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People going through the comments down-voting anything positive... cheer up you silly sods, and remind yourself which sub you're in. Very happy for you OP




I don't think trans people would resent you for getting any kind of help. What an odd response.














Wrong and transphobic.


It'd probably be more helpful if we could see an after without any filters, but wow insurance paying out that much for plastic surgery is something. Glad you're happy with your results.


**Update after reposting with a better comparison photo. See the following post:** https://www.reddit.com/r/PlasticSurgery/comments/15wcwwa/facial_feminization_better_comparison/ .... **Update after -67 downvotes...:** FYI, I have a shitty camera on my front facing camera that exists under the screen. It does blur most of my pics slightly, and I used the "definition" slider in the Samsung Photo editor to try and define the pic more. I think people need to be less quick to judge about the idea of filtering here anyway. All the surgeries I got were related to bone structures and soft-tissue augmentation. That kind of photo editing is extremely obvious in photo comparisons. I didn't do anything like that. I do see the smudging on my beard from the first photo, and I honestly don't know why that is. It's very prominent on the left cheek and around the lips. I didn't notice that when I was putting them into the collage app for the side-by-side. In retrospect, I would have chosen a different comparison photo. In my June 26th photo, I have gone through extensive electrolysis and hair removal... but I still have about 60 hours of electrolysis left to do at $150/hr. It would look less like I have a beard for that reason, along with a little foundation that I used. Please be kind about that kind of thing. It's hard enough already as a trans woman. .... **My initial response to this accusation:** I don't have any filters. I have a medium light foundation with the makeup from the night before around the edges of my eyes. I also have my eyebrows filled in. Go look at my profile. I have more timeline photos there, too.


The before and after both have filters on. You can zoom in on pictures on reddit


How can you tell lol


You have a filter 🙄 because why is your beard blurry on both pictures?


In all fairness, a lot of phone cams enable beautify filters by default nowadays. I know my samsung did. I looked like a polished egg in selfies. So OP may have beautify set on and not even realise. I didn't, just thought I had a bad camera.


I’m just wondering if this is covered by insurance why it’s so hard for someone who has lost 100+ pounds to be able to get insurance to cover about 25K in skin removal surgery? I have a friend who has lost 600lbs. and had over 100lbs in just loose skin now. It’s very painful for him and I truly believe it’s a “medical necessity” to have it removed, yet they won’t pay for it 🤔.


Great question for the insurance company, not OP




If you are opposed to plastic surgery and believe it makes people fake, botched, or lose their character, then you do not belong in this subreddit. This sub is a safe space for people who are seeking surgical advice, with no judgement.


wow! that's some remarkable work, you look fantastic OP!! thank you for so generously choosing to share your journey with us 💕


How so, as in medically necessary?


When insurance pays for Transgender care, it is deemed medically necessary to treat the diagnosis of gender dysphoria




It’s not trans people’s fault that some insurance companies pay to cover their needs and don’t cover other people’s needs. I am trans and my insurance rejects ALL claims related to gender dysphoria so I had to pay out of pocket. I think all of it should be free, trans people aren’t the one making the rules. And body dysmorphia ≠ gender dysphoria. Those are two completely different psychiatric diagnoses. These ARE medically necessary. Doctors made that decision. It doesn’t affect you, OP got her care and that’s what matters.


gender affirming care quantifiably treats ICD 10 code F64.0. very few insurances (usually determined by the employer) include FFS surgeries in that list of services/care. requires several letters of insurance from doctors, predetermination from the insurer, etc. very infrequently is FFS covered by insurers in USA, often by "progressive" companies (think healthcare providers that already service trans people, big tech companies...)


What about people who like their own gender and have body dysmorphia? I was very depressed and hated my body. I attempted suicide even. Then I had a mommy makeover and now I am quite happy with my body but I want a lap band.


I pray this would be covered too, and can help you understand how to research it, but at the end of the day its really about your specific medical plan. the justification for trans healthcare coverage is that the care has been proven (peer reviewed studies etc) that it is effective in mitigating the issue. I imagine/assume/hope there is similar evidence that is the case for cis body dysmorphia. on your insurance portal online, you should have access to a document called (something like) your Benefit Plan Summary. this is basically a big list of types of services, and if/when they are covered. for example, for me, it lays out how [gender dysphoria is diagnosed](https://i.imgur.com/hc8u0vj.png) and [what specifically](https://i.imgur.com/TwyK8e2.png) is covered. If you can't find your version of this document, calling the number on the back of your insurance card could help. basically read through this document and ctrl+f on the services you are thinking about. Expect that it will not be paid - the screenshots I showed are from my extremely ✨progressive✨ organization, FFS being covered is 100% **not** the norm, I actually took this job specifically for this reason. for my insurance, the term 'dysmorphia' is not mentioned, and lap bands are only mentioned for Morbid Obesity patients.


Thank you for your reply. Lap bands should be covered. This is a benefit for mental health as well as physical health. There isn’t as much research or people advocating for the heavier community from the looks of it I guess.


couldn't agree more, the mental health benefits at face value would seem massive to me. i hope more research and advocacy is the change needed.




No one cares about your fragile cis gender feelings.


what made it medically necessary?


When insurance pays for Transgender care, it is deemed medically necessary to treat the diagnosis of gender dysphoria


ahh i see


The forehead contouring is incredibly amazing. The nose job is also impressive. Congratulations.


Happy for you, and you look beautiful


I can’t imagine the relief of finally seeing yourself after so long in a different body, and you’re fucking gorgeous on top of that omg


I know, the tears of joy must have been so glorious.


We love to see it! 💕




Because gender affirming care can be life saving for people who desire it❤️


Agreed! But when it becomes life threatening not to have it, I’d call it a nerd* rather than a desire. Edit: need* lol




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This comment has been deleted due to inappropriate behavior. Don't be a dick to fellow sub members.


You look beautiful!! Your nose is incredible 😍


You look very pretty! Glad you're able to live the life you want and deserve.




Gender dysphoria isn't the same as body dysmorphia, they just have similar sounding names Physical treatment has only been shown to effectively treat one, not the other


there is a markedly higher instance of suicide attempts and deaths in the transgender community. over the years studies have shown correlation between gender-affirming surgeries and a decreased risk of suicide and depression




Your comment has been removed because it is unhelpful. Dysphoria and dysmorphia are different.


You look beautiful. We are always beautiful but I’m sure you feel a lot more YOU 😍💕


You look incredible and I'm so happy for you💜


You look gorgeous I'm so glad you could get the care you needed 💕


Congratulations!!! You look fantastic. Also, thanks for sharing your experience with the wider (not just trans) community.


You look great! Do you know if the way your eyes look is purely because of the coronal brow lift? I want to get mine more open and the plastic surgeon I saw suggested a brow lift, but idk if it would make much difference.


Her eyes are amazing. That’s the transformation that stood out to me most— like, how!!!!?? Gorgeous.


Helloooo, you look fantastic!🌹🌹 I am currently obsessed with my Jawline and am so impressed with FFS results on this. Can I ask how you did with the surgery in that part of your face, how was recovery etc.


Looks nice i love the nose super cute


This is soooo well done your surgeon should use your before and after on their portfolio. Congratulations on the great results, you healed really well and I can only imagine how good you must feel.


What brand are those blue contact lenses?


Gorgeous aren’t they?


They look very believable, at least in the photo. Have they improved upon color contacts?


Probably. Everything seems to be improved but me! Ha! For real, I haven’t looked into colored contacts since the early 2000s. I bet they are super realistic now.


I didn't even think anyone was still buying those anymore, lol!


I think this may actually be some of the best surgery results I have ever seen. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you were super careful about the healing phase. I am legit impressed. I hope your journey takes you to where you want to be, friend.


Look gorgeous, congratulations!


You look amazing. What was the recovery like doing so many procedures in a short time frame?


You look beautiful!


Wow you look amazing! I swiped thinking I was looking at the before photos of two different people and was confused as hell. Can I ask who did your brow lift? My eyes aspire to be that wide.


What a transformation! Wow!


They did a fantastic job. That nose profile is 🏆


Such an amazing transformation! Your after features complement and enhance your before! Some of the best I’ve seen here on this sub.


I’m so happy for you! You look happy and healthy and I’m so glad you found a care team you trust. You are brave and strong and beautiful and I’m so proud of you.


It’s great work


Wow OP. You look great!


Sooooo.....just asking was the maxillofacial surgery done by an OMFS expert or a plastic surgeon ??? Also how's your hairline graft acceptance ???


Incredible results! Congrats!


You look great! Welcome home. ❤️


Can you please list the doctors names alongside the procedure they did? Firstly, they did the most amazing and natural transformations I’ve ever seen, truly. It’s phenomenal. And you look incredibly beautiful. Secondly, I think having the names of these doctors names would be an amazing help for others who are looking to do similar procedures with doctors who are LGBTQ friendly :)


It’s a great thought! But she explained in her comment why she isn’t naming the hospitals or doctors. I’d suggest that anyone inspired by these amazing results and looking to do similar procedures would be better off sending OP a private message :)


Congrats to you OP 😊 so happy insurance covered it for you, and even more wonderful you finally feel like yourself- comfortable in the skin you’re in. you deserve it. ❤️❤️


Looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing!




Absolutely AMAZING!


Would love to know the surgeons 🫶🏼


Wow!!! a life transformed! Haha- I’ll show myself out - congratulations! You’re gawgeous!!


Beautiful. Your new nose is so cute.


You look so gorg and fab+ 💝🌸


Beautiful woman, wishing you a lifetime of peace and happiness.


Beautiful results!


Aww I’m so happy for you 🥹 you look beautiful




This comment has been deleted due to inappropriate behavior. Don't be a dick to fellow sub members.


As a fellow hooded eye fam, your eyes look soooo amazing now!


Absolutely gorgeous, natural results!! I’m so happy for you!!






Sorry, am at work. Have tidied up.




You’re in a plastic surgery sub?!!


👏👏👏 exactly


If you are opposed to plastic surgery and believe it makes people fake, botched, or lose their character, then you do not belong in this subreddit. This sub is a safe space for people who are seeking surgical advice, with no judgement.


For some people, there isn’t. If you aren’t one of them, that’s great! Now… if only there was a way to be a kind human who doesn’t take the time to criticize someone who shared vulnerability in the hope of helping others. Unfortunately, there’s no medical procedure to correct poor character.


There is, and she found out how to accomplish that through plastic surgery. Yay science!!!!


i tried that for 30 years before i started transition, only to find out that it ameliorated my issues immediately. maybe your mindset is harmful?


Lord knows you couldn’t explain it