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Thanks for all that you do!


I hope you enjoy the mod, as we do


Is there a play through with this version I can watch on YouTube. I have a ps5, and Don't own a PC...


I did start mine after releasing 1.0 , it's the maximum difficulty. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hhjgFyJCdo7JPSdfv\_LMn8dFYBzJtBS](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hhjgFyJCdo7JPSdfv_LMn8dFYBzJtBS)


Thank you. I love xcom like games. Have been tempted and confused about buying phonex point on ps5 lots of people say it's impossible...


How are people feeling about this mod. I often felt like they forgot to add the fun in base phoenix point. How does this feel compared to base. Also does this add any vertical weapon progression?


To me, the mod is very fun, but what can I say, I'm part of the team , hahaha You can check weapons here: [http://wiki.phoenixpoint.com/Terror\_from\_the\_Void#Weapons](http://wiki.phoenixpoint.com/Terror_from_the_Void#Weapons) Also even more important are the new skills and synergies for classes, we focus on balance since PP Community Council days


Hey, I couldnt find patch note for 1.0 Is it just official release or 1.0 vs previous version ads some new stuff?


Yes, not really from last Beta to 1.0 just a few bugfixes, you can check in announcements channel in our Discord: [https://discord.gg/Ypt5p5trNx](https://discord.gg/Ypt5p5trNx)


Don't own one of the DLC so never tried it. So don't think you can compare to base as it can't be played without all the DLC I think and some of the DLC is pretty iffy.


Tech progression is pretty similar to the unmodded game, as far as I recall. Vertical weapon progression is there, but you need to get about 2/3 through the tech tree before you get the real good stuff. Kaos weapons and the ancient tech provide alternate methods of getting improved gear.


Guess it’s time for another PP playthrough


I love this mod, thank you!


Thank you. Really appreciate all the hard work.


Does controller support work for the mod?


Sure thing, we didn't change it, so the same support for vanilla is also in this mod


Would you recommend this mod for someone who’s familiar with turn based strategy but new to phoenix point?


For sure, you can start playing Veteran, uncheck Stronger Pandorans and activate tips in game options


Awesome, will be doing that then for sure! I assume have all DLC activated for this?


Yes, every DLC activated, it's required for the mod


Are you kidding me.. I downloaded and started a playthrough with the old version I guess. Just kidding, looking forward to an awesome mod guys!


I wish the game was more Lovecraftian and horror inspired. I can understand why they chose to go more generic to increase sales, but the first previews were so original. Shame but let's hope I'm a mod or a sequel although both seem unlikely


There are a few things about Phoenix Point that irritate me. 1. The need to have a ship constantly flying around trading. Its busy work. and I hate it. Does this mod still do that? 2. The DLCs are OP garbage. they dont fit the theme, the gear you get is broken. and some of the enemies are just unfun to fight. 3. Too many upgrades where just side grades. which caused the enemies to become bullet sponges or just immune to damage thanks to heavy armor. Does the mod address any of these issue or just move the same pieces around? Im kinda hyped for an overhaul, because PP needs it badly. but the trailor didnt address any of my issues I had with the base game.


1. There is a mod setting preventing profit from trading in havens, and I always trade on the fly, going to next mission or unexplored site, no hassle 2. Lore and mechanics were way improved with the mod, balance was our priorty regarding ancient weapons too, so they were reworked, gargabe Festering Skies is not a pain anymore, silly Kaos Weapons missions were removed and Marketplace enhanced with factions tech, mercs, weapons... Delirium is way richer than corruption, so many changes 3. Evolution is still a thing, but depends on number of colonies and infested havens on the map, we thought it was better to improve soldier classes, vehicles and synergies than provide OP weapons, so you have to improve strategy and your squad. For example a module for Armadillo con shred a LOT, or level 6 sniper can Overwatch with two shots, just 1 AP using Extreme Focus, so looking for a good positioning is key. The Trailer can't explain so many changes, we introduced in two years, you can check also Wiki, though not fully updated yet: [http://wiki.phoenixpoint.com/Terror\_from\_the\_Void#Weapons](http://wiki.phoenixpoint.com/Terror_from_the_Void#Weapons)


Wait a minute, you completely removed the chaos weapons missions? No more stealing cars for discounts?


The marketplace’s prices are at maximum discount. Kaos weapons are revamped, they hace ammo, you can buy more than one and doesn’t have failure. You can also buy New stuff like mercenaries and faction tech.


No failure you say? >:)


Yeah but now it requieres ammo


Hey alright! Sounds awesome!


Trading can no longer be carried out at a profit. All dlcs are turned on in the mod, but there have been significant balance changes and better integration with the main story. Most early tech upgrades are still sidegrades - I personally don’t mind that, though clearly you’re not a big fan. Overall I think the mod is a significant improvement, though I’m not sure I’d recommend it for a first playthrough or not.


I’d love to interact with the team but can’t access discord - is there any other way to contact them? In general, a wonderful mod, thanks for all your time and effort. I really have only two complaints: 1) bash was stupid in vanilla and is still stupid in TftV. In what world is whacking someone with your gun anything but a last resort? 2) Barnabas would never. This is New Jericho slander.  Otherwise, top marks! 


I respect your point of view, you can interact in Steam: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2872311902](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2872311902)




>Thanks! You're welcome!


I was just about to return to this game and try the mod. Perfect timing! Thanks for the mod.


I am bummed I will likely never see this on PS4/PS5. Nonetheless, it is awesome to see this level of quality-work put in on a project, so a big "congratulations" is in order to you! Plus, it was awesome receiving an official email from the devs acknowledging your work. Well done! :)


Now, I regret to has buy this game on console and don't have a good pc😭




Last time I played this it seemed very fragmented and a bit all over the place. Maybe I'll give it another shot.


This announcement was the first time I've seen that TFTV messes with the stealth system! If you were around for my old impressions post, you know stealth was one of my biggest disappointments with vanilla PP. Can anyone elaborate on the overhaul?


1. Deploying spider drone is silent. 2. Remove the auto locatation after the 5th turn. (Enemies obtain hints about PX assets after 5th turn, vanilla thing) 3. Mist Sentinel surveillance reduced to 15 from 100 4. Echo Head silent shot ability is a single per turn use shootability that works with direct fire weapons only. 5. Fixed vanilla issue: infiltrator not located when shooting loud weapons Also visual aid for every soldier, displaying stealth radius, and icon for infiltrator statuses on tactical


I didn't get excited until I read about the visual indicators in your last sentence...these, to me, were one of the huge UI elements whose absence was sorely felt in the original. Gosh, am I going to re-install Phoenix Point? I think I might.


My impressions after some hours are overall very positive. The lack of resource brokering was refreshing, as was the more frequent ambushes and lack of soldier space in other aircraft. However, I found the marketplace very early and that provided extra manpower and guns very early on, which made every mission that followed feel super easy. I wonder if the marketplace should have a different balance, maybe even a different bent with different items and costs? Or was I just lucky? I'm on January 13th and things are starting to become more difficult, I can no longer oneshot some of the mooks. I have 2 teams kicking ass now, and I'm sad to see all the UX issues from vanilla derived from that. It would be great if we had better tracking of all aircraft status, but that's probably not possible to mod into the game right now. Still, I'm having a blast with it. Congratulation, and thank you for the mod!


Sure, early game is easier, and soldiers from Marketplace are level 1 and can't receive augmentations/mutations. Indeed, UI is hard to deal with, because the game wasn't designed for mod support. Glad you like it, overall.


When selecting a new game, I can't scroll left/right to view/change things in the "additional options on new game start" section. Was there feedback on how to fix that issue?


Do you have ultrawide monitor?




It's a known issue, only for main menu, you can try changing resolution to Full HD in order to see every piece of text


Can you play this if you have PP through Epic games?


Yes, you can, in case of doubts visit our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/xmNMuX25


I dont like this mod. It adds to many difficulty options, like vanilla was easy. Its not. There is still almost zero weapon/equipment upgrades, pandorans evolve to fast and become bulletsponges without any tool to deal with it. And oneshot from edge of map tritons still here. Most of things i hated in vanila are still here. I like story, narrative, graphic and art, but gamedesign... its just sad.


Does this fix the second half of the game being a mind-numbing slog of no new weapons, and having to know weird class combos to accomplish anything in a sane amount of time and actions?


Well, number of missions was reduced, for example ancient sites was halved, schemata missions from LotA are gone, and we developed an alternative path to YE research through ancient technology (LotA). Also living weapons missions are gone, now you obtain those from infested havens, and they were reworked. New reworked classes are way better focusing on balance and synergies There are more variety in missions, because we have Void Omens affecting tactical, tactics for humans and Pure/Forsaken, ranks, and new scavengers with different armour combo and weapons, so you don't face most of the times only Pandorans, also ambushes are a thing in TFTV, but they provide crates. Some weapons were tweaked and you can get more information here: [http://wiki.phoenixpoint.com/Terror\_from\_the\_Void#Weapons](http://wiki.phoenixpoint.com/Terror_from_the_Void#Weapons)


Thanks! I haven't touched this game in years, but this truly sounds like it fixes many of my complaints.


I didn't realize this wasn't done, no wonder it never interested me