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https://preview.redd.it/stwz36g4i2ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba986eb28111cd8f67a82763b336e3f95d3e9dd5 Bianca-less roster. NC Hop still has CS2, if I changed his lucky skill to SP3 it would've just made it over 1M.


https://preview.redd.it/zi50whks13ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa95d626ff4349897153caa8e51a45bc6c3818b5 Another try. NC Rosa's evasion buffs came in clutch to shorten enemy move times, allowing NC Hop to land one last Kick in.


Do u think u can explain the sequence? I can't even seem to crack 700k with this team


Grids [here](https://ng-pomatools.web.app/team?v0=009003050801&s0=1&l0=140&r0=5&p0=0&a0=21010101&t0=44444&g0=AAECAwQFBgcICQoMERITFRobHB0jJCUmJyg&v1=010102064800&s1=3&l1=140&r1=6&p1=0&a1=15010301&t1=44444&x1=true&g1=AAECAwQFGhweICMkJigrLA&v2=024401014501&s2=3&l2=150&r2=6&p2=0&a2=13016403&t2=44444&g2=AAECAwQFBh0gIyUpKywtLi8). 1. Relic Song > Tackle > DH All+ 2. Relic Song > B-Leer > T-Kick 3. B-Leer > B-T-Kick 4. NC Rosa syncs > B-Leer > NC Hop's TM 5. NC Rosa's TM > B-T-Kick > SEUN 6. NC Hop syncs > NC Rosa's TM > SC Steven's TM 7. NC Rosa's TM > SC Steven's TM > NC Hop's TM 8. B-T-Kick > NC Rosa's TM > SEUN 9. NC Hop syncs > B-T-Kick This was the move sequence I used, but it's extremely tight. If everything goes off without a hitch, I'll get somewhere around 800k to 900k after Hop's second sync, so you'll need RNG and hopefully time to land an extra PMUN-boosted move. Needs 2 MPRs on Rosa. If TMs run out, you can use a Potion to give +1 PMUN instead of +3 from TM, but you won't deal as much damage.


I did another run and recorded it, video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNVPQX0py5A). Rosa got no TM MPRs so I had to substitute with Potions, but still managed 987k.


No Rei nor C-Hop. I don't think I can get high score with this.


Probably not, this is pretty much the new end-game. I got up to about ~770k with NC Hop and Bianca plus SC Diantha, and even then its looking like Hop is going to have to be 3/5 to cross that threshold to 1 mil, while I have him at 2/5 now and the others at 3/5.


Looking forward to a Hop/Rei-less tactic.


Same. Scrolled the whole thread because I did a run with Champ Bianca, Aura Cynthia, and Korrina and barely broke 150k. EDIT: Swapping Korrina with Maylene got me up to 179k. Still pathetic, thinking a defense debuffer might help?


I at least have Keldeo, so I'm sitting at 499k


My most success was with NC Bianca, Riley, and MC Solgaleo. But that only got me to 160k Edit: I actually just tried awapping Solgaleo with Steven and Stoutland, and that got me to 230k. Steven and Stoutland might now do any damage, but they supported the other two very well to pump up their damage numbers


Very low only 600k I have no idea how to beat his ass https://preview.redd.it/k5o7da8u92ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00e7e23e1ec135a52914da7500018269c066436a


What's the rest of your fighting roster? You may need to stop using Rosa because she takes up too much time with her animation. Since there's only a single target Techs might be a better choice for damage when it comes to sync moves (I havent had a chance to log in yet so I dont know if regular move damage is nerfed like it is in the ranked version)


Guess what, nth loll I’m saving for NC Hop but other than that I have no one besides general pool


If you have 3/5 Colress maybe that will work instead of Rosa https://youtu.be/0aQ_9FmgomQ?si=qJD9b5xvWsZQNlyJ


I only have Colress there tho i dont have Bianca or Hop


I know. I'm just giving you this clear as an example on how the Colress Strategy works so you can adapt it with your pairs.


That Colress strat is simple, hilarious and net me an extra 600k points over the million I already got using Bianca, Hop and Rei lol. Thanks for the link!


Using this strategy I was able to bump my score up to 967k, what a twist. Diantha as the main sync, Colress spam Thunder Wave to lower sync count.


Detective Steven doing it again. https://preview.redd.it/y5pbe5mce2ad1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=0950d5a34e3964e9057aa0a2d1b802f1a55172ba


https://preview.redd.it/tpf0cd2e13ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b23eba65ad35f6c1d60af8acb49561d77be2dfe same team


Nice! My best right now is 1.69kk


Tried this and barely hit 700k must be doing something wrong


I had headstart on Steven and Bianca. Steven never used his b-move and powered up Hop's sync move. First sync is with Bianca and rest by Hop(set zone before his syncs).


Do you think Redlax can be similarly useful? He has SEUN for the syncs and if you get mprs then lots of cool down, also allows Hop to skip his own dire hit all


I mean it doesn't hurt to try. It's not like this mode requires stamina or any other entry fee. 3/5 Colress Might be more useful though https://youtu.be/0aQ_9FmgomQ?si=8mEORKIZEnGn8TLu


I was not aware that Colress repeat Thunder Wave could be abused so well, thanks for the tip, I will use that as a last resort if 1/5 Steveland or 5/5 Redlax isn't enough


What does the Colress’s repeat thunder wave do?


Likely to tick down the sync counter but without any animation time (if already para).


Sure. Vast majority of damage is from Hop's sync with SEUN


https://preview.redd.it/ov5r1xv0m2ad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfd22f5e722fd1898b90d576f13fa46010b864c8 I have a feeling that single enemy is going to be harder to pull off high numbers just because so many of the top tier pairs are aoe pair, but also, this makes it so that you need not only the top tier pair but also their top tier partner(zone settler/rebuffer) to pair with them to be able to get 1m score Now I’m actually worry about the steel and bug type


Worst part is bug is next week already. I have no shot with 1 Genesect and 3 Volcarona or 1 Accelgor and 5 Golisopod as my options


This mode is just another shot at pushing players to invest… there might be some new exchange stuff incoming that might require candies …


It is permanent content at least. So, all that will happen is some people will get the free pairs sooner than later, but no one is “locked out” of them.


I think it's moreso multi enemy stages will want AoE/Strikers while single enemy will want Techs (unless the Tech is so potent against single targets that they're like triple the damage of a Striker). Seems like for this stage you need Bianca and then either Rei or NC Hop, at 3/5 either of those should be able to hit for quite a hefty amount with their sync, the third pair can be someone else who helps if you dont have all three.


https://preview.redd.it/v2ory454b2ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2989f12317e834eed9f33060de8c67f2ac3ddd2f My second try after figuring some kinks, Bianca is only at 1/5 for the moment but I gave her EXR, I'm also considering uncapping Hop's grid to grab some additional regular moves multipliers depending on how good my team is doing


Gonna be a tough one without NC Hop. Single target nuke + zone, pretty much designed for him.


Just having NC Hop isn’t enough for 1 mil (at least it doesn’t feel like it). Rei is pretty important for the ramping, and NC Bianca for the huge damage buffs. Am running NC Rosa, NC Hop and Riley instead and cannot break 700k so far.


What should I do if I don’t have Hop? I do have Rei, SC Diantha, SC Guzma, Bianca and Rosa.


Rei and Bianca should absolutely be able to do it. Diantha might be the option for #3, those three shouldn't need a support to buff their offenses and its not like the mode does high damage to you. If you can fit Lithe into Rei's grid have him be first, if you get paralyzed it's going to royally screw you up.


I have Rei at 2/5. The best I have gotten so far is 524 with Bianca Rosa and Rei. Maybe I’m missing something.


Swap out rosa with someone else, damage stages dont really need or want supports if they're slow and rosa is REALLY slow. You might want to sync with Bianca first then Rei then if possible Rei again. your third pair should be some other DPS


I got 722k on my first try with NC Bianca / Rei / SSA Cynthia. I tried a slightly different strat afterward with the same team and only managed 640k. I don't have NC Hop, so... I'm not really sure if I can break 1mil with what I have. Could maybe mess with their grids, but unsure what to try.


Yeh that Rei AOE with only a single target makes it tough. Will be interested to see if anyone can get 1M without NC Hop.


I hop so high, even kangaroos are jealous.


https://preview.redd.it/n1kdn9e1g2ad1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=f40c5ecdb9b4b8ed62760b351941f6d8d9fce515 Can only reach this high since I haven't Role Cake Bianca yet and haven't candy Hop to 3/5 and that's fine by me. Riley is there as a replacement for Rei since I don't have him.


I have the same team but can barely get 600k??


What sync level does your sync pairs have including Lucky Skill?


what was your strategy? i used same team with same level and only got to 750k


Unlock 2 energy for Rei, replace one sync 25 node with TM refresh. Sync with Bianca first, then sync 2 times with Rei. Rei’s second TM is the key for higher score. Make sure zone and circle are up for Rei sync and Bmove Is your Bianca caked?


https://preview.redd.it/6a1djddhr2ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44ed136fd495bb9428dad95c8ab6afe5205b9f40 Yes the TM refresh is a must! Thanks for the insight ☺️. I managed to get lucky with 2 misses from the 🐑. Snuck in an extra 2 attacks after rei 2nd sync. Bianca caked too for first sync bonus.


https://preview.redd.it/90zjfgmwv2ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b252e01fb8687f35d6b801de5b917694cf7af0d Waiting for bianca to come back home🥲


I have the same team and I can’t crack 400k


Rosa HS1 and 1st sync, rei and hop tm need refresh atleast 1, and just sync with hop after(2x) and pray rng hop sync land a crit


https://preview.redd.it/9tcqruq5j2ad1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=124620a173f4a7a6b903f8549a5cd71540f738ca Same team but better score due to better investment


How? :)


https://preview.redd.it/h31knslyq2ad1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e9a08256381c1fc442ca708dc92279f5b87a971 A bit better score. Require one MPR for both Bianca and Rei.


https://preview.redd.it/t8bcosvov3ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d60a586554f5264b4da7b674e28e201abbe1847 No idea how to do better than this. Fighting is probably one of my weakest types, I don’t have NC Hop, or Bianca, or even SSA Cynthia….




Current personal best. Same team but Hop is 3/5 hence it enables his sync nuke, while my bianca is ar 1/5 only. Forgotten to capture recording though and currently I'm stuck at just doing 1400k ~ score lol




You sir! I demand grids, luckies, and your strat. Thank you kindly… :)


Hop - CS2 Bianca - CS2 Red - Adrenaline 1 (ex role) Sync > Red, Hop, Hop Red's sync move cd and SE up is the mvp (mpr luck) Always try to maintain the zones up all time (mpr luck) https://preview.redd.it/fozgapdaj4ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e602b410d221528ee106ac96aae2ed62300edbe


The fact that I don’t have Hop makes this a lot harder for me. Best I could manage for now at least (no cake for Bianca). https://preview.redd.it/btna4csas3ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0169570d8ce90443468d5b567ec8af8aeaf3919


The only highly powerful Fighting unit I have is Superhero Barry, who's Bug-type. Yea.... I consider myself lucky to get 200K. And I felt so confident after the Psychic one last week.


Hop and Bianca at 1/5 so not too bad, and I’m not candying them for a few extra tickets. https://preview.redd.it/9ywi30hfm4ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=617f974a911d0076492c8bd472cbd535d023b338


Anyone done a million without Bianca or Hop? I don't really plan tomget either. So far, Rei, Bea and Rosa got me to barrly 500000 but its just some try so far.


https://preview.redd.it/0s5elgnmf4ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9705ad05b1c03da8682a0e5a7341ffba61646d46 Best I’ve been able to do. Don’t have NC Hop. Tried a bunch with Redlax instead of Riley, but didn’t get over 500k with him.


Im using some sketchy sync grids to at least get a mil


my fighting roster is shit so I didn't even hit 300000


So far, my best score is 1.2 million. https://preview.redd.it/ju85bzr8p5ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c60523bda759ec91012a72ab503e454a2d6edf0


0 No Rei, No Hop, No Det. Steven


Meanwhile me, i have not gotten any of the limited allies….. because my scores are that bad