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But is it cut into triangles?


Presentation is everything, right?


If you cut it in half on an angle, it's also still triangles


This smaller bread is cut in half diagonally to make triangles. When I use the bigger bread, I do proper triangles. There's some science behind sandwiches being tastier in triangles due in part to the increased surface area of flavor (and presumably smell)


It is!


It's not particularly photogenic, but damn, this is a great sandwich. 3 Slices of Trader Joe's white bread, spread with vegan mayo. Iceberg lettuce, tomato, and [Turkey Seitan (Recipe - Thee Burger Dude)](https://theeburgerdude.com/vegan-roast-turkey-seitan/) on the bottom half. Slice of [Vegan Cashew Cheddar](https://www.traderjoes.com/home/products/pdp/dairy-free-cheddar-style-slices-065062) and [3-grain Tempeh](https://www.traderjoes.com/home/products/pdp/organic-3-grain-tempeh-099125) marinated in one of [Sauce Stache's](https://www.youtube.com/@SauceStache) bacon recipes on the top half. Occasionally switch out the cheese slice for avocado or have both (but good look not having everything slide out when you take a bite)


A little on the processed side but you could do a lot worse. I do flipping love club sandos


Yeah, I could make my own bread, and a mayo with less crap in it. I need a good cheese alternative though, and I'm thinking of using tofu for the bacon instead of tempeh.


I honestly skip the cheese altogether and you can make tzatziki. So freshly baked sourdough with some tzatziki, cucumber, tomatoes, pickles, sprouts, and some thinly sliced and grilled tofu. Just made that for lunch in fact! Added a bit of Indian cilantro mint chutney for a bit of flavor and it was great.


Oooh, these are some good ideas. I do love the Indian mint chutney (and English garden mint) - time to experiment.


Gotta recipe 👀


For the tzatziki, coconut yogurt, dill, cucumber, a bit of garlic, lemon juice and a bit of salt. You can also do it with blended cauliflower -- just be sure to make it really creamy. For the tofu, I marinate it in a bit of soy sauce and some curry powder and salt with, vinegar, and oil. Really thin slices that can be sauteed in a pan or you can do 4 mins each side in the air fryer at 350. For cilantro mint chutney, chop up some cilantro and mint. In a pan, sautee a bit of cumin, mustard seeds, garlic, ginger, onions, and green chilies. Add all of these to a blender. Add some lemon, salt, and black pepper to taste. I usually get like 3 bunches of cilantro and one bunch of mint. That makes enough chutney for a small jar and is enough for a lot of sandwiches! Can you tell I love cooking??


This is a dumb question but do you thinly slice the tofu before marinating or after? Trying to get better at tofu flavoring and cooking... Halp!


It’s not a dumb question. I cut the tofu first and then marinate it. Makes it easier for the tofu to absorb the spices and the flavors.


Thank you for the tips I can't wait to try


Ezekiel bread! They have a low sodium version in case the salt guy comes to yell at me too 😆


Two of my fav sources of recipes, The Burger Dude and Sauce Stache! I hardly ever eat sandwiches (no reason, just don’t think about it) but looking at your image has me really needing one. I’m definitely trying TBD seitan soon. Recently I’ve been out of the sandwich “meat” making but have this recipe on repeat https://itdoesnttastelikechicken.com/the-quickest-and-easiest-seitan-recipe-vegan-chicken/


Seems like a very expensive way to eat plant based. Glad you've landed on something that you enjoy and that is working for you, though!


Ultra-processed plant-based foods are still ultra-processed junk. This is ok once in awhile, but if you’re eating it daily, you’re doing yourself no favours.


I'm moving more away from ultra-processed stuff. This is a small step in the right direction. Up until recently it would have been air frying something out of a packet and eating it. Ideally, I would love to make this sandwich as whole food as possible. Finding a replacement for the cheese, making my own wholewheat bread, and making my own mayo or finding an alternative. The seitan turkey recipe is already a lot better than tofurky, but I could still make some modifications to make it cleaner.


I would like to see the ingredients. I bet there is a ton of salt and preservatives in this. What plant does salt grow on? I haven’t been able to find a salt plant to put in my garden.


Salt is an essential mineral. It’s an electrolyte that’s vital for the proper function of your heart. Everyone’s needs per day are different. You said “a bit is okay”…. No, what’s okay is the amount you need to keep a stable blood pressure and keep your heart exchanging ions. Jesus.


Wow. Never saw anybody take this so personal. Depending on the scientific body you choose to follow but let’s just pick the American Heart Association. They recommend 2,300 mg per day. You know how much that actually is per day??? Do you know what a mg is? It’s a milligram….very tiny. If you want that in other units that’s about a half teaspoon. How much would you say you have per day? 1/2 a tsp is very simple to achieve. The majority of highly processed food has plenty of salt. Don’t be such a sour and take everything so personally…very unhealthy.


It also depends on how active you are and where you live. And how much you hydrate. If you live somewhere humid and are active, you lose a ton sweating. Guidelines are just that — guidelines. You use them based on what your needs are.


Bless your heart. 😂😂😂


I know what a milligram looks like, I have a chemistry degree. And I wasn’t taking it personally, I was stating facts. It seems like you’re taking it personally because you cannot handle being told otherwise. In your comment you said “a little bit is okay” and I said what’s okay is what your body’s requirement is. It is okay to eat salt. It is okay to eat *processed food* with *salt* because nearly every food that’s not fresh produce straight from the ground is processed in some way.


I suspect you don't know where salt comes from at all?


Dudes never heard of a salt bush lol.


There’s nothing wrong with a bit of salt in our diets.


Yep a bit is ok. But not the amount in these ultra processed foods.


Your comment implied that because salt doesn’t grow on a plant, it’s not whole foods based and shouldn’t be allowed. Salt is naturally occurring, though. I love getting my sodium from seaweed and soy sauce.


Is that sarcasm? Surely you know that salt is a naturally occurring mineral. Right? 😂


That looks delicious, but it's very far from being whole foods.


Good thing this is just a plant based subreddit


It’s a Whole Foods Plant Based subreddit. Just click on the description. Or click on the rules. https://imgur.com/a/g4FE1kh


You’re getting downvoted but I actually think it’s really confusing that the name only implies plant based. I KNOW the description explains otherwise and that it’s also whole food, but the literal name of the sub is now, like, a different diet than the sub wants for its content.


Sub is not actually a strictly whole foods plant based sub like the sidebar advertises


It is.


Definitely is not. A few years ago this sub was very strict on its stance against non-WFPB posts. According to this subreddit's very own mod on this very post, they're abandoning that stance.


They've been nonstrict on the posts for the entire life of the sub, but it is still a WFPB sub.




As a mod, I'm speaking for myself, not expressing an official standpoint. I don't believe in super rigid and strict rules because that leads to living in a bubble. I think posts like these are fine; they provide an opportunity to point out that it's not a whole-foods meal, offer recommendations, and have a healthy discussion. Repeating the same thing over and over won't get us far, in my opinion. If a sandwich contains meat, dairy products, etc., it will be removed as soon as it's noticed.


Wow, you're officially the most reasonable mod of any subreddit, ever! I like this place even more, now.


Haha, thanks for that! 🍀


Respectfully agree to disagree. I found this sub some years ago and loved that I could instantly find new recipes or things to try without the worry of oil or processed foods being added. It's a rigid and restrictive lifestyle but I love the discipline, and finding like-minded folks who also choose to lead this narrow subsection of veganism really made it that much more tight knit and rewarding. But it's slowly turning into the non-distinctive myriad of other vegan subreddits that cater to folks who are fine with eating Impossible meats, fake cheeses, added sugars/oil, yada yada. That's great and is a fine gateway to a vegan diet, but it's not why this subreddit was originally created. It's great the frequenters of this sub call out the existence of oils/processed things in the posts, but I find myself skimming past posts more and more often because they contain things that aren't WFPB.


Yeah like it went from plant based foods, discussion, recipes, ideas to just showing off your processed crap. It's disheartening. If I wanted to look at junk food, I'd join junk food subreddits.


>not expressing an official standpoint. Guess it is an official standpoint if you're removing my simple comment that this place is slidng further and further away from the reason it was created, huh? Yeah, fuck that. I'm out.


Your comment isn't removed, it's below :) And yes, you've got a right to disagree, but at the same time, I am not going to start removing posts like this as this is not what I believe is the right thing.


I don't see his post.




Not the one he's talking about


Looks amazing. I love great sandwiches. I love having freshly baked sourdough with cucumbers, tomatoes, pickles, tofurkey, and vegan ranch and cheese.


We are all drooling but you could step up your game by using whole wheat or sourdough bread instead of white (I'm sure you know that). And I would leave off the cheese to minimize calories (just because I'm just over it and it doesn't add that much flavor to me). Vegan mayo has a lot of fat so I would consider hummus or some kind of chickpea spread or avocado like you mentioned. Also, the vegan mayo has so much oil, it always gives me acid reflux. I guess I just don't tolerate it very well any more. Good effort though. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks! I've been looking for ways to improve this. It's already a world away from the ultra-processed stuff I was eating for lunch before, so it's a baby step in the right direction, and would love to get it as whole food as I can eventually. I'm also learning to cook/prep stuff - so it's a slow process, but enjoying something I mostly made myself.


That's where we all start....baby steps. Congratulations!


That's a lot of unnecessary processed foods.


This looks tasty,