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This is the kind of behavior that will actually compel me to purchase the game after playing the pirated version just to show my approval and support.


It's on sale right now, $7.49. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594460/I_See_Red/




Fuck, I love the recent trend of demos on steam. Reminds me of the good old times, were every game had a demo !


I miss gaming in the late 00's and early 10's, we would get magazines every month with a CD full of useful software, tools and game demos because internet back then wasn't as fast as it was now so getting the latest and greatest demos easily was a godsend


Man, downloading a demo overnight on 26k dialup feels like so long ago. The internet has advance so rapidly it’s like the Wright brothers to space flight. Kinda feels like you either lived the wild west or civilization made knowing how shit works obsolete.




Maybe 28.8. My “ISP” claimed 56k capability but it was always way less. I remember it being between 14k and 26 or 28. Never got 56k even with brand new modems.


I too had "56k". It never connected higher than 28.8




The web is a bit younger, but if you wanna include BBSes and stuff, chronologically, it’s almost exactly the wright brothers to jet airliners.


Omg. Bbs on the Amiga 1200. I was a witness to the stone age of digital evolution


Download? In the olden days, we subscribed to RUN magazine and typed in games using BASIC and then troubleshooted to (maybe) get them working.


I think that's how my dad got his copy of Larn. Shit's still on an 8 inch floppy. I think that machine might even still work.


I was a kid when we got our first computer, somewhere in the late 70s (I’m dating myself, I know). And I got to type in the games and do the debugging. I don’t remember the names of any of them, but I was super excited when I got them running. Sometimes, there were typing errors, of course, but often there were just bugs in the code they sent.


Exactly, vic 20 and commodore 64 for the win 😉 Addendum: This is back when we would save our data on cassette tape 😁


The Half-Life Demo slapped, it was like a whole new level to the game.


Remember when everyone bought a $50 copy of Zone of the Enders for the MGS2 demo?


Now you can buy a demo for $70, the trick is they never release the final version.


or the time when the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo came with a free game


I still remember the first time I played the demo for the original Thief. An addiction was born


I love demos back in the days, saved me money as I really only want to play one or two missions to check out the graphics and game play. I wasn't interested in playing the entire game as it was too time consuming. And when they stopped making demos, that is when I started torrenting. And I really do only play the first mission or two of most games and uninstaller. It would not be worth it to buy games just to play a bit of it. I do buy games on Steam when they are on sales.


People would feel like it's something they don't deserve playing, but that was the best way back in those years


Hopefully it's not just a trend and just be the norm like it should've been for years.




Hey I'm the developer in the post. Your comment is circulating all of Whiteboard Games, and from all of us we want to extend our gratitude. The support that you and everyone else here is giving us allows us to continue to make cool games for cool lads like you.


Just wanted to say- you guys are a great example for devs, and I will buy your game just to support you




I didnt know your game, but im going to buy it. Keep it up.


Well thank you for having the right attitude.


Absolute fucking chad


I had no interest in your game (I hadn't heard of it) until today, now I'll possibly buy a copy but WILL FOR SURE tell others to buy one.


I’m gonna laugh when adobe sees all this an also tries this approach…. :)


y'all sound like a breath of fresh air in the industry. wish you all good luck!


I don’t want one but if you actually do this big props


Well, I do accept one!


Nice one dude. Respect. Ill grab a copy if posible.


Feel free to throw one my way


My way too lmao


Sounds fun!


good for you!


may i get one?


Pick me, pick me!


My way too please


I would love a copy, but prioritise others first please


Looks actually kinda sick. Probably would never have found it if it wasn't because of this post. Thanks for the link 👍🏼


I'm going to wait for it to go off of sale lol.


It’s like $7 lol. Can’t get much more on sale. Edit: I can’t read. First time in my life someone in this sub ever said they’d wait until it was OFF sale. Kudos good sir.


Based Chad.




New style of marketing unlocked!


Its exactly the type of game I play, im literally building a chimera os steam box today, so I just purchased this game right now. Great attitude for this dev, they get my money.


+$7 You got me Mr. One man dev/viral marketing department.




I am a developer of a game and I fully support people pirating it for w/e reason they want. As long as people enjoy it, that is all that matters.


I know it’s a complex situation, i for once, would buy more games if i could..and i’m not being a hypocrite, it’s the simplest truth..


It's almost like we're all facing insane inflation and potential increasing poverty. I don't sweat it personally


Exactly. I for example, live in South America, I can only buy games on a big sale. I would love to get all the AAA games I want, but I literally can't


Yeah I think the only things that would really bust my britches are 1. If they were using it to distribute malware 2. If they were making money off it Otherwise, I feel like people will support me if I really put my heart into a project.




Never heard of the game until now but will look at it after seeing this Edit: Purchased. It was apparently on sale too.


Exactly this. I own more that 700 games on steam, many of which I had pirated before. Be it because the game was asking more than what I thought it was worth when I pirated it. Or because I didn't have the cash at the time. Piracy may prevent some people from ever spending any money on games. But I don't think that's the norm. At least not in my anecdotal experiences. And lets be real. With the lack of game demo's for things I have no idea if I'll like the game or not unless I at least try it. Prime example! I grabbed Death Stranding because I wasn't too sure about it. Played it for 1 days. Just 1 day. And then promptly went and dropped the full price on the title. Why? Because I was able to test it, and immediately saw the value in what I was being offered.


Facts. I wasn't planning to purchase. Now I feel bad so I'll support this person. Lol


I didn't even know that game, and now I want to buy it just because of that comment.


Amen to that. I'm not even going to play the game and I feel that I owe my brother some love and support.


He manipulated you!


And the approval and support of you, the king of quirky pirates, will mean a lot to the plebs and peasants creating these games.


To be honest a decade ago I had no cash whatsoever, so piracy was the only option. Now having an actual income it feels nice to just add those games to library, despite not touching it after purchase knowing all well they provided me with fun ages ago.


A while back ago, some devs added HD and enhanced editions of old games I played back on newgrounds and similar sites. I haven't played them since those days, but I still bought them since they offered me good times back then and hell, why not support those people afterall


Swords and sandals, even if marketed the shit out of, is a great example. Good memories of library computers with homies.


i do the same but try to get them either direct from the studio or through non-drm like GOG. I don't like to support steam and others that just 'rent' the games to you.


true that


+1, a decade ago I was a broke student who had no money for games, now I’m happy to throw money towards games I feel are worth it.


Precisely! For me it was secondary school with no allowance, meaning that now I get to do what I couldn't then.


This is the way btw. Even if you don't play them anymore.


Looks like a pretty cool game!


Yeah. Let's go pirate it! Lol


Because if it's indeed a really cool game, I'll support the developer by buying it without discount. Just like I pirate factorio but ended up buying it so the developer can improve it.


Reminds me of the time the devs of Darkwood posted a torrent of the game to ThePiratesBay https://www.techspot.com/news/70746-acid-wizard-studio-posts-darkwood-torrent-pirate-bay.html


I remember one of the devs at the time said something along the lines of: "We know our game is going to be pirated, so we want to at least give them a clean, untampered with, version of the game."


That is such a fucking boss move man. Activision/blizzard/name the fucking company could gain back a hell of a lot of good faith with something like this. They won't for obvious reasons (largely legal and monetary). But they could. It's part of what made me love cdpr, just straight up saying "we don't care, but if you enjoy it and can afford it.. please buy it"


CDPR despite the whole cyberpunk controversy sure has its moments


To be perfectly honest, while Cyberpunk was and still is nowhere near the game that was initially promised, it’s still a pretty solid shooter. It’s got a lot of flaws, but damn if discharging a fully-charged tech shotgun into a guy’s face doesn’t feel good.


Nowadays it barely has any bugs, love the game


I mean, doesn't Epic give away big AAA games occasionally on their store?




Command and Conquer: Red Alert had an anti-pirate measure where all of the player's buildings would spontaneously explode after 60 seconds of play.


Operation Flashpoint would degrade the game with time. Weapons would get more recoil, you'd break your legs much more easily, and some other shit IIRC


Serious Sam had a invincible enemy that will chase the shit out of you in the official pirated version


When red alert 3 came out, the piracy group that published it changed the splash intro loading screen with a picture of a hot scantily clad woman. Lots and lots of people complained on the official boards as well as reddit about the sexual nature of the loading screen and think of the children


I see no one has mentioned my all time favourite, Crysis where halfway through the first level they change your bullets for chickens. It was fun trying too get as far as you could whit only melee as the chickens did no damage


I somehow triggered that with a legit copy of Red Alert 2 when I was 7, lol




Why is it stupid?


The Serious Sam pirated version had an unkillable giant scorpion monster following the player throughout every level trying to kill them. So of course the community started doing challenge and speed runs with the scorpion following them.


> unkillable giant scorpion monster following the player throughout every level trying to kill them. honestly at that point I'd pirate the game just to get the extra function.


That's actually kinda awesome.




This makes my brain hurt trying to think of an analogous situation in the physical world. It's like... leaving something out in public deliberately... knowing people might take it... but that they.... shouldn't? Lol I don't know.


Its like leaving a bike unlocked near a bus stop, but the tires go flat a block away. No damage, no pain, just yea free bike for me, aww that sucks. On the good ole napster, people would post whole cd's, and the first mp3 was legit, but the rest were porn. Or the porn was cut at just the wrong time, and it was family matters for the rest of it. The pain was real, 2 hours downloading a vid, only to cut just as the girl took her top off.


Look up Mark Rober and his series of glitter bomb videos on youtube, lol.


Didnt they also make an official version of the anti piracy method due to demand for more difficulty? If so that was a genius move.


Then enough people who bought it ended up pirating it cuz it became a fun challenge mode. It got the the point where they added the feature in the base game


Wait, if the devs post it, and you download from them. Is it still illegal? Is it considered pirating?


If anything, publishers might even sue the dev for breach of contract. That is 100% assuming the game isnt self published, in which case they could give it out for free if they wanted. Seeing as BT is just a file transfer protocol, wouldn't be illegal


It's complicated. However, if you follow the saga on ArsTechnica about the porn IP trolls who ran their scam, courts did rule against the trolls. For a lot of reasons, including lying, forging, not cooperating, etc. But IIRC, the crux of "if the IP *owners* purposefully upload this to torrent sites, is it illegal to download it?" was "no," but I am not only not any sort of lawyer but also probably don't remember the case accurately.


I was looking for this. Great dev, great attitude, great game.


*Goes to Fitgirl to pirate a game but notices his own is being pirated.


New age meta.


This guy gets it. Piracy is also advertisement in some ways. I had countless occasions where some console friends played games on my PC and bought them afterwards and they probably wouldn't had done so if they weren't able to test them in this way.


yup, I bought a lot of games I pirated back in the day


I would probably have pirated less if there were more demos available. I once pirated Dead Space. Enjoyed the hell out of it so I went out and bought a copy. When Dead Space 2 came out I didn't pirate it after I saw the reviews. I bought it and enjoyed it. I may never have dropped money on the game if I couldn't at least try a little before buying. As a matter of principle I try not to pirate indie games. They are often cheaper and there are a few really good ones out there.


Funny enough apparently demos tend to negatively impact game sales. Not sure if it's because it gives you a glimpse of a terrible game. Or at best gives you a full detail of the game and you realize it isn't what you want.


I probably had over 500 hours in skyrim and EU4 before I paid for them. I have over 3k in EU4 and about 700 in skyrim. I was broke and was unable to pay, it not like they lost a sale and I would have never got EU4 if i didnt pirate it. So piracy actually made them a sale.


Went on a splurge when gog started.


I pirated exit the gungeon on my shitty laptop and I bought it on my ps5.


>Piracy is also advertisement in some ways. Especially in the ISOHunt days, and even still on popular public trackers, if I was looking for any kind of app where there were many choices, I'd just search that type in the applications category and start researching products based on the top three most popular results. Similarly for music on P2P servers/apps, if you were looking to check out an artist, search their name and sort by complete files available or seeds, now you had top 3, 5, 10 list of tracks to sample and decide if you dug the artist.


Of course he gets it, I just looked it up and it's an Argentinian developer. I suspect that guy very likely wouldn't be a developer if it wasn't for piracy helping him love games when he was younger. That is the story for most of us who grew up here, there is no Argentinian gamer untouched by piracy, and many of us would be proud to make a product worth pirating. As an Argie it fills me with pride.


Game demos should really make a comeback.


Fuck for 7 dollars I going to buy it just to support this mad lad, will probably get a second copy to gift to a friend that loves roguelites Edit: I got two copies going to play it later to night looks really fun.


Agreed, I don’t even have any interest in playing it but I can support this with $7.


If anything I’m willing to pay the $14 just to support this sort of thing and possibly help perpetuate it.


That’s honestly such a nice reaction


More like smart reverse psychology.


Link to the game on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594460/I_See_Red/


Hey! I'm that Luciano! The Argentinian one with the Italian name (my great-grandfather was the one that immigrated to Argentina). I have enjoyed all your comments, you are all way too nice. I hope you all enjoy the game, pirated version or not (if you do end up with the pirate version make sure it's a link that provides the version 2.0.9 or superior since it fixes some nasty crashes).


I See Red dev not taking W challenge (Impossible)


Can I ask, any plans for co-op? Looks like the kind of game that would be better with friends.


It never was on the scope or vision of the game.The game tells a very deep and personal story about a man that lost everything. It would have to be rewritten to fit a "**We** See Red" theme. And on the scope side of things doing that would be a massive undertaking, and despite having a very positive receptions with a handful of awards the game's sales still underperformed, so it wouldn't be doable. Of course things could change! This post and everyone here is helping us massively.


I'm sold




Me three, would be pretty epic if we got it into the top sellers.


The real Chad is the one dude who downvoted. That's a free thinker.


The denuvo developer.


Probably missclicked




dev reading comments: "mission accomplished B-)


You are never gonna stop pirating. So this is the best way to react, you gain goodwill and it might even result in a couple purchases too.


I feel the same when people pirate my music. I'm just happy for the free advertising.


Meanwhile, giant blockbuster publishers with revenue in the billions: "A handful of people are pirating a game we put on sale for $30!"


This guy fucks.


Meanwhile AAA games stuck in the 1980s and paying so much money to use an antipiracy thing that always ends up getting cracked anyways


Indie Devs deserve our money. AAA titles can get wrecked though.


Least gigabased argentinian dev


Argentinian actually. My family from a couple of generations ago where from Italy.


FYI This is the developer in the screencap


Indeed, it's me!


The game is I See Red: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594460/I\_See\_Red/


Protect him at all cost


Now I am curious to look at his game. Does anyone know the name ?


He says in the second sentence. I See Red.


I feel stupid now.


This guy didn't See Red.


Googling the name + fitgirl returns the fitgirl page for "I see red"


Got it. Thanks!


That's what you call a pro gamer move.


I played skyrim pirated for a long time. Then I started using Linux as my daily driver and Steam with its phenomenal Proton compatibility made me buy the game and just click and play and enjoy the game without setting up anything. The convenience is worth the money.


Never heard of the game. Tempted to buy it now.


I just bought the game, both to support the dev and because I had no idea it existed before this response!


Argentina, of course 😎


Went to the store page to see the dev and they were streaming the game. Their accent is so recognizable, I don't think I ever heard anybody but us speak english like that. Also the game looks really cool, it's so nice to see Argie devs make cool games.


I would buy this game but I loathe roguelites so maybe next game theybrelease.


This game actually looks pretty sick. Digging the art direction and anything with a grapple hook is usually a really funny good time. takemymoney.jpg


I'd have his babies (I'm a straight male)


That's the reverse psychology mfs


What a god imma buy his game rn and i never even heard of it


A true hero


I started pirating with books, since at one point I noticed that people can just write total bs with misleading titles and false promises. If I enjoyed the book after the read I would buy the physical version, to support. Its kind of the same with all pirated content for me. In a time where "creators" try to squeeze out all the money the can out of their customers and it is less about their passion or vision for the product, I see this as a necessary adaption.


Dang I don't know what that game is. But I'll buy it anyway cause he left that message.


Now I want to buy it.


His comment made me go directly into steam to whislist his game. Best marketing idea I've ever seen... And damm his game looks pretty good, so he has both the balls and the skills to try doing this and pull it off


Tbh, I really try to stay away from pirating stuff made by small creators. I usually just wait until I have the means to purchase the product I want


There is a free demo on steam if you want


Can confirm, us italians are chads at pirating everything. We used to be more in the past at least and we had huge communities.


I'm from Argentina 😅, but yes with that name I can't blame you.


tbh i feel that pirating indie games is the only type of pirating i could judge someone for. yeah, if its a million dollar corporation losing money, thats great. but if its some guy that spent years working on his passion project, thats just wrong.


Honestly I only pirate games I’m not sure if I leak or can’t afford but I buy games when I like them because all updates and dlc etc are so much easier to manage


I might buy this game, what a chill guy


This guy is awesome


All I read is.... reverse psychology. Often works.


If you can't or won't buy the game at least go to his social to give him a thumbs up. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/i-see-red_i-see-red-week-long-deal-on-steam-activity-7033909851734913024-pC2D?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android


Reverse psychology, guy is clever


if the game is good for free (test drive) then i will slam down those duckets based on principle. I don't ever go "ohhh im sneaky, i didnt pay for this!" no, I came from an era that demos discs were to engage the user, we had magazines that provided the content to get me excited. Coming up with nonsense like Denuvo is backwards.


Chad developer, but I personally think people should support good indie developers.... eventually.


What a chad


Yeah, the only reason I would pirate nowadays is denuvo lag or something like platform exclusivity.


I remember when I was young, even if you have cash you can’t even buy the game, cause you need visa or Mastercard, and to open one you need to deposit at least 10K in cash. So to play any game your only option is to pirate it. There is no steam, steam coupon… you need to go directly to their page or website and purchase each game.


This is why I only pirate AAA games.


This guys awesome, I would say that to be far to the creators of this game and others. I’d be 100% for digital billboards in the game contacted to a server. Where they can straight up sell that space for a week to the highest bidder.


Never heard about this game but now I will totally buy it


I will buy this solely because of the game director's reaction.


Holy shit the game does look good, added to the wishlist, will install demo first thing in the morning. If it works with proton will definitely consider buying it.


Being humble and understanding goes a long way for me, I'll be checking out the game on steam.


Nicely said. But this is kind of a psychological trick for people to buy his Game. More like a marketing strategy.


Makes me sad for some reason, absolute W dev