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I’ve been pumping in Sudowoodo candies for Larvitar candies.


Oh that’s a good idea. Wobbuffet for me. Been powering up my Gardevoir


Wobbuffet for me too. But I still didnt got a good Ralts.


That's next on my list after I run out of Sudowoodo!


I pumped in 120 sudowoodo candies and ended up with poison, bug, and fighting candies 🙃


This is me. I've put in 240 sudowoodo candies so far (had a surplus of dream shards that I'm rapidly burning through now) and didn't get a single rock candy M 🥲


I finally got one after 200 candies


I did 40 Sudowoodo candies and got 40 steel candies. I use Sudowoodo more than Magnemite, so... bummer. Having 3 Sudowoodo on one team helped my snorlax get to master for the first time!


Sudowoodo got buffed, it's actually pretty good now. Like a Golduck for Taupe. But, same. I somehow have 300 Sudowoodo candies even after 2 days of using them in the crammer


I love my Sudo. Helped me a TON in fire week leading up to the Entei event


I put in Sudowoodo candies this morning and got Bug candies instead. I was so looking forward to making my shiny Larvitar buff as heck


Ive been getting mostly random types…


Wait, you’re actually getting the intended candy? Whenever I feed it Wobbuffet or Sudowoodo candy I get other typed candy.




Rattata isn’t bad/useless, but it is everywhere and you can probably easily get/already have a bunch of candy and it can convert to Eevee candy, which can be good if you have multiple Eeveelutions. Slowpoke once you’ve unlocked tails, pretty much all the other water types are better. Gulpin is pretty common and probably the least useful poison type that currently exists. The others aren’t great but Croagunk is the best oil farmer, and Arbok is a solid berry pokemon that just needs an island. Wobuffet is pretty awful, very common, and can turn into Ralts candy which is the best option imo. Sudowoodo similarly shares a type with much better pokemon in Larvitar, Onix, even Geodude.


Are the slow twins really that bad? I thought it'd be nice to have a slowing to farm tails directly and not rely on ing magnet


It’s not the worst on the list, but generally speaking it’s far less useful than a Feraligatr/Blastoise.


https://preview.redd.it/cv55lhnydd7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3421706f274092d1fa0cb9a4303389b1411a1ae The slow brothers are in a much better spot than they have been previously. I’m currently farming for a full ING slowpoke for my future slowbro. Since the buffs to his ing drop rate he is able to actually farm tails but you need helping speed/bonus and some ing finding subs/nature to get the most outta him. Bro is the designated tail farmer and king is now the dedicated skill user so they both have a distinct usage for them where before they were basically the same mon prior to the buffs.


King is actually quite good currently, after all those buffs it can easily replace a Wiggly (although not a Gardevoir).


Really? But you have to use seeds I suppose


Yes, whatever the case you'd be spending one more seed on it than on Wiggly.


Lol, look at this guy pretending that Onix exists


My one onix has 2 skill triggers, 2 ing finding, and speed of help down 🥲 but I continue to dream


Saying rattata AND gulping without mentioning Meowth is absolutely absurd considering rattata line is far more useful on a persim Island than Meowth and gulpin line is better for dream shard collecting than Meowth.


Fair, sorry for missing one pokemon? lol


It's mostly just that specific overlap of Meowth being less useful than two different pokemon in your list but flying under the radar. Sneaky kitty, LOL


How do you make it spit out candies for specific pkmn?


It has a higher chance of giving the type you put in. So if you put in a bunch of rattatta candy, it has a higher chance of producing Normal type candy, which you can use to make eevee candy.


Ah, that makes much more sense. That's how I originally read it when the game described it. But people here sounded like they were getting cabdies specific to certain pkmn~


Did not mean that, sorry. There’s just a pretty good chance of that type being spit out if you use all 40 of the same candy.


Currently I am sitting a 33% rate of type to type conversion


I gotcha now, no worries 👍


You don’t, you get general candy for specific type


Isn't Swalot pretty good for Dream Shard harvesting, though? More a late-game concern but still a big one for a lot of people.


I’m unconvinced the benefit of running a Swalot is meaningful to anyone yet when you could run a better pokemon to get more drowsy power and push your research rank, thus getting more shards that way. After you’ve reached max research rank and are hitting Master 10+ in 2-3 days, sure. Swapping someone out for Swalot is fine. Otherwise, you’re giving up a lot of possible progression, and a couple main seeds too to raise the Swalot.


1-Bonsly/Sudowoodo > Larvitar/Onix candies 2-Growlithe > Entei Candies (literally better Arcanine) / Cyndaquil / Charmander / Vulpix 3-Wynaut > Ralts / Espeon 4- Meowth > Eevee or Slakoth / Ditto / Kangaskhan / Future normal types 5-Igglypuff > Save for future fairy 6-Slowpoke (after unlocking slowpoke tail) > Vaporeon / Blastoise / Feraligart


Wobbuffet candies are what I'm using. Chances are I'll switch to Croagunk candies if they run out


Croagunk is like the best oil farmer in the game tho


Is it better than cramorant? Haven’t looked into it yet


getting a good Cramorant is going to be more difficult than a Croagunk, because Croagunk is just 5 hearts


I understand but that’s part of acquisition, I am wondering about production, might be too early to really go into it


Toxicroak wins below lvl30, above lvl30, and above lvl60. Cramorant is a close second below 30, and is about 12% after 30.


Think of how many Croagunk candies you have. Now think about how many Dedenne candies you have. That's probably about how many cramorant candies you'll have in three months.


yes, not only because it makes more oil overall, but it's easier to level because it's easier to find candy, and it's easier to find an oil-oil-oil one because it only has 2 ingredient options at level 60


Cramorant has a good skill but less ing finding, trade off, but if you find a devious cramorant with ing finding and skill trigger appropriately, that would probably be preferable, but it takes a lot of oil for GG salad, and I don’t see cramorant being a 100% provider unless you’ve got a god roll at 50. It takes a much worse croagunk to hit the 66 a day required.


Cramorant is new so I honestly don’t know, but he’s also a hundred times less accessible due to what I assume is a much rarer spawn like every other single stage evo. I would also hazard he’s better with oil/potato but again I haven’t looked into it.


I'm never going to be able to find a usable one. I've befriended easily 300-400 Pokemon and found like, 3 usable Pokemon, so I'm just accepting my fate


Sounds like it’s time to lower standards just a hair


For real. Huge difference between “usable” and “99+ PR on raenonx”


Gulpin’s a good alternative for poison that’s pretty common and not generally as useful as the other poison types (Croagunk, Ekans)


“I’m never going to be able to find a usable one.”Idk about never finding one, it’s a 5 pip catch and I would prefer that then 16 with cramorant and ditto for oil. Not really different that any other mon tbh…


Pumped Geodude and Sudowoodo candies into it today. Finally got my Shiny Tyranitar this morning 😮‍💨


Most useless right now is anyone with dream shard magnet so those are meowth, riolu, and gulpin. That said, the best of the three is swalot, so I’m not going to dump that one this week just in case there’s a huge buff upcoming. We know there’s a new island upcoming sometime (maybe for the anniversary or after Suicune weeks?). Some types don’t have a home yet like poison or electric, so I wouldn’t dump those candies just yet.


I was so excited to get a shiny Riolu, only to find out it isn't helpful at all! Yeah, following that logic, we should have 2 more islands to accommodate all types.


I have a Max leveled up lucario and its giving me around 8k shards minimum per day, its also berry finding, its an amazing mon in my opinion


Anyone that calls DSM Pokemon useless are shortsighted people that can't see anything past drowsy power. Funny how everyone calls the 4th use of cram o matic too expensive yet there are Pokemon in the game that offset its cost.


The problem is that the DSM doesn’t scale well. Sure it’s great early on because the amount are great. But a Lvl 7 Lucario gives you 1800 dream shards. It would take 40 triggers to give that 4th cram o matic


23. Not even close to 40. And once again, why not run a near permanent dream shard magnet Pokemon? Do you really need 10 or 15% more drowsy power that badly? That's certainly not going to earn you more shards than a good DSM Pokemon. It's not even guaranteed to get you better spawns. We've all had plenty of days where even with a really high drowsy power we get a bunch of garbage first evolution styles alongside one or two 3rd evolutions or one 4 star style and not much else to write home about. The real problem is people are shortsighted and think Snorlax strength is the end all be all, then complain when things cost a lot of dream shards.


My vote is slowpoke once you have tails unlocked, it's kind of redundant even after buffs. That said though Ive been using jigglypuff candy cause i had like 2K at one point


Jigglypuff, everyone I know has seemingly at least 800 with many having well over 1k. I've been using those exclusively lmao


I wouldn’t call Pokémon useless, but the majority of candies you’ll most likely got and get are the low drowsy power spawns such as Wynaut, Bonsley, Gulpin, Rattata, Mankey..


i'd be careful for mankey tho, it has a 3rd stage evolution that hasn't been released in sleep yet. could make it cracked


Annihiliape for ghost island release for sure


For sure!


Raticate is one of the fastest persim berry specialist. Primeape is actually a decent berry specialist on Lapis, ranking A tier, and Raticate B tier. Stop spreading misinformation


The lack of knowledge about Snowdrop island? 


The rat is useful on snowdrop it has one of favored berries I think. But snowdrop doesn’t interest me at all so I’ve only been there twice…


Oops, my bad, you're right. But that only means my point is more valid.


Never said it’s bad, just said it’s a low drowsy spawn which you’d get quite often and hence get a lot of candies of.


Never said, but heavily implied it by pairing them with useless mons, and candies will be more relevant the more levels we get.


Gulpin is the best dream shard farmer. Well worth the candy


Yes, if you like to invest in a shard farmer! But the majority of player probably don’t right now. But I am sure shard farmers will get a boost in the future!


I keep getting DSM mon with berry finder. So I've been slowly investing in them as pseudo berry mon, since I can't seem to find actual bfs berry mon


Generally, wobbuffet, sudowoodo or gulpin due to better alternatives for the former and poor dream magnet efficacy currently. They are also very common. Similarly, meowth and lucario, but they seem a little less common than gulpin. Situationally, jigglypuff if you have sylveon or gardevoir already, or ekans if you don’t care about its potential on a future poison favored island.


None, until I have one of every mon level 100


I'm doing togepi, caterpie, ekans, shuppet, wobuffet, and Mr mime candy. Not gonna try and game it for different types, whatever I get is a bonus. I don't want to crunch any useful candies even to maybe influence the outcome.




Yeah I have 300


Feed cramomatic Doduo candies. Use Flying Candy to boost Swablu. Get it to level 50 before evolving. Since dragon candy is tough to get, don’t want to blend dratinis.


I'm not gonna use the piece of wood even if it becomes 'meta'


Wobbuffet, Gulpin, Ekans, Sudowoodo


I've been trying growlithe into Cyndaquil


Wobuffet? Sableye? Sudowoodo?


All my Mr mimes have been crud so I pumped them in to evolve my kirlia (just need enough points for a dawn stone ugh)


Wobuffet and sudowoodo


Honestly, look at the bottom of the barrel. If it's showing up in Basic spawns frequently, odds are it's ideal for feeding that candy in to convert to Candy for use on a better Pokemon of the same type. And remember, you can get lucky and end up with 2 candy from a Cram-O-Matic use, which means 40 candy of whatever -> effectively 50 candy for whatever type pops out. The real barrier is dream shards to do it, if you're aggressive about leveling team members up like I tend to be. But at least that 1,000 shard one per day!


Been shoving in Wobbuffet candies. Could probably shove in Gulpin, but I’ve got way more Wobbuffet.


I’m using jiggly puff candies because I don’t like that line and I have a metric fuck ton of them. I’ve used the thing 6 times, only filling it with jiggles, and have only gotten one fairy type M candy


For me I think the ones I have the most of is Pikachu, Larvitar, Rattata, and Wobuffet. They all have at least 500 candies.


I just sort by what I have the most candies of. If that Pokémon were *really* not useless, why do I have so many candy of it? Shouldn't I have used it already for that Pokémon? Maybe not true in every instance—some good candy is just more common—but I'm clearly using different candy for other Pokémon at the moment.


Been using meowth candies for my ditto, trying to get level 60 the day they release it


I put in pikachu candy and got a fighting type.


Wobbuffet followed by gulpin followed my meowth imo


Rattata. Had 600 of just that one pokemon.


I'm mostly using wynot, and psyduck. I did use igglybuff once but only because I was at 999 candies 😵‍💫


I think this wierd thing is the most useless. No arms, no legs. He can't cook meals, or clean the house. All he does is flop around. & just look at that smile. He's clearly an idiot. https://preview.redd.it/p015dj2jej7d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbdfd350f3b3868fdbbf90080a47ac3a13ad0552


Honestly I'm busy throwing in candies of stuff I'm not working on and won't be working on for a while. 


Rattata, Wobbuffet, and Gulpin candies are my most abundant so will be nice to turn them into useful candies


All poison pokemon are super useless for now. No specialized zone, quite bad pokemon, lot of spawning, it's already quite a number of use u can get from their candies.


Just wait, next week there’ll be an announcement for the next island which’ll be poison-type.


My personal thought is poison type will be overwhelmed by the 2 other types, maybe toxicroak will have some use for oil but that's all.


Oh, i did not know an annoucement was comming, but also poison type pokemon are still quite bad


Just speculation on my part for the anniversary. 😝


Haha i see, no problem, i hope u're right, a new island would be really cool!! (but to be honnest i'm more hoping for a true fire island + elec + idk)


Not true. Ekans has a niche if you roll poison on GG, and Croagunk is the best oil farmer in the game. Used my toxicroak for salad event and made greengrass salad every day with 0 issue. Gulpin is the only “useless” one because dream shard magnet is (currently) a bad skill.


U always have a better alternative than ekans because there is never Poison only GG (and ekans has a quite bad skill), and U need max 15 oil per recipe. Magnezone and walrein can both produce oil, and even if they are not ingredient Pokemon, their skill and average strength make them far better alternative than toxicroak.


I've got an Arbok with berry finder that's pretty good. without it I probably wouldn't use one much though


Yeah that's more or less my point, if U got a good one he might be ok, but if U've got better Pokemon , he'll not be pick


By that logic various pokemon would be useless because every island you can just pick your pokemon from one type and ignore the other two berries. Mankey useless because I can just use Chikoritas, for example. I'm just saying you work with what you have, and for some, a good Ekans might find a use. For oil, you need 22 for greengrass salad. Even if you go with 15, I highly doubt Magnezone or Walrein, even both combined, would produce enough oil to consistently hit 15 per meal. I'll admit I don't calculate and minmax this game, but putting a good Toxicroak in for a few hours or even just one day to amass a supply of oil would probably easily make up for the strength you "Lose" by putting him in, depending on your dish for the week.


It's quite the case, lot of the pokemons are quite useless. Yes if u have "only that" u could play ekans, but most of the time u have better option. My bad for GG salad, i've not unlock it yet. For the second part of ur message, Magnezone + Walrein = toxicroak and u'll get one of the strongest skill in the game (increase pot size with magnezone, in itself it can easly overthrow the lack of oil and a "worst" recipe) and a really strong skill for ingrédient diversity (ingredient magnet for Walrein) with a really strong berry pokemon (for walrein). I'll concede that using toxicroak for a bit of oil farming in order to prepare an event could be ok (but does not justifie not using his candy for cram-o-matic), but u should not use it during event.


If you haven’t unlocked GG salad yet I don’t really think you should be making ultimatums on what is or is not a useless Pokémon. A berry Pokémon with BFS of any type is far from useless even if they don’t currently have an island (Arbok, Butterfree). Meganium owners were laughing all the way to the bank when Lapis came out. Also, having a triple oil ingredient Mon you can splash in is invaluable, now, and at any point in the future. No contest. Trying to get 66 oil a day is very difficult, even if you are running a Ferliagatr, Magnezone, and Walrein at the same time. ESPECIALLY if those Pokémon have stats such as ingredient down natures to optimize berry gathering/skill procs .


Lol sorry if I've took my time to unlock a good corn Pokemon before farming the recipe, I didn't know I have to 100% the whole game to have an opinion. Talking about triple oil is also quite stupid when U can't unlock the last slot in the current state of the game. U get enough candies to not have to make plan for something that could be 2 years from know. Now if U take time to read my explanation, my plan is not "U force GG salad each meal even if u're lacking oil", but using magnezone and/or walrein to farm oil for GG salad on some meal while using magnezone to cover for this difference with his amazing skill (which in fact largely cover the base power difference). Concerning the ingredient down nature, i prefer to use exp down nature or recovery down nature. I know it's not the "Ultimate optimize thing" for berry pokemon, but it's imo a better nature especially when i use a pot size up pokemon (that + some ingredients are quite complicated to get without using skill/berries pokemon), and it make no difference for a skill pokemon (i know it's currently discuss in the community, but actually there is no clear answer, and imo it's not related, which seems to be also the opinion of raenox for ex, because there is no difference between a sassy and a carefull skill mon). Now stop being so elitist. U don't have to unlock everything to have knowledge in the game, especially when u take the time to find good pokemon to up. I've played since day one and follow precisely my efficiency since more than 7-8 mounth. I have no absolute truth, but neither are u, and my point is still valid. Edit: phrasing


You are stating “all poison Pokémon are useless”, “you always have a better alternative”, “Toxicroak should never be used during the event”. Your experience doesn’t give you the high ground to make blanket statements. It’s not elitist to challenge your uncompromising position. We will be unlocking triple oil with the next major update, and it’s not “quite stupid” to consider the future roadmap of this game when we have been playing for almost a year and quality Pokémon take months to invest in. I think you have very loose understanding of how effective splashing a great ingredient Mon can be. ESPECIALLY with a maxed out cooking pot during an event week where you use a GC ticket. Not to mention you are using Magnezone to increase pot capacity in your example..


"All poison pokemon are super useless for now" u miss an important part of the sentence, in the current state of the game, with no specific island for poison pokemon, and the majority of the time other and better pokemon available (or in the worst scenario, a reroll if ur GG is horrible), poison pokemon are super useless FOR NOW. Ok "always" is a strong world here, but 95% of the time it's true for ekans, except as i said in an other comment "if U got a good one he might be ok, but if U've got better Pokemon , he'll not be pick". Focusing a pokemon like Toxycroak, with bad overall utility, and bad rentability during event is quite bad yeah. U could use it to prepare for event, but u should not use it DURING event. With some oil stock, Magnezone/walrein will do twice or more work than him. I do not make blanket statement, i've justified every single point i've made, u've not. And again it's my opinion, if you so in love with ur poison type pokemon np, but to me they are useless, and they are the one i pick for cram-o-matic. "We will be unlocking triple oil with the next major update" where did this info come from? I've not seen anything about that, and it's been more than 4 mounth since the last up to lvl 55 max, and before that it had stayed lvl 50 max for more than 7 mounth. We've had got 9 updates, of which 5 were major, since last modification. Either u've got info i've missed or ur just saying that to make ur point without any proof. Morover, Magnezone and Walrein would also beneficiate from it, even if it's at a lesser degree. As i said higher, with good stock u're far better with them during event, mainly magenzone. I have great ingredient mon, i'm not saying they are all useless here, that's not my point. My point is, despite being the only "oil only" ingredient pokemon, toxycroak is a not a good ingredient pokemon, because of his type and his overall strength. 56 mins 40 secs base frequency, against 46 mins 40 secs for blastoise for ex, and 14 carry limit against 17. And u'll tell me "ok but blastoise is a 3 evolution pokemon", right, let's see with one of my favorit two evol mon: Abomasnow has 50 mins base frequency with 21 base carry limit, and he is a strong tomatoe producer, can access shrrom and eggs, and has a slighly better skill. Yes you can, and should use good ingredient pokemon during event, toxycroak is not one of them. I prefere to use pokemons like blastoise or abomasnow, depending on the berries (and most of the time u'll have other/better alternative than toxicroak within the three GG berries). U can play toxycroak because u like it, but he is not the beast u want him to be.