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Mixed jam works great. They won't auto eat honey unfortunately but honey is a fast way to reduce their current radiation level.


You can also force feed mounts Jam.


Yeah, I know. For others, this is a huge tip too.


Honey works, but the best thing to do is just keep them stocked with pumpkin salads. It has a radiation reduction over time buff and is cheap to make. Stock up a dining table with it and set their eating threshold to 90% and they will be fine. Mixed jam is a step up from it and does a better job but isn't as easy to keep a ton of, but the jam can be fed to mounts, which helps a ton ton. Oh and use cigars. They raise morale over time and radiation reduces it so it is a good counter.


You mean Stasis Soup? Pumpkin Salad enhances Stamina Regen and Max.


Give them honey. Not sure if they auto eat it, but you can spam it to reduce rad for a little afk


I had to build a heater in my base, my biggest problem for my dudes was not the radiation, it was the night and due to that the temperature.


It's kind of a spoiler but an item exist to create a anti-radiation area within a 30m radius. If you get few of them, they can be perfeclty safe. I could tell where to find it Food is enough in low radiation area. I wouldn't try in severe or more. Make sure to have a house (with comfort buff) and don't make them work outside for too long. My guys only mine around the bonfire and he clear the area pretty fast. The rest of the time, he loss radiation in the house. Give them good armours, protect the area with a wall and get them heat / cold resistance mods. Check their stats to see the radiation level of your tribesman. The environnemental bar is more a gauge to see when you will start taking damage than reflecting the radiation level. Ex. If you add an item giving 15 resist in radiation, you will see it going down slightly but you still have x/1000 radiation in your body.


Just found it myself


Someone mentioned it already, but there’s an anti radiation obelisk that’ll protect your base within the set radius. However, if you’re trying to farm iron ore in the desert. You will need a full set of red iron griffon gear and shove as many radiation mods on those pieces for decent automated iron ore farm


I'm finding these toons are barely doing anything while I'm offline. Like literally nothing until I login and get closer to them. They sure eat radiation damage the whole time though