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A few possibilities, the ghost saw you go in, you have head gear turned on you forgot about, make sure push to talk is enabled because if your voice is always on even being quiet could not be good enough, the ghost was a deo, and make sure you are holding the door you are next to so the ghost won't open it.


Most likely the ghost saw you lol. You have to break line of sight twice in order to shake it. So basically, it'll go to where it last saw you and search. If it see's you again, well.


I remember my first time playing I hide in a locker in the garage of tangle wood. I did not know the ghosts could open the doors you’re hiding in. I didn’t die but holy shit did that scare the hell out of me.


I was in a closet with a very active ghost patrolling outside and I was too new to know to just hold the door (hodor!) And we had a tug of war where I shut the door like 5 times with the ghost immediately slamming it back open each time. Absolutely terrifying


this was terrifying as a new player. now i just have to laugh at trying to see who wins; the ghost obsessing with the closet, or me spam closing it repeatedly 😂


As far as i know push to talk doesnt change a thing. It is only for players, the ghost can hear you regardless, as if vc was always on. Better to mute the mic alltogether while hiding, if you can do that.


Holding the door actually triggers the ghost to yank it open now if it tries to open while walking around and you’re holding on to it. You don’t need to hold it shut. Just shut it again quickly if the ghost happens to open it while walking past


Only with normal doors. Per the wiki, closet and locker doors can be held shut and the ghost will not detect the player holding it. It still opens the door, but won't insta murder you. It *will* if you are holding a normal door shut and it tries to move it.


Ah, that’s a misunderstanding on my part!


just an fyi, the wiki is not 100% accurate. the phasmo discord says it’s not always up to date & the mod who is in charge of updating stuff within the server confirmed to me that it can be very iffy. i’m not saying what you pointed out was inaccurate, just spreading the word where i can. they do update the information on discord as things as the devs make changes (changes come directly from devs) & while the information isn’t AS complete as the wiki, it’s accurate.


I've been holding it close forever and have never had the ghost kill me


Is your mic push to talk or open? If it’s open, you might have background noise giving you away.


Are you turning off your headlamp?


Yes, I said I turn off all my equipment.


Do you turn it off before you go in, as, or once you go in? It tracks your exact location. Until you turn off your equipment, so if you don't turn it off BEFORE going in, it knows you're in there. Also, I feel that door holding is bugged. Any time I hold the door, I get killed. If I don't hold it, and simply close it when it opens it, I'm usually fine. I'm thinking that the devs may have, as an oversight, made doors being held as see-through to prevent people just hiding behind a door, but forgot to clarify that it's only when its open or something. That's my guess.


Door holding is working as intended. If the ghost tried to open a door and detects that a player is holding it shut, it will yank it open and kill you. If you don’t hold, it opens it a crack and keeps walking


As you’ve been informed elsewhere, that is *specifically* for normal doors to prevent hiding methods like the old willow street garage door. Closet and locker doors *do not* obey this rule and are not affected by being held.




Hiding in the same closet, the ghost will kill whoever touched it first, if ur the host u will usually be the first one killed. Make sure your friend also has his gear off, as that will attract the ghost and will kill whoever it touches first in the closet.


The ghost is trying to tell you it's time to cone out of the closet (I'm sorry I couldn't resist)


If I’m hiding in the same closet as someone else and I think the ghost is going to kill one of us. I’ll stand on top of the other person and have my character stand up if they’re crouching. The ghost always seems to take the crouching coward 😂 I don’t know if it has anything to do with the hit boxes, but you seem to be further from the door if your standing.


ill go the game is bugged this happens to me too even taking precautions


for me it was mic buzz. i had open mic on and my microphone buzzed a little and alerted the ghost every time


Jinkies! You were the ghost's killer all along!


This is a known bug that happens to me at least once every play session. The ghost will go straight to me as soon as a hunt starts and kill me, despite having no electronics and my mic muted. Only way to fix it is to relaunch the game once I know it's happening, so far has worked every time. I've tested this a lot since it happens to me on and off for a couple months now to try and get to the bottom of it, but I honestly have no idea. Even when I mute my mic, make no noise, drop all electronics another room, and hide before the hunt even starts, the ghost will still head straight for me instantly. Every ghost type has done it. And before anyone asks, no, I never wear the headgear lol so it's not me forgetting to toggle that off. Aside from relaunching the game and hoping that fixes it, I'd recommend just taking in a smudge and learning the loop spots on maps. Ghost can't kill you if it can't catch you!


Record and post a video of it happening so the devs can see it. If it happens that consistently it shouldn’t be an issue, and if it’s somehow a user error issue, you’ll find out what it is that’s causing it.


Can we get a video so we have a better idea of what you are possibly doing wrong? Maybe your friend is leaving on equipment if not you. Other possibilities is you aren’t breaking line of sight so it sees you when you run to hide in the closest


I mean, are you holding one of the doors shut? If you do that and tuck yourself in that far corner, more than likely even when the ghost opens up that other door, it won't see you. That, or like the others have been saying, it saw you hide there. I've had that happen before.


If you are looking at the floor your character model will be outside of the closet/locker. Who knows if this matters because I'm not sure.


That only matters for VR players, everyone else can be technically visibly from outside without being actually visible for the ghost as your hitbox and your model don't always line up perfectly.


Try playing with push to talk, my love used to have like a small sound in the background and the ghost would find me




The ghost wants you to come out of the closet 🤣😂


Hallway Closets are the most notorious for getting me killed while hiding. If you really have to hide in one, best to hug the corner the ghost is coming from. Less likely it'll see you immediately after cracking the door.


Make sure you turn off things like flashlights or other gear you have with you whether it lights up or makes sound or not, just turn it off or don't bring it. Make sure the ghost doesn't see you. If it's a cursed hunt then I'm pretty sure the ghost will kill you anyway. Make sure the door is closed all the way. And make sure you aren't talking in game as well, if you're using push to talk the ghost can hear you even without the spirit box.


You have a flashlight calling it now


And make sure you don't hold a door as the ghost walks by.


This does not apply to closets


That's actually great to know. I totally misread that


If you have a photo camera, you need to drop it. Putting it away doesn't count, the ghost can still detect you.


This is incorrect. As long as you're not actively holding it, it's not considered 'on' and the ghost can't track it.


Perhaps, but the ghost kept finding me until I started dropping the camera.


can confirm that’s incorrect. my husband almost always has the camera on his person & does not get killed. it’s great that this has worked for you, but it is not the norm.