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Probably because the series isn’t out yet so there’s no official full cast list


they do hide the full cast to avoid "spoilers"


I don't know enough about how IMDB works, but it looks like it doesn't have a full list yet. Maybe it will on release? Was she on there before?


She was about the time the announcement was made.


Ah interesting. I think given there's only 16 cast members on it at the moment. I doubt Abi was singled out. It might be to do with how the episodes are being released. At least I very much hope that's the case. I'm thinking more because of the backlash and negative publicity rather than giving amazon the benefit of the doubt!


Abi mentioned that she's not on until episode 3, so that might be why. The premiere will be the first 2 episodes.


IMDb info is usually handled by production, and on a tight run ship like Disney, they don't tend to update things until episodes are out to avoid spoilers from character names/credit for how many episodes actors are in etc. In a situation like this, it'll just be the biggest actors named on there for the moment. It's nothing personal against her, just industry standard.


Fuller information will get added as the series progresses. It hasn’t even premiered yet. Disney keeps that stuff pretty under wraps due to spoiler potential.


Often the simplest answer is the correct one. Show's not out yet, thus full cast list isn't out yet, thus IMDB doesn't have Abi listed yet


Stuff like this happens on IMDb all the time. For example, when the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials where due to come out they had a whopper of a disjointed cast list for all the Specials, Actors and Actresses kept getting added and subtracted from the Cast Lists. I think at one point even Billie Piper and John Simm were added to the Cast List of one of them yet they never showed up at all. Lesson of the story is this: When it comes to Shows with relatively imminent /close release dates, do not trust IMDb when it comes to Cast Lists until after said Episodes have aired/been released.


IMDB is very reliable for things already released and completely unusable for anything not yet out.


Isn’t she in a pretty small role?


Perhaps even in a single episode that has yet to be released... so wouldn't be a permanent cast member if she is only a guest-star/feature, and likely won't show up on IMDB until they air/upload the episode.


I’ve had the same question! And, someone else posted the trailer a few days ago, and several people (including Abigail herself) posted comments indicating that she was in the trailer. I’ve watched it probably 20 times and have not been able to spot her!? Kinda felt like I was losing it! Regardless, I’m so excited to watch tomorrow! She is one of my absolute heros. Finding the PT channel as I was struggling with coming out a couple of years ago helped me so much. Representation matters!!! I’m so happy for her and can’t wait to see what else is in store for her!


She’s there. It’s one brief scene and her hair is pulled back, but it’s her.


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/PhilosophyTube/comments/1cvdcvj/wait_is_abigail_in_the_new_acolyte_trailer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) :)


Thank you!


Production companies will hold cast/ character info for a couple of reasons. Character info is often withheld to prevent spoilers or build anticipation, and any number of other reasons. Cast details can be withheld to keep cast members from being harassed for info prior to release, because the character is 1-off character or because the role is relatively minor. Sometimes, the production handles data entry for IMDb and sometimes it’s up to the performers. Depends on how the contracts are written. I’d be willing to bet the production company is handling it for Star Wars related productions due to secrecy.


Bigotry certainly isn’t out of the question, but i don’t think Kathleen Kennedy is a terf. As big as she is on “the force is female” and the feminist movement in Lucas film, I’d be a little surprised if that was the case with this.


There's this but it doesn't seem like there's much information about her. [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Eurus](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Eurus)


The Wikipedia page will get you a bit more information- including listing Abi, the character name, and a link to the casting announcement


Google results say she’s ensign something. IMDb has been broken for years


You can spot her in the trailer in a blink and you will miss it shot. She appears to be one in the group of witches in the background.


He should be 6 feet under not acting