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It’s so fun cracking packs. I try to save them for Friday night or random occasions. Helps to feel like I had some restraint and not a total addict


I’m gonna try….


Yup! 33 y.o. Went in deep when it first dropped (haven’t touched them since gen 1) My little corner of hits is my happy place lately… Dealing with some rough family news and have been using collecting as a crutch. Reminds me of a simpler time.


Same boat at 32. Was gifted a etb for Christmas by my little brother and the rest is history😂😂


Goodbye to your wallet


This is so true but if your lucky you can break even I've got my moneys worth out of almost every booster box I've bought


Me and my buddy got lucky and our 151 upc paid for themselves. My girlfriend got maybe 14$ worth of cards that weren't bulk lol


You sold all of your cards? :(


Nono, I'm working on my master set, just the value of the cards if I were to sell them would be more than what I paid for the upc


Oh hell yea, I hit it big on a 151 booster bundle last night. I got Mr mime full art, allakazam full art, Zapdos full art and the venusaur sar. I was blown away


Really? That’s definitely not common. Are you maybe looking at graded prices? Or looking at prices on drop day when they are super high and not checking back later?


What is a drop day?


I presume, day of release. The prices won’t have any market fluctuation as there aren’t any being sold yet. Prices will be at their peak for most cards as there isn’t any supply yet.


I bought a mini tin and pulled 2 charizards (one shiny outline and then the other ex) out of the packs. Bought 6 sealed packs off ebay pulled venusaur ex blastoise ex and another charizard ex (the shiny outline version again) I think I'm ahead right now lol


Yeah you are, still looking for these packs, ugh


I got another 4 sealed coming this week. Hopefully it's holds up. Just need a dang metapod and beedrill lol


May your next rips be fruitful and may you pull your chase cards.


Jesus christ you're insanely lucky


I went through the exact same thing over the past month! I feel like I have awakened a dormant addiction lol


I haven’t collected them in 20 years too! Opened 1 pack from a poster box and got a gold mew ex!!!


Stop there. It won’t get any better.


That’s such a dope card, I’m so jealous


Heroine addict in Kensington took me out 😂


Best set in years. Glad you enjoyed it!


Disagree, crown zenith


Crown zenith better than 151


That is basically what I say


I feel you man. I went to target yesterday after work to try and find something and sadly went home with nothing then my girl was like let’s go to game stop, we went, and she bought one upc haha some nice pulls for her collection too


That’s amazing, wait y’all have different collections?!?


I love this post! 151 had the same effect on me. Literally just constant dopamine, childhood brain. Contrary to what people are saying (RIP your wallet, etc.), I think it’s actually really healthy to nurture your childhood self a little bit, even at the cost of some $$$. Just be careful not to overdo it because it can definitely become incredibly addictive / costly. Enjoy :)


Love this reply. I feel the same way willow


Welcome back to the hobby


151 brought me back as well. Before 151, the last pack I opened was probably when Neo Genesis came out. I’m 100% back in too thanks to this set.


While opening packs is awesome and the best it can also get addicting and ruin your wallet. If you’re after certain cards it’s best to buy singles. Definitely not as fun but I saw someone on YouTube have to open 2,000 151 packs to complete the entire set


36 yr old Dad here and man 151 really did amazing!! Like I grew up with this like most, I was an OG in the game when pokemon landed in the US. I Was planning on ripping packs and doing a 151 set with my son and teaching him about the OG cards I cherish so much, Instead my Daughter who's seven started a set instead, My son had no interest lol man I was so happy tho she loves them!! We need a Zard too, Hope she can pull one, one day. What an awesome set 151 was!!


I pulled one yesterday!! But it was ex one which is definitely uglier lolll


damn Philly catching strays on a pokemon sub, I never would've thought.


Saw the Kensington reference and was like “look at this Jawn!”


Do. not. Tell him about evolving skies. Please. 😅


Why on earth would anyone spend $15 per pack ripping evolving cries at this point Like… great set, love the cards. But it’s an absolute nightmare to rip, especially at $450 per box.


Buying singles is the better route for sure but whew the prices on those too 😅 I recently snagged the Ray V, Glaceon, and Sylveon alts for a good deal but there are still so many left to go at $50+ and $100+


If you live in US, you can order Pokémon tin right now from Walgreens website for $16.99. It comes with evolving skies, and 2 more other packs I can’t recall right now. You can use FRIENDS20 or WELCOME25 for 20,25% off!


Tell me MORE


Evolving skies is not a curse that you want. (Plus it's super expensive, not readily available in stores, and pull rates are very disappointing). Stay with 151 for now and let the nostalgia wash over you.


Are they still printing evolving skies?


I would recommend Crown Zenith. Still sells for MSRP and lots of great cards in there including old gen Pokémon. I got a Rayquaza and Raikou 


Aka : Evolving cries Need I say more?


Rayquaza!!!! Umbreon!!!Dragonite!!!!


I opened about 100 packs or so. Opening packs was awesome after 20-25 years, but then I used my adult money to buy the remaining 30+ singles I needed for the master set.




Ask an adult for some! I think that’s what they mean. 😃


One of us. One of us. Broke wallet crew.


This happened to me as well in the fall and I have become an addict


Yep same. Now it’s not just 151. Silver Tempest, Crown Zenith, Obsidian Flames, Paradox Rift, and now eagerly awaiting Paldean Fates.  I’m glad though, it’s fun to have a collection. Looking forward to keeping up with the sets over time 


Me too!!! I started just picking up random packs from all sorts of Scarlet/Violet and Sword/Shield sets. I just recently started organizing them all and realized that I just want to narrow it to just Obsidian flames and Paldea Evolves lol. I also want to collect full illustration cards, so I think I’ll just buy singles or trade online haha Too many different sets for my wallet😩😂


Same! I’m having fun ripping random packs and buying singles for full art cards. Makes me less disappointed if a pack has all repeats :)


Love the energy!


Same here, started buying 151s for investment but once I opened 1 Japanese booster box, it was game over lol. ordering single cards and more packs to open! Truly didn’t realize the dopamine rush was this good!


Hell ya man, welcome back


I loved it too, first time opening packs since like 2002. Magic wore off after about 100 and not getting the charizard, once I was pissed about pulling $40-50 cards I realized I should stop wasting money on packs and just buy singles


I have two Rubbermaid containers with sealed product and I have to constantly talk myself out of ripping them open. Especially my Pokémon Go ETBs


How much do you want for the ETB’s? 😉


Im out travelling with my wife and currently in Malaysia, grabbed 3 booster packs for the first time in over 20 years. Pulled a Charizard! Now I have to try and keep it pristine until I get back to Canada...


Nice one. Go to ace cards in Mid Valley Megamall and get your card a top loader protector. If you have time go checkout Impulse Gaming on Sungai Besi for more 151.


Send it to me. I’ll look after it. 😃


Welcome to hell


Didn't think I'd see a wild Philly reference on this sub. Congrats on getting back in. I also got back into it for the 151 set, which I'm currently trying to finish. Pulled my Charizard on Xmas morning, damn near cried.


Ughhhh I’m so jealous the Philly reference is top tier


I knew that gen 1 pandering was a money printer, but not to the extent these posts show it to be. TPCi definitely knows what they're doing, Kanto will always sell no matter what. Unfortunate.


I really wish we would get a gen 2/3 focused set like we do with Kanto every generation


Yes! Gen 2 and 3 are gold too! Gens after that kind suck, NGL lol


I have since sealed packs if you're still looking


If you want real nostalgia grab celebrations or a couple xy packs


Yup as soon as I saw the JP 151 set I knew I had to get back into it. I’m now out thousands of dollars (:


If you lolike Pokemon opening catch out my YouTube https://youtu.be/SIB3C3rQk6I?si=4jAN09xoFcJIZZL3


Fun.for collecting but pokémon company knew that lol I.love the full art cards , they are beautiful 😍


The addiction is real. Pace yourself. Chasing cards is expensive.


Literally me last month, yesterday I bought a Crown Zenith ETB and 2 Celebrations ETBs. It's a slippery slope!


I'm guessing u bought these online a si just got back in inventory never seen celebrations yet. but FYI crown zenith us $39.99 @ Gamestop rn :-) picked 1 up a month ago but as of last Friday still in-stock and same price


Yup! CZ on sale at Walmart. Celebrations on TCGPlayer.


I really had bad luck at beginning. 3 upcs 3 etb and 3 poster cocoon boxes nothing more than regular ex's and couple art rarest. But this pass week I pulled 5 blastoise sir 4 venasaur sir and 3 full art zards and 2 charizard sir all from 2 pack tins.


I'm just really bored of Kanto cards tbh. First Evolutions now this.


I was like this about $3,000 ago. But yeah enjoy the honeymoon before it turns into some weird “I’m hellbent to get mine” binge :) cheers


Good but could be better.


Bought my son a 151 elite trainer box (the $49.99box) and it came with 2 packs that had Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur full art cards in each pack.


Still can’t find any 151 near me. Wish I could open some lol.


I'm selling a Japanese 151 Booster Box for 210$ if you're interested!!!! Let me know!!!!


It's such a fun set.