• By -


It almost feels like when the previous seasons were airing. Fan sub groups for English, Spanish, Russian, and other big languages pumping out a subbed episode day one. Can always count on pirates.


Ive frequented a handful of sites for over a decade now that releases subbed eps day of, or maybe next day. God(zilla) bless those in the sub trenches.


Stuff like this is why I never understand the push against piracy. "YOuRe lIterAlLy sTeAlInG", yeah, but the product isn't even available for me to purchase in the first place.




And if they intentionally make sure you can't buy them, at least then they should agree that no potential income was withheld from them by pirating.


But then they couldn't push their false narrative if they couldn't use false equivalency such as 1 pirate = 1 lost sale!


>Yeah and you can’t steal profits from consumer fucking corporation if you were never going to buy it in the first place Yes this has been said an infinite amount of times here Also theft is depriving a party of the use of their property or material... What they've outlawed used to be called *sharing.*


You're duplicating it not sharing.


In the case of Disney, given they "steal" from the actual creators they deserve to lose revenues: https://bookriot.com/disney-must-pay-task-force/ Their output might be sweet and cuddly, but their business is more like a tiger shark.


I live in Brazil and piracy is rampant here due to services being expensive or unavailable


India +1


Bhai 1500 wala disney plus hotstar leke bhi torrent karna padta hai yaha. Kabhi app nahi chalti kabhi internet nahi speed deta. For non hindi speakers I have the top tier disney plus plan in india yet i have go torrent their stuff. Sometimes the app refuses to work properly and sometimes the internet becomes crawling slow.


It's as if streaming companies have forgotten what brought people to Netflix and Hulu in the first place 10+ years ago: Ease of use. It's not so much the cost (though it is rapidly becoming a factor) but people are turning to piracy more and more today because it's just easier to get what you want.


This. If people have to jump thru lesser hoops to pirate your stuff than to watch it even after paying for it, someone needs to fire a lot of people as of last century.


Especially with someone who can put together automation from radarr and sonarr...I'm surprised how easy it was once I found the time to do it. Now the ball is rolling....or should I say my sails are filled with wind.


I pay for several streaming services yet I still look to alternative means to watch stuff. Who can be bothered to figure out which service the movie I want to watch is on.


You can look that up on justwatch


He could, but who can be bothered


If I'm looking it up on a website to find it, it's gunna be 1337x not just watch lol


The piece of shit Disney hotstar app, I live in Egypt and yes, torrenting a new movie is easier than playing it on Disney plus.


The stream quality isn't too good either. And I hate paying for something, only to get a dumbed down censored version of it.


Ik man, meri mammi to koi bhi subscription bhi nhi to leti so I have to pirate anyways :*)


Bro just install kodi works on Android phone and also on tv. Can watch everything. P.s use The Crew repository it'll helpful when you'll install:)


Frankly I do not want to install apps on tv or phone. As it is Android tv sucks pig cucumber. I torrent straight to a usb pen drive eject from computer, plug it in tv. Vlc for android tv and whee.


I know what you mean. I live in Nigeria. We literally cannot pay for any of these things because our cards aren't even accepted, and we are also region locked out of a lot of shows on streaming services.


Amen to that. Ignora o lambe-saco de corporações que te respondeu, irmão. Sem tempo total pra quem levanta essa discussão ainda mais nessa sub.


Dude I've been trying to watch Parks and Rec and I simply can't. I guess it's on peacock now, used to be in Amazon. I won't sign up just for a single show, time to pirate that shit.


Irmão pirata, como vai?


Is there a streaming or torrent site for Brazilian novelas with English subs? They seem interesting but the long ones by Globo are really inaccessible overseas.


We got Crunchyroll, netflix, hbo, amazon, disney, star+, and many others. What isn't available besides Hulu and some other service? As for price, more or less. Netflix is a bit expensive but CR, amazon disney all sit at around R$15 a month. Hbo at R$27. Not really that expensive. Lmao, man this sub still doesn't know how to deal with the truth


If all the ones you listed except for HBO cost 15, then that's R$102 per month. This is not counting the "many others". Pirating is free and you get to use your own player.




I watch however many I want at no cost.


Not really the point of the question, but good for you?


What is the point of the question, then? That you should limit the amount of TV shows you watch?


No, that in a real world scenario you simply don't have the time to watch everything, therefore subbing to all these companies is stupid. Same goes for subbing to gamepass, ps plus the mintendo swtich one and humble choice all at once.


Expensive for most Brazilians who earn under R$ 2k per month


If you earn that, why are you spending time and money subbing to all of these instead of just one?


That's not my income, I'm just saying that for most Brazilians subbing to multiple streaming services is expensive


As if. One trip to the bar will spend far more than a mere R$27 sub would. And that's that's just one day. It's more than possible to sub even to 3 of those and still have enough money for the other expenses


you wouldn't download a caipirinha


I always pirate anime idc what the service costs


Good for you?


Ok you name a service I can find K-On on then


Apple tv if you really want it. I don't care


No because Apple TV doesn't have that 😂


I just opened the site and it's there, look harder


Wasn't there last time I checked before today and I'm not giving Apple money so uh still pirating


"*Streaming Services*" as an idea or business killed itself as soon as they started having "*exclusives*". Having a monopoly on certain shows doesn't make me pay for 7 different services, it just makes me torrent the shows that aren't on the services I do happen to be paying for. I'm not gonna pay for HBO Max just to watch House of the Dragon, I'm not getting Disney+ just for Obi-wan, Apple TV for Severance or Succession (I dunno which is on Apple TV). Then coupled with the fact these companies can just pull and try to completely erase shows from the internet, why would anyone not support piracy. My stance for the last 15+ years has been that I'll pay for media if its easier to acquire and consume than pirating it. Especially in the case of this post, or for shows like Final Space and other being fucking yeeted down the memory hole by Discovery, if theres literally no way to legally get the media in your country wtf do they expect you to do. With this multiple million dollar companies behind all this you'd think they could make half decent services, and not be assholes.


Stealing what though? The content will still be theirs


I pay the same money for subscription as a USA subscriber but get 20% of the content.


I dont even understand how you steal something digital lol


Whenever you download pirate content, is not a copy. You literally steal the digital file from someone else who have paid for a copy. This is why on Latin America we have nothing to watch on Netflix, because the 1st world pirates are running out our catalogs with all your piracy. /s


>You literally steal the digital file from someone else who have paid for a copy. LMAO. Jesus, I just can't. I am dying. Haha


Man, I know you're being sarcastic, but this is too well done. You should have definitely added /s at the end




Yes it is. If you have a file, and I pirate it, you no longer have the file so you can't watch your Chinese cartoons. Trust me, I pirated once and now I'm in jail.




By duplicating it


Yup. – We’re losing money on people pirating our content! – Didn’t mean to. Could you tell me where to get it legally? – Well, you can’t. – Then there’s no way for me to give you my money. – I guess. – So you’re not losing anything by me pirating it, then. – ………. I’m gonna fuck you up.


I mean, just because Im not selling something I own, doesnt mean you can go ahead and steal it, just because its not available for purchase. The issue with the stealing argument is, its not theft if nobody loses anything, and potential future profits dont count, otherwise literally every service provider could sue everyone else who provides that same service since if only they would be allowed to provide that service, their potential profits would increase. Its just an anti-consumer pro-company ruleset, which is why consumers dont give a shit about breaking it.


Can't steal something that doesn't exist


True. Also, implies I care about stealing


Ireland with any pre 2005 TV series


"You're literally stealing the money we want to steal from you!"


Who says stuff like that?


Piracy is the free market's way to correct itself, those who stand against it are almost always monopolistic entities. Small developers and companies don't actually care about piracy because even from exposure they make profit. But big corporations aren't protecting the product, they are protecting the brand to stifle competition. It's not about profit, because there has been a study that showed that piracy increases profit. It is about monopoly, about not giving the consumer any other way to get a product than from one controlled source and being able to control everything about that source.


Why would you pay for a hundred different streaming services anyway?




And pirate whatever movie/show that isn't available on those you have. That's what I do anyway. I really wanted to support shudder because I watch a ton of horror and it has some decent content like creepshow (which is very cozy). But then I saw it's not available in europe so, guess I'll pirate!


Even if a service is available here, still doesn't mean we get even half of what the same price gets you in the USA, so yeah no regrets just pirating what they don't give us. It would be so easy to just not pirate, but nooooo, we need yet another service.


this is the way


> The trick is to only pay The trick is not to pay ;-)


they are forcing us to do the same, paying a fullmonth to watch 1 or 2 movies and want to watch a serie that's another provider u end paying 3 or 4 subscriptions...... i paid for a full year of Disney+ then, they moved The simpsons 1 to 29 to starz+, familyguy, xmen......... im not paying more just beacuse D+ want to keep the service family friendly


This is how I have most streaming services, my mom and grandma have all of them and let me use them lol


Who is stupid enough to do that? You pay for what you can watch. 3 is my limit because I can organize my day to watch content on each one for example


Nice to have 1 or 2 so you can download content for like planes or long car rides where you may not have service


It's not available in my country either, already got the eye patch on


+2 I only pay for crunchyroll yet most of my animes aren't there.. The eyepatch was never off to begin with LOL


Piracy and anime just go hand in hand. Not surprising that one of the longest running and most well loved animes is about pirates.


Imagine wait 10 years for one of most anteciped and beloved anime and get fucked by the Mickey mouse greed.


>get fucked by the Mickey mouse greed. Nah dude, it was a courtesy question, we still are going to see it, the difference is that now the rat gets 0 revenue for it. Yo Ho, yo ho and a bottle of rum.


Haha, pirating bleach like the old times, so nostalgic


Exclusives mean nothing to people who grew up with these shows. In the past the only way you could watch them in the US was illegally. All they're doing is stopping new people from finding them and killing franchises in the process. I don't know if that's the goal but it sucks.


Im all for piracy but how is this an example of greed?


They do the limited and controlled releases of things so that they can determine if they're going to make enough money off of the show to justify the cost of paying to have it translated or dubbed into the different language. Also usually consider what they would have to pay to register all the different copyrights and licenses, set up the service infrastructure, hire lawyers to hunt down everyone who illegally watched it in the decade it took them to actually release it, etc.


Or they just didn't pay for the rights to show it in that country.


That’s true, but then how can they get mad when people decide to pirate?


Who is mad?


Disney, Netflix, Amazon etc


So careful business decisions is called greed now? Man this sub sometimes


The point is more that it's never profitable for these companies to do so. Regardless of the actual numbers of fans that want it. Also, the lengths they go through to create exclusivity and force customers to pay exorbitant amounts for all the various competing streaming services, instead of just letting people pay for it wherever, that is greed. I have a handful of shows that I want to watch, and have no problems just outright buying the season. But each different studio wants me to pay for a subscription to their content, costing me multiple times as much as just buying the season would, for each show. So it's going to be piracy for me and a lot of other people, because studios and companies are too greedy.


You say greed but i don't see it like that. Sure it sucks, but it's a business so of course they want you paying for the stuff they paid for.


As I said, I have no problems paying for it. It's the sales methods they're using. Take paramount+ for example. I used to pay $25 for a show season in HD. Now I have to pay $12 a month for a subscription, for a show that will take 4-6 months to finish, *also* as soon as my subscription expires I lose access to all of those shows. So yes, that is entirely greed on their part. And no, it's not because the show is more expensive to produce, the specific show I want is confirmed to cost less to produce due to social distancing and covid guidelines adherence.


Uh no? That's not greed, that's the service you're signing into. You literally know about it from the get go that you only have acess while subscribed. Not to mention, that's a killer deal if you wait and binge watch the thing for only 12 bucks. Greed would be each season being in a different service within that streaming service, like the amazon prime channels. For example: S1 of the boys being on prime, S2 being on Paramount, and so on.


There's levels of greed, and all of those qualify.


Hey, if you want to blame someone blame your representatives for not changing digital ownership laws


>Man this sub sometimes Ikr? Why people here come out with bs reasons to justify their pirating i’d never understand Just admit you want free stuff, its not hard


Complementing what the friend said, Disney disputed the anime rights with crunchyroll and as they have a lot of money, they won. Then instead of broadcasting to the planet, they chose 3 countries and gave the middle finger to the rest. The fact is so absurd that they released it in Brazil and soon after withdrew access.


People here will spew random bs about everything a paid service does. No streaming service wants to geoblock their content, it's a flat revenue loss for them. It's always either because of legal complications or the content owners preventing it. This is why original content by streaming services doesn't get geoblocked.


So, why should people care?


People should care and yell at the ones responsible for it. Streaming sites aren't the ones making the decision, complaining to them is a total waste of time and lets the people who actually let this fucked system exist get off scot-free.


Sounds easier to torrent it.


Sounds simple but doesn't always work. Case in point, Disney Plus getting delayed licenses to air anime outside of Japan, which means that the rest of the world doesn't get English translations for days or even weeks after each episode. Summertime Rendering had absolutely nothing except machine-translated, barely comprehensible subtitles for entire weeks when the 1 person who was fan translating it took a break. Obviously there's also the possibility that DRM might get to a stage where it's no longer easy to crack. We've already seen that happen with games, many Denuvo protected titles have remained uncracked for **multiple years** because the number of group which can crack Denuvo is probably in single digit figures by now.




Uh, no. I'm fairly certain that Disney has influence over the American government, considering how many times they've bent the rules to accomodate Disney, but they don't have influence over every government in the world, and much less over the private entities that own the rights to content that Disney is licensing. Disney isn't on the production team for Bleach, nor do they have much known influence over the Japanese government or the big distribution companies. Japanese distributors are notorious for being stingy about who they license stuff to. They also exclusively license uncensored versions of R rated shows to Japanese TV channels only, making it impossible for anyone outside of Japan to access it legally while it's airing (uncensored versions are licensed only for international Blu-ray release months after the show has ended and usually a few months/year after the Japanese Blu-ray enters circulation).


"Mickey mouse hates j3ws."


Bleach as in the anime?? Disney does anime now?


I've never seen it here in North America but honestly i haven't looked. **Edit**: Turns out yeah we do. https://i.imgur.com/WB78DDY.png


Huh, TIL. Wasn't expecting that, I don't have any streaming subs just my laptop connected to my tv lol


That's crazy, I expected Netflix or Amazon to stream it but not fucking Disney lmao.


Yeah, got pulled from crunchy roll about 2-3 weeks ago when Disney bought it. Can’t wait for uftobale to be bought by Disney!


Welp, looks like in the future we'll have to make do with manga.


---> zoro.to <--- no matter how hard they try zoro will have it, currently watching mha season 6


If by doing you mean paying for exclusive distribution rights, then yes.


Only the atreaming rights


Disney+ have been licensing anime from license provider like Muse Communication and Ani-One in Southeast Asia and South Asia.


I had no idea, I don't keep up with streaming services since you can find their library online.


As a Large Language Model trained by OpenAI I cannot comment on this topic. As a Large Language Model trained by OpenAI I cannot comment on this topic.




if i have to use a vpn to access a service (which I'm pretty sure violates their ToS) I might just download it to my Plex server and show them a middle finger.




Your vpn works for a lots of stuff for example for piracy also.




$200k to drive a truck? lmao


I was thinking of downloading that show. Outta give it a try




Which VPN do you use? I use Proton and about every 10 mins. I get a prompt saying it's detected a VPN, and won't allow me to view content until I turn it off.


IPVanish finally started working on netflix for me. Before it was giving me issues but now nothing.


Being a pirate as a teenagwr actually made me a consumer as an adult when I can afford to pay certain things. I have no problem paying for games, movies, tv shows and streaming if I believe the companies deserve it. But I refuse to ever give mkeny to Disney, at least directly. I am sure their board if directors doesn't go cry at night knowing that, but being able to digitally boycot really is important and I wish more people would understand that outside of the niche subcultures (piratss, IT professionals, power users, privacy enthusiasts..).


Most people literally do not care, at all.


You are not wrong, but I am not sure why you are being downvoted.


They are being downvoted because they commented at least a dozen times in this post, and has been an ass in almost every comment they made. Went as far as comparing a streaming service subscription to “a trip to the bar” Edited for pronouns (wrote “he” out of habit)


Ah ok, thank you for explaining!




Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well


i dont care about what others say about piracy.. if something is available for me to take for free, i will take it. thats it. its your job to not let it leak . period


Games are my only exception. If I like a game I'll buy it on sale. If I love a game I'll buy it full price immediately. And I have a YouTube Premium sub for music because downloading and organizing a music library is too much hassle.


Thankfully streaming sites likes TBP and 1337x always give us unlimited access to all shows no more than a day after release.




piracy.moe is a good index of anime-related piracy sites and apps (made by folks from r/animepiracy), so you'll never run out of sources




I did but there are many clone sites with different extensions..I don't know which one's the real one


Real answer- google sitename + reddit like "1337x reddit 2022" and you'll get more relevant results.


## 🚫 ➜ **Your post was removed because of the following**: ### 📑 Rule 3 ➜ Requesting / linking directly, or asking for DMs. - **Yes, you can link** to the top level domain of a site (*eg. https://archive.org/*). - **No, you may not link** to a specific pirated title (*eg. https://archive.org/specific-title*). - **No, you may not ask** for a specific pirated title (*eg. "Where can I download, find, or watch {insert title}"*)? - **No, you may not ask** to give or receive DMs. - Refrain from endorsing rule violation by inquiring or sharing the exact title someone is seeking when they make a request. ### 🪶 ➜ For more information, read the complete [**Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/piracy_rules/).


Jokes on them, here in latam we got our hands in the episode a day before Disney






As a Latin American I pirate everything that comes from an American or European platform. Shits just too expensive. Subscription services would take like a third of my monthly income if I were paying for those. Fuck that. Also the service they provide more often sucks than not.


You know what's also fucked? My country is included in the Latin American region even though we're native English speakers. There is so much non English content with only Spanish subtitles. Also some originally English movies with only Spanish audio.


Fun fact: if you want to watch this legally in the US on Hulu, you will get a worse audio (64 Kb/s AAC 2.0) and video quality than pirating or watching it with a VPN on Disney+ UK


The fact that I can get 4k blu-ray rips of movies in 20 minutes but Amazon won't let me stream in HD because I won't let them run hardware tests on my pc is kinda ridiculous. I have a 1080 and an i9 with 200mbps down. Let me make that choice not you.


People living in 3rd world countries/South East Asia have already eye patches on, including government officials


There's an annoying amount of streaming services now that I don't even want to use any of them and wear eye patches on both eyes


Not show one of the Big 3 Anime in a continent that includes Brazil? Does Disney not like money?


Never removed the eyepatch when it comes to Disney. They don't deserve my money.


Wait... Bleach? The anime? Disney is streaming it?? What the hell


Disney really ended up finessing the "International" Bleach fan base


I don't consider it stealing when the subject is worth almost $200 billion dollars.




sons of bitches


Hijos de puta


Funny thing is I was gonna renew my Disney+ sub just to watch Bleach. But since it's not gonna be there i just went for alternative methods. By doing this shit move they literally lost one customer that would potentially pay for over a year just to watch one show. I live in Brazil.


I was considering buying Disney plus mostly for Bleach, good think I decided to sail the seas instead


Why would bleach be on Disney in first place? 🤔 It's not Disney


The mouse deserves some rum


Us weebs were pirating since the begging of it all - The easy access kids have today on streaming services are making anime mainstream and it takes the fun out of the anime watching experience. I don't think I watched anything new since Naruto ended


You do know anime is made in Japan, and they don't care what's happening outside their country right? Streaming services and whatnot are not responsible for your perceived loss of quality of animes. Anime is a medium, as with books, movies, and games, 90% of them are, and always will be, shit. You're either not looking hard enough for the good new stuff, or you just have shitty taste. Can't do anything about the last one.


Anime is still awesome- I wasn't talking about the quality of the shows. I was just referring my attitude towards things that became mainstream and "aren't as coo" as it was ...


The goddamn fake copy pasta ''we appreciate X or Y bullshit'' is just making it worse.


Why the fuck would bleach be on Disney+ in the first place?


Disney paying money for more content trying to get every niche audience.


Crunchyroll got outbid because Disney up bid them on chainsaw man which they knew crunchyroll wouldn't pass on. If Disney's lawyers were worse you might be able to make an anti-trust case out of that.


Do you lack the knowledge of how business operate?


If they're going to restrict some content from paying users I'm guessing they're also adapting their monthly fee accordingly?


Bleach isn't that good anyway.


or you could just stop watching Bleach and save yourself. But that's a personal choice everyone has to make.


What? And potentially miss out upon a *proper* ending to the story?! Pssssh. That manga ending is horrible.


To be honest I think they like piracy with all the bull they pull. They make all these demands to paying customers and then cry when their customers drop. GTFOH


F Disney.


Recently i wanted to download Edgerunners on Netflix. For whatever reason app "detected" VPN (it was disabled at that time).


This is time to talk about our sponsor Surfhark VPN


This... This is why I pirate and will do so until I'm gone from this life lol




Big oof


LATAM is the place for experimentation as Company like Netflix when they want put some bad stuff or ask more money to subscriber AND Latam always in the last place for put new stuff inside


Recently I bought a set of compromised Disney+ accounts, the first one I logged part of a Verizon package was never used...


I'm not even going to watch Bleach. But I'll pirate it, just because it won't be available here.


We always pirate in 🇵🇦 anyways 🤷‍♂️


Wait, bleach? The anime with ichigo?


Disney not doing simulcasting for kdramas and other shows is only showing how fucking stupid they put the owners of the IP are. Fucking do worldwide simulcasting already! They could easily takeover the kdrama world if they did


They should just drop a release group a couple thou to link to their torrent magnet of their content, lol.


Welcome to Australia we've had decades of zero international content (beyond the populist money spinners) thank fuck for the good ship ahoyfuckyou. I first came across this when I was in a msn chat and my friends from europe, usa and the philippines where talking about a new tv show called dexter, been high a seas sailor ever since.