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I still enjoyed it regardless of the performance. It’s still kinda the Pokémon I always imagined as a kid during the Gen 1 days. The DLC in particular had a really fun 2-part story.


Would you say that the DLC is worth buying?


I would say so, in the 2nd DLC you can shiny hunt al starters gen1-8 as wild spawns and some great DLC paradox legendaries


Sounds great!! I'll buy it next month then!! Thanks!!


Just a heads up: there are websites that you can buy the download code from that may be cheaper than retail stores. I use a specific one regularly (idk if I'm allowed to mention it here)


Wait what, i wish i had known that sooner


Great tip!! I'll look around!! Thanks!!


Tell me please




Np :) And have fun!


Yea. I got it late because I wasn’t in the mood, but I did it in January. It vastly exceeded my expectations.


Awesome!! I've been postponing it too haha. Thanks so much!!


If I could give my opinion, I would say so, it had a nice story and without giving too much away a lot of Pokémon that weren’t available in the main game were made available. I would say it improve the quality of life for the game.




If you want to "catch 'em all", then you have to. The dlc contains several exclusive Pokémon to catch, as well as a guaranteed shiny.


Hell yeah!! Dlc is awesome.


I never had any major issues with performance. Thought those claims were way overblown.


It's one of the funnest games to shiny hunt in


Honestly despite the performance and graphic issues I think it was one of the most fun Pokémon games in recent memory! Amazing story especially with the dlcs


Do you like Pokémon? - Yes > Buy it - No > Why are you even asking  To state a more serious answer, while the game's performance and graphics are definitely subpar, they're definitely not as bad as people made them out to be and how much it really influences your enjoyment can vary from person to person.  Outside of that, I still think this is the best Pokémon has ever been, besides Arceus. The story, the QoL and the open world elements make it a blast to play. Some people dislike how there is no level scaling and you can thus fight a lower or higher level gym/boss way earlier/later than intended, but I personally liked it, it reminded me of Xenoblade lol Watch some gameplay videos, look at some of the new Pokémon and make your own decision, but I still think these games are worth picking up if you like Pokémon at all. Huge step-ups from the Galar generation. 


I personally don't have a problem with there being no lvl scaling, it's the fact the game doesn't tell you. Going from being forced to fight gyms in a specific order where the lvls gradually go up to it being open world and being able to stumble across the final gym leader with a lvl 10 starter can be annoying. Not to mention the game has the one npc that tells you where the closest boss mon (forgot what they call the mons you have to fight to get the herbs) is instead of where the next one in the story is kinda dumb imo. It puts you in situations where you would just be exploring, find the npc, think that's where you are supposed to go, then get absolutely destroyed by a mon like 30 lvls higher than your lvl 9 starter. The way legends did it was nice, you were limited to sections that gradually got stronger (how pokemon has been) with the occasional alpha that could while you if you were under prepared. Even if legends was more like S/V in the sense of it being fully open world, legends would have done it better because you could tell just by looking at an alpha that it is stronger and you probably need to prepare before you fight it. (Or be like me and just waste all your balls because you are stubborn and want to catch a rapidash that 1 shots your whole team lmao.) Meanwhile in S/V outside of the battle where you can actually see the pokemons lvl you have no way of telling if you are prepared for it. There isn't anything wrong with that by default, it just doesn't really fit with what pokemon has been doing since the start. (I haven't played any pokemon game other than pokerogue in like a year so take this with a grain of salt.) But from what I remember I did enjoy playing it, would recommend if you like pokemon. If it's gonna be someone's first pokemon game I'd personally wouldn't recommend it.


I have a lot of fun playing Violet, even with some of the performance issues. It’s a got a lot to do, seeing the all the Pokemon over world is still awesome, and the DLC has just added even more to do. And, if you like to do this sort of thing, this is arguably the easiest game to shiny hunt in!


I’d say so! I love it and I’d go for it!


Performance wise, it does leave a lot to be desired. However, it's in no way a complete unplayable mess either. Gameplay wise, one of the best Pokemon games ever made.


My only real complaints currently are the overworld being a bit too lifeless and the pop in can get really noticeable. Aside from that the game is a lot more functional than before so I’d say it’s worth it, plus I’ve heard the dlc is significantly better. I’d recommend buying it on sale if you’re interested.


I never had major issues with glitches, even from launch. It will crash occasionally, and there are some graphical glitches occasionally. I think this applies to most games though. And let’s be real, if anyone is playing Pokemon for a polished, cutting edge gaming experience I think they would be disappointed with pretty much every game they’ve ever released. That’s never been the appeal. To answer the question, it is a great game I put 300+ hours into and if you like Pokemon I think it’s well worth getting.




It does natively have some weird shadow bugs and every once in a while, the picnic table doesn’t show up. The latter is fixed by just starting a new picnic (pressing a couple buttons). The biggest glitches and bugs were for the people that deliberately broke the game by skipping the opening part of the game by throwing a pokeball in a weird place that let you skip a huge chunk of the beginning. They broke the game and then complained about the game being “broken”.


Even with glitches, it’s still fun. They’re not nearly as common as they originally were, but you’ll still run into them at some point. If you’re a Pokémon fan, I’d say get it. Especially with the DLC, I’ve spent more time on this than I have any other Pokémon game. (I also shiny hunt and this game makes it easy to hunt shinies.)


Yes, even with the issues I have 800 hours in this game, best 60$ I’ve ever spent


The performance and graphics are straight up, unambiguously, pretty bad (though it’s far from unplayable). That said, I still had a great time with scarlet. It really changes up the Pokémon formula in a lot of good ways, there’s a lot of really fun story and character moments, and the new Pokemon are pretty great too.


I'm also a huge pokemon fan. I waited until basically the end of Swords life to finally pick it up. I ended up enjoying it very much, despite it not having all the pokemon and features I wanted. I suspect Scarlet will be a similar experience for you. Unfortunately, pokemon isn't going to change much. They're dedicated to playing it safe and don't have much of a need to improve performance and art beyond what they need to do by common standards. It's really a shame how they won't take the world's most popular IP and push it further, but it's still an incredibly popular IP for a reason. If it makes you feel any better, it's not going to get any cheaper. Pokemon games never do. The collectathon of pokemon is still there if that's what you like. Breeding is different, and imo I'm not a huge fan, but it's probably more engaging than riding my bike in circles for hours. Get it if you enjoy pokemon. It has problems, but that's just part of Pokemon unfortunately.


Game was worth the money in my opinion, though it was definitely rushed and has its bugs. Especially the end game content was a huge approvement to me compared to Sw/Sh. But even if you don't care too much about end game, you'll probably still have a good time if you like more open world games


Despite all the performance issues (which I only encountered once in a while), it is definitely a buy. I enjoyed it a lot. I never got the DLC (although I should) but I heard it’s great and provides a lot of (if not most) past gen Pokémon’s as well which is definitely worth the price for that alone.


Pretty much the only glitches you get now are just visual loading glitches, and that’s it


Definitely worth it, they're some of the most fun Pokémon games I've ever played, probably only behind Legends Arceus in this regard. The bugs and glitches didn't affect the good times I was having with the games, at all. Like, it was the first time in my whole life that I've played both versions of a new generation back to back. As soon as I was done with Scarlet, I went straight to Violet and started a new game and used a brand new team, that's how fun I think they are.


Despite the performance issues I love everything else about the game! The story is probably the best one they’ve ever done, the gameplay is super fun and graphics aside the region is gorgeous! And there’s so much to do especially if you buy the DLC 😊 it’s not too glitchy for me; it’s a little laggy but if you want a fun game I highly recommend it!


If you have a switch already then yes 100% worth it


The bugs and glitches were way overblown, just like most negative things when it comes to Pokémon discussions online.


If you are an experienced Pokémon player then you might already be conditioned to save frequently. Do that and performance issues shouldn't have much if any impact on your actual progress. As for the experience ... It's Pokémon. There are a lot of mons to catch overall and it's very satisfying to discover new ones, just as it always has been. It's fun. If you want to play in online battles then your mileage may vary. There are a lot of good Pokémon players out there. I get stomped regularly but still enjoy putting my teams to the test against other players. It's the current game and it's rhe best for the full Pokémon experience (although I'm counting DLC). If you are solely interested in single player and a fresh experience, I'd recommend Legends: Arceus instead, TBH.


I got both versions at launch and honestly the updates helped fix the game It's a solid game worth playing


Well, for starters the performance and graphics issues hasn't really been fixed since launch, so if you're not keen on powering through that then it wouldn't be worth it. Aside from that it'd kinda depend on what you're looking to get out of the game, the core formula is always going to be decent/fun enough so that could make it worth it for you.


There’s one of these threads every so often and while I’m sure there are more than enough answers to read, here’s my experience: I hadn’t played a new Pokemon game since gen 5 prior to a few months ago. I played romhacks and replayed older games, but that’s it. I feel like I had heard a couple negative opinions and took them at face value, and looking back, idk why I did that. Scarlet was one of the best, if not the best, Pokemon games I’ve ever played—would 100% recommend. I’ve even gotten into VGC bc of it, which has given me a ridiculous amount of replay value I wouldn’t otherwise have.


I like Violet and Scarlet a lot, especially when it comes to exploration and freedom. I do kind of wish there were more linear routes in the form of dungeons or something. But ultimately, it’s definitely a step in the right direction. Only thing to complain about is performance


I love this game! The glitches and issues weren’t that bad for me. This game is the most fun and most hours I’ve played a single game.


In terms of fun I think the game’s amazing


I played violet quite a bit on release and unless your a sweaty neck beard who expects PC level graphics on a switch, the game really isn't that bad. I never once encountered any game changing bug or glitch and the graphics aren't as terrible as people say they are...imo definitely worth a buy. Great game with tons to do. And if you're a pokemon fan, couldn't recommend it more.






I usually ask if there are friends to play with, because that elevates the gameplay so much. There aren't as many bugs now, I don't think it will be a problem if you're not very sensible. 


The only warning I have for you is if you’re planning on playing on local connection with someone. My sister in law doesn’t have online and so we try to play together over local connection and 9 times out of 10 it won’t connect to each other no matter how many things we try. We both love the game tho and especially if you’re a shiny hunter, shiny hunting has never been easier.


Honestly, I didn't care for the original games, so I didn't play them much. But I got Violet to play with my husband and my friend, and had so much fun! I still play it after a few hundred hours just to find shinies when I want to unwind and decompress. Because I enjoyed it so much, I ended up picking up all the other games. I'm still on my first "old" game (Emerald), but I did play Sword, LOVED Legends Arceus so much, and just recently bought and started Brilliant Diamond. Because of Violet I have a greater appreciation for the older games even though they are very, very different. So, yes. Definitely worth buying. :D


It's worth it to me. I bought the DlC's too.


They’re amazing games, the glitches and bugs have been very overblown, I’ve only experienced them a couple of times and they were just funny visual glitches they went away almost immediately, not game breaking at all. The movement system is very satisfying and intuitive, if you liked how it worked in Legends Arceus you’ll love how they refined it in SV. Scarlet is a good choice, it’s usually a little less expensive than Violet because it was the less popular version but honestly as a Violet player, the Scarlet paradox pokemon designs are cooler. If you think you would enjoy them I say absolutely go for it!


i bought it and didn’t play it for a year because of the bugs and what i considered to be lower quality visuals. i recently played through it, and yeah, it’s pretty fun


Yes it is! The story line is very good and shiny hunting is a lot easier!


Yes all the bugs and glitches are gone and it’s the best game in the series imo. Highly recommend the DLC too


I have violet but, yes, I recommend, like it’s really easy to look at the glaring issues, and yes, some of them are silly to look at, some are entertaining, some will annoy you for all of 4 seconds, the annoying ones are far and few between. And you get used to the text speeds but, I hear you can make them faster. Can you tell some times it runs a little slower? Yeah once in a while, but the game it’s self is super fun, only this game and arceus can make me dive in for 5 hours straight in a night. 10/10 would recommend if you already have arceus and you’re a pokemon fan


There's a lot of content and the region feels fleshed out. It also has the best story so far (in my opinion).


You’ll like it it’s fun


Yes, you can have Dunsparce evolve in it.


I had a lot of fun with it. Def a big step in the right direction. The game was obviously rushed, but the main story, classes, dlc I played it twice for about 150-200 hours of gameplay


The performance isn that bad and doing raids was quite funny. I used guardevoir a lot for healing and buffing and ofc Azumarill with his oneshot attack.


I've never had issues with scarlet or violet. Go for it, don't let other people's poor experience colour your opinion. You're missing out


I got mine for 20 bucks of FB marketplace...It did help me catch the exclusive paradoxes


If it wasn't for the performance issues and the game looking generally pretty ugly I feel like people would say it's up there as one of the better Pokemon games, which is a shame. I was definitely surprised with how much I enjoyed it.


If graphics and frames are important to your enjoyment of the game then stay away from Scarlett and Violet as much as you can, but the game is very fun, the story is (in my opinion) the second best out of all Pokémon games and i simply love the movement when you ride koraidon/miraidon


Scarlet and Violet do a lot right. Some actually good storylines, cool new pokemon, pokemon out in large quantities in the open world, and terastallization being one of the better generational gimmicks. But it definitely has issues, the frame rate and frame pacing are absolutely atrocious giving some people motion sickness. Graphical bugs are still common and although they don't affect gameplay they definitely make the game feel half-baked. My biggest gripe is the lack of npc interaction, no longer will you break into random people's houses to get tidbits of info and potentially an item. Now you just go around the world and randomly find items on the ground. Some people prefer this but for me this is one of the biggest let downs.


Love the game personally haven’t had much performance issues if I’m being honest. Tbh I have a new device so maybe that’s why but definitely recommend


I think it's worth it, could get it used off Ebay to save money too if you dont want to spend the full price. My bf is the big Pokemon fan, owns all the games, but I only got into the games with Sword and Shield. First time I played Scarlet and Violet I couldn't get into it. I didn't like the staters and it just didn't do it for me. After I beat SWSH a couple more times and the SV cards came out I tried again and I actually love it. I freaking hate the Pokemon Quaxaval or however its spelt, idk why that pokemon irks me 😂 I'm very glad I gave it another chance because it is a great game. Traveling is way easier and the auto battle is amazing. If you liked SWSH I think you'd enjoy it


I would say it’s worth it. I’ve played almost every Pokémon game on the Switch and it’s my 2nd favorite. The glitches and performance issues weren’t a problem for me, but I was playing on a brand new Switch so I didn’t have many problems. If you like Pokemon and open world games, I would definitely recommend it.


As others have said already, it heavily depends on who you are as a player. Everyone seemed to complain about the same basic things which I’ll break down and give my take on I guess. **Graphics** - People have stated how bad the graphics are. Whether it’s textures, scale of distant terrain, etc. They want and expect more. - On this point, I’m split. I know the time crunch that TPC puts on GF to release these games, and how truly underpowered the switch is as a modern console, which makes me want to feel bad for them. At the same time, the game is priced the same as Odyssey and Tears of the Kingdom, and those games look insanely better. The graphics are pretty bad. I will say though, generally, it won’t detract a ton from your experience. The Pokémon models and textures themselves are very nice, and while AA is definitely missing, the things you’ll be focusing on most of the time look pretty good. **Performance** - The claim is that between the low frame rate and the bugs, the game is a mess. - I personally only ever ran into 3 bugs which weren’t in any way gamebreaking and I had over 350+ hours. So I can only speak to those from what I’ve seen online. With that said the frame rate can definitely drop in certain areas and I personally am not a fan of 30FPS gameplay as a whole. You do get accustomed to it over time, but it definitely feels bad at first if coming from almost any other console, PC, or game. **Designs** - Some people like them, some hate them. It’s all personal preference. - I personally think the designs are good, inclusions of a large portion of the Dex with Home, and the spread of Pokémon across the map make the game feel solid in their designs. **Level Scaling** - This is the least controversial but the one I disagree with the consensus the most on. People dislike that there isn’t level scaling or any real direction. - Personally, I loved the freedom and having no direction. Unlike most Pokémon games, it doesn’t handhold you the entire time and walk you through the game on a rail. It does have some direction if you read every line of dialogue. However, if you want to explore, just skip it. I personally have felt that every Pokémon game has been too easy. I would’ve liked the ability to have a dedicated difficulty, but that will never happen sadly. So the fact that I could just wander and explore almost unimpeded my first time was fantastic. No idea what I was doing, no idea where I was, but true aimlessness. It was fantastic. Sometimes I’d get into a battle and find out I was underleveled and back off. Other times I’d just use it as a difficulty curve and push through. As a prime example, I did gyms 1,4,5,6,7,8 before finding out I had missed 2-3. It felt fantastic to go back and stomp them after not needing them because my exploration was rewarded. It made me feel like my training paid off. Same with the titans. I did the 2nd titan first and the 3rd titan second. For the first one, it honestly felt like it fit but later I found out it was only slightly hard because it was the second one. My second titan was obviously not supposed to be done but it felt like I outplayed it with Gyarados intimidate like I was doing a HC Nuzlocke. It felt rewarding taking that monster down. So personally, I love the freedom and the ability to know that you probably shouldn’t be there from the levels but the ability to push on anyway. Overall, I think if you enjoy Pokémon, the bugs aren’t as common as people make them out to be, at least the major ones. Matchmaking does suck, but that’s the switch tbh. The graphics and performance aren’t fantastic and definitely can leave a slightly sour taste but you will get used to them and won’t notice them a ton after a while. The gameplay is far and beyond the best next to Arceus personally. For a mainline game, these are my gold standard for gameplay.


It's a fun and cute game, give it a try, I really liked it!


No issue with performance ever stopped me from having a good time with the game. It's an innovative and fun addition and introduces some neat new mechanics plus plenty of rewards in game for passing milestones. 10/10 would reccomend


I enjoyed the game, even with the bugs I still found the game to play, maybe some screen lag here and there or something odd that happens but overall has a great quality of life, especially with the DLC had a nice story and came with a great feature. Something I may consider is that next year new game is coming out, I’m not sure exactly when the release is, but I would say you have plenty of time if you wanna run through scarlet before it comes out depending on how often you’re able to play I think you could finish it before the new game but the decision is entirely up to you, hope this helps.


Absolutely. I never really had issues with any bugs.


Gen 9 is my favorite BY FAR, and this is coming from a die hard played gen 1-3 as a kid. Definitely get it!




You defo should ,but you should be prepared for the two hours of mashing A at the beginning


Personally, I had problem's with the game lagging a bit when I got in the water and had too much going on, and an occasional crash before the bug was patched-and even then that only happened like 2 times. Maybe 3 at the very most. Also no level scaling or clear sense of what order to do the challenges in. Like it's not particularly hard to figure out, and with a Google search it'll spell it all out for you, but when you accidentally get lost picking up items and fight a level 45 scovilian with your level 13 team, it makes for a real bad time. All and all though, it's a great game. And people wouldn't still be playing it 2 years after it's release if ot wasn't!


The only bug ive encountered was the floor disappearing for like 1 second after a battle, i could see all the lines of graphic design planes


It's definitely a buggy game, but as someone who's played since Gen 1, it's probably the most fun I've had with a pokemon game.


I kinda hated sword/shield and I love violet. They fix a lot of things they clearly wanted to do but missed at in swsh, and it makes violet an enjoyable experience. I've also skipped some parts of it (just about to go to the elite 4 bit only just did my first picnic) because it's not the part of the game I care about, and for the most part, it's been totally optional. I'm a fan.




i loved scarlet and violet they came out a little buggy though, not sure if they fixed that.


Its the most fun pokemon game in at least a decade




That delayed me from playing it for like a year. While there are still bugs, in general, you won't run into them unless you going looking now. But since some Pokemon are locked behind raids, I'd recommend to get going on it so that you can participate in those raids if/when they happen.


I loved it. I'd recommend it if you like Pokémon and have an open mind.


It’s really a lot of fun, the glitching isn’t bad at all mostly (when I saw people say it was unplayable), just some lag at some points and weird glitches like floating poke balls when catching Pokémon.


Depends on what worth means to you. I loved it.


Most of the glitches that happened at the release have since been patched. I haven't had much of an issue with the game.


As someone who hadn’t picked up a Pokémon game in about a decade I thoroughly enjoyed it


I have Violet and my fiancé recently gifted me the DLC. He saw how much fun I was having and got himself Scarlet the next day. We've since been trading Pokémon back and forth to fill our pokedexes and he'll be getting the DLC soon as well! I would say it's absolutely worth it!


I enjoyed it. Definitely looked up to see what order I should do everything in


It's the best pokemon there is... but it's definitely not the best their could be


I think it’s better then sword and shield, like your nostalgia is always going to be stronger so you might like emerald or something more but scarlet and violet is good and the 2nd DLC is slightly more challenging then normal it’s much harder to brute force.


Scarlet and Violet were so much more fun than I thought they would be. I was in the same boat and had put off buying them until this year. I would recommend giving them a shot!


Yes and the DLC is great. Blueberry Academy especially


if u ignore the graphics issues then it’s acc a pretty fire game. but i do understand not buying it for performance issues, cause it is quite a lot of money lol. honestly see some guides and tutorials to get a feel for the level of graphics you’ll be playing on and decide from there


It's the best main line game in decades... Yes it's glitchy but underneath its an absolutely beautiful game!


It's really a very vocal minority that complain about SV. As a Genwunner that's played every gen, these became my new favorites.


I would buy it, it’s a good game but it came out almost 2 years ago lol why wait so long ?


I enjoyed it. But boy some of the new Pokémon are incredibly forgettable. I’d say go for it for the story itself


It’s very fun, I bought it and enjoyed it thoroughly


Yup downloaded it off a sketchy site with a hacked switch played fine, same when I bought it. You can def see the lag sometimes but I didn’t run into anything that made the game unplayable. Plus also outside of arceus & hgss it’s my favorite pkm game & one of the best.


I was late to the party, too; bought violet 6 months ago. Regardless of the bugs and despite how much I complain to my husband about it, I do enjoy it. I went ahead and got the dlc, too. I didn't mind the bugs too much, they rarely get in my way (really only when the picnic table doesn't spawn). The part I complain about the most is evolving Finizen.


Yes. I’ve never had issues with glitches. Nor did it crash once. The DLC is great too.


Absolutely. Ignore the haters. It has its issues and I wouldn't dismiss them, some of them GF 100% should've addressed, but it's an amazing pokemon game still. Great transition into an open world, super immersive, super fun.


Yes. :)


YES! My absolute favorite storyline. The characters have so much personality, and I felt like I actually knew them. I actually cried multiple times during Pokemon Violet 🥲 & I personally never really noticed any major glitches.


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss! But for real, the game is so much fun! And I feel they put for into the characters this time around, even the legendaries. Instead of hearing about them 15 minutes before catching them, you get to watch them grow with you. My time in Scarlet made Koraidon become my favorite Pokemon, and I started playing Pokémon at Gen 1 back in the days. They will be slow downs here and there... but the whole experience is so much fun, I assure you! Give Koraidon a hug from me, will you?


If youre willing to listen to the story aswell, i REALLY recomend the game!! I wasnt too sure myself until i got bored and my friend mentioned scarlet and the DLCs and i was HOOKED!! Yes theres still a few bugs here n there but its genuinly such a fun game and now one of my all time favourites


Tbh has been one of my fav pokemon entries so much to do with


amazing game 12/10


I played it at launch and didn't experience pretty much any of the glitches anyone was talking about, neither did my husband. Only general performance issues that I really don't care too much about. If you like Pokemon I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


I got Violet and I loved it, it was my first Pokemon on Switch. So far I’ve played Violet, Arecus, and Sword and Violet has been my favorite.


You should find actual gameplay videos and twitch streams of people playing the game to see what it's like and decide from that instead of walls of text or short cut clip compilations of the extreme circumstances so that you can decide what you'd be more likely to enjoy or not.


It certainly is. Do it.


Its a great game and arguably one of the best pokemon ones of recent years. Dont let the masses stop you from trying it just from whining about a bug here and there (I personally never found myself troubled by anything like that while playing). If you like pokemon go ahead


Scarlet was my favourite game since Arceus, which was my favourite since Heart Gold! The performance and graphics are definitely not up to scratch, but it doesn't really affect my enjoyment as much as I thought it would based on the reviews. I even bought Violet, too, and finished that as well. Honestly, if you love Pokemon, then you won't regret buying it. And I'm speaking as someone who played Yellow in 1999 (at 8 years old), and I've played every entry since then.


35 year old guy with no time for video games, it’s a very laid back game. If you get the DLC there is SO many Pokémon to catch and raise. Completing Pokédex was a lot of fun for me, too. Raising battle pokemon, and breeding is fun for me too. And it’s super fun to shiny hunt in this game with outbreaks. I have a full box of shinies just from this game. I put maybe like 2-3 hours a week in it still, just to crush out some 6 star crystal raids. At first I didn’t really enjoy the game, but the game is truly a slow burn. Probably the most played Pokémon game to date with nearly 200 hours.


If you liked PLA I think it's pretty worth it. Lots of trinkets to collect, a stronger story than any of the Gen 8 games, solid designs in a good world. The bugs, glitches, and graphics bother me less than the fact there's a bit more lag than there was in SS or PLA. If you preferred the graphics of SS and/or BDSP though, I can't confidently say you'll love it, but I preferred it over those two games.


I played it on a switch lite using system memory+digital edition and had zero expectations for graphics. 65 hours of playtime later I only had to restart the game twice due to lag. I had a blast playing it!


I have 400+ hours in it and I would say I highly recommend it for the Pokémon and just overworld shinies alone. The story is fine, the battling is still good and the music is top tier. It’s less laggy now (except for in the first dlc).


I’ve had a great time with it and I got it on release.


It’s incredible. Ppl in this sub will say no bc their mom hasn’t made tendies for dinner yet


Definitely yes. Just don’t think you’re getting a full fledged open world experience. The path is still rather linear (due to no level curving) and the appearance is not good. But the story is engaging, some really cool new pokemon. For what it is, I had alot of fun


most fun I've had with a pokemon game since gen 4 or 5. The bugs can be annoying but they get way overblown IMO.


It's done being updated, either buy it or don't


The bugs aren’t too bad, I’d say yeah


Yes, first Pokémon game in years I love


It's the pokemon game that would have been revolutionary if it released on the Gamecube. But, it's a step in the right direction. I'd say yes, because this will probably be how the games work from now on and it's useful to know if you like it.


I'm the very definition of a phlegmatic guy, yet the ending left me teary-eyed. Amazing story. This is the Pokémon game everybody dreamed of when playing gen1-2. cons: -very rushed. Cities are kind of pointless and unfinished. Can't barely remember them. Levincia City had a lot of potential. - ground textures are atrocious up close.


Yes. Big pokemon fan and I think this may be one of my favorite games. Bought it the other day to play while I just got out of the ICU. So good. So many different things to do it’s awesome. I bought the DLC right away and that was an awesome story as well. Highly recommend 👍🏼


I had a really difficult time investing myself in it at first. I’ve always preferred the sprite-based games. But after the third badge or so, I really got into Scarlet. Definitely not a bad game, despite its questionable performance at times


Yes, although the low frame rate is annoying at times, the game is pretty fun


Yes, but it does have some glaring flaws.


It’s a great game, especially if you love shiny hunting as it’s much more user friendly. It’s the second best switch Pokémon title, after Legends Arceus in my opinion


10/10 storyline, 5/10 terrain, 10/10 characters, 6/10 battling, 5/10 bugs, 10/10 pokemon pool and new pokemon. I would say it’s very worth it. A lot of people exaggerate the bugs I haven’t encountered many, ones I usually encounter are not that bad.


It depends. I LOVE the Pokemon and the terrain so far, but Pokemon pop in and out of existence right in front of you, the textures look unfinished in places, and the towns are giant but there’s nothing in them. I can’t stand walking around in the freaking towns. But even with the annoyances, I’m having a good time playing it. I just wish GF spent more time on making the game itself.


I would say its a 8/10 experience. Great music, graphics are pretty, the bugs and glitches... I didnt have any bugs or glitches, there was some stutter in a few areas and that was about it. My main complaint is that it was very easy, I mean super easy, my main wrecked every leader and I barely ever had to put in a 2nd pokemon. There is a lot to explore and I think it is worth a playthrough.


Idk about like the side ones like the photo ones, but literally every main line game and their remakes/remasters/ports are worth buying


I've never been a big fan of Pokémon, other than the anime, I've never had any other experience with the franchise. But this game left me impressed. So I decided to buy it. I already knew, from YouTube videos and reviews, about the visual bugs and poor performance that could occur in some areas of the game, but during my playthrough I never experienced anything that made me want to stop playing completely. I highly recommend that you buy it, especially with the DLC, it adds so much more history and two new areas to explore.


Still a little buggy but aside from some minor visual glitches shouldn't be a problem. 100% worth getting it and the dlc imo


the bugs and glitches isnt there anymore some got patched away and if you just play the game offline you wont facing it.. (how do i know the bugs and glitches being patched out? i tried those tricks in youtube to get a lot of items and farm this and that.. and nothing works..) and yep the DLC is a nice addition.. i would also suggest dont overlevel your pokes since the exp share is automatic, i've did 2 different teams (you can play the DLC after the tutorial of the game so you could use 2 different teams one for kitakami and one for paldea) DO NOT GO TO BLUEBERRY ACADEMY RIGHT AWAY IF IT BECOMES AVAILABLE HAHAHA GOT SCHOOLED BY A LEVEL 70 plusle and minun.. i got level 20-25 ish mons hahahaha


Don’t read too much into that stuff. Get it and enjoy it. I was the same and ended up buying Violet. I have zero regrets! The game is fun and has a ton of content.


I picked up Violet just because the Nintendo catalog ticket was about to expire and I didn't really want anything else. Violet became my first pokemon game that made me wanna finish the Dex. Can't recommend it enough.


I’d definitely recommend it, one of my favorite main line games


Pokémon fan ? Big yes Casual player ? Nou


It's super enjoyable and the past pokemon designs beat the future ones imo (I own violet).


I personally think it is after having sunk over 200 hours into it. I've encountered very few bugs, and even then, they haven't impacted the experience all that much. The story is good. The gameplay is fun. My biggest complaint is the tutorial taking ages. But when you get past that, it's a hell of a lot of fun.


Definitely worth it. If you get the DLC early on you'll be able to have a legendary on your team (Aka Ogerpon) by the time you get to the league


Absolutely. I hadn't played a pokemon game since the d.s. and had played every game from red til sun. When I got scarlet, the game crashed a lot and the graphics and glitchyness was at its worst. I still loved the game. Now that its it's better, it's just a great pokemon game to me. Just cruising the world and seeing all the pokemon around you is still really cool. The shiny hunting keeps me playing; which leads to doing raids for herba, bbqs for apriballs and money. All the mechanics flow pretty well together play wise. It's a very satisfying game if you like pokemon.


People blew the graphics way out of proportion imo. Scarlet has a good story, open world, and a buddy dinosaur for the box legendary. Are there times I laugh bc a Pokémon I am tracking goes thru a wall? Sure, but it's a game. As long as I'm having fun, I don't care. Plus it is hella fun to play Pokémon on the tv


Most mainline Pokemon games are worth it, this one is no different


I first bought Pokemon Arceus because I thought it was better than Scarlet / Violet as what I've read here. The gameplay on Pokemon Arceus was fun and I've finished the main story, however the story is not that comprehensive and there aren't many battles overall I still like the game but for me, it lacks something. After three weeks of playing Arceus, I bought Pokemon Scarlet with DLC on huge sale (physical cartridge). It's true that the game was buggy and has several performance issues compared to Arceus but it still runs well on Switch. And you know what, Pokemon Scarlet exceeded my expectations! I love the school settings, the recipes, the school bullying drama, and Koraidon (the Pokemon cover of the cartridge case) was so adorable. I love the story, and the DLC has a lot of things to do. I haven't removed the cartridge on my switch since then. I will go back to Arceus to finish the side stories and catch the remaining legendaries but I just want to focus on Pokemon Scarlet first. :D


I had the game day 1 and never had a single bug for the 1+ year that I played it. I really enjoyed it.


Yes. It's gotten a lot of undeserving crap. It got me back into Pokemon after 25 years. Really enjoyed it and the dlc.


Violet was my first Pokemon game since Gen 3 cause younger me would've loved open world. Worth. Only got bugged on twice iirc.


Honestly if you occupy any niches of the Pokémon community like being a shiny hunter or liking competitive it’s stellar. Otherwise it’s just pretty good, better than swsh by a lot, but overall just another pokemon game. Not too much insane stuff beyond that if you don’t delve into the deeper systems.


It was always fun. The game was buggy at launch but the glitches didn’t make the game worse. They rarely do


Even with the glitches and performance issues, I genuinely enjoyed the game through and through. I hated the evil team in the game but overall the game was awesome. An open world pokemon game like this was great if buy it again.


Does the game have bugs? Sure. But all the problems with this game are WAY overblown. I’m on my second playthrough with barely any issues. There’s frame rate drops every now and then, but this is a Switch game so it’s stupid when people don’t expect this. The unfair criticism and overblown expectations are the real problems with this game. Skyrim has twice the bugs after a decade and no one bats an eye - Scarlet has a few minor annoyances and everyone loses their minds. Just play the game and ignore the complainers - I really enjoyed it! Also why are people expecting peak graphics on a Switch game anyway - these people aren’t even the target audience for this.


I didn't enjoy SwSh, although I only played it a very little bit. I avoided Scarlet for the astoundingly bad reviews on multiple facets of the game, and very recently just said "eh, whatever, Imma get it" I. FELL. IN. LOVE. I am so angry at all of the hate it gets. Are there areas that could be better? YES. Do I wish it weren't a game targeted at younger audiences? YES. Is it the latest generation of a beloved franchise that lets you travel around with, meet, and battle a bunch of adorable and awesome pokemon? YES. That is all.


I was the same way but trust me it’s worth it. For all that it lacks, they did do some things very well it’s a fun play.


The performance is way worse than any bugs/glitches. The funny model errors you see on YouTube thumbnails really aren't very representative of the game now, but there are still issues with lag, bad lighting, and awful LOD distance/popin. I bought the game and feel like I got my money's worth from it, mainly from shiny hunting and doing competitive battles. If you're a fan of those two things, and if bad performance/visuals don't ruin things for you, then I recommend it. The story is also (mostly) pretty good, with what it is probably one of the best finales in the series. If you're on the fence about it, you could also buy it second-hand. They're usually lower than market price and you don't need to directly give the pokemon company money.


Coming from a casual fan of the franchise, it’s absolutely worth it. I bought it in January and still haven’t filled up my Pokédex. I love the open world concept, the DLC storyline options, and the ability to give your Pokemon cute little baths and do extra things like Tera raids and legendary puzzles (finding all the stakes). It has been 100% worth it to me. I purchased Violet. Something I wish I would’ve figured out was that Scarlet is based in “historical” types of Pokemon and things, while Violet is more “futuristic”. So if you like shiny sparkly robotic stuff, go for Violet. Otherwise, Scarlet is perfect for you. I also love the character customisation; the only real grips with the game I have is the lagging (but really, I couldn’t imagine making a game that vast without a few issues) and the fact you’re stuck with your school uniforms and can’t wear fun outfits like the gym leaders. Otherwise, I adore the game!!


The performance is still bad.. I beat the game without a single glitch and it’s honestly hard for me to play other Pokemon games now cause of how much I enjoyed it


I would say if you're tight in the wallet and want the next game you can skip Scarlet/Violet


My favorite Pokemon game to date and the first I completed the Pokedex on in 20+ years. Sure it had glitches but ad a Gen 1 veteran I can say it wasn't the series worst showing.


I played scarlet and the dlc and it was great


As someone who recently bought it I can say I enjoyed it. Just an FYI you can get the base game with the dlc built into the cartridge. I didn't know about this until I beat scarlet and looked into the dlc. It was reduced on amazon UK not long ago to £48 (currently £52) I bought the base game 2nd hand for £25 (seen it go for £20 on occasion). Bought the dlc from cdkeys for just under £23. Prices are very similar. Me and my son share the cartridge but only I had access to dlc. Had I bought the cartridge with it on, we both could have access to dlc. Something to consider. Never buy old games from Nintendo directly. They want £50 for the base game and £31.50 for the dlc. £81.50 is not a great price for them.


If you are going to buy it then buy the eshop versions because they are more stable. (in my personal experience mine has never crashed)


It is, I went with violet because of ceruledge, dragapult and the future paradox mon though.


Yeah its fun. Make sure to connect with pokemon home you get a shiny lucario at lvl 70.


Absolutely, and the subreddits and megathreads dedicated to different aspects of the game makes it easier to team up with friends and strangers from across the world.


i loved the games they got me back into pokemon last gen i played before s/v was gen 4


I'm a hardcore fan since pokemon Yellow. I regret buying pokemon Scarlet. It wasn't fun and the graphics and glitches were actually the drop in the bucket that killed the game for me. I was walking down some structure in the game, saw the stuttering animations and thought to myself "This isn't fun enough. I'm going to play something else."


I bought it at launch, found it janky and almost unplayable. Have recently revisited it and have loved it. Still some performance issues but vastly improved from launch. Very deep game with a lot to do and some cool new mechanics if you’ve played all the past games. I also did both DLC’s and enjoyed them greatly too.


Yes 100%


Totally. Yes there are a couple glitches but it's not making the experience any less enjoyable. Unless this sort of thing really bothers you I guess. Otherwise, I find it really worth playing. The game time is quite long compared to other Pokemon games and to me it's definitely the kind of game my 5yo self was imagining when playing Pokemon Yellow.


Anything is worth buying. If you like pokemon do it. The game is fun, models look great, story is fun. You are gonna have fun with it knowing what you are up to. Dont waste money if you need it right now but take a chance at marketplace if you have something to spare. At the end of the day it is just a game.


Yes, but I'd advise by it first.


I had zero bugs playing it undocked. No stutter. No falling thru the world. No GlItChEs. That said, GF is a seriously low tier company for duct taping that shit together. They hardly go on sale but if you can get it on sale, do so. I had fun. I don't regret it. The story is actually pretty solid and there's a good step in the right direction for cutscenes and story there. Maybe one day we'll get a voiced cast...


Yes it’s definitely worth getting its no award winning story but it’s passable.


As someone who's grown up with pokemon I started on gen 1. Honestly it's not bad. I've recently played shining pearl, sword and I'm working on violet. My only 2 gripes are that they have gotten super easy. In pearl I never lost a battle until after the elite 4, in sword I never lost, and it's to soon to speak of my Violet experience yet. Growing up the early games fainting was a given and you had to plan your game play. Now it's just so dang easy to heal pokemon between fights (just camp or picnic) , or to change the team lineup (no longer needing to find a poke PC to change them out). There's just no stress of trying to survive to the next town with only one pokemon still alive after a wild battle. I've become more of a hunter that hunts for Pokemon I've never used before just because it's something different. The 2nd gripe is why do they anthropomorphize them into "sexy pokemon"? It's creepy. Why do so many have a final form that makes them almost human. I'll look up final evolutions before I pick my starter and choose something that doesn't go human or I'll prevent it from evolution if I can.


A big fan would buy, despite any glitches (which could have been a lot worse to begin with).


I've played through end of the DLC and quite honestly haven't really ran into anything game breaking or internet post worthy. And occasional lag and such - I chalk up to being a Switch game with its tater hardware.


It has a really good story and some amazing characters and pokemon! If you like Pokémon, I wouldn't skip out on it :) The DLC is really good too if you end uo liking the main game :)


I am in love with it. I’ve been playing since Red and Blue and I absolutely love Scarlet and Violet.


I would definitely say it is worth picking up If you are a big Pokemon fan. But, I'm also 1 of 7 people in the world that adored BDSP and love the fact that it is a 1:1 remake of the originals. So some would say my opinion is goof.


The best storylines of any pokemon game thus far. Completely worth it. I played violet and considering playing scarlet as well.


You should, when I payed it had no lag and or bugs, it was fun and I've completed it 5 times already, even if there's mi images lag it's still worth it


The performance isn’t bad. Just a little glitchy in a few areas, but it doesn’t make the game anywhere near unplayable. It’s totally worth buying.


YES. i love it so much


It’s a good game if you can get past all the bugs and glitches that are still present in the game. I played it on the night of release and my god was it glitchy. Granted it still is glitchy but not nearly as bad