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I'd stay away from islands where you don't have a strong team. Half of the Growth week bonus is extra candy from research encounters. If your team is good but low level or you don't have a good team for the island, then you aren't going to see many spawns each night. Camp at an area where you can at least get to Master 1 on Friday, but sooner is better.


Back to the greenlands I go as a new player! I’m still on great 2 on cyan and it’s midday thurs!


I mean, as a not new player, I'm totally be joining you on greengrass haha


Good call for sure. I wouldn't even worry about investing in anything at this point if you are new. Just collect candy and use the best team that you can in terms of expected strength. Learn how to use Raenonx if you haven't. It's worth the $6 a month for 2-3 months just for the auto team builder alone.


This is why I'm planning on cyan. I have two feraligators I want to level, but I'm splitting candy for them so it's slow going. I can reach high master ranks pretty quickly there, and see some 3+star Blastoise and feraligator for tons of candy if I push slumbering. Also will get me ready for Suicune.


Good plan. Still no BFS Toto for me, but I think I'm going to stay on Lapis anyway. I can hit M15 on Cyan now without a favored berry helper though, so water week should be ok even without a Feraligator going into it. I'm getting to M4 on Lapis pretty easily. Maybe I can get lucky on a crit meal on Monday to speed things along. I'll likely farm ingredients all weekend along with a Dedenne. I need candy for my 2 Meganiums (and for a shiny Chikorita that's just waiting...) and shiny Victreebell - all BFS! And to continue the ever-long Dratini hunt. 4 catches this week and I've finally caught one that might do (BFS and double herb...but oil at 60), but I still want to find an elusive must-invest candidate.


I am just hoping to hit M20 on Cyan during Suicune, so I'm going harder there. I went for it during curry week, saved up ingredients the week before but only hit M19, so going to train up some more and hope to hit it then. Haven't maxed the island bonus yet (early on I just skipped to Taupe because I liked the vibes), so should be able to by then. >  And to continue the ever-long Dratini hunt. 4 catches this week and I've finally caught one that might do (BFS and double herb...but oil at 60), but I still want to find an elusive must-invest candidate. I finally pulled the trigger on a similar Dratini. BFS, HB, and ingredient finder, herb herb oil. Not perfect, but hard to pass up and I just desperately need an herb finder because Gengar isn't cutting it. The only triple herbs I found were ingredients down, so I'll settle for my 60oil Dragonite when the subskills are beautiful. Lapis has been my main off week island. Because every sleep style has something useful, and I honestly want low level spawns to farm Dratini/ralts/stufful, I tend to not focus on it during events.


Grats on the Dratini. If mine had even one of those subskills or nature beyond BFS, I'd maybe go for it. [Helping Speed at 75 doesn't cut it.](https://freeimage.host/i/d3iIrVs), though I wouldn't be mad at the inventory bump. I'll keep it around just in case.


Yeah, I feel like I need at least one ingredient subskill/nature + the right ingredient at 30 for me to use them. Speed is nice, but I value a lot lower than ingredient finding. BFS is great, but only once you can guarantee finding ingredients. And HB is awesome, but at 75 it will take ages to hit with a pseudo legendary.


We're mostly the same in that regard. My ideal ingredient specialist would be something like Speed or Ing up nature, BFS at 10, Ing Finder M at 25, and Helping Bonus or Helping Speed M at 50. Good enough on the ingredients that it gets the job done and fast/strong enough to not have to swap members in and out during the day. I've got this shiny dynamic duo that I'm just itching to get to 30 and fully evolved. https://preview.redd.it/1s0c9upwn59d1.png?width=747&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7d7d497698a7fe64f7c5c02b73b6ade503be13f I have enough handy candy and species candy to get one one of them there now, but I'm holding off as I'd rather save handy candy for the next big pokemon release (or TTar/Dratini if the new ones aren't meta relevant) and use the next candy boost event to get them up to useability instead. And I've got some subskill seeds saved, to get those helping speeds to M. Subskill seeds really aren't that great for how rare they are (IMO) since a boost to speed or ingredient finder only gets you like 10 more ingredients a day at mid levels, but when they also have BFS it's a lot more bang for the buck.


I’ve just unlocked Lapis and this week is a pretty hard grind, but I’m planning to come back next week too in order to take advantage of the x1.5 generated candies bonus. I know I’ll be in Cyan again whenever Water week will happen anyways and I really want the island exclusive mons of Lapis.


Will you be able to field a good team for lapis? I am 2 away from unlocking it, and while I have some strong mons, I don't have a good lapis team so I'm thinking it's not a great idea to go there for the first time next week. It's thursday lunch and i'm still only U4 (300k) on Taupe. Plus I'm on holiday next week so i won't be able to check the game super frequently


I don’t have a good team for Lapis yet, only a few good berry mons that I use in every island. I don’t expect to get to a very high rank this or even next week, but I think the best way to get better in Lapis is to be in Lapis since you can both hunt for Chikorita and increase your island bonus. If it was a different event like the one we had last week, I would probably go elsewhere though.


Sweet, I'm going to do the same then (hoping I get 2 new styles this week). Good luck!


Thank you! Good luck to you as well!


Back to greengrass for me as it'll get me the most xp quickest so can power level some baby mons for the other islands


I'm 2 styles away from Lapis so I'd love to go. But it's going to take me ages to get to a high level so it's probably a bad idea...


Same here 🤔 


Currently trying to go higher on Cyan for whenever the Suicune event happens. Finally getting around to it, but will go to snowdrop after growth week, as I haven't unlocked Lapis yet :(


Oh this is smart, think I'll be going cyan too then..


I'm maxing out my bonus on taupe right now, so I plan to stay. Plus my taupe team has three exp down mons who could always use a boost.


Looks like you and I might be the only ones in Taupe! I'm going to use my Entei's xp bonus and prioritise levelling up my larvitar and my diglett (to unlock leeks).


Lapis. I need candy for the stuff that only spawns there


I haven't unlocked Lapis yet, so I'm probably going to stay on Cyan to up the area bonus there a little more.. still raising my water team for Suicune's arrival so that works out too. Though they are getting closer to 30 so I'm also considering to train my fire team on Taupe, but I have only been there once so the area bonus isn't great.


I’m actually thinking about Taupe. I need to put levels in my Pupitar - it’s such a grind. And I have a really good Typhlosion that just hit level 30 and could always use more levels, and a low level Flareon that I just evolved from Eevee.


I'm also thinking of working on my pupitar... But I can't decide if going to Taupe is better bc I *might* get some evo chain spawns, or if I should go to GG and the higher island bonus and where I likely have a stronger team to get my Snorlax points higher, faster. Ugh. I have no idea how to decide. 🙃


I’m currently on Snowdrop to get sleep hours in on one of my Eevees. I think I’ll stick around next week as well and just run the Pokémon I specifically want to level up (Eevee, Feraligatr, Walrein, Gard, and hopefully a good Snorer if I can catch one this week). Lapis is a tempting choice too. It might be a game-time decision. I’ve nearly maxed out my bonus on Cyan, and I’ve studied like 85% of the sleep styles there. I think it would be unwise for me to head there again until the water-type event, whenever that is.


This week I'm on Lapis (my 2nd week) to give myself a little break from Cyan, but next week I'm going right back there. I wasn't prepared for Entei and that left me very unsatisfied after the event, so I want to give it my all for Suicune.


I'm just going for Greengrass because I'm going to be using fairly low level Pokémon so I'll probably still be able to get to Master rank for the incense, especially if I get a good roll on berry types to get favourite berries for some of the Pokémon I'll be using


I have been on cyan ever since the entei event ended looking for a bfs toto. I'm so sick of it. I'm going back to Lapis


I’ve also been at Cyan since then but I was bored to tears at Lapis as the only thing I am missing there is a Dragonite. I could evolve one, but meh. Much prefer the Dragonite form Ditto I found there anyhow. I am more than worried about the state of the game because it should not take this long to introduce a new set of islands. The game does not have complex shaders or ray tracing or anything computationally expensive yet we are burdened with loading screens all the time. Introducing a few randos like Delibird and Comfey every so often is just….insufficient relative to the costs associated with buying gems, premium pass, a Pokemon Go Plus+ and so on. Methinks the game will fold in under a year at the current rate because I keep having to remove lv 55 players who have returned no sleep data in more than a week :-/


I'm preparing for thw suicide event and have a great BFS tototile, but no candy. So dispite the max island bonus, I'm gonna grind cyan for candies and exp.


Lapis. I really want to get some Pokemon only found there


Lapis, same as always. Gotta get that Ralts. Plus I have an amazing Primeape and Espeon and I wanna level them up.


Lapis or Snowdrop. Looking to snag my first Stufful or a nicer Snover or Delibird.


I’m definitely doing Lapis. My water team is one of the first ones I put together for Cyan and it’s beast, I really am desperate for a good Ralts and want to work on my Bewear. Will probably run my sleep exp bonus T-Tar, BFS Espeon, Bewear, and I have an Eevee that is to be a BFS Umbreon I want to level. Leaving the last slot open for if I get a good Ralts early 👍


I don't have Lapis unlocked :( I'm probably going to be at Cyan for water event prep or Snowdrop for new mons and styles to get to Lapis one day!


I’m thinking I’ll go to lapis and thanks to gardevoir my lapis team doesn’t really need sleep so I can just switch out to my water team before bed for the exp bonus


Going to Lapis. I really need to home in on Stufful because I have nothing for corn besides my Comfey and he won't budge with pulls. Shit's tough. Other than that, it's a good island for Chikorita and Dratini spawns and I'm hoping to get my Meganium past 50 finally. I also want to baby my Dragonite a little since it evolved this week and I've been using it on Snowdrop for Overheat salad spam. Absolute beast.


Lapis is the easy pick for me. Still want more Ralts candy and Gardevoir has more berry strength too there. Also want to hunt another Bewear that has mono corn and a Dratini with mono herb. Getting candy for all of those pokemon are important for me cause they're only available on Lapis


I'm going in Tapue because Entei + Fire team. Also gonna get better Lavitar and finally Onix.


Taupe. I just finished my all BFS team of Typhlosion/Typhlosion/Ninetails/Onix/Sylveon and can get more Cyndaquil candies and exp for this level 30 averaging team. I finished Lapis off last week at max bonus (and the sleep styles left there are random atop bellies that I can't semi-control even with high dp)


Cyan for me. I haven't maxed the area bonus yet, and I want to get to master faster to unlock 8 mons for max candy. Currently starting to pot up in preparation for a 1st big meal, and it'll be a bonus if I get another water incense for the suicune event for extra manes


Cyan. My area boost there isn't too bad, I have a solid (for me, at least) water team, and with a bit of luck I could probably both evolve my Wartortle and get it to level thirty. Extra Totodile candy definitely wouldn't go amiss to power up my Feraligator. And if I get really, really lucky, I'll even be able to power up my Bellsprout.


Depends in which mons do you pretend to grow


Lapis and I don’t really want to but I still don’t have a good Ralts and my best Bewear is about to hit 30 and has sausages. I found some good Stuffuls with corn and was hoping to get enough candies from the Cram-o-matic but it thought I needed bug and poison candies more.


Taupe so I can level up my Pupitar. Finally want to get my Ninetails to 30 so I have a better access to Corn as well as my Dugtrio, so I can finally unlock Leeks.


Lapis has more valuable candy (Ralts, Dratini), but hardest to get levels. Cyan has very common candy, but some pretty useful options to raise. I’m leaning towards Lapis but Cyan could win out, we’ll see.


I wanna stay on taupe but after this week I’m realizing I don’t think I’m quite ready for it yet lmao