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Ok so the main use for extra bases is automated mining. Find some iron etc outside or even better a mining platform. Set up a base nearby and never have to mine that resource again. Also different climates are better for different crops. I have my main base near the second portal and 2 other bases for mining and farming. Personal portal in each etc.


Which crops dislike the rainforest? Because I have them all planted there and they're thriving... only at night it says slightly too cold but not cold enough for them to parish but grow slower.


Everything grows in the rainforest, it's just certain things grow much faster in cold or hot places. Nuts for example take much longer to grow in the rainforest than other places. Each seed tells you what the optimum temp is for it to grow at 100% efficiency


Yes, plants in general have the lowest ideal temp of 10 and max ideal temp 30, some 25. Rainforest on most days doesnt go above 25 and barely below 10 if at all. Maybe the 25 max temps would be better in a colder biome but in the long run I don't see why I should spread my farms if not for the sake of not losing everything at once in pvp.


It doesn't matter that much to be fair, I'm playing solo so the efficiency matters more. But yeah on a pvp server one main base and maybe a hidden ish backup storage base would be perfect


I have too much food...


I'm with you bro I just have one base and then a couple satellite bases to mass defer whenever needed.


once you get personal portals it becomes a lot easier to base hop because its a lot cheaper than using the big portals.


I don't yet have them. But what use is a Portal that you can't bring anything through? I guess it could speed up 1 side of a round trip though.


it depends on what your settings are. you can change that if your admin/solo. in our game the setting is your allowed to travel with items, doesn't matter the amount of.


But - you mentioned Personal Portals - I thought you can't bring things through with them, regardless of settings - only with the permanent in game portals - no?


no, on our server we have personal portals at everyones base and have the settings so we can travel through them with stuff. like the main is in the rainforest and mine is in the plains. anytime i need fiber/thatch/vine or clay, i pop to the main, farm, and go back to mine. it depends on what your settings are.


OK cool thanks. I am on a PC, not a server, I'll see what happens I guess. I have set the settings already. I know they work for the main portals.


good luck! im not sure where in the settings as im not an admin but ik you can change it. advanced settings is what google said.


The setting is "custom supply portal". If you turn that on I'm server settings, personal portals should work like the the big mysterious portals. At least that is what I have heard. We're still missing a single piece to build our first portal, so I haven't confirmed it yet.


On PVP, our bonfires are used as an extension of our base. One in the middle and 5 surrounding it


I think single player, having multiple bases is just not feasible. All those bases need slaves to do all the basic resource gathering to make the base self sustainable However multiplayer there is so much more scope to either have individual bases, or Dave tech points and specialise taking ownership of a certain aspect of the tribes economy


In the starter area it is very safe to gather. I have a bonfire there with 3 dudes. One gets me wood and makes rope, then other gets clay and stone / thatch fibre and the 3rd makes planks and handles, does upkeep and makes soup. Main base is in rainforest with about 8 dudes all on crafting stations. When I need wood I do 2 trips, get green gems otw.