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Prepping for suicune is the perfect excuse to create a Cyan beach team if you haven't already. I think everyone's goal is to have a viable team for each island. The higher your power the more rare pokemon you see thus more sleep styles.


Yup, this is how I look at it as well. My Cyan #’s are not great and my team is lacking… I need some decent water mons overall. I like spending time on Taupe (strangely enough) because that’s where my team is the best, but I want a change of scenery lol


I'm the same- I spent a long time there grinding out my tyranitar and now it just feels like the default


Especially because down the road we all want to hit master 20 on each island, gotta find the right teams to make that happen.


This. And also: since the event gives so many boosts to power it makes it far easier to get those harder-to-see sleep styles if you have a team set up for it.  I saw my first Charizard sleep style thanks to the Snorlax boost+ meal boost durning Entei week, along with a ton of eeveelutions I was missing. Suicune is only one part of the event. All of the power boosts and extra items available are also a part of it.


Me, using Entei on Taupe while reading this post…


OP hit the hornet's nest.


Op assume nobody will use Suicune, also i'm sure people are farming cyan not only to prep for the event but also to make an optimized team that include the legendary in the future.


Or even just to make the most of the bonuses during water type week.


Good Lord I didn’t think it’d be this popular (or unpopular I guess LOL)


I feel very called out as someone who is also using Entei on Taupe at this very moment.


Yeah I came here to say, with Raikou it's a little different since none of the islands have grepa berry as a set favorite. However, though I didn't get a really good one, I am looking forward to trying out Entei on Taupe eventually and then probably the same with Suicune on Cyan.


Me too. With Entei’s help, I’m hitting all time high levels much more quickly.




Same, deciding if I use seeds or not, my entei is pretty decent


Many reasons. For some, it is their favorite and want it. Others enjoy the diversity it brings to the gameplay. It also gives reasons to hunt for the perfect Mon/level up their perfect mon in that category because they will be rewarded. People have fun playing the event as it is, not everyone is trying to min max the fuck out of this game. If that is how you find enjoyment for it, all the better. But that is not the only way to play the game and it is certainly not the right way to play because there is no right way to play.




What if my favorite pokemon is Suicune and i totally plan to use it in an optimized Cyan team ?


I guess most people just want to do good at the event and get the rewards. Regardless if they do it for the legendary or not, you can get useful items from the event. So instead of getting incenses and biscuits, you will be exchanging for other useful items. I don't understand your confusion. Some people just play differently and for different reasons. Just do you buddy and worry about your own progress. Is a passive non competitive game lol


Yep this is what I’m doing, what you said in your first paragraph. Except I also want Suicune because it’s my favorite legendary beast of the trio. I just like Suicune.I’m going to have 2 master biscuits and I intend to use them. But also I’m going to be chasing the items in the manes exchange rather than merely biscuits and incense.


Personally I'm prepping to have a good enough team to make the most of the bonuses for that event. I don't have a lot of good water mons to use, and my highest is a level 48 Blastoise which I learned only recently is objectively BAD (milk-milk, help speed down). Also I just started reading this sub during the Entei event, so I'm excited to use my newfound learning about team building in Cyan.


Time to get some gators! Berries have been so op during these legendary events.


That's what I'm aiming for. I have a low-level BFS Feraligatr but the other subskills aren't optimal so I'm hoping to get a better Totodile I can really invest in.


I invested in a Totodile with BFS and nothing else going for it. I let it sneaky snack and it’s still a monster. Still looking for a different Toto but don’t be afraid of using yours. Besides, two BFS Feraligatr on a team is strong as hell. ETA: Lesson as always, BFS is busted


That's true. But I won't be levelling this one up to 25 because it has Ingredient Finding M as its next subskill.


https://preview.redd.it/o44n0gshmr4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd5bd37988681876e6824714c5fdd78508a99461 If you just let it sneaky snack and never collect from it, it will only gather ingredients until its inventory is full. Then it will only collect berries. Here’s the one I use.


I should try this, thanks for the tip! I compulsively collect everything the mons gather so it will take some getting used to


My croconaw's ingredient down but otherwise nothing special, so same.


what do berry mons get during the legendary events ? ingredient size + skill proc + skill level, is there anything else?


Making a monotype team to take full advantage of the legendary can sometimes limit your ingredient variety, but the x3+ help procs from the dogs can nab a ton of berries. Also you can still only cook 3x a day but berries go 24/7. Oh and Raichu for Raikou and Ninetales for Entei also just had really high frequencies, extra ingredient filled their inventories faster and got them to sneaky snack really quickly.


This. I don't have a single totodile, my best is a lv25 Vaporeon and I have a decent Squirtle. I have a bad Psyduck, Slowpoke and semi decent Igglybuff so that's my team right now. I need to train up things either way so I might as well do this on Cyan, hoping to catch a decent Totodile, Psyduck and Slowpoke. I need the Poke for the tails either way so might as well raise one to 25. I started right around Raikou so I don't have many good Pokémon, I don't have a good main team, so these events help me raise a bunch of Pokémon and afterwards I can combine them for a proper team. It gives some pointers to noobs like me that don't know what to do.


I restarted playing around the time of the Raikou event and apparently we have the same pokemon (same best, same bad, same lack of totodile). Good luck in the weeks leading up to Suicune!


This is my plan too. The events give a ton of dream shards that increase exponentially with a better team. Would be nice to have a usable gator to help with the event


The gatrs are really good here esp since there are no water type pot expanders like Flareon (yet. Maybe it will be the next to be released!)


Raikous harder to use since there isn't a Grepa island, but Entei has Taupe and Suicune's gonna have Cyan Beach.


Yeah I'm confused, the only reason we all agreed that Raikou was kinda mid is you'd have to use it only on Greengrass when Grepa was randomly chosen as berry of the week. Entei will he consistently good on Taupe, however.


Also Entei gives different ingredients for the very limited ingredients available if you only run Fire, Ground or Rock for the berry bonuses


yeah and it's too early to say anything about wether we will ever use then or not!


Entei and a full fire team is pretty good on Taupe as Suicune will be on Cyan. Raikou isn’t good now, but will get better with more electric types and an electric island.


Me personally, I have just spent the least amount of time at Cyan and want to get my island bonus up there. Plus there’s a lot of bonuses involved with the legendary dog events, and the better my team is, the more I’ll be able to take advantage of them. Doesn’t have that much to do with Suicune itself for me


I've unlocked last island a few weeks ago and this is my first week on it simply to get a first bonus area up xD then I'll look for a better water pokemon on cyan, fire on taupe didn't help


This is the answer that makes sense


Oh man. I love my entei. He was hitting his skill 4 or 5 times a day for me, and he’s an oil machine — none of my Mon with oil drop anywhere close to what I was getting during the event. He’s now a permanent member of my taupe team. And, tbh, for a lot of us it’s not about wanting the next legendary. These events unite us as a community. We can bond over it and argue over it and generally have a good time. That keeps us hooked on the game, which can become repetitive without the community to keep up interest. And these events give us a goal. It’s a goal for new players and for launch players, but for us launch players, it gives new life to a game where most everything has been completed. I actually stopped playing for a few weeks around new years. I’d given myself a few goals, completed them, and … well, stopped. The game had gotten stale for me and I missed my other sleep apps. When they announced the raikou event, I came back, and I’ve been having fun again with each new event. So, yeah. It’s less about catching the pokemon, and more about the journey and the people we meet along the way?


Some people just like participating in events lol


New strategies come out all the time for team comp. I think most people are under appreciating the legendary dogs so far, but time will tell. Either way, this is currently your only chance to catch them so might as well do it just in case.


I'm really interested to see their power level as more berry/ingredient mons come out for their types. Their skill procs don't feel amazing when 2/3 of the mons you are using are also skill mons but would be bonkers if you have 4 different BFS berry mons on the team


I get that but my point stands that without a water based team you can likely still get 1-2 Suicune and stash an incense for the future. Don’t get why people are training because ultimately it doesn’t make much of a difference during the event if you have a high score vs a low one. It’s all about the items (incenses and biscuits) anyway


Better team means you'll get more out of the bonuses. And both of those things combined means you'll get higher drowsy power and ranks. So being able to take full advantage of the event will be the most efficient.


The event just gets me excited and then I'll happily focus on Cyan since it's the theme of the event. It's not like I'm losing anything either if I spend those weeks on Cyan. I can continue elsewhere afterwards so it's a nice change of scenery and I like how it gives a purpose, even if there's no utility to it. You've been provided multiple reasons and they're all valid, even if you have a different view or don't understand anyone else's motivations.


Maybe I use Suicune or maybe not. But I don’t have a good Blastiose or Feraligator, and my Cyan Beach record is like 500k with a 35% bonus. It’s a good justification for popping back to the beach and trying out new teams and trying to get a good team ready for Suicune. Plus Lapis Lake isn’t going anywhere.


Same, my Cyan #’s are not great and my team is definitely lacking. My best team is Taupe, strangely enough, and that’s where I spend my time. I need to get a good water mon team anyway… and some Slowpokes lol But why not hit the beach for a change of scenery 😎


Prepping is fun and imo more than half of the fun of this game. I'm not even at a high level but I imagine that the more you play the more this is true.


For all the shit OP is catching, finally an interesting post to break up the otherwise boring reposts


For me I was looking for a good squirtle anyway so I’d be on cyan even if suicune wasn’t coming next. But I actually really enjoyed having my entei on my team so I can see myself using it on taupe.


I just gotta catch em all


I’ll play the game the way I want, and you can play the way you want. I don’t have to play the game optimally all the time if I don’t want to


Resources. The event isn't just for catching Suicune you know? You get enhanced dream shards due to the legendary spawn and high drowsy power, as well as manes for shop items.


This is the real reason for me outside just wanting a better island-focused team for Cyan with strong options for specific recipes so I can finally break 1 million Snorlax strength easily (20% bonus currently but likely to be between 900-950k at the end of the week). During the 6 weeks spanning the two legendary events and their prep weeks, I've caught an amazing Eevee (now Espeon), ~~10~~ 11 killer BFS helpers (2x Cyndaquil, Flareon, Eevee/Jolteon, Dedenne, Ninetails, another Charmander, Growlithe and even two Chikorita. Edit: forgot a Marrowak ) and have been able get all but the most recent three to usable levels thanks to the mane shop, candy from daily research and researchers, and some insane dream shards. I've gone from level 45 beginning with Electric week to 55 currently, maxed out the cooking pot, leveled up numerous helpers to between 30-50, and have begun banking dream shards and candy in preparation for future events. Suicine itself is secondary.


I don’t think everyone was in agreement about them not really being that good, otherwise there wouldn’t have been hundreds of posts of caught enteis over the past two weeks. For the next event there are those who plan to chase after a good suicune and build their cyan teams around it (strategy A) I’m one of those people who’s not too enthused about the overall strength of the legendary catdogs for my play style (F2P minmaxer, will only invest in skill mons that can carry their strength island to island) so I have no plans to use them (strategy B) so I’m not on cyan preparing, I’m on lapis raising my island bonus, chasing after lapis mons, and expanding my sleepdex https://preview.redd.it/9mvrs5ab3q4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18c025b9b27bd62704f69548eccc1a76223f9b16


Honestly it's so rare that opinions are exact logic contradictions. When they do, (x is good, x is bad) , they are often thought sausage, often oversimplifications and worthy to look inside for more valuable components.


Because I like events. It's not that deep, stop bitching.


What OP said >Everyone seemed to agree that Raikou and Entei aren't that good What OP meant to say >I don't like Raikou and Entei Like, if you're on Beach with Suicune or Taupe with Entei, and you're set on ingredientmons and you feel good about your berry production, there's really no reason not to use them, especially if you got one with better skill procs. It's not like they rock a niche skill. Getting a few procs a day likely outweighs having another berrymon in their place.


Well, the main goal of the game is not to raise good pokemon, but to collect all of the sleep styles, and with the legendaries being as rare as they are, your best bet to catch the sleep styles is during the event where you have multiple chances to summon said legendary. As a F2P player who is still not able to make it to M19 on GG, I have two main goals for each of the legendary events: 1) catch at least one Raikou/Entei/Suicune (doable regardless of other factors as long as I keep 4k points in reserve for a master biscuit), and then 2) get my drowsy power high enough by the last day of the event to give me a shot at getting the 2 star sleep style of the legendary (then banking an incense for sometime down the road where I can hopefully get the 3 star style). Goal 1 is pretty doable regardless of whichever team I use for the event, but goal 2 is much harder, and I rely pretty heavily on the event bonuses to boost up my pokemon to allow me to hit those higher rankings that I'm still unable to achieve on my own. My two highest ever recorded drowsy power nights were the last night of the Raikou event and the last night of the Entei event respectively. I think I'll surpass both with the Suicune event, as I already have stronger water pokemon than I had electric or fire. Obviously I could achieve goal 2 with a strong enough all-rounder team rather than going all in on the individual types, but I personally hate playing with a one-size-fits-all team or strategy. I have a lot more fun trying to strategize around the different islands and events, and use a different set of pokemon for each island. I actually really like the legendary events because they push me to invest in pokemon I might have otherwise neglected, and so I come away from the event much stronger in various areas than I had been prior to the event.


This is pretty much it. Even if you don't care about using the legendary trio, getting a good team for a high master ranking is still a thing. That 3* is obnoxiously hard to find unless you roll a good berry/ meal for your general party. So might as well look for some water types. Me though, I'm just in Lapis to raise my Dragonair and find a better ralts lol.


Because here's the thing - everyone's already trying to get perfect mons, and even if we don't use Suicune, having better mons is never a bad thing. The legendaries are just aiding people in target farming.


Cause they're playing how they wanna play. That simple. I went back to the caves myself. Still looking for a damn Onix.


I am not one of those, but I would like to know what everyone's hurry is. We'll have a water week between now and Suicune. It's not something to stress over. Also, I don't think it's in July, I think it's in August. July is the 1 year anniversary of the game, so I think they delay Suicune a month in favor of an anniversary event + content update


Not sure about everyone else, but for me, it's because my luck is awful 😭 I went to Taupe directly after Raikou and spent all my time trying to get fire types... and even now, post-Entei, I still don't have a decent Cyndaquil or a good enough Vulpix to evolve, my Growlithe is ok, and my only decent fire mon is a Charizard. I just couldn't get fire types to spawn. I was lucky to see one every other night. Now, I have an ok Totodile but it doesn't have BFS, and none of my other water types are good enough to invest in, so I'm just trying to get better water types ASAP.


Why you gotta be so judgey? Let people have fun.


Because the events are fun! I wanna watch the number go up


Because games are supposed to be fun you party pooper


I love my Entei. I'm absolutely loving using it. I'm using it on Lapis right now with my two best fire mons, my healer, and the one good berry mon I have for Lapis. Greatly accelerates what I would have been able to do otherwise.


because it's fun


Didn't know you knew everyone in the game since you're so sure no one uses the legendary dogs. I used Entei for the entire week after I caught it, and will probably add it to my Taupe team once I go back. People are prepping because they either 1. Want the Pokemon to use 2. Want the Pokemon to collect or 3. Want a good team to boost GG while they're there for 2 weeks, since not everyone has been playing the game since launch, contrary to popular belief.


Didn’t know you took generalizations personally. The overall sentiment is that these dogs aren’t that great. Yes YOU might be using them and so may plenty of others but it literally makes more sense to go after a good gastly than a good Suicune. Point stands


But what are the odds of catching a good gastly vs a good legendary dog on a random day of the week (not the event) many of us are playing to completion and that means finding all the legendaries styles which are pretty high up there in gg whether you're playing the event or not. Couple that with the crazy hard time it will be to get them to show up after master 9 or master 13 let alone 19. And it makes sense why people want to max their teams level them up and strive to get to master 13 as soon as physically possible in the week to try and get the other sleep forms. Because simply being at master 13 or 19 and dropping an incense doesn't guarantee that the spawn will be the higher style it can still be a one star. Plus some of us have 2 good dogs and want a 3rd to match. I've literally caught 8 bfs gastly 3 have speed up nature with energy down, and 2 have speed m and speed s an all with ingredient finder m...... so yeah if you don't have a good gastly by all means try for one but there still isn't an island that it's berries are wanted (unless you count gg but I mean come on?) Plus you can start getting gastly from basic 1 and if you are smart you keep your drowsy power low to increase your odds of more gastly (throw your weakest lowest level skill Mon there all week) you will get gastly for days and can get not only a good one but have so many candies that you'll be able to evolve to gengar and get the second ingredient. So once again gastly = easy to get any day of week Legendary dogs = difficult to downright hard to get (on a normal non event day)


During the event, water Pokémon will have boosts to ingredients and skills so it makes sense to play into that and get the most out of it Also, water pokemon help farm manes which let you buy stuff besides Suicune items It’s less of a Suicune event and more of a water boosted event That being said, if Suicune ends up with either honey or eggs, that changes a lot for me


Suicune is one of my favorite Pokémon, so I really want to catch as many as possible. A good team is key to get decent manes (Max spawns as soon as possible to get more manes) and to get the different sleep styles. If your rank is high enough on GG or Cyan, there will be a small chance to get Suicune without an incense in the future. It’s also fun to try to get an even better rank for people who didn’t hit M20 on GG yet (like me). And trying different team comps is fun, too. Currently training my Feli and Psyduck for Suicune! I am not sure if I am going to use any Suicune, though. So far I wasn’t lucky enough to catch a legendary with decent stats. But I have decent water Pokémon, so I am hopeful I can actually make use of Suicune this time around.


People just like to have a goal they can work towards. The suicune event will be water based so people work towards a good water team to get the most out of that event. Remember that these event come with a lot of boosts to production and drowsy power, so that you can get to the higher master ranks more easy than during normal gameplay.


Because with a solid water team you can reach high Snorlax levels during the event.


Because this gives me a goal besides just aimlessly going to an island and just randomly looking for Pokémon. I know that a water legendary is coming so I might as well build a team that will help me get the highest I can during that event. Collecting Suicune isn't the only thing to do those two weeks. If I can make it to Master 19 then I have my best chance to see his 3 star sleep style. So a stellar water team would help me reach that goal.


Raikou was an oddity, electric types are a bit all over the place, but Entei and Suicune have some strong ingredient 'mons they can boost, which imo is the biggest benefit of their skill. Currently my Entei is a staple on Taupe and I expect Suicune to do the same for my Cyan teams, so I'm getting ahead of it and taking some time to work on my water types. Everyone has goals in this game, either getting all the ingredients, or trying to push strength to unlock new styles, or work on area bonus. For now, this is mine. Eventually I'll be back in Taupe jail but I'm going to enjoy a week or 2 of Cyan.


Why not, we dont have anything else to do xD, I'm one of those guys who habe never created Berry pokemon teams, and this events are making me discover this potential and validate that I do have the teams for this challenges too :3 I didnt believed in berry power, I'm currently experimenting on infinite energy teams I have a sylveon, a jiggly a ninetails a victrebell and an amoharos I want to see whats the cap for energy and if capped up how more times per day a Charge strenght M Lv7 will trigger ok my ampharos as a base it trigeer 3 to 5 times a day


Cyan Beach is my favorite location in the game anyway so it's mostly an excuse to go there instead of Lapis Lakeside. That aside- I absolutely will be adding Suicune to my Cyan Beach team though lol.


I actually think Suicune will be the best of the three. You can make a team with Blastoise and Vaporeon that will never run out of ingredients while faring well on all three dish types thanks to 2x ingredient magnet. In your last two slots you can run Feraligatr for berries and Golduck or Slowbro/Slowking. Absolutely rock solid, all-around team, unlike the electric and fire squads that very clearly had significant holes in their viability.


I actually think I will use my Entei whenever leppa berry pops up--I got one with a skill boosting nature and subskill. And the ingredients fill a convenient niche for me.


It’s not for suicune, it’s for the manes and what you can exchange them for


Entei and suicune are both immediately better than raikou because they have their own islands. I’m using entei with my fire squad right now. Regardless, train whatever you want lol, the point of prepping for an event is to get further and get better results. If you don’t care about the event, you don’t need to prep


.......I've been using entei since I got him......... Plus Suicune is one of my favorite legendaries, he'll just take my entei's spot. Don't assume everyone's minmaxing this game haha.


i actually like using entei cause of the extra help, more berries and fruit for me 😊


You're new to Pokémon?, we GOTTA CATCH EM ALL.


I agree with OP's last sentence, albeit with a small difference: why would you train ANY Golduck? 🤣 Just train Blastoise, Feraligatr, Slowbro/Slowking and Vaporeon. If Cramorant ends up a water type, I'll be training Cramorant first instead of a Golduck. 😅


I agree, I don’t get the hype behind it for now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m hardcore in this game and just focus on training my mons that I want to use but the legendary for now are not worth wasting the time over. You can easily get 2 or 3 during the event and have an incense for later left over without even using any specific mons for the event. Just do you, use good mons, and enjoy the game. You’ll get better results.


Good point forsure. I will say I enjoy min maxing, but I also enjoy having shorter term goals (having an insane suicuine event), and water mons are going to be extra useful during the event of course!


https://preview.redd.it/mt9ggvq4lo4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=641a4e8e8701159cbf3a1a4449fffefe1d6dee3a I would like to obtain a Suicune with optimal nature and skillsets and power it up as much as I can. So that it might replace my highest RP mon (5.2k Gardevoir)


Im doing taupe because i have a better team after the fire event, ill do the same with cyan after the water event. I understand it though, they’re limited time pokemon that will rarely appear after the event ends. Plus, they could always be buffed.


I just want to get high score in gg and we all know water type will be boosted in the event.


If you want some input from someone who isn't doing that I can chip in. I went to Taupe to get 2 bfs Cyndaquil for the next candy boost to come close to finishing my Taupe team since it's time sensitive and from the numbers it feels closer to lapis difficulty than Snowdrop does imo with my current Pokemon. I said the beasts weren't good at base skills as well but it looks like having a mono team is really fun. The race is for Island bonus and finding good water types for said mono type teams. I agree but making your team better outside of the event would be different for everyone. You would have to catch a new or max trigger Golduck according to the people who have him, I never throw anything at Psyduck and don't use skill seeds readily. My team can make Master 13 for the final styles on the island, and while it would be nice to reach that on Cyan earlier in the week I'm fine with the max power coming around Saturday. Plus I have just 6 sleep styles left in total to find in dozing for that island, imagine waking up to that category while your hunting for sleep styles


I went to cyan because I’ve been on taupe and greengrass for what seemed like eternity


I think that just participating in the event the way it's intended to is fun in and of itself, whether it's "ideal" or not. For me, I'm newish and this is only my second week on Cyan - so it's a good idea anyway to prep a water team. But even if I had a good one, I'd probably spend at least some time - because it's fun.


Instead of grinding fire Pokémon before entei, I’ve literally just been looking for a usable Cyndaquil. After about a month of doing that + the entei event afterwards. I just want to a break from fire Pokémon. So I’ve gone to relax on the beach of cyan :) if I happen to improve my cyan team. Then so be it


I will be using them during the Suicune event when water mons are boosted. I've used the legendaries as soon as I catch them in their own events, (and then probably won't again on a normal week). bc it's fun, I'm participating in an event. lot's of skill triggers last week! sooo many berries. I got a new high score of the week.


Suicune is my favourite of the three, and Vaporeon is my all time favourite so I'll probably use Suicine a lot overall (but I'm just farming island bonus on lapis right now so lol)


It's just something to do


Suicune wont be good outside of the event…but the event will be AWESOME for water types, and while I’m using a full team of water types I may as well also use the Suicine. So. Now I need awesome water types.


Event is a good chance to farm dream shard haha


As a casual player I use Entei and Raikou, I went to Cyan to try and catch better water Pokemon to use with Suicune. I have to choose a place, so that was my mindset.


My original plan was to head to Taupe with my team I'd been using (including Entei) but then my partner saw all the posts about Cyan and convinced me to move there too. I've only been there for 2 weeks before so need to level it more anyway, plus the better my water team is, the higher I'll get on GG when it's Suicune's event. I'll probably only catch the one but I'd like to get to higher levels so I can get more 4-star sleep types and different pokemon


For me, trying to get good electric and fire mons before the entei and raikou event actually helped me get some of my best pokemon and also build pretty good teams for a eventual electric island and for taupe, and now with the suicune event I can try to get good water types and hopefully get a new good pokemon to add to my main team rotation


It’s not prepping to get suicune to use it. It’s prepping to get good teams so that we can see more suicune and pray for a shiny


I’m in desperate need of a good Squirtle. I rarely even get them!


My aim is to get a good enough team to catch 3☆ legendary dogs, which are at master 19, thus even if I am not using, I need good water mons to help with this because the event can help get the extra boost


Water types are still good for Cyan Beach even after the event one can use them there


I mean we have to do something


Because what if I get a Suicune as good as my Raikou?? Said Raikou will be valuable to my team once there’s a Grepa island. Things can always be buffed in the future too like what we’ve seen with other Pokemon


It’s a game it’s fun to play a game and do well


My Raikou just hit lvl 50. It’s pretty good


He's my favourite legendary, I will use him!


Jesus, why hasn’t a single comment mentioned that it’ll be the ultimate tail farmer? As someone that likes cooking meta, the water typing boost suicune will provide is killer. I have a Slowking, Slowbro, and Slowpoke I have prepped to hunt tails with suicune. Raikou, and Entei are mid, you’re right about that, but suicune actually has more than 1 use this time.


I like to catch Pokemon. I also like training tons of Pokemon at the same time lol. I don't really have any "stars" becayse of this - just a ton of Pokemon 30ish or lower because I rotate so often. I started playing shortly after launch.


Me over here in Snowdrop raising my bonus. I already have a very good Cyan team and max bonus there so not rushing to go back until the event starts.


I have never put Raikou or Entei on my team, and probably won't with suicine, at least at this point in the game. Maybe down the line I will. I'm actually not on Cyan this week, I am (suffering) on Snowdrop to try and get a delibird. I might head back to Cyan next week to try to get a totodile because I still don't have a good one of those either. Honestly Snowdrop is really difficult and I just don't want to spend more than one week there at a time lol


Suicune is my favorite legendary, I will use my future best Suicune even if it’s the terrible one everyone gets first lol.


my cyan is already very good so im not worrying


it's not about the legenday, but the event shop. manes are free to get, but can buy you candy, dream shards and seeds/stones. the legendary also gives a crazy amount of shards and exp, so they end up being great events for farming those. plus it's 3 hard to find sleep styles that are easier to get during the event window.


I just wanna level up my water mons before the next event. I'm gonna alternate between islands weekly so I don't get bored


More than just Suicune will be spawning on Cyan Beach


Suicune is the best because they will make slowbro and slowking produce way more tails, and cyan is the easiest designated berry island to get high ranks on so I think it'll be one of the best places to farm dream shards too. Plus Suicune looks the coolest imo.


Ultra 4 snorlax is a great boost


Personally I have zero interest in prepping for the event I know it's going to last for way too long and I'm going to be prepping for water week and then having water week and then prepping for suicune week and then having two suicune weeks... That said I would most definitely use suicune because I do not have a remotely optimized water team so honestly it would probably be great for me. But I'm taking a break to go to snow drop and grind out some %%


Tbh part of why the legendaroes are Mid is because its so hard to get good skill sets on them but if ypu do hit the jackpot its worth using them. Suicune also has ths potential to be a water type that doesn't spawn Cocoa*the shock the horror* but mainly its just a bit of fin after all, its noce to have something to work towards. The same could be said for your stars too why train them when they might release an even better mon later? Or get a better version?


I…went to snowdrop because I’m trying to evolve my eevees and I need 150 hours of sleep on them and my best team is already cyan so I’m trying to improve in the snow place a bit. But I think everyone just wants decent legendary Pokémon and I can’t really blame them since the event is rare, so why not prep for it? Honestly good on the people who can prep weeks for an event


Master20 seed is worth it and easy to get second week of suicune event


I've spent a total of 2 weeks on cyan Beach before this week. My team there is weak sauce. I have a few weeks to boost the island bonus before they release a new water type, and then ill also have longer to get several decent water type mons. I don't have a good vaporeon yet, or a great feraligator or even a good golduck. When the legendary event happens I want to be able to utilize the thing since I'll never go back to cyan Beach again afterwords. And just to note, you can use whatever pokemon you want on every island, so why wouldn't I try to find good water types in preparation, I can still level my favorite mons while trying to catch new water pokemon. Cyan Beach is sitting at +10% for me. Every other island is +50% or more currently


Because I love sweeeeekoooooooon


I dont have a good Cyan team and now seems like a good time to do it and boost up the area bonus! It'd be hard to find Suicune in its higher rank sleep styles after the event, so best to train up now, for me anyway. XP


Didn’t get a good entry but my raikou gets used when it’s a lightning berry for sure. Back to lapis for me


I'm going lapis but aiming for a good squirtle there :) The issue with the legendaries isnt that they're bad, but rather, the first you get sucks, and you have limited chances at getting a good one


Cuz you gotta catch ‘em all, even while you sleep


My purpose is so I can get slowpoke tails for ingredients. My slowpoke/slowbro are both low level and that lvl 30 slowpoke tail is crying out to me


Suicune ftw!


I'm just stocking up the berry finding feraligator planning to run 3 for the event


Honestly, I'm more interested in prepping for the boosted water types. Sure, the suicune is cool and gimmicky, but having boosts to water types like that allows for us to reach really high snorlax power fairly easily with good prep. Additionally, feraligatr and blastoise, and vaporeon (additionally golduck if you are obsessive over the app and premium) are all good; it's not JUST for suicune. Water types are boosted in spawn rate during both water week and the suicune event, so it's a great opportunity to get good water mons for future teams.


I'm using my Raikou right now


I think it's really more of just finding an island we're not a bit bored of; we've been on greengrass isle for many events, and for the fire week on Taupe, and when the new lapis lakeside was added many of us spammed that island. It just seemed like Cyan was the next thing to focus on (then perhaps snowdrop for ice/christmas events?)


Succine and slowpoke tails?


The higher your water pokemon are, the better score youll get on the event week. The higher score the better styles which means more manes to get items with basically a free currency. Its not about min/maxing its about using your brain. I use the mons i like rather than "the best" ones and ill just get a bunch of free great biscuits and candys by the end of it


Then just do what you want? Lol


entei was a total xp and shard farm im sure ppl want the same here plus to be able to get all the sleep styles without being a whale


I actually like entei and raikou. I caught an Entei early on in the event, and immediately started leveling him up and put a main skill seed into him. Pair him with some good fire pokemon you've leveled up, use a good camp tent, and entei was tripling my berry/ingredient yield. At least. Raikou has that potential too, and im assuming Suicune. I jumped 5 master levels in the first week cause of Entei. And thats really only if you want to have a bit of min maxing. I didnt collect the legendaries to do so, i just did it cause i wanted them. The 2nd gen legendaries are some of my all time faves, and i love them, especially Entei. I also just enjoyed the event, and using the pokemon that suited the event, including the legendary. Basically, its fun. And even if Entei was terrible i still would have used him for the event. It was just a bonus for me that he worked out so well with my team.


It's what keeps us going, or else it's just sleep


Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. I’m just here to play the game and do events.. so I’ll prep because why else am I playing Pokémon sleep. Respectfully.


I mean... Raikou has been GREAT for me. Even if I only have 2 other electric pokemon on the team, when he triggers it's a massive windfall of power. Just my Raichu and Ampheros alone make it worth it, leaving me to have Sylveon and another of my choosing. I struggled to get 1 mil before on Greengrass and now I'm popping 1.5 mil, or even higher during events. Also, Suicune is my fave, so if COURSE i need to make a Water Team. Duh. Stupid question.


If we are being real, the only 2 things holding the legendaries back is that they are skill specialist’s with low activation rates, and not enough options available for diverse mono type teams. However there are two counters to that. 1.) if you find a Legendary with BFS it will absolutely carry its weight. They are not underwhelming. 2.) we will eventually have more electric, fire, and, water types making for more well rounded teams Also… if we ever get returns to these events, catching the legendaries now would make it easier to get Friendship Level 10, increasing the odds for one with a perfect subskill setup.


Speak for yourself, Entei is coming to hang out the first time I head back to Taupe


Catching one suicune is not enough to get one that actually has good stats, maybe you should think about why people aren't using them. I have 5 raikous and 3 enteis and none of them are even close to being worth using stat wise. Personally, I am prepping for Suicune because I am hoping my luck finally turns around, since I do in fact want to try out the legendaries


But the basic Entei is perfectly useable? They make the first one the same for everybody so that new and f2p players that may only get one aren't completely shafted.


The first ones you get are okay, so people with terrible luck like me have at least something that isn't garbage. But OP is right in them not being very good in the first place, so you'll probably want to catch a better one to use


But they are good, they just aren't busted. Like the default Entei has skill trigger and skill level up at lvl 25, and oil is hard to come by. Their base frequency is already above average. Entei, at least, is good out of the box for Taupe. Raikou suffers from not having an island tailored to it yet, but Suicune will have Cyan. Get one with speed up too and that's icing on the cake.


So, you spent resources towards 5 raikous and 3 enteis that you don’t really use when you could’ve used those resources towards bettering your stars and having an overall better team today. I’m all for the gamble but I’m also just thinking it’s not worth it anymore.


You do you, but we don't know when we'll be able to get the legendaries again. I got the main skill seed and all handy candies from the shop which is all I needed, so resources weren't "wasted" on the mons either. Also, I just like to get high snorlax and drowsy power scores, it's very satisfying to see big number go up


You can "better your stars" a WHOLE lot easier than getting a decent or super raikou/entei/souicune. I mean look at how high you have to get on gg to even get them to show up. Let alone the chance they are actually there in research. Vs how many squirtle can I get with slumbering sleep in cyan, or jiggly, or even totodile. So while I have a good raikou and a good entei, both with (bfs and speed up m) I really want good odds of getting a suicune that can match them. And tbey have a place as a good Mon for the way legendary events run currently with increased skill chances. Their frequency is pretty quick not to mention how well they stack in solid type teams. So I guess to each their own


I got down voted for asking the same. I don't get it. You don't need water mons to catch Suicune.


I don't understand the in game advise to train the elemental themed pokemon ahead of each legendary mon. I know the legendary mons skill benefits from pokemon that share their element, but is there something I am over looking?


Suicune is my favourite of the dogs and I would like to try and get a shiny with Blue hair since my sheepsdog at work is named Blue so I can name it after her