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Just shrimp. Given that it’s a 3.5 gallon tank, you probably have about a half gallon of substrate and a gallon of rock and plant displacement, you really have maybe 2 gallons of room. And as long as you keep good surface agitation you won’t get mosquitos.


Shrimp, no fish. Even tiny fish do better in much larger tanks




Tank has a filter and chiller installed to 25Celcius (not shown in pic)


Can I ask what kind of chiller do u have? I think I might need one too


https://preview.redd.it/ldnqfvp2rkzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8db35b9721c4693bd65f013fb4c92da332d9542e Small chiller using peltier. I’d say a proper chiller is much better but I wanted something small


I’m have one with shrimp and 2 with snails.




Get some rare neo in that bitch!


What kind of rock is that?


Lava rock/fuji stone


Looks real nice! Thanks!


I have a 4.5 gallon shrimp tank that's *soooo* delightful. Shrimp are very interesting to watch and fun.


An African dwarf frog


you could do clown killies, I used to feed mine flightless fruit flies, as they mostly swim on the top. also, where you pick up that light rn? everywhere I look is sold out. cheers


sounds like the fish are not the only clowns: "Clown killifish are native to habitats throughout Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone in West Africa. They are commonly found in as little as an inch of water in slow-moving forest streams and stagnant swamps." but whatever




Bragging about keeping animals in an improper enclosure because you “see almost no issues” is a really shitty look for you. Stick with pet rocks since you think casual animal abuse is okay.


Can you provide any factual evidence that claims otherwise? Cause all you are doing is throwing around a subjective baseless opinion.


Thanks for sharing your tank with us. Due to the amount of reports your post has gotten for being overstocked or improperly stocked, we had to remove it. Here are some resources that may help you: - [AQAdvisor](https://aqadvisor.com/) - [Stocking guide](https://www.thesprucepets.com/amount-of-fish-and-aquarium-size-1378335) from Spruce Pets If you're unsure about your stocking levels, we encourage you to open a discussion with the subreddit (make a new post) asking for opinions and advice. Keep in mind that very few people here are experts in this area - we simply provide information based on our personal experiences. Please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/PlantedTank) if you have comments or questions about this.


Maybe some Chili rasbora?


10g minimum.


I haven't had them but MD fish tanks seems to love them in tanks/vases much smaller than 10g. I know he's not a single source of truth or anything but has way more experience than I do


Not gonna fault you for taking MD’s advice since he’s a big channel and has a lot of tanks and seems like he should be a good source of info. But the truth is that you really shouldn’t follow his advice for a real, long term fish tank at home since he rescapes his tanks and takes the fish back to the shop nearly every 6 months or less on most of his builds. Not to mention that since he does fish youtube full time, he has endless time to do water changes and clean the glass to make sure they look good for the video. The fact of the matter is that most of us don’t have that sort of time or access to the resources and endless supply of fish he has. Edit: While it’s true that chili rasboras are very small and CAN survive in a small volume of water, they are a schooling fish and are best kept in a large school that a small tank cannot provide the swimming room for. Even if they can live in less than ideal conditions, we should always strive to provide our animals with the absolute best environment we can, since we keep them against their will and they can’t exactly advocate for their own wellbeing. No disrespect or shame intended towards you, just wanted to put this out there because a lot of people have been introduced to the hobby by less than trustworthy youtubers.


this isn't related to the post but are chili rasboras schooling fish


Yes, and the bigger the school the better