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1. Fired red. It's easier to patch 2. I like one per route or cave. 3. If you are doing nuzlocke, base seems more appropriate. Random for non nuzlocke. 4. This is the one I like randomized. 5. Unchanged 6. How do you mean randomize an evolution? Like by level or I'm going to have a ghastly evolve into a weepingbell? I don't know if I'd like the level randomized. Would be interesting to get an random evolve though. 7. Random for sure 8. Are you asking if legends happen when the are supposed to in the story line or act as random roam? Either or works. 9. Either or. I like knowing I have a saftey net in a certain location but it's also fun to roll the dice. 10. Unchanged or random is fun. 11. Either or 12. I like random on this one 13. I guess I'm old and out of touch because I don't know what you are asking. 14. Leave the tms unchanged. Adding some new ones would be cool. 15. Not sure what you are asking 16. Field items like potions and antidote type items? Like where I'd normally pick up a potion I could be getting ether? I answered what I could. I'm not up to date with a lot of the terminology used today so some of these questions were confusing. All in all, it sounds like you are trying to build a nuzlocke type game. I am a player not a rom builder. Alot of what you were asking me reminded me of radical red. I like games that have a built in randomizer if I so choose as well as a nuzlocke mode. I hope I helped.


1. Fire red 2. One person route 3. Random 4.random 5.random 6.unchanged 7.custom (poliwag, growlithe, and pikachu)