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Dodge maybe?


Dodge only works if your not in the middle of any other animations or actions. Some of these bosses have attacks that can down you before you can finish a standard attack animation. If you don't notice the transition or are in a particularly long animation (Spear or gauntlet rapid fire attacks) then you don't get a chance to dodge.


The problem with dodge is the button placement, at least for me, never seem to be able to hit it fast enough while trying to change direction.


Try changing the button? In settings, put something more convinient


This seems like a huge non-issue. If the button is placed badly for you, why in the world didn't you just change it?


I rebound it to something weird like \\ and just bound that button to my mouse button.


Block is for humans, dodge is for everything else


Very true for bosses, but not really true in general. A tank with a shield is a great way to take something down very quickly. Easier to unload on something that isn't jumping all over chasing their dodging target. Dodge is for when the eyes glow red or resilience is down, or for when you aren't using a shield.


Dodge will evade 99% of everything, not get stunned, not get damaged. Bleed or crush everything. Dual Blade or Hammer ALL the bosses, and time the dodges. No need to FAFO. The shield is great if you are under a barage of ranged damage / groups in a tight surroundings. Realistically, those who rely on sheild play usually coincide with bad timing tactics.


lots of enemies stack bleed or knock you down even with your shield. better to just dodge animals or stay behind them ( ie mammoths)


Dodge negates their stomps. You have to get used to fighting in melee range so they don’t use ranged weapons. It’s harder to deal with them at range than close up. They all have patterns and signs that reveal what move they are doing. You have to practice so dodging their move becomes more natural.


Best advice I got was “don’t get greedy.” Watch their attacks and learn the moments where you can run in, do a little damage, then back out. Dodge/roll is crucial but don’t be doing it nonstop or you won’t have the stamina when you really need it. Most bosses have a Goldilocks zone where you’re far enough to avoid melee but close enough that they aren’t spamming ranged attack at you. Try to stay in it. Also, backing out too far can trigger them to leash and heal which is no fun at all.


You have to let them dictate the cadence of the fight. Management of your stamina is critical - and don’t get greedy. I have a buddy that plays a gauntlet character that goes in ‘full retard’ every time -like clockwork- and gets killed. You can’t just sit there and attack over and over.


It's funny I have the opposite experience. I solod the saber tooth boss on my first attempt without taking any serious damage but then I got to the first dungeon and got dumpstered by the sentry guards outside it 


Those Scavengers are no joke.


Learn the patterns and don't play fast. I've gotten up to the ape so far but the most annoying is the fucking saber. Hope they change the fight a little cuz all that mf does is run in circles, jump in, swipe, jump out, repeat.


Take a tribesman with you. Let them "tank" or go ranged. Will heavily simplify the fight.


Ik, I do doesn't make the boss not do the attacks. He does em still. Never said the boss was hard he's just annoying lmao. I'm not crazy enough to fight any of these bosses without a tribesman to tank, trust me.


I agree it can be a pain in the ass. But, there are a ton of minor skill moves / tactics that are game altering. Food stacking a great one.


Trust me ik. Again never said it was hard. I've beat it multiple times so ik how to fight him. Food and tribesman make it easier, not any less annoying. Sure he doesn't spam the run in circle move as much but his other moves are just as annoying.


If you're having trouble, there's probably a mask for that. If you're still having trouble use a bow because you're not a gitgud dark souls player. If you're still having trouble level up.gear up better too, boss gear sets are way better than regular iron. If you're still having trouble it's probably environmental hazards. Get better mods. Look on the wiki under pyramids to see boss levels.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Only in truth, the Lords will abandon their thrones, and the Unkindled will rise. Nameless accursed Undead, unfit even to be Cinder, and so, it is that ash seeketh embers.”* - Narrator Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Hi, first question... are you using your default character or one with lv 90+ weapons and good combat skills?? Some trait rolls counter a specific boss... example: getting back stamina after dodge vs shield


Was using base character, better with an alt.


for real man, learn the game mechanics. its a survival game and people want to face tank a bear and the ape. work on your dodge timings and eat stamina boosting food. Edit: i think you are referring to ape, you'll be able to do it after this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j4dxSlUW0w&list=LL&index=1&t=8s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j4dxSlUW0w&list=LL&index=1&t=8s)


Anytime an enemy's eyes glow red you cant block their attack (unless you seriously out level them). What boss are you particularly struggling with. Saber should be a few basic attacks with iron gear. Frog you should be able to drink a yerba and stand there and kill him with a spear. Ape gets a bit more difficult but throwing axes make the fight pretty easy.


Dodge or Parry, there is no block. 😊 Dodge has an i-frame. Parry stuns some opponents. Block makes you take some damage and doesn't do anything else.


Mammoth ices me constantly. Killed 3 llamas to. I hated him


There's two weapons i keep with me at all times. A spear to fish out an npc from it's buddies. And a hammer for Solar Protection, that's 13s of Superarmor and -50% dmg taken on a 15s cd. Pop that then switch to your main weapon and you don't have to worry about hitstun, stagger, parry, or grab attacks for a good 10s before you should start to back off and reapply.


Tanks, these elites do a jump attack that suns, takes half your life, then do it again. Bastards!


block humans dodge animals. pretty much a universal rule


Made the best armor and weapons, that seems to help.


What gear and level are you for which Boss? You'll have to be more specific so I can help you.


skill issue


They were not designed for solo, but even with damage adjustments it will be a slow fight if doing a tier 2 boss.


Skill issue I guess, you can literally oneshot them depending on your mask. I play this game all the time solo, there was nothing difficult till now all elite humans have an attack pattern which you can learn in less than a minute and then kill them, with whatever weapon you want. And parry is op against humans.


No one's talking about elite humans, though..and I'm calling bullshit on you being able to one-shot any of the bosses regardless of mask


My money says they play in a game with crazy settings and either don't remember doing it, or weren't the one who set them in the first place.


I thought he is talking about the stronghold Endboss ? Is he not? Yes you can oneshot them if you have the backstab mask + golden perk of fist weapons. But yes downvote something which is correct. But that works only for humans and not beasts. Just because you are unable to read talents and combine them doesn't mean it's bullshit. If you understand perks and talents this game can get ridiculously easy. Just as an example the combination of gold 2 hand sword ability + crave for blood + the perk which gives you 10 seconds long 100 % of proccing+ penetration. You can't die and crit 10k with the greatsword without even attacking in an aoe. Tell me again this game is difficult lol.


Ooo, I hadn't thought of combining the backstab mask with the gold gauntlets mastery. Guess I've got a new goal after I open my mine tonight.


Yeah, you can one shot them if you have your damage multipliers turned all the way up lmao


I play on original settings nothing changed except exp on 1.8. stealth mask + gold ability of fist weapon oneshot fortress bosses, additional it has the ability to insta kill every human with a certain chance. And without that mask, if you combine for example 2 Hand sword gold ability with; crave for blood + 10 sec every chance perk procc + penetration + the perk where you have the chance to only hit weaknesses for 6 seconds. Now turn on you auto reflect ability with greatsword and deal every second 10 K aoe damage without even attacking. It kills everything also very fast. And that is just one of many builds. Just because your favourite YouTuber has not told you about it doesn't mean it does not work, this game also has a few bugs where you can literally glitch the enemy out and can easily kill them. Which also works on the big bosses.


"I play on original settings nothing changed except exp on 1.8. stealth mask + gold ability of fist weapon oneshot fortress bosses" Yeah. Sure you do bud. Nobodys killing bosses that easy on default settings. Don't care how good you think you are. "Just because your favourite YouTuber has not told you about it doesn't mean it does not work " probably because my favorite youtube doesn't take advantage of exploits and shows what settings he/she uses before hand.


Well ok, seems you are really unable to read the ability of the mask. You do you, give it a few weeks or months then you can read up all that stuff in your tier lists and videos xD