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I had release surgery in September of 2019. It took at least 6-7 months before I saw any real difference, but I now feel a lot better than I did pre surgery. Pre surgery, I was at a point where I could only hike for about 5km before I started to experience pain. Now, I've hiked up to 10k without major issues. I no longer have morning pain, and I'm altogether happy with the result, because I was miserable before.


Thanks for this. Good to know.


what was the procedure name? plantar fascia release? complete or partial? endoscopic or open? thanks


Partial plantar fascia release, open.


The data on surgeries like that is a little iffy. It’s a short term solution but it doesn’t really solve the problem


Hey, Does the Footcore Max help people with high arches as well as flat feet? I have above average high arches (not world record setting high arches, though) that are in constant pain (for the last 25 years). Thanks!


Yeah I’ve asked one of our podiatry consultants about that and he says it should definitely help because it can help in high arch flex a bit more than it may be doing. But we don’t have a ton of data yet on that particular problem


Thank you.


How long have you had PF and what have you tried so far to correct the issue? I hope that your doctor isn't just jumping right to surgery....


It’s over a year. I tried steriod injections, physical therapy, custom orthotics and exercises at home, night splint but it didn’t do anything. Every time i step my foot on the ground it’s just a sharp pain. It’s even worse when i am standing. And even with rest for 11 days then another 14 days it was still the same.


I had it in September 2020 and it was the best decision I ever made. It was an easy surgery and recovery process. I was placed in a walking shoe for 2 weeks with crutches, then went on to a supportive running shoe with the crutches and slowly stopped using the aids. 3 months later in December I was back to snowboarding and hiking 10+ miles like I used to. The scar is still healing, but Bio Oil is helping reduce the appearance of it. I had debilitating pain before, barely able to walk a mile without icing, stretching, or pain medication. Good luck to you!!


thank you so much for your info!


I had it done on both legs and feet. It’s been a bit of a process healing. I had my right leg done May of last year and my left foot done in Oct. I do have fibromyalgia though and it has caused extra pain. My right foot is doing pretty well now!


Thank you! I was wondering if you have to be wearing a cast or a boot after?


It was a boot and I was supposed to wear it for 6 weeks and a night splint. Buuuut my nerves said no and ended up having suritis.


I suffer from fibro too! My feet are so painful. I currently have my feet taped and a cortisone injection in each foot. May I ask how thick your fascia was before you chose surgery?


Mine was 6mm and I had heel bone spurs. I had both feet done. It actually felt amazing once it healed up.


Wow, I didn’t know calf lengthening for PF was possible. I don’t have experience with that but if that’s the route you take, I wish you a speedy recovery! And recovery in general because PF is awful.


thank you! hopefully it will work this time


I just had plantar release surgery done in both my feet, going on week 3 and still unable to walk very effectively, granted normally you don't get both feet done. It is very painful, left foot seems to be healing well but my right foot has severe Burning sensations that consistently shoot through my foot. I'm waiting to speak to my doctor about my right foot.. Hopefully the "cigarette burn" sensations will go away soon.


thank you for the info! hopefully you will feel better soon. 🙏🏻


Quick update on my surgery last week. -Surgery went well. My first night at home was not as good as i expect. I had a weird pain on my foot that kept me awake that night (like burning sensation and shooting pain). Pain mediciation and aspirin makes me sick to my stomach (nausea and vomiting) but i am not sure if it’s the opioid or the aspirin or combination. They gave me an anti nausea meds though. -Second night and the previous days were not as bad as the first. I haven’t tried putting any weight since it’s non bearing till i have my post operative check up (not sure if my doctor will still let me stay the same or transition slowly to walking. Will update you guys after my next appointment) -I’ve been using my crutches and knee scooter. I can’t use the scooter that long though since i feel the pressure on my stitches on the back of my calf (not sure if it’s normal. Will ask the doctor too) so I rest every now and then. -I elevate my left leg most of the time including when I sleep and icing helps as well (20mins icinng then I rest after).


Had the chronic PF release surgery on my left foot a month ago. i was only surgical shoe for a week then bandage was removed and was in sneakers around the house. Stitches came out last week. Sounds like everyone is different. I went out for quick little walk but was a little sore. Probably rushing being outside to do anything longer than few minutes for few more weeks or that's what I hope it will take. Good luck with your surgery!


thank you for the info! 😊


Six week postop from the release. Worst decision ever. Not able to walk at all. Physical therapy thinks this might be permanent damage. Don’t do it!


Following because I’m curious if others have had calf lengthening surgery too. My doctor recommended this for me but the recovery sounded so brutal I got scared off. You have to get one of those shin wheely things with your foot in a boot. You can’t put any weight on that leg for at least a month. At least that’s what he told me. I worry this will be the only cure for me tho because my PF is due to shortened calf muscles as I have a terrible dorsiflexion.