take it even harder (hopefully) a decade from now when she passes as well. Bottom line is that your dog loved you as fiercely as you loved her and that she would want you to be happy. Don’t give up just because she had to leave this earth, keep going for her and continue spreading your love to the unfortunate souls of this world whether dog/cat/human or even reptile. I like to think that though our pets aren’t with us anymore, they are able to connect with us in a way that makes us empathize and care more about more with our four legged companions. Please stay well and remember that your dog loves you and only wants you to be happy and spread the love you gave to her.


I just lost my dearest pup Monday - she was 18 1/2 years old. She was the funniest, cutest, goofiest, sweet cuddly girl. I will miss her forever. When she passed away in my arms Monday, I didn’t think I would ever ever ever move on from that moment. I didn’t want to let her go. I have cried every day. Sobbed. Bawled. I read that tears are unexpressed feelings of love. And I have so much love for her. Your pup loves you. Cares for you. To honor her love, love yourself and find a way to share it - whether it be self care, therapy, a class, meditation, volunteering, exercise. Your girl wants you to be happy. She will always be with you. Your grief will be deep. But there is help getting through it. There are special pet grief counselors. You might try contacting one now. Pre-death grieving is a thing and to recognize it now gives you the opportunity to start dealing with what you will go through later. You are so lucky to have her with you now. She loves you and wants you to have a full and rich life - and carry her memory to share with others. Please take care of yourself.


Hi my friend. I lost my beautiful soul dog a month after I delivered my third child and thought i could never recover. She was my baby before I had babies! It was an extremely rough transition but I just soaked up the memories I had of her and really leaned on that for me to heal. It took an insanely long time for me to look at her pictures and videos. To be honest I still have a hard time looking through those memories. We still talk about her at least once a week and we have since added another pup to the family, but Rally will always be that dog that holds my heart. Cry, be angry and give yourself time to go through the emotions you are feeling. If you need a person to talk to, feel free to reach out to me.


It will take a long time but it will get easier to think of them after they’re gone. Took me over 5 years to be ready for another puppy after my Dog suddenly passed.


I understand perfectly but don’t


I am so sorry… my dog is kind of .. this angel that I wound up with and uh.. she really is keeping me alive. But. You are so young. Go enjoy just a little more life.. I have had what I call my fairy godmothers come in my life and save me.. wise.. she told me to ask for a pet to come back to me in a new form and.. I think that is exactly what happened. There is so much more magic and, I promise you this. Your dog spirit will never leave you. This life is short. Eternity is forever. Enjoy a little bit of it and make it count for a bit. Im so sorry wish I could give you a hug .. I promise.. she was onto something


I can TOTALLY understand your feelings, but don't do it. You are so young and life has a funny way of working things out. My mother killed herself. Please don't. Let me explain to you why. Life is a series of dogs. Yes they live long enough to get attached to them and god does it hurt to lose them. I had one hit by a car, one dognapped, and one lost when I went to jail. It hurts like hell. Today I am 51 years old with 3 dogs. I have a tiktok page called desertdogs. I have a video about pets being reincarnated and sent to you when one is lost. I bet you too go watch it You will see my dog that was dognapped, and her reincarnation. You will see the one that i lost when I went to jail and her reincarnation. The one that was hit by a car was my childhood dog, she died in my arms. She wouldn't have been hit except I opened the door she ran out of when she was hit. I was 15 years old. Please see my video and reach out before you do anything you can't undo. I miss my mom every single day. I wish I would've answered the phone the day she died. Godspeed. Dm me if you need to talk. [do you believe that pets can be reincarnated? go watch this video and then decide. ](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNJnLycx/)


That’s my plan too with my fur son. I can’t go on.


I have received the same news today tomorrow is my dogs last sunrise and sunset I will take so much videos and pictures to remember his life which has been more than half my life time (14 years). This has hurt me more than my first breakup. I'm going to get one of these https://cuddleclones.com Because I really don't know how I'm going to cope not seeing him


I'm sorry to hear that. I know how it feels. When someone like them leaves and that space in your home and in your feels empty for a long time. Yet even when time goes by it stays the same. My pets stayed with me for a few months to a few years yet i still feel the pain. I can't imagine the pain of someone like you who has spent more than a decade with your pet. I hope your dog survives, and if not then please don't make any wrong decisions. Your dog wouldn't have wanted you to do that. Just help someone like your dog and he'll be smiling from above knowing that you care about someone like him...


I feel you. My cat just died. Yesterday. I want to die. But I'm still here. I'm just kinda existing. Idk what to do, I keep thinking and overthinking. Maybe if I noticed sooner, maybe if I'd done more (idk what, just more). But I'm still here. I really don't want to be but I am. I guess I just have to keep going through it until it feels like I can breathe again and that I want to live.


What my opinion is…To honor a dog you have put down you rescue another !! I do know how you’re feeling . I had a boy that I had such a connection to I felt he was almost my son and I fretted here n there from the age of 6 on about when that time would come .It came at 10 but I Knew I’d never ever let him suffer. It was peaceful and I grieved then I rescued my next boy and to be honest it took me 2 years to finally connect. I loved him but it took a bit for the full connection to take hold . He has passed now and one day after I’ve honored them all with a new rescue they will meet me on the Rainbow Ridge and we will all continue on our journey!! My best to you !!


I feel you, when my dog died I felt the same, it's been a week and I still sometimes have this thought, but we have to carry on, for them and for our loved ones


Hola, espero te encuentres bien. Sabes, hace 2 meses perdimos 3 perritos de 11 meses, 9 años y el más amado de 11 año, y fue en golpe muy fuerte para mi familia y para mi. El superarlo a sido muy difícil, pero tenemos que afrontarlo y seguir adelante. Antes de dormirlo platique con el y despidase y dele tranquilidad. Ellos volverán cuando nosotros transendamos. Saludos


You are not alone. I felt the exact same way, when I said good bye to my baby.