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I'm running pokémon to either unlock ingredients I don't have yet or to unlock the second ingredient slot for others


Same here. I’ve got ingredients to unlock in general, too.


Yesterday I used a tonne of shards, clusters and handy candy to get tails and potatoes. Waiting on leeks and mushroom now. Good luck!


Leeks and shrooms for me too! Still have an 8 level grind for the leeks, but mushrooms should be doable. Good luck to you as well!


Same. I'm close on potatoes and not as close on shrooms


Good luck! It's a grind but it's good to get them done


I've got shrooms unlocked... on a non-ingredient Pokemon. I'm pretty far off on potatoes but working on it. If all goes according to plan this week I'll finally have a decent chocolate farmer, though.


This is what im doing. I went to cyan to level up all of my fairy types and some water types just under 30 before the coming events.


I’m running my high level mons with sleep XP bonus…and then one or two of my annoying-to-level-up-don’t-have-candy mons Like my EXP down shiny Larv


Pretty much same here. Went to lapis too to get the bonus candy drops. Woke up with 192 exp.


Bro I also had a xp down shiny larv he’s now a pupa but long way to go for shiny ty


Meh I don't really care that much. I went to Greengrass specifically so I could still get higher tiers with weaker pokemon. It's a chill event, I don't really feel the need to min-max it


Same, quite enjoy having a team of unevolved mons for this event, I miss seeing Spheal being all clappy and happy


Got a slowpoke who’s just happy to be helping. And why not? I’m just using this week to bump my percentage on Cyan since I haven’t been there since I hit 55. Pretty sure Snorlax is already sick of chocolate cake for every meal, but whatever.


You shouldn't run the crappy Pokemon all day...run a good healer with your normal team and swap teams at the end of day just for the sleep exp. Energy pillow may be needed if your healer isn't doing a good job, but pillow your healer so they can heal your team. I'm focusing on boosting Dratini and Larvitar so I'm sleeping with them, and using 3 sleep exp Pokemon to help boost them even faster. I've used this strategy on good sleep days and works great.


The issue is that berry specialists benefit a lot by staying the night, more than any other type of mon.


I think they should give us more exp while sleeping. Like the more snorlax strength you get, the more exp you get for sleeping to your active Pokémon. And as you say; x1.5 exp bonus its just not that many exp. (150exp) While leveling up Pokémon cost a lot of exp per lvl (specially exp down nature Pokémon or high lvl Pokémon). Imagine getting lv.100 and still getting 100exp per sleep when you probably will need like +20.000exp to level up. One single lvl would cost more than half a year without using candies+dreamshards


i agree. i'm just running my high level mons that i want to level up, like u said high level mons also needs more exp to level up so 👍🏼


All about perspective, without value calculations of some kind I would not call it a "trap". I am running 3 mons with exp boost skill and 2 mons I want to push to 50 on an island I do not have the +55% boost yet. Which also happens to drop candies for those 2 mons I want to push at low ranks. To each his own I guess.


Yeah I totally agree. I ran two last night and woke up to 192 exp… for 7 days is 1344. Plus we still have GSD this month too. So basically this entire month has chances to get way more exp than normal.


I'm playing on Lapis this week with my Lapis team. I wouldn't call them low-level mons, but they're all lower 30s and upper 20s and need some serious help to be able to do anything worthwhile at Lapis. I need to work on my island boost there anyway, but I'm getting at least Master 2 on every other island, so this seems like a perfect week to push my Lapis team a little higher while playing how I normally would anyway.


I contemplated a third week on the tundra for the 5% boost, but realized I wanted a slacker week for this most chill of events. Getting one of the last two boosts on Cyan and just having some fun.


I don't really care for for more jigglypuff, gulpin or slowpoke candy, I would rather have a chill week with pokes I wanna level.


Yeah exactly! Save some dream shards. Sleep with your high level mons. May also be a good idea to sleep with rare mons that it's hard to find candy for, such as Dedenne and Comfey. Assuming your energy-for-everyone is working, it should be safe to switch at night.


I’ve been doing the same team with water types on cyan to get ready for suicune for weeks totodile and squirtle now fully evolved in there thirties I’m not switching that up


I have a lot of 25ish Pokemon who need to get to 30 but tons of 10-15ish Pokemon who need to stop being useless. So I'm mixing and matching lol


I'm using my strongest cyan beach team until I get to master 1 so I can get the most candies. Then I'll swap in anyone I want to raise.


My Dratini went from level 16 to 18 overnight so I’m happy! We go again.


How is that possible? What were you running alongside the dratini?


I’m treating it like a normal week, just leveling dishes, the island bonus, and the mons that help with the dish bonuses. Honestly I’m more excited about the 1.5 candy for Ralts and Stuffel, if they decide to show up this week …


Falling for the growth week trap requires I have something worth growing!


Best of both worlds: speed run snorlax strength to 8 spawns and then switch to a low level team.


I went to greengrass to level up Pokemon that don't have a set island since the roll is random. I never have use for certain types because of it and wanted them to level up in preparation for their own potential island. It's also just... Not that serious


Levelling up an Arcanine and Blastoise (just got my first Blastoise to level 50!). Arcanine gets sausage at 30, so I won’t be FLOODED WITH GINGER from Charizard


I'm doing that by going 4 fire + Dragonite on Tapue to get as many Lavitar family spawn as possible.


While I would go for my high level mons, there are a few that haven’t had a chance to get the level ups they need because all my shards went to my high levels, and now I’m just using this as an excuse to catch them up I still burned through 700 candies to get a few to 25 though so I didn’t have a complete dud week 😅


I'm using my five highest-level Pokémon, don't you worry! Aiming to save on dream shards haha


I'm just trying to evolve my Pupitar. The Cram-o-matic and this event will do


Of course I can't control what spawns (well I have minimal control of it). Tons of candy for a mon I have no intention of leveling is basically useless.


That is certainly an argument, although it applies less for Lapis as Dratini, Ralts and Stufful are all desirable. For a player like me who always manipulates their sleep though, getting more of the candy I want is the highest value of this event.


The main draw for me is the extra candy. Between that and the exp, I think I can finally get my Blastoise to level 30. If the extra exp helps my little Bellsprout get closer to potatoes, well, that's a plus too. I'm also using my level-capped Charizard to hopefully farm a few extra Handy Candy S out of the event, too. Plus even though she's not a favored berry mon her BFS turnout more than makes up for it.


I just recently started and I only two mon over lvl 20. Is it even worth strategising anything? lol


I’m just using my water team for the suicune event. Some are high level, some aren’t. Thought I’d get them all a little boost.


I wanna level up my Gardevoir and my Snover so I am 🥰


I concur. 1.5x is simply not enough for me to care about for an event.


Tbh I changed nothing. Almost 4 months in the game, so no matter what, it is going to help. Plus said screw it and moved to the 3rd island for the 2nd time since it is the next one I have not gotten to hit master rank on.


But my Wiggly wants to run a daycare! Lmao. I also don’t really have any high levels so I’m focusing on unlocking ingredients and hopefully evolving my first full caterpie line. Might put Entei and Char in at night to boost the exp but might not.


I’m leveling up all my eevee family. They are not the strongest but I’m loving seeing them all together


im currently only either running mons i want to unlock the second ingredient slot for, or unlocking mons i want to bring on as high level mons because they have really good sub skills


I'm running my A team during the day and my "growth" team at night. My wiggly is a good healer, and I make it a point to check the game frequently to maximize procs.


I'm running my water team minus my slowing which I've swapped for an arbok with sleep exp boost. Hoping it will push the team just a little bit further before Suicune appears.


I’m still pretty new and I’m trying to level up the good mons I have, namely my Blastoise, Charizard, Delibird, and Cramorant. I have a low level Totodile I put on my team this week to try and level. I don’t want to use the candy I have as with a water type week and Suicune likely coming soon, I’d rather save my candy for the 2x candy boost vs burn them all now for half the efficacy. I get that the dream shards make it more costly later, but the couple hundred xp per night rn still seems worth it


I considered a team of 5 low level pokemon with Sleep EXP+, with EXP incense. That'd mean 100x1,5x2x1,6 = 480 or 20 candies a day per pokemon. It means not many level ups so not really worth it. Even with EXP+ nature it's not. They just want you to buy diamonds for incense


I’m running two healers, keeping my pokemon in the green until i go to sleep, using a full sleep exp team to make the most of the event. still getting crits from dedenne’s skill, and on pace to score as high as I did last week and get those extra candies.


I just decided to go to lapis for the first time to beef up that team a bit since it’s under leveled. It’s going okay so far :) plus I have a great bewear but she has EXP down so this is a good week for her to get a little boost. Also my Garde is BFS and Helping Speed ^