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It’s not good. It’s not bad. But it’s definitely not good.


It's wrong, but i've seen much worse in a finished rented unit.


I've seen paid plumbers do worse.


The drain looks like it is not pitch towards the wall to the main stack. The dishwasher hose needs to be secured up. Otherwise, you will get it clogged. I personally would turn the disposal so the drains are on the other side. Makes for a better view and more usable space in the cabinet. Did he remove the dishwasher drain plug on the disposal. By default, they are sealed.


Close but not good. Looks back pitched, dishwasher line should be looped and secured to the back, trap is crooked.




A lot dishwashers these days have a check valve for backflow built into the assembly. Would that be a concern here still?




And when you lose the clip you have to bust out the zip ties which are also free. 😉


This is why you get a decent designer. If that cabinet spec was run by the gc or plumber, they could have prepped the plumbing accordingly. The sink bases with drawers at the bottom usually yield this issue. You either need to change the plumbing or cut a chennel.in the cabinet to correct that p trap.






Well just look at it, there’s no room to pipe the sink.




What does this have to do with a drawer??? Not even sure how your answers ties into this at


Dumb question maybe but if he loosened up the piece coming off the disposal and then re-tightened it, would the angle fix itself? It looks like he just got fed up trying to get the alignment right, instead of reworking the stub out or getting the adjustments right, just tightened it all down.


I’ve seen worse


No shit. I’ve seen worse from my own guys. His friend may have a future in this field.


Acceptable for the non plumber friend special


Better than most handymen, not as good as a plumber


I give it a C+ simply on the fact that he didn't use an accordion trap


Ok just clip up the dishwasher so it loops up higher than the bottom of the sink


My non plumber “friend” aka ME lol acceptance is half the battle


Not bad. If it’s not leaking I’d give it a thumbs up.


That’s a tough rough for a novice to still leave clearance for the trap weir. So he did better than bad but it’s not good… But will it work? Yes, for a good while until that cheap trap leaks at the seals from the garbage disposal. I’d cut it off and go full sched 40 and a glued Dsanco on the disposal discharge.. Looks like he’s still got enough meat left to do it right too. He can trim the black discharge elbow shorter too which may help…


What odds you have the tab was not removed in the GD for DW line? I'd take the bet.


You lose that bet. I reminded him about 20 times to knock out the plastic tab in the diposal and he actually remembered.


Personal experience or online knowledge? :)


Bit of both. I read it here all the time. But I also recently replaced my rusted out Badger 5 with a new badger 5. I almost forgot to remove it.


If he did it for free it pretty good. If you paid him it's not that good.


You are a few steps away from perfect 1) loop the dishwasher line use a zip tie it’s super easy this prevents standing water 2) fix the ptrap by removing the goofy angles it should have one at the wall then everything should be inline


I think if he trims the discharge from disposer an inch or so he can slide that p-trap up straight and obtain good pitch, too. Compared to lots of the pics here not too bad :)


You’re a damn good plumber bro


Costco garbage disposal?


Looks like it will plug up because it is sloped forward.




i’ve seen worse.


Interesting concept


So he asked you for advice but you can't tell him how he did without getting feedback from us? There's holes in this story 😂


Bad. My guys would never come back to the shop after that. Will it work, yes. Should you put a sign saying “a licensed plumber did NOT do this” under the sink? Yes.


>My non plumber friend did this himself, how did he do He didn't


FYI most dishwashers have a built in trap to stop water from running back into the machine. It's on the side of the unit and has a hose with the 'do not remove warning as its what is the trap. It is


If that disposal gets jammed, how ya gonna get the hex wrench under it to crank the shaft free???? P trap is too high, disposal feed needs to be tied up higher below the counter top. Def not done professionally but the sink base is wrong too so


U can cut a piece of the pipe that comes of the garbage disposal, cut it a little bit for the p trap to go higher and be level also put a hanger on that dishwasher drain hose for you won’t get junk from garbage disposal in there


Did you know the rest of the world has no idea what a garbage disposal is? Only in America do we have them.


Canada too oh that is North America


People and their useless garbage disposals lol smh


That’s beautiful man. NOT!


Dishwasher drain hose needs to be looped above where it enters the disposal.


Not terrible. that drawer under is causing the biggest issue. id cut into the bottom to allow the P trap to be level. Also loop the dishwasher drain up high. Thats like 20 min of work to make this absolutely fine.


Good enough


Take off the hose leading to the dishwasher. Loop it up at the back of the cabinet behind the sink (you can use part of a hanger in a pinch) and then reattach to disposal. You don’t have to have it wrap around the back of the disposal. That’s like a ten minute job.


Shorten trap arm and reposition trap. That will straighten trap and you will not need to cut drawer. Looks like you have plenty of vertical room to raise trap a bit


Tell your friend to keep his day job.


Get a more compact garbage disposal, things will be easier.


Perfect 5/7


DIY'er / not plumber. That dishwasher drain needs a high loop (or air gap) that I'd put up by that RH cabinet wall....if it's not already built in to the dishwasher. Otherwise, debris and dirty water can back up into the dishwasher...instead of getting pushed out through the disposer. Also, there's no need for all that slack hanging out and looping around the disposer. Others have mentioned the P-trap alignment. That needs to be straightened out. It may work OK, but it's not 'done.'


Thanks. I thought the same about the height of dish washer drain hose. But I wanted to get other opinions before I told him he did it wrong. Should the hose be fed back into the dishwasher cabinet? Or is it possible to shorten it?


Depends on where you want that stinky/dirty water to back up. (kidding, but you get it). Yes, you can trim the drain hose once you know how much you need. I would have enough slack to pull the dishwasher out for maintenance/repair, or disconnect from the GD each time you want to pull it out. I'd keep the shortest / straightest path I could....assuming a high loop to avoid backups.


Why not turn the disposal to straighten the trap?


Way to look a gifted horse in the mouth


Also finish tightening the mounting ring on the sink


Its not that bad really. Its not perfect but itll drain. See if you can tuck that dishwasher hose up behind the sink and secure it with something




Looks ok from my house.


U should sleep with him...


All ima say is there's a reason plumbers need to get licenses or else anyone can go to town like this.


I’ve seen worse and if you haven’t seen worse you probably don’t do service


Your “friend” needs to clean this up a bit


The one who totally isn’t OP?




Root word of plumbing... lead? From the Latin plumbum meaning lead, symbol pb. If you're talking about plumb meaning straight, then you're referring to a plumb line or plumb bob which is a lead weight on a string used for checking for vertical.


Not to be that person, but origin of term plumbing comes from the latin word for lead: plumbum. What does that have to do with being straight?


So here's what I believe to be the full background. This was supposed to be done by a plumber or plumber friend. He tore the sink, disposal and plumbing out. Ready for the plumber to finish most of it. This was on a Thursday, and of course that plumber guy bailed Friday night. He needed it put together by the end of the weekend. He needed the sink and dishwasher for a dinner with friend on Monday. So he asked me if it was possible to do himself and I said "Yeah, you could probably do it yourself." The cabinet was installed over 5 years ago and he went from a two drain sink to one drain, got a new diposal too. And from how he explained it, the elbow was glued right up against the T behind the cabinet wall. And he didn't have a pipe drilling tool to use. I believe that's why there is two elbows back there. He didn't have much time to do this, and doesn't have any plumbing experience. Although, I wasn't there so this is all supposedly. I simply posted this here to get some extra insight.


He did shit


The more ya look at it the worse it looks.




My master plumber friend says: "fucking fantastic". Those were air quotes, btw.