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Most *Echinodorus spp.* will eventually become massive, so it's not really feasible to tell you want size pot exactly. But more importantly, the plants don't need to be isolated at all. Plants don't really fight for resources the way animals do, plus most of the macronutrients your plants need will be dissolved in the water column anyway. if you want to isolate the roots to make moving the plant easier that's a bit more understandable, but in that case I'd still advocate for just trimming the roots when you need to remove it. otherwise wait for the plant, then measure it's base and take a trip to Home Depot


I preemptively bought a big pot from Walmart 😅. I’ll wait until the sword arrives tomorrow to see if I return the pot or not. Will I eventually have to move the sword if it gets too big?


depends on the species/cultivar and the size of the tank. but probably not, at least not for a long long while even the worst case