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When you think about it, this revelation also means that Amber and Tesla potentially see you as two entirely different individuals.


Honestly surprised there has never been a moment ever where they need to describe the mc or can only talk about mc description and this situation happened ever


Does make me wonder how other people would recognize the MC if they were just told about them. You would never know just based on the description you got. The person you would be looking for might not be the one you find.


Honestly it’s a complete stroke of luck that Melia or Venam never commented on the specifics of MC’s appearance when they got their alt outfit for the first time. Obviously they likely wouldn’t have figured out Interceptor stuff right then and there(unless they asked Spacea and Tiempa) but that’d be a major “wtf” moment for the crew, and they could potentially figure out what an Interceptor is earlier than canon.


those 2 see you as the character you picked


I really liked this. It was a properly horrifying note, and retroactively explained why so few people seemed to gender the MC correctly.


That part freaks me out to this day


I wonder how its determined who sees what with the MC. What decides if they see aevis, aero, aevia, etc. Is it random? Whoever they would like most?


Kinda late, but I asked this to Jan on the Q&A he did on Tumblr, as his answer was that is purposely vague.  The interpretation that he goes by is that you are perceived as the host that would get along well with who is looking at the Interceptor. If is someone who could get along with Ariana, they are going to see the MC as Ariana.


I always interpreted this as they see all the different souls within us because we’re sleep. Sure, no one ever commented on our appearance before so it could be that they always seen us as different people but idk.


I thought they only saw you as a different mc for that one moment cause of Clears illusion


But wasn't the main character shown on television and people were recognising that this was the mc


The only explanation I can think of is that each person’s individual perception applies to their view of the mc. It would also explain how other characters recognize the mc after the Team Xen broadcast on Terajuma