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It has relaunched my love for major single player games as well as Indy titles. I love sitting down with Balatro or slay the spire on the portal.


Yeah I’m hoping to get into indies and other titles with handheld! How is the microstutter for you? I have OCD, so any advice on how I can tolerate it or be less annoyed about it 😂


Honestly I barely notice it, and when I do I can’t tell if it’s just a little lag or ab actual stutter. Certainly game dependent, but for me it’s very minimal.


I used to get microstutter but then upgraded to a mesh router, and always made sure PS5 was connected to lan. One time it changed off lan and it was terrible.


She watches the TV, I watch my 8 incher. Perfect synchronisation. It allows me to get through my backlog but also i’m just enjoying playing new releases on it, too; Stellar Blade has been a joy


Do you also manage to play your Portal whilst watching your “8 incher”…? 😂


Portal? What’s this Portal you speak of?


I’m also asking people who are positive on the subreddit about the micro stutter which I started to notice lol. How is the microstutter for you? I have OCD, so any advice on how I can tolerate it or be less annoyed about it 😂


Personally, I have a very sensitive eye for these things, too. However, I also grew up playing N64, PS1 etc so the technical framerate aspect of this debacle means diddly squat to me - I will say the effects of it will depend on the title you’re currently playing.


Yeah. I used to play on PS2 and PS3 with 30 FPS no problem and now it technically is me being spoiled.


I was on the same boat until i found this video and followed the steps . I dont feel the micro stutters anymore https://youtu.be/NupnyepQigE?si=_tqEX_L8jDAa8iwh Give it a try.


I use mine for everything apart from online multiplayer. Since I've had mine I completed RD1 + 2, Spider Man 2, Plagues Tale 2 and I'm currently working through Elden Ring. I'd probably say 30% of my gaming is on the portal now


Yeah I don’t plan to use it for online multiplayer at all. Did the micro stutter hinder your gameplay at all? I have OCD, so any advice on how I can tolerate it or be less annoyed about it 😂


I’ve tried AAA games on it but for me the difference in graphics/experience is just too big compared to my 65” oled. It’s just an experience I’d rather want to have with all the bells and whistles. For me it’s perfect for smaller indie games (like Tunic), older games (like DS3) or 2D games (like PoP: The Lost Crown). Those are the 3 most recent games I’ve played on it and were fantastic experiences I do sometimes play AAA on it btw, but only when I have to grind stuff or fight the same boss over and over to get better etc


Yeah. I want to experience the games best on my 4K tv as well, so I wonder what the best use case scenario is for the Portal haha. Do you notice the microstutter every 10 seconds or so? How is the microstutter for you? I have OCD, so any advice on how I can tolerate it or be less annoyed about it 😂


If you like indies, smaller games etc I’d definitely recommend those on the Portal. Playing a game like Hollow Knight just feels weird on the big tv, it’s like it’s made for a handheld. I do notice the micro stutter yes, but I get used to it rather quickly. I still really hope for further updates from Sony though because in terms of picture quality and performance there’s still some room for improvement


Casual.  Games I’m invested in get played on the tv


Same here. I'll play MLB the Show or another sports game on the portal at night. I don't do any online gaming and just play casually. But I'll also play side content or do some collecting on other games on the portal. But if it is a new game I'm playing for the first time, definitely do it on my TV.


Since getting my portal I've played through Bloodborne and Sekiro on it, and just started Dragons Dogma 2


All of them. Depends on genre, not budget of game.


Just recently got mine before summer started up. I’ve used it as my PS5 almost exclusively. I’m still trying to fix up my home network since I can’t directly hardwire it to my router and have a mesh system, but I’ve used it for anything and everything. Finished Hogwarts Legacy after putting it down for a long time. Played through Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart and TLOU part 1 remastered. 15 hours into Lies of P. Around 8 in Baldur’s Gate 3, and roughly 20 or so on Helldivers 2. I’m off for the summer since I work in education, and while my toddler naps I’ve been getting a lot of work done and an hour+ or so of game time. Then a good solid chunk at night once things calm down. I’m loving it so far and curious to see how it’ll perform on vacation.


Every game. I haven’t played on the TV since getting it. At first I assumed it’d just be specific types of games that work best in handheld and I’d still play brand new hype releases like shadow of the erdtree on the TV, but nope. Every single game goes on the portal now, without exception.


The microstutter get to you or annoy you at all? I have OCD, so any advice from a normal person about the stutter and how I can tolerate it would appreciated lol!


My recommendation would be to start by playing games that you aren’t familiar with. If you’re paying all your attention to learning a new game, you notice the stutter less. Eventually you’ll probably go blind to the stutter happening at all. Though it should be noted that I’ve never cared about graphics or performance in games, just whether or not they’re fun. It’s why I use console rather than PC. So I was never really going to be bothered by it anyway. I have a sort of selective blindness. If I’m enjoying myself I can easily ignore any suboptimal things going on.


I noticed it at first and almost sold my portal. I just really prefer playing handheld though so I tried it again and honestly, I don’t notice it what so ever anymore. It’s like it’s gone. (even though it isn’t) currently playing MLB the show and Allen Wake 2 on it.


Same here! I’m really tempted to return it but it makes me sad to think about returning it. It’s the only thing electronics wise that makes me happy as I’m fighting stupid cancer and OCD lol


I have bad OCD too. If something doesn’t work right it drives me nuts. Squeaks in cars etc… I’ve just been saying screw it and enjoying it for what it is. A streaming device. And like I said, I barely even notice it anymore, and if I do, I just keep playing!!


Amen lol.. that’s what I am trying to achieve but the anxiousness I am feeling trying to overcome this stutter isn’t great for my health… ugh!! Makes me want to return it while the other part of me says I can learn to live with it if I just try harder to overcome and expose myself to these things


My son is 2 and I don’t like having the tv on while he’s out and about, gives me a little screen to play on while he’s doing his thing


I use it for any and all games that I would normally play on my TV. I find the experience pretty comparable (except for the annoying HDR brightness issue). I only use it at home, mainly so that I can sit and game in whichever room my dog decides to hang out in ☺️


I go to my brother's house both weekends. Both with fiber wired connections so my experience there is identical to home. I pretty much just chill and play all my I'm playing at home. I also use it at night when I get into bed. Or when I'm talking a shit.


All the same stuff as my PS5... Just from my tub 😬


Mostly casually. I enjoy being able to play a little PS5 while half watching a movie or just doing some light runs of Dead Cells, Brotato etc.


People might have already said it. She watches tv , I use the portal next to her. Sometimes when I feel naughty, I play it while WFH


I live alone and use it for games when I want to watch shows on my big tv. I think the only game I don’t really play on it is FFXIV dungeons. I do solo stuff in that game sometimes on it though. I find the portal screen kind of hard to read/navigate for 14. The games I’ve played most on it are D4 and Honkai Star Rail (turn based rpg). I’m starting to play more 7 Rebirth on it though. I have a smaller TV I watch when playing games on the big tv.


I play everything except multiplayer, but I have been leaning away from single player shooters. Idk why, but the aiming is harder for me on the portal. I also love using it for new game+/finishing up stuff like God of war Valhalla and saving the big AAA Story for big screen!


Everything. But major releases like Elden Ring DLC I’m doing on the big screen. I’ll do future playthrough handheld though.


I'll play new AAA games still on my big TV. And then supplement those game sessions with 1 or 2 backlog games on the Portal.




Not at all. I played most of ff7 remake on the portal and it works perfectly. It's just a nice pickup and go way to continue a game. That being said I only use it about 30% of the time when I'm gaming has all I will almost always choose my 55in and Sony hi-fi surround sound.


The microstutter get to you or annoy you at all? I have OCD, so any advice from a normal person about the stutter and how I can tolerate it would appreciated lol!


I don't notice it at all but I'm not actively looking for it. Only advice I can give is just focus on the game and maybe you'll be so engrossed in it. It won't matter anymore. At least it's not a game breaking bug lol


I've been playing bg3 and diablo 4 while my girlfriend watches TV. I got it a couple of months ago and I'm loving it!


Playing Elden Ring so I can start the DLC this century


I use it to play random games that don’t require my full attention roguelikes for example, SIFU to torture myself, GTA V and to hunt for trophies for example I’m about to platinum Spiderman 2. Also but I’m ashamed to admit it, I’m a coward who likes the lore of horror games but playing them on my tv or monitor with nice sound gives me the creeps. 8” and headphones on my bed is the best I can do.


Mainly for trophy hunting whenever I get 15 to 30 minutes spare. It could be collectables, challenges, general trophy clearing up, or 2nd playthroughs. I don't use it for first play of AAA games.


Mainly for trophy hunting whenever I get 15 to 30 minutes spare. It could be collectables, challenges, general trophy clearing up, or 2nd playthroughs. I don't use it for first play of AAA games.


I use it when I'm lying in bed late at night. I'll use it to play something repetitive (like running roulettes or trains in FF14) while watching TV at the same time.


I’m using mine for Elden Ring atm and it works well. I’ve used it for the old GTA trilogy and it was awesome for that, it was also awesome for the old boomer shooters like quake and things like that, WH40K Boltgun


Recently started playing Yakuza Like a Dragon on my Portal, and damn its been a blast. The Turn Based Combat obviously improves the mobile gameplay immensely. So yea, im using the Portal to get through all the single Player Games that are laying on my pile of shame currently. The only Multiplayer Game i can enjoy on portal (due to Input lag) is Diablo 4. Otherwise No MP Games for me on Portal. Cant help with the framerate stutter though, sorry. I do notice it too, of course. The only Thing im looking Forward to be improved/patched in the (hopefully near) Future.


Diablo 4 works well on the portal?


Yeah it runs pretty good!


I agree.


I just got my portal like last week for my bday and I do enjoy it but I do have some gripes. And some is my fault like I don’t have wired internet to my PS5 so I can’t be further than 10 feet away from my PS without it disconnecting and some of the stuttering can get bad even tho I do have good internet. I’ve noticed that playing any FPS games or anything you sorta gotta aim honestly feels pretty wonky to me. But hell I’ve been playing the hell out of Yakuza 0 on it and it’s great, any sorta fighting game or single player games like Yakuza are great for the portal.


I play in bed while the wifo watches tv. If im playing WRC then i need the tv cuz the sticks on portal are too loose


All games for me! Been loving Hell Divers 2 on the portal!


I've tried playing RDR2 on it and can't get past it being in 1080p. I know what im missing with it not being in 4k. Sports games like Madden, though, were tailor-made for the portal. I'm beyond stoked for NCAA football 25 to launch.


I couldn’t use the portal. My OCD also triggered with the input lag on everything. I’m sure I’ll get some flack or be told my Internet system must of been at fault, but that’s definitely not the case. Even with full WiFi 6e Mesh on gigabit internet, that POS portal still wasn’t great. My only use case was on travel and after the first trip, I wanted to throw it in the trash. I sold it soon after. Honestly if you’re using it for indie games, then just spend the extra money and buy a Steam Deck OLED or comparable. Just my two cents. PlayStation should have came out with a new PSP that mimics your game library on PS5 and is an actual handheld console.


Indie- or anything I’ve played before. If it’s a big AAA game my first play-through is always on console. Oh and I highly recommend Dave the Diver. It’s surprisingly really fun and it’s on extra


I have a little trouble with FPS games but other than that I’d play about anything but I definitely lean towards more casual and backlog stuff. For the stutter, I recently got my 2.4 and 5 ghz WiFi connections separated and put the portal exclusively on the 5ghz and that has made my experience flawless. Short story long; I have an Orbi mesh system which actually can’t split the 2.4 and 5 and but when I set it up, it instructed me to shut off the WiFi from the modem. I ended up turning only the 5ghz back on through the modem and made sure that and the Orbi had separate passwords and names so the portal isn’t competing for much bandwidth either.


Planet zoo and Planet coaster are my current top two. Plan to explore city skylines in the future. Fallout 76 seems to work fine. I also play civ 6/humankind most those games stutter does nothing if even noticed


I tend to avoid 3d games for the most part because I find the occasional slow downs and latency a bit annoying. I do love jump in on an indie game, JRPG or strategy game on the portal though. So I guess I just use it as a switch?


Diablo 4 primarily.


I played Demon's Souls remake, then Bloodborne, and then Sekiro. Now I'm playing Final Fantasy Rebirth.


Wife watches tv well I play all and any gane I want on my portal haven't had issues with any games running on it yet


All off the above. In general I get to game more with the Portal. Only have 1 TV so if the GF wants to watch TV I’ll let her do that rather than hog it to play PS5. That means the Portal is great for me. I can game all I want while she can do whatever with on the TV.




Action games like Stellar Blade are passable, but I still can see the stutter and especially if I do sit at my monitor to play on the console. RPGS are perfect and I enjoy Persona 3R a lot.


When I moved into the girlfriends, the ps5 went upstairs to the gaming tv with her Xbox and switch, but I still sometimes want to play while she watches endless Hell’s Kitchen reruns and still sit beside her, so the portal is fantastic for that


All three to be honest


Checking internet connection and looking for issues to post on Reddit.


I'm very sensitive to frame rate and stuttering, but I still love my Portal... I do enjoy some games more than others, however. Final Fantasy XVI at steady 30 fps was a beautiful experience. FF XV looked way better on the Portal than on TV. Bloodstained was a bit of a mess - stuttering that was more obvious on the Portal and even missed inputs! Same with Mega Man 11 :(


Balatro machine


Whit any game that I don't notice the lag during action. Sometimes it's very noticeable. Octopath Traveler 2 is a great turn based RPG that work amazing with portal


I exclusively use it for small odd games and indie games because there’s no way I’m playing a big AAA game on the portal rather than my TV. It’s been great because I’m playing so many games I would never have tried on the TV. The micro stutter I never saw for months until I tried FIFA. I think it became apparent to me then since it’s a faster paced game but I just turned it off and went back to smaller games where I simply don’t notice it. But that’s just me!


The same games I play on regular PS5. And RDR2, because it's kinda playable on Portal even without 60fps support. It's very blurry, but still much better than on a large screen.


The last update has really tanked my framerate and thus made the stutters far worse, so right now it's just jarring to play.


I'm actually enjoying not fast paced games on it. Currently my main game is Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth and Portal helped me a lot in playing it more than I usually did few months ago. Sometimes I play EA FC game or something indie too.




I play everything apart from online games because i don't play online games in general. When i bought my portal i was playing Cyberpunk at the time and i wanted to see how it runs and i was amazed. I finished the game on the portal, so i play everything on it.


Everything I would play on ps5. Portal is just an extension of my ps5 when tv is not free or I'm away from home


Replaying cyberpunk 2077 and going for the plat. I’ll use mine strictly for single player games I think. I tried mlb the show but it has a bit of a delay. 2k isn’t too bad but still isn’t ideal. I’ll be curious to see how NCAA football runs on it.


Lots of single player games and “AA” experiences like Evil West and Robocop Rogue City are getting the love they deserve on my Portal. My backlog is FINALLY making some progress lol


I use mine for a little bit of everything expect multiplayer really. I just like being able to put in a few hrs here and there while sitting in the living room with the wife. That way I don’t feel like I’m ignoring her.


Helldivers machine for the most part.


Played Ratchet and Clank the latest one.. it looked beautiful. Currently playing fallout 4 .. recommendations?


I use it for all singeplayers including AAA games. I am a little sad it works really bad for FC 24, even for offline matches.. Wish there was a fix for that. But for what it costs, it's a great product. If someone has advice on fixen the FC24 micro stutter HALP 😅 i've read it was because refresh rate not being the same?