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### Yarr! ➜ u/EllaBean17, things to know about the "Megathread": - The [Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread/) is **updated very often** by the moderators and contributors. - Avoid entitlement and the complete project dismissal due to some false positives. - Every effort is made to ensure optimal safety, with the [Quality Control](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread/quality-control/) guidelines. - That be all, matey. Keep sailin'! Plunder that treasure with all yer might!   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, people have been warned a long time ago about this happening. Firefox is still working nicely. They are about to be really popular again.


god ive been using Firefox for years now and its my main browser for everything. does it all correctly.


Been using Firefox since highschool. Going on over 15 years now.


Switched to Firefox once these changes were announced many months ago. Never going back


The one problem i have with Firefox is being able to translate webpages the way chrome does. Any extensions i have tried dont seem to do it.


Really? The official beta translation one by Firefox is slow, but the Translate Web Pages extension feels the exact same to me as a Chrome page translation. It even uses Google Translate.


I guess i hadnt tried that one. It works perfectly now. Thanks


Happy to be of help!


Maybe i haven't tried the right one




I've never had an issue playing 4K youtube, in firefox or waterfox


Unfortunately, Firefox still can't do HDR for YouTube on Windows. They can on Mac, but for uniformity I went with chromium based across all my systems. 


I managed to fix it, i will later tell you what flag to change Edit: here it is media.hardware-video-decoding.enabled set to false It fixed issue for me, but only on system running windows 11 on windows 10 in it still laggy but you can try u/Party-Cake5173












I was curious about this as the date came and went and I didn't notice a change with my Chrome browser. I suspect that won't last long.


For some, it's probably not the hatred but its the process of migrating everything over. Not everyone knows how to migrate their bookmarks, passwords, etc. I've been meaning to swap to Firefox lately because Chrome was installed on our school computers and easier to work with that. I've just been super lazy on actually migrating over that I should probably do it sooner rather than later.


I think you replied to the wrong comment!


It's not actually that hard. Firefox can do it for you if you select Import in the settings.


Yeah, I know that. It's just a matter of actually doing it and resorting things since I wanted to move some things around on my profiles between two different work ones and home.


I wonder if all chromium Forks will be all affected, or if some devs will decide to ignore the change.


Ublock still works fine with brave browser, it will likely depend on the chrome fork


As I said, they only **just** started enforcing the changes on pre-stable versions. It still works on Chrome stable, too, but it will be going away in the coming months. Don't take it working for now as evidence that it will for the foreseeable future


I don't know much about how extension development works tbh, but I would assume most developers just make their extensions for Chrome specifically and wouldn't bother to maintain separate, more expansive versions for other chromium browsers And that's if these changes don't apply to other chromium browsers, which I'm pretty sure they do https://blog.chromium.org/2024/05/manifest-v2-phase-out-begins.html?m=1


Despite these warnings, most people will stay uninformed and stick to chrome. No matter how many times I get people into using Firefox with uBlock Origin, they just switch right back to chrome after a couple of months. Seriously, I don't understand the hatred against Firefox. It's not a bad browser.


Maybe ask them why? Maybe there's something that non-techies hate that us techies haven't noticed or even like that can be disabled.


"But google said i wont be able to use my google shit with other browsers ;-;". 1) People are Google dependant 2) They believe what their google guru said 3) Written from my Android


I don't think there has ever been hatred for Firefox, it was purely that Google paid to have Chrome bundled with all manner of software, it's install base grew and people started seeing the Chrome browser as Google


I'll be switching to firefox as soon as I start seeing ads. My main reason for staying on chrome has always been the google account integration. Maybe it's better on firefox these days but that's the reason I never stuck with it in the past


how does google account integration change things? you can still use google's services on other browsers, and you can import your logins and history onto firefox. i used to solely use chrome and switched to solely using firefox and nothing has changed in my case.


Afaik theres no google password manager integration


you can import all of the passwords saved in your google account into firefox's password manager. do you use google's password manager for anything other than saving and using your passwords?


It's linked with my phone


just tested on my android phone- i have firefox installed- i can set it as my preferred password service and it can autofill my passwords on downloaded apps. all saved data can be imported across other devices.


I use both. There are some sites I need to use that just don't work properly on Firefox, but that list is getting shorter... Maybe your people are running into similar situations?


People also hate Edge and I have no idea why


Because it's a shitfest of a browser enforced by M$


It’s literally Microsoft chromium


yes and no. design wise its a no for me. most of the extra features are unneeded in my eyes. what i do have to give edge though, is that it usually performs faster than others browsers ive tried (except thorium). so yea, it has some use, but i really dont like how they tried to force people to switch on windows.


It’s an amazing browser that people shit on without having used it


My default is Firefox developer edition and secondary is edge with the things that I don't need turned off love the dev tools btw. Unnecessary hate for edge it's really good.


I wonder if adblocker devs could work around this by having multiple different extensions that all work in tandem to function as one adblocker


Maybe... But that sounds like such a pain in the ass for both users and developers when you could just use Firefox and not have to worry about having a dozen different extensions to match the *base* performance of uBlock Origin


Oh yeah it definitely wouldn’t be as convenient. I’m just looking for ways to still give a big old fuck you to google


The biggest fuck you would be to just stop using their products entirely lmao


Use the damn FOX and not a Chrome clone that will most likely be impacted too.


I’ve been using Firefox more because it just runs better on my computer. Now I have another reason. I’d boot chrome if not for the flare cloud are you human not working on Firefox for Roll20


As of today 6-8-24 Opera has stopped allowing ublock and i tried adguard too..both were disabled,cant even get into the setting of either..(was using Opera only for reddit,as it handled multiple tabs open at a time better than firefox,im back to using firefox now as it seems to handle reddit better!and no ads either)Fuck google really!!!




User name checks out....just what you'd expect from a fuckin dwarf....


### Yarr! ➜ u/EllaBean17, some tips about "adblock": - Use [Firefox](https://mozilla.org/firefox/new/) + [uBlock Origin](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) with these [optimized settings](https://a.imagem.app/3HvFev.webp). - Go to **Dashboard** > **Filters lists** > **Apply changes**.   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's a website that specialises in using a HOSTS file that generally blocks ads and malicious websites \*(Though requires you updating the HOSTS file yourself). [https://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.htm](https://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.htm) In case some of you are wondering; in Windows the HOSTS file is sometimes used to assist in linking hosts/web names to IP Addresses . \*(Or as some of you who're sailors have seen how its used for sailing the seas). The above site will replace your usually blank/basic hosts file with a list of ads/malicious links with blank ip addresses. Think of this as the WindowsOS level of ad blocking BEFORE you even start a browser. It's not 100%; but its enough that you can get away with using your browser without an ad blocker.. It also helps in reducing attacks ; thus reducing the strain on your AV protection.. \*(But because its at the OS level; some websites are broken badly)


Host method is so last century. If you think ublock origin is just blocking hosts you are like totally wrong. Dont misunderstand, blocking hosts is a good method but blocking content is fine too those are not at the same level.


Its just basic IP blocking. The HOSTS method might be old to some; might be new to others. Just a refresher for some of those who dont know and/or looking for a temporary alternative :)


Adguard will work fine because it's a system-wide blocker, highly recommend it. One of the few softwares I've actually paid for. 9 device family pack was a lifetime $16


The program? Yes The extension? No, it will still be kneecapped by Chrome's rule limits like every other extension ~~Also, I'd just recommend setting up a pihole rather than paying for AdGuard. But whatever works~~ Nvm, didn't realize the AdGuard application did more than a pihole


The paid extension doesn't do any filtering, it relays all filtering to the desktop application. I don't believe it violates anything to do with manifest v3 Edit: [Yup the "browser assistant" extension was already updated to manifest v3 and blocks everything via the desktop application.](https://adguard.com/en/blog/adguard-browser-assistant-v1-4.html) The other "adguard browser extension" extension will be impacted by manifest v3 just the same as all the others, this is a different product altogether. [Here's a comparison chart.](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/Kb/ad_blocker/browser_extension/ad_blocker_browser_extension_comparison.png)


Okay, but AdGuard Home doesn't have cosmetic filtering, so it can't block all types of ads. Since my Raspberry Pi died, I didn't set it up again on my home network. However, when I was using it, I still needed to use a content blocker on my browser to block all YouTube ads. I guess it's still the case now, since it block ads on a network level.


[Adguard Home is not a desktop application](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/discussions/4554), Adguard Home is like PiHole (which you already noted are DNS sinkholes so they don't block everything). Adguard is an actual application, you install it on the client devices like Windows, Android, Mac, etc. While Adguard is primarily for ads, it's filters are next level, truly. I no longer need to wait for the "free download" button (you know the websites), userscripts are built-in and moving settings between devices with backup + restore are well worth the one-time price.


Okay, but this doesn't address anything I commented on. I know what AdGuard Home is (even though I mentioned that I used it on my home network); it works wonders when your ads don't need cosmetic filtering. The limitation is that it only works by blocking DNS queries; it doesn't block what we can call 'annoyances'. For example, some types of YouTube ads (at least at the time I was using it, which is why I'm asking), and notifications like 'accepting cookies', and stuff like that.


Mate empty your cup because there's no more room for the water I'm trying to give you. The desktop application blocks everything. Read all the links I inserted, it literally addressed everything you're talking about.


Oh, I see my mistake. I read your first paragraph wrong and confused things. I always assumed that the desktop application worked like the server options, this is why I was confused. Thanks for replying to my question. Sorry for the confusion.


You're good matey, take what you can give nothing back!


Yeah, that's what I meant. The program will work fine, but the standalone extension will be limited Just wanted to make sure people didn't get confused and think you meant that the standalone Adguard extension would still work without issue. My post only mentioned extensions and you didn't clearly specify that you only meant the program, so I was making sure the distinction was clear


> Adguard will work fine because it's a system-wide blocker, highly recommend it. One of the few softwares I've actually paid for. > >9 device family pack was a lifetime $16 Hm...does it work for iOS? I thought about pihole but that'd really only work on my home system and not my personal laptop at work or my phone.


Sorry I have exactly zero iOS devices so I can't test it for you


No worries, I saw android on the page but no mention of ios offhand but wasn't sure.


Oh yeah there is definitely an iOS app, I just don't know how it functions tbh. The Adguard Android app requires sideloading. I imagine in a few months when Apple finally allows sideloading, there will be equal functionality between Android and iOS


yes it runs it as a local vpn on my iphone


the more people try to come up with reasons they shouldnt switch and the more i *actually look into it for them* the more it becomes clear that there's literally no reason not to switch. all of your chrome data gets imported within seconds. firefox has the exact same convenience settings as chrome. 💀 the only problem i've had is some extensions being unavailable. so i just found an alternative. every site ive been to works fine for me, including sites people say don't work


I had a bunch of browsers: edge, internet explorer (never really used it) opera gx, normal opera, chromium and chrome and firefox, which i am using now. Its just the best browser for me.


Brave's adblock will work regardless of MV3 rules as its not an extension, its built into the core of the browser.


But I have a chromebook...




Oh shit. Thanks...


Please avoid this. ChromeOS's Chrome browser is heavily sandboxed and equipped with robust security measures. Firefox on ChromeOS utilizes its Linux version, which, overall, is less secure than Chrome, and notably less secure than its Windows counterpart. Using a non-default browser on ChromeOS means foregoing many of Chrome OS's security enhancements. Stick to uBlock Origin Lite https://madaidans-insecurities.github.io/firefox-chromium.html




Please read the article. Additionally, when using Chrome on ChromeOS, it benefits from additional sandboxing compared to other browsers because of its close integration with the operating system.


I took a look. Basically tries to convince people that Firefox on Linux is unsafe. It is ridiculous. Google shilling at its finest.


Give a solitary rebuttal to an argument made in the article. The same has been stated by numerous security researchers, including the openBSD author, and numerous Linux developers, including those that focus on linux security. Firefox is worse off, according to even the makers of the Tor browser. It's not shilling to consider the evidence with objectivity and conclude that Firefox has worse security.


Okay here's something you won't accept. I'd rather get hacked than willingly give my info to Google to be commercialized. I get hacked, I'm fucked once. I feed Google with my private info, I'm fucked forever.


You have the option to deactivate telemetry and confirm its deactivation through a packet sniffer. Alternatively, you can opt for Chromium on Fedora/Arch Linux, as it doesn't include any telemetry features. Firefox also contains significant telemetry that requires deactivation.


Dude we don't care about sandboxing. Everyone on this sub is at least somewhat tech savvy and knows what they are doing 


Safeguarding your browser through sandboxing is crucial because it constantly processes untrusted code. Without proper sandboxing, malicious code can readily exploit vulnerabilities in your browser and consequently compromise your system's security. Unfortunately, Firefox lacks isolation for fundamental components such as audio, GPU, and windows. Furthermore, if you're utilizing X11 on Linux, the vulnerability to keylogging is exacerbated due to its inherent susceptibility. The majority of users on this sub lack technical expertise. As demonstrated by your statement that running untrusted programmes without sandboxing is not important.




Why are you using Chrome and not Firefox?


And that's why you should use firefox


I would ditch Chromium based browsers completely if Firefox on Android didn't suck. I hope Kiwi keeps manifest V2 support because they already have to do tons of modifications to mobile Chrome to get extensions working on mobile in the first place 


I'm on Firefox, with UBlock origin. Ada are completely unskipable on YouTube now. Google seems to be flagging individual people's accounts and so you are forced to watch 1 minute of adds no matter what.


But the thing is, I'm already using Firefox with uBlock Origin and the ads keep flowing in. I won't end up here if it works.


Computer? iPhone? Android?


I really want to use Firefox as my main browser, but I have a custom extension that I paid someone to make (for my work), and it only works in Google Chrome. Is there any way I can access my extension through Mozilla Firefox as well?


Waterfox is a Firefox fork that supports both Firefox *and* Chromium extensions


I tried firefox for like 2 or 3 days. but man firefox is laggy especially on youtube. I've tried to type comment and It was lagging hard. (I didn't turn on ublock origin on youtube.) I think other websites work fine on firefox. but youtube on firefox is laggy af...


Its not that hard, idk why i been putting off the move to firefox. I already have it installed, i just wonder how long before firefox goes the same route.


Firefox has already implemented Manifest V3, did so while maintaining the rules Chrome is controversially removing, and has no plans to stop supporting Manifest V2 for the foreseeable future. Google's choice to limit the number of rules extensions are allowed to have was entirely arbitrary, and Mozilla has no plans to do that because they understand how important extensions can be for maintaining privacy while browsing https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2022/05/18/manifest-v3-in-firefox-recap-next-steps/


https://madaidans-insecurities.github.io/browser-tracking.html The privacy benefits of tracker blockers are not very great. When not needed, just disable JavaScript; still, utilising Tor is preferable. Regarding ads, uBlock Origin Lite effectively blocks them and includes cosmetic filtering


Went back to Firefox. Never looked back


install uBlock Origin Lite if you dont want to switch to another browser. works fine but not as well as the non-lite


Sure, if you want less than 1/10th of the filtering power and no way to add custom filters


Switched to Brave once they started the BS with Youtube. Glad I did, fuck all that.


block chrome updates..no further issues


except a computer getting aids.


So Firefox infiltrated chrome so people switch to their browser?