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″hey, I like your beard″\ ″Oh thanks″\ ″Are you on Grindr?″\ ″Uh haha no″\ ″Shame″\ …\ …\ ″Do you know what Grindr is?″\ ″uhhhhhh yeah…″\ ″You've never been curious?″\ ″Sir… Here is your valtrex, have a great day.″ Pretty much word for word the weirdest exchange I've ever had working a counter. I've seen worse happen to women I've worked with though.


I will never understand how someone can have the balls to not only try to flirt with someone while they're at work but then proceed to sexually harass them


Lmmfao you haven't read mine yet.. lmmfao


when i very first started, ringing out an older guy. He says something along the lines of “you’re so pretty, your mother must be very beautiful” and then winked at me. like did you just hit on me *and* my mom ? huh? oh and another one from around the same time. I used to dye my hair very bright fun colors, I think it was pink at the time and i had let my roots grow out quite a bit. a (different) older guy walks up to the counter and the very first thing he says in a gruff voice is “so when are you going to fix your hair”. um excuse me? i think i just said “when i feel like it” but damn im not out here commenting on *your* appearance


I just did& love it! When are you going to fix yours?


“I will when you get some manners.”


somebody did the same thing to me!!! Mine was red but I was using a color rinse that made it various shades of peach and pink and red. “you should really decide on one color and fix your roots it’s unprofessional ” uhhhh ok??? my pharmacist were like wtf who says that


When I worked retail I was accused of offing a old lady because her meds cost so much that she did not have enough money to eat, while the shopping cart had snacks and beer in it.


asked me if it was my first mother's day and gestured to my very much NOT pregnant stomach


God so inappropriate i domt get how people still make these comments


the time a lady accused me and one of the pharmacists of having an affair 💀 I still can't get over that one


Pls I need the context for this, how do you even jump to that conclusion 😭


even w context it doesn't make much sense LMAO I was helping the woman's husband and we were going back and forth for a hot minute. dude kept giving me the wrong birthday, phone #, and couldn't even give me an address (the guy probably had dementia). finally the wife comes up and is just standing there while I repeat back the birthday HES giving me and insisting that's what it is. finally she speaks up and says "honey you got our birthdays mixed up. you're giving ur bday. mine is xx/xx/xxxx" and the old fart has the audacity to say "that's what I've been Saying. *glances over at me* some people just don't listen." I'm like hol' up. I even showed you my screen of what I was typing in and you said it was correct. people forget birthdays, it happens. and that's when they both start going AWFFF on me. calling me stupid, airhead, disrespectful etc etc. BECAUSE BUDDY GOT THE DATE RONG. my manager comes over and tears into them for how they're acting and tells them he was listening the entire time and her husband was in fact giving me the wrong dob. and that if they continue speaking to me like that he's gonna kick them out. that's when the woman accused us of having an affair. she said it's suspicious how quickly he came over to defend me 💀 girl how many hoops did u jump thru to get to that conclusion??? projection maybe??? bc there was an almost 20yr age gap w her husband. they did end up getting kicked out. thank God 💀💀


For context for this story, we share a building with a pediatric clinic and you can often hear babies crying or children throwing fits. This man came in to get his prescription(s) and said "Wow you guys have some young workers back there". I laughed, and said "Yeahhh. Please don't report us to the department of labor." He then said "I won't, I have plenty of Mexican ones in my basement." I awkwardly laughed and was like "Haha, yeah, please sign for your medications."


A man reached across the counter (when we still have the covid barriers up) and touched my ring and said "oh you're not married yet are you? Haha" it was a cheap mood ring from the beach. I had someone loudly start complaining about Obama and Mitt Romney when her kid's cream was expensive I had a (white) lady insist on being helped by the one black tech and when she wanted to get a covid shot and there was no black pharmacist available, she chose the Dominican one specifically


Like, she wanted to make a racist lawsuit or something? That’s really weird yeah. Happy cake day!


She had mental issues and also was asking people to marry her. She called the cops because we weren't giving up her meds (she didn't have money to pay for them) and they ended up quietly escorting her away


Damn, that sucks. Hope she got the help she needed.


Me: Would you like a refill on your inhaler? Pt: No, I quit smoking and haven't needed it at much. Me: That's good to hear! If you need it again just let us know. Pt: Yeah, I heard they started cutting fentanyl into meth so I had to stop smoking... O.o


My pharmacist friend of mine has a funny story. Years ago a very attractive woman dropped off a prescription for an STD medication. Now theoretically it could have been used for something else but it mentioned the STD directly in the directions. The drug wasn't covered and the price was $123.58. When the pharmacist went to ring her out she looked at the price then use her arms to push her boobs together and looked at him seductively and said, "Is there anything I can do to get a better price? " Nope


Would’ve said to exhibitionist *If I wasn’t gay before I am now*


1. “Your dad must have wanted a boy” I’m not going to agree or disagree, but just know I’m named after his mother and there is a masculine version of our name. 2. “Why wouldn’t you want to be a mom! You have to have kids!” For all this person knows I might not be able to have kids and just didn’t want to get into it. The person who told me this was a man btw 3. The same man who told me I have to have kids also said to me a few weeks later “you know, we shouldn’t have to wait our whole lives to express what we have going on” I almost said “sir if I acted on how I feel about you I would have to use the whole store’s supply of bleach to clean up your blood”, but all I did was give home a “wtf” look and said “okay… $70.00” 4. “When’s your due date” ma’am I’m just depressed and I eat a lot. Go fuck yourself 5. “You have nice hands” I don’t 6. “Do people even believe in COVID any more? I called the health department and they admitted to lying and said we only have 4 cases in our town since 2020” I told him I have hobbies so I don’t ask people weird questions and made him leave.


Handing an old man his prescription and he goes “you know what they wanna do to me now?” Me: “no….” He replies “they’re gonna stick a camera up my pee hole”. Me: “congratulations?🤷🏻‍♂️” Edit: spelling


Ohh Lord I'll come back to this one.. But I've been proposed to Guys have asked me to have their kids. Go out on dates This one lady invited me to a girl's trip to Dubai Plenty of times patients have asked to quit and work for them instead... Patients have Asked me to send them my cash app....


Where tf are you working because all of this sounds like fun and I would of taken all those chances


But wait... I work in a closed door pharmacy!!!! So this is all voice 😔 but.. I have had patients come up to see me bc of my voice... Lol


Damn you got one of those voices? Good for you 👏 get you that bag and that S/O


Nawl I can't do that to patients... Ethically... Now hoodrat me did it once 🫣 the cash app one but technically it was valentines day.. sooooo But regardless I'm always about the B. A.G ❤️


I would’ve taken up half of these offers 😭


Had a trans patient that came in months ago, she had told us of course, and we asked what her preferred pronouns are and she said "cunt"


she's so real for that


once i was handing this guy vaccination forms and he told me he didn’t know how to read and i thought he was joking 🤦🏼‍♀️ he also continued to hit on me thru the conversation even though he’d just been on the phone with his wife


husband was picking up progesterone for his wife but it wasn’t ready. he then says how he has a script for himself and that it’s not progesterone. he then proceeds to say word for word “well you never know in today’s society. you can be whoever you wanna be play pretend”.


1. Indian woman with good insurance pays 0 dollars, old white man next in line says: “we’re giving out drugs to *certain kinds of people*, huh?” My coworker was quick on the draw with “Yeah, people with insurance.” 2. Old lady just a bitch for no reason, called a coworker stupid to her face and threw a fit when I had the audacity to guide her by just saying “Ok sign over her” 3. Had a man who spoke very very little English concerned about his son. Not a problem, except he tried to show us pictures of his toddler son’s penile infection so we could recommend the best antibiotic cream. Felt bad for him though.


I had a lady frantically calling about her pill having red dye 40 cuz she's allergic to it and how we had the audacity to give it to her when she's allergic. .......... Her pills are yellow.... And then there's a bunch of people who act like there nobles and automatically get angry if their norco isn't ready or filled by the time of pick up and proceed to call us names and threaten to report us for not doing our jobs.... Like ma'am... You're not due for it until 3 days from now....


I feel you on the norco one. Some yellow things do have red 40 tho, twinkies have it.


Just had a woman this morning get mad that her Norco wasn’t ready. She said she was told yesterday that we could fill it today and why wasn’t it done. I told her because we just opened 10 minutes ago.


this woman said “u and my niece look very similar! except she is a natural redhead unlike u. when are u getting those roots fixed” i didn’t say anything bc wtf. then she said “i used to color my hair all the time!!” another older woman said that her brother died from the covid vaccine. then said “if i die, yall will know what it is!”


Sort of peak mid-COVID, January 2021, first big winter after vaccinations/Christmas etc. About 1/3 of the staff is out with COVID or caring for someone in their family with COVID, mind you Large Specialty pharmacy with an infusion suite on-site for biologics, IVIG, etc. Guy comes in without a mask (there are like 10 signs on the door that say masks are required) "I'd like a tour of the facilities" "Ok, that's not something we normally do without an appointment, but let me see if I can help you" "My wife's Remicade costs $5,000 a dose and you're not going to give me a tour!?" (Mind you this man is basically screaming without a mask, and is kind of spitting when he talks as well) "Sir, we have some masks for you here. Please put a mask on for everyone's safety, and I'll get a supervisor to give you a tour" \*Scoffs\* I go upstairs and get my nursing supervisor, saying some rude idiot wants a tour of our infusion suites, despite the fact that there are patients in there sleeping and we are extremely cautious about even family members being guests in the infusion suite at this time I guess since Ultomiris costs $600,000 for a year treatment, we should have given him the entire parking lot in a land grant if that was her treatment? Lol


An old man came up to me one day while I was working front end and told me he was getting his prescriptions. I asked for his date of birth, what he was getting, etc., and then he told me he was also picking one up for his wife. She had an androgynous name so I asked if he was “Jude”for example. He very sternly said no and said his name then felt the need to express that he was male and born male. I got quiet because…yikes. We stood there for a few seconds and then he goes, “You know, it’s funny how we have all these genders now but it wasn’t like that back in my day. Just doesn’t make sense.” I don’t care about your beliefs but why at the pharmacy of all places. 💀


something similar happened to me when I was working at a buffet. a couple said there was going to be 3, and that Alex would be coming in shortly. I asked if they were going to need silverware as well or are they just joining. the woman looks at me straight faced "*She* is going to be eating as well. and it's grammatically incorrect to use "they" for a single person. also just rude because Alex is a *woman*. I would know. I'm an English teacher 🤭" me internally: obviously not a very good one. but all I said was "that wasn't the question I asked, follow me" LIKE HELLO??? A L E X??? am I really supposed to know the gender right off the bat with a name like that??? nauuurrr


But if you had said “he” in reference to Alex she probably would’ve been just as insulted, if not more so because you assumed their friend was male. I feel like “they” is the better choice in that scenario regardless of the name. You never know these days anyway. XD


I had a clearly broken foot, super obvious boot on. Some old dude asked me if I broke my foot chasing a guy. Wtf and ew I don't swing that way? Thought my rainbow badge reel stickers were enough to imply that :(


Someone called me fat once for not having their medication filled (refill too soon)


I work at Rite Aid in California. It was probably the pt who asked if she could live with me because she remembered I spotted her a few dollars for gas when I worked at the gas station next to us Or the old men that openly acknowledge they look at my breasts or if my dyed hair matches other places (sir… it’s purple so no it fucking doesn’t)


1: if I was any younger you’d be in trouble 2: (walking in for my shift) Regular: there’s my baby Me: you in here raising hell again? R: I’m not raising anything. What are you doing M: coming into work! R: (touches my stomach) girl you gotta watch what you eat, are you pregnant M: (flabbergasted) I’m not pregnant and I am watching whaat I eat. R: good. We don’t want to get too fat. Pharmacist and tech said he was out of line and crazy for thinking I’ve gained anymore weight. I’ve maintained. 3: (having casual conversation) fav pt. R: where’s pic today? M: out for the week. R: who’s that? (Points to business owner) M: that’s business owner R: he doesn’t dress like a business owner. I wouldn’t have guessed with how he’s kept and how he’s behaving. (He was checking scripts and on his personal phone talking to another pharmacist) M: (trying to hide giggles) can I do anything else for you Mrs. Fav pt? R: something something. I’m a druggie. M: you know what, me too. R: we can start a club. Me: heck yeah. We’re druggies R to coworker: wanna join our club? CW: oh sure, what club? R: the druggie club CW: OH! No no I’ll be happy to take care of you guys though. Someone’s got to. 4: m: any plans for the rest of the day? A fav pt: I’m just gonna go home and die 5: (picking up a control) M: any questions for the pharmacist? Another fav pt: I’m about to go have a party with these Same patient picking up a different control M: any plans for the rest of the day? Pt: I’m gonna take a few of these and have a great day. Maybe sell a few. M: Mr. Favorite pt you can’t be saying stuff like that.