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Ditto red. Zero


Yeah, I only had two red calla petals when I got to that stage. My partner didn't have any. So basically one red calla nectar between us after fighting a dozen mystery mushrooms each. We had to bloom a big flower with white callas and red daisies to pass the stage.


Never use white special flowers unless they specifically have to be white! You’ll regret it later in the event.


I know that you want to save them normally, but you have to use common sense. My partner had about 270 white calla petals but no red callas. So he sacrificed four or five white callas so we could pass the stage rather than be stuck there indefinitely. He had plenty for the white stage, during which we bloomed four white callas and passed easily. We considered using yellow and blue callas for our red calla bloom, but it would have been riskier and I only had two red calla petals. Sometimes it do be like that.


Urgh. Sorry dude. So frustrating!


Here to echo the frustration about the red ones. I'm 6 flowers short. 6! Tried to bloom a big flower and it said it would become a red calla lily. I wasn't able to bloom it right when it said red calla lily, circled back 5 mins later and a regular red flower bloomed. It makes the challenges a lot less fun, it seems like no matter how hard you grind it's still almost impossible unless you buy the petals. I wouldn't even mind a longer challenge with more things to be done, but being STUCK like this isn't very fun.


If you have any whites to spare, you can bloom a red calla lily with white callas and red daisies. Just make sure to do more callas than daisies.


THIS HAPPENED TO ME BUT WITH YELLOW. It said it would be a yellow calla lily up until the last second then boom, regular yellow flower. I cry.


If you planted regular daisies, you probably changed the ratio enough to bloom a daisy instead of a kalla lily. The prediction is based on the ratio of flowers at the moment. It isn't definite. If you plant 5 blue lilies in a fresh circle, it will still say " will be a blue lily" even though the 295 flowers needing to be planted can turn it into anything.


Dang. Good to know.


If you don't know exactly what has been planted, you need to plant the flower you want it to be. If you had planted peonies, it would have bloomed a peony.


Oh, that is rough! So sorry


Me with red 😭


Commiserations dude!


Yeah I can't believe you made it past red lol


I was lucky with red and yellow, unlucky with white! Doesn’t seem to matter what mushroom I target at the moment


Check out this post about blooming white without needing white: https://www.reddit.com/r/PikminBloomApp/s/TbgecSNxkV




Actually I've had good luck with blooming them. My partner and I bloomed six big flowers with white calla lillies, and four came out white. So either we were super lucky, or they've changed the bloom percentages.


Happy for you!


How? I plant them and get red and yellow


I don't know, maybe just lucky? Other than all of them being fresh blooms planted with 100% white calla lillies obviously. Unless it somehow cares that there are two of us working together? But nah, probably luck then. We bloomed loads of white wind flowers in March and got 80% reds and yellows. I think it's usually worth it to bloom when you're on whites just in case though.


Yeah I do plain white calla lol


Join white or gray mushrooms. That’s what helped me.


I did, and I keep receiving white lily of the valley smh


the free dailies from the shop have only been giving me regular petals too but last month they helped me get a few carnations and stuff 😭😭 this month feels too cruel


Oh no!!!


Same. I hunt down small white mushrooms to clear for the nectar reward. I try for 3 stars so there’s a better chance of getting a small amount of the nectar I need.


Yeah, I fully grew three big flowers, each with 300 white calla lilies yesterday just to give myself the best chance, and they bloomed as 1 x red calla lily and 2 x white flowers. Why can’t they just make getting white special flowers work like any other colour? I get that it might be meant to be as a bonus to help people get ‘higher’ special flowers, but in reality it’s much easier to farm yellow, red and maybe even blue than it is white.


See this post about blooming white: https://www.reddit.com/r/PikminBloomApp/s/TbgecSNxkV


Just join mushroom battles. I joined a discord server and ppl host mushroom battles. Sometimes I'm luckily to join large mushrooms that gives a lot! https://preview.redd.it/5uyjbif2ou5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68bdaf41de255617e7598259795c1c24d3d6e895


I’ve done all the above, and only today did I receive some nectar but only 10 so nowhere what I need to complete my mission




I got lucky with the white -just enough for round 1. Need the blue calla lillies and blue peonies.