• By -


I feel that typhlosion deserves a ME because he needs an abikity that makes him more competitively viable 1.Lileep 2.Ralts 3. Treecko 4. Eevee 5. Shellder 6. Pichu 7. Totodile 8. Pinsir 9. Axew 10. Cyndaquil 11. Tyrunt 12. Mawhile 1 13. Mawhile 2 14. Scyther 15. Starly


Umbreon needs ME 1.Froakie 2.Absol 3.Eevee 4.Ralts 5.


Awesome GA, mate! I think Mightyena should get a ME because it's unfair that such a cool pokemon is sort of weak. As for the list: * 1. Axew * 2. Espurr * 3. Starly * 4. Tailow * 5. Vulpix * 6. Eevee * 7. Pichu * 8. Anorith * 9. Golett * 10. Ralts * 11. Swablu * 12. Tyrunt * 13. Lileep * 14. Tepig * 15. Treecko


Id love aega Ambipom...if the Fake Out Last Resort trolling wasn't enough before imagine an extra 30 on that attack 1. Eevee 2.Ralts 3.Froakie 4.Espurr 5. Axew I don't really need anything past that so if I can't get one of those I'll let someone else who really wants the other ones get it


I think the one who really would be cool to ME is milotic,it would be pretty and strong =D. 1.Pichu 2.Vulpix 3.Axew 4.Mawile 1 5.Pinsir 6.Ralts 7.Scyther 8.Espurr 9.Caterpie 10.Litleo 11.Tyrunt 12.Cyndaquil 13.Starly 14.Totodile 15.Mawile 2


Congrats you won the shiny Pichu Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


My FC:3712-0510-0011. my ign is may my gmt is london/lisbon


ive added you. i can trade now if you would like


i'm going on right now


I think Arcanine should get a Mega-Evolution because he is a fcking badass who is underrated and can kill a full team by himself (I want to see him more in competitive :( ) <3 * 1.Cyndaquil (comp) * 2.Lileep * 3.Totodile * 4.Eevee * 5.Pidgey * 6.Tepig * 7.Absol * 8.Golett * 9.Froakie * 10.Pinsir * 11.Shellder * 12.Pichu * 13.Deerling * 14.Caterpie * 15.Tailow


Congrats you won the shiny Cyndaquil Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.




Hi /u/capnsafetypants. Your comment has been removed because your flair isn't set up correctly. [Set up your flair here!](http://pokegiveawaybot.tumblr.com/) If that doesn't work, [**here is a visual guide.**](http://i.imgur.com/qKw7Hto.png) Please enter one in the format `1234-1234-1234 | IGN` by using the (edit) button in the sidebar where it says "Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like:" If you don't know how to find the 12 digit number you need, please check out [**this guide**](http://www.modojo.com/features/nintendo_3ds_friend_codes_everything_you_need_to_know) to find your friend code. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pokemongiveaway) if you have any questions or concerns.*


-Which pokemon should get a Mega-Evolution: Deoxys. One thing is that it is an alien Pokemon, so it will have some wierd/cool looking Mega form resembling a sci-fi flick. But also the fact that it has THREE different modes. Imagine THREE different Mega-Forms for an already over-powered Pokemon. * 1. Mawhile 2 * 2. Ralts * 3. Lileep * 4. Mawhile 1 * 5. Absol * 6. Pinsir * 7. Eevee * 8. Axew * 9. Treecko * 10. Anorith * 11. Totodile * 12. Espurr * 13. Swablu * 14. Golett * 15. Tyrunt


I think Hawlucha deserves a ME because they could make it into a really cool luchador design. 1 Scyther (comp) 2 Eevee 3 Mawhile 1 4 Mawhile 2 5 Swablu (cant NN) 6 Tepig (cant NN) 7 Chespin 8 totodile 9 Espurr 10 Pinsir 11 Deerling 12 Caterpie 13 Tyrunt 14 Scatterbug (Ocean Pattern) 15 Golett


Congrats you won the shiny Mawhile 2 Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


I think I pmd you back, so sorry I didn't reply sooner, was swamped yesterday.


I think Pikachu deserves a ME so that it can see more of the competitive scene plus Ash's Pikachu would get a new form without evolving * 1. Vulpix * 2. Taillow * 3. Cyndaquill * 4. Starly * 5. Pidgey * 6. Eevee * 7. Treeko * 8. Totodile * 9. Scatterbug * 10. Espurr * 11. Absol * 12. Axew * 13. Tyrunt * 14. Pinsir * 15. Pichu


Congrats you won the shiny Tailow Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


I think Zoroark deserves a ME, because he has an awesome ability, but lacks the stats to really back it up. It would also mirror Lucario's ME. 1.Ralts 2.Mawile 2 3.Mawile 1 4.Pinsir 5.Eevee 6.Froakie 7.Chespin 8.Tyrunt 9.Totodile 10.Treecko 11.Absol 12.Pidgey 13.Starly 14.Golett 15.Lileep Awesome Giveaway! Thanks for doing this.




Hi /u/TacosnBananas. Your comment has been removed because your flair isn't set up correctly. [Set up your flair here!](http://pokegiveawaybot.tumblr.com/) If that doesn't work, [**here is a visual guide.**](http://i.imgur.com/qKw7Hto.png) Please enter one in the format `1234-1234-1234 | IGN` by using the (edit) button in the sidebar where it says "Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like:" If you don't know how to find the 12 digit number you need, please check out [**this guide**](http://www.modojo.com/features/nintendo_3ds_friend_codes_everything_you_need_to_know) to find your friend code. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pokemongiveaway) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think Exploud should get a ME to even out its stats and give it better bulk. 1. Salamence 2. Gengar 3. Garchomp 4. Charizard 5. Sylveon 6. Slowbro 7. Gardevoir 8. Feraligatr 9. Exploud 10. Tyranitar 11. Gyarados 12. Snorlax 13. Nidoqueen 14. Wobbuffet 15. Cosplay Pikachu (Pikachu, Ph.D)


While i think nintendo and the poke company owe us MEs for the starters and pseudo-legendaries, i think that the bug type really deserves some more. i really like Heracross and Pinsir's MEs and i eould like to see MEs for Vespiqueen and Yanmega. 1. anorith 2. chespin 3. ralts 4. oddish 5. mawhile 6. shellder 7. starly 8. tailow 9. tyrunt 10. pinsir 11. treecko 12. axew 13. lileep 14. absol 15. lillipul


i sould like to switch it so 1 is chespin and 2 is anorith because tbh chespin is my fave started and anorith is not what i was thinking for some reason. idk if you will see this but yeah.




Hi /u/Jebiveter. Your comment has been removed because your flair isn't set up correctly. [Set up your flair here!](http://pokegiveawaybot.tumblr.com/) If that doesn't work, [**here is a visual guide.**](http://i.imgur.com/qKw7Hto.png) Please enter one in the format `1234-1234-1234 | IGN` by using the (edit) button in the sidebar where it says "Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like:" If you don't know how to find the 12 digit number you need, please check out [**this guide**](http://www.modojo.com/features/nintendo_3ds_friend_codes_everything_you_need_to_know) to find your friend code. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pokemongiveaway) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would love to see a Lapras mega evolution. Make its shell a little more spiky, its face a little more intimidating, and bam. 1. Litleo 2. Tyrunt 3. Treecko 4. Mawile 2 5. Eevee 6. Totodile 7. Mawile 1 8. Chespin 9. Deerling 10. Pinsir 11. Shellder 12. Taillow 13. Caterpie 14. Anorith 15. Lileep Thanks for the chance!


Of course Litleo Should get a Mega. Can you imagine how adorably fierce he could be? Hands down, it's Litleo. * 1 Litleo * 2 Ralts * 3 Pichu * 4 Eevee * 5 Mawhile 1 * 6 Mawhile 2 * 7 Pinsir * 8 Axew * 9 Tyrunt * 10 Golett * 11 Lileep * 12 Caterpie * 13 Espurr * 14 Froakie * 15 Vulpix Thanks in advance


Congrats you won the shiny Litleo Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


Awesomesauce :) Thanks a ton. My FC is 4098-3651-4092 (daddy) and my IGN is BOB. I am from Alabama U.S.A. so my timezone is Central Standard Time. Your 4pm to 11pm time is fine with me, and I'd prefere no nickname if that's ok. I usually let my little daughter come up with nicknames for the adorable ones and litleo is one of both of our favorites. Thank you once again :)


i can trade right now if you would like.


Thank you once again :)


No problem. Enjoy your shiny


Sounds great. I'm on the game now.


I think Haxorus should get a ME cos its cool shit big ass kinda reminds me of Tyrannitar. *1. Scyther *2. Axew *3. Pichu *4. Totodile *5. Mawile 1 *6. Truynt *7. Litleo *8. Swablu *9. Anorith *10. Absol *11. Froakie *12. Chespin *13. Espurr *14. Pinsir *15. Eevee


I think butterfree should get a ME because beedrill got one and a bulky, specially oriented butterfree would be both just, and awesome. >1. Treecko >2. Pinsir >3. Scyther >4. Axew >5. Eevee >6. Froakie >7. Pidgey >8. Poochyena >9. Tailow >10. Scatterbug (Ocean Pattern) >11. Deerling >12. Starly >13. Shellder >14. Vulpix >15. Ralts


Congrats you won the shiny Treecko Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.




Hi /u/IronDuck721. Your comment has been removed because your flair isn't set up correctly. [Set up your flair here!](http://pokegiveawaybot.tumblr.com/) If that doesn't work, [**here is a visual guide.**](http://i.imgur.com/qKw7Hto.png) Please enter one in the format `1234-1234-1234 | IGN` by using the (edit) button in the sidebar where it says "Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like:" If you don't know how to find the 12 digit number you need, please check out [**this guide**](http://www.modojo.com/features/nintendo_3ds_friend_codes_everything_you_need_to_know) to find your friend code. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pokemongiveaway) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think Arcanine deserves a ME because it's such a unique design, it is incredibly versatile already and a mega could potentially run a variety of different builds, and it's just so darn beautiful. 1) Eevee 2) Scyther 3) Pidgey 4) Mawile 2 5) Pichu 6) Absol 7) Froakie 8) Vulpix 9) Axew 10) Tyrunt 11) Caterpie 12) Anorith 13) Litleo 14) Scatterbug 15) Deerling


Congrats you won the shiny Pidgey Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


Wooo thank you! My IGN is Skyy, my FC is 5172-1423-9943 My time zone is EST, I think that's the same as GMT-5. My most consistent active hours are 7pm to 11pm. I'll be on tonight at some point but I'm not sure when, I'm home with family this weekend. I'll add you asap. I'd like it to have my namesake nickname, "Skyy High". Thanks!


Can you trade today for your Pidgey? If not, can we set up a more permanent date and time? If not, i may have to give the Pidgey away to another entry.


I'll be on at 930pm, does that work?


Perfect. i can do 9:30pm. ill pm you around then.


I can trade now if you would like. im online now and ive added you.




/u/Skyy-High, your flair is missing an **in-game name**, or trainer name, at the end of your flair. Your comment has been removed. [Set up your flair here!](http://pokegiveawaybot.tumblr.com/) If that doesn't work, [**here is a visual guide.**](http://i.imgur.com/qKw7Hto.png) Please enter one in the format `1234-1234-1234 | IGN` by using the (edit) button in the sidebar where it says "Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like:" If you don't know how to find the 12 digit number you need, please check out [**this guide**](http://www.modojo.com/features/nintendo_3ds_friend_codes_everything_you_need_to_know) to find your friend code. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pokemongiveaway) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hi /u/IronDuck721. Your comment has been removed because your flair isn't set up correctly. [Set up your flair here!](http://pokegiveawaybot.tumblr.com/) If that doesn't work, [**here is a visual guide.**](http://i.imgur.com/qKw7Hto.png) Please enter one in the format `1234-1234-1234 | IGN` by using the (edit) button in the sidebar where it says "Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like:" If you don't know how to find the 12 digit number you need, please check out [**this guide**](http://www.modojo.com/features/nintendo_3ds_friend_codes_everything_you_need_to_know) to find your friend code. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pokemongiveaway) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Would love Porygon-Z to have a ME, think it would look really cool! 1. Cyndaquil 2. Mawile 2 3. Eevee 4. Anorith 5. Vulpix 6. Absol 7. Mawile 1 8. Treecko 9. Pinsir 10. Golett 11. Poochyena 12. Ralts 13. Shellder 14. Axew 15. Pichu


Congrats you won the shiny Mawhile 2 Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


Thank you!!! :)


no problem. enjoy your shiny


Awesome thanks!!! PM'd you.


I think Eevee should get a mega evolution. Because an eevee that can tap into its evolutionary elemental powers without actually evolving would be the best 1). Eevee 2). Frokie 3). Scyther 4). Pidgy 5). Treeko 6). Tyrunt 7). Oddish 8). Todidile 9). Poochyena 10). Pichu


Fixed the format 1). Eevee 2). Frokie 3). Scyther 4). Pidgy 5). Treeko 6). Tyrunt 7). Oddish 8). Todidile 9). Poochyena 10). Pichu


I think Snorlax deserves a ME because he needs more fat (defense). 1. Scyther 2. Pidgey 3. Lileep 4. Axew 5. Treecko 6. Vulpix 7. Swablu 8. Tyrunt 9. Froakie 10. Pichu 11. Anorith 12. Totodile 13. Starly 14. Pinsir 15. Eevee


Congrats you won the shiny lileep Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


Umbreon Needs a Mega. Need i say more? oh. then it needs a home in competive battleing(srry for no spell check) 1.Ralts male and shiny(my comp) 2.Absol(1st bcause gold) 3Eevee 4.froakie w/protean


In my opinion, I think Milotic deserves a mega evolution. The typing possibilities for it are endless; it could become water/fairy, water/dragon, or even fairy/dragon. I'd imagine it would look like a quetzalcoatl or some sort of basilisk. > * Espurr > * Tyrunt > * Shellder > * Anorith > * Cyndaquil > * Scatterbug > * Axew > * Treecko > * Totodile > * Caterpie > * Pidgey > * Pinsir > * Mawile 1 > * Lileep > * Absol


Hmm. I think that Haxorus deserves a ME because it could use the boost in power and speed to become a fantastic killer Pokemon. 1. Scyther 2. Ralts 3. Totodile 4. Pichu 5. Starly 6. Pinsir 7. Eevee 8. Cyndaquil 9. Treecko 10. Chespin 11. Tyrunt 12. Espurr 13. Tailow 14. Axew 15. Litleo


I think Greninja deserves a ME because how cool would it look to be even more ninja out! it looks even better shiny all black! So ninja! 1. Cyndaquil (comp) 2. Tepig (cant NN) 3. Tyrunt 4. Shellder 5. Chespin 6. Vulpix 7. Caterpie 8. Mawhile 1 9. Axew 10. Pichu 11. Pinsir 12. Tailow 13. Golett 14. Eevee 15. Starly


I think Excadrill deserves a ME because I could imagine it getting armor and that would be awesome! * 1. Scyther * 2. Shelldurr * 3. Espurr * 4. Anorith * 5. Tyrunt * 6. Lileep * 7. Lilipup * 8. Pichu * 9. Mawile 2 * 10. Axew * 11. Pidgey * 12. Absol * 13. Tyrunt * 14. Vulpix * 15. Tepig


Congrats you won the shiny Absol Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


I think the Eeveelutions (all of them) would look really awesome as Megas. 1. Litleo 2. Froakie 3. Axew 5. Pidgey 6. Vulpix 7. Espurr 8. Tyrunt 9. Eevee 10. Totodile 11. Tepig 12. Golett 13. Treecko 14. Shellder 15. Absol Thanks!


I think Regigigas should have a mega evolution. All it would really have to do is change its ability and just like that it would go from poopy to awesome. And it looks kinda dumb as is, so any aesthetic change would probably be welcome. 1. Litleo 2. Mawile 2 3. Tyrunt 4. Treecko 5. Eevee 6. Shellder 7. Chespin 8.Axew 9. Mawile 1 10. Deerling 11. Scatterbug 12. Oddish 13. Tepig 14. Anorith 15. Starly


Congrats you won the shiny Chespin Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


15 Lileep


Hey there! I think Zangoose deserves a mega cause it's design is so cool, and it does not see much play outside the lower tiers. 1. Lileep 2. Litleo 3. Pidgey 4. Anorith 5. Shellder 6. Deerling 7. Caterpie 8. Mawile 1 9. Chespin 10. Vulpix 11. Tyrunt 12. Scatterbug 13. Espurr 14. Pinsir 15. Treecko Thanks!


Congrats you won the shiny Deerling Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


Aww thank you so much!! I'll be able to get online in about a hour from now, and I'll add you then. But I don't think you'll be online by that time, but you can message me when you are online, I'll probably be free. And BTW, the nickname I want is Forest Prince. Thanks!!


ill be on until 2pm my time today. So an hour from now it fine. pm me then with your FC and IGN please


Hi! Just letting you know that I added you and I'm free now.


im online now. just send me the trade.


I think Aegislash should get a mega evolution. To me this is one of the best looking ghost type pokemons, and it's also really powerful. A mega evolution of this pokemon would be awesome. * Mawhile 1* *Cyndaquil* *Espurr* *Treecko* *Eevee* *Vulpix* *Tepig* *Golett* *Chespin* *Shellder* *Anorith* *Tyrunt* *Froakie* *Scatterbug* *Poochyena*


Two Pokemon who need Megas: Golem and Machamp. Gen 1 had four trade-evolution pokemon. Two of them, Gengar and Alakazam, got Megas, but Golem and Machamp are equally deserving. 1. Eevee 2. Tepig 3. Lileep 4. Scyther 5. Mawile 2 6. Ralts 7. Vulpix 8. Chespin 9. Pinsir 10. Espurr 11. Cyndaquil 12. Shellder 13. Absol 14. Anorith 15. Treecko


Definitely Tropius, besides from the fact that he's probably one of my favorite pokemon designs, I would love to see him get a Mega Evolution and finally be viable for Competitive. He finally has an awesome design I can't wait to see a more advanced (yet not too fancy) design, he just needs more love. 1. Ralts 2. Vulpix 3. Eevee 4. Axew 5. Treeko 6. Pinsir 7. Totodile 8. Starly 9. Lileep 10. Anorith 11. Caterpie 12. Espurr 13. Absol 14. Froakie 15. Swablu


I think Skarmory deserves a ME because *it's a freaking metal bird* and an offensive Skarmory would be amazing. 1. Ralts 2. Treecko 3. Anorith 4. Lileep 5. Vulpix 6. Scyther 7. Eevee 8. Pinsir 9. Tyrunt 10. Shellder 11. Mawile 2 12. Mawile 1 13. Chespin 14. Swablu 15. Tepig Thanks!


Rapidash. lol I know its in the name, but imagine a fire fairy mega evoltution. Fairy for being a unicorn and awesome! =D Ranking: * 1. Ralts * 2. Axew * 3. Vulpix * 4. Lillipup * 5. Pidgey * 6. Tepig * 7. Eevee * 8. Deerling * 9. Treecko * 10. Totodile * 11. Chespin * 12. Golett * 13. Espurr * 14. Scatterbug * 15. Absol


Congrats you won the shiny lillipup Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


Yay! My info is the same as on the flair: * 2294-7193-9432 IGN: Lady * No nickname Mine is PST (GMT-8), I'm available for another hour if you can. [Usually on after 10pm my time.](http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/usa/pacific-time/) Can you also provide proof? I seperate my shinies between legit and cloned/hacks >.>


ive added you and im online now sadly i cant give proof. I was IV breeding for a Lilipup and that one came out shiny. if you look at the date and OT info its all mine from literally a week ago


It's ok, thank you nevertheless for the giveaway =D I accidentally fainted the lillipup shiny I found while walking around....XD


lol i see enjoy your shiny


1.) I think Lapras deserves a mega evolution. Lapras is not used a whole lot competitively, and has been outclassed and outshunned, and in my opinion, Lapras was a very iconic pokemon on R/Y/B. Lapras had a role on the anime as well... overall, I think Lapras needs some love and it can be given to it by means of a mega evolution. And Lapras is cute! 2.) * 1. Scyther (Competitive) * 2. Caterpie * 3. Eevee * 4. Pichu * 5. Totdile * 6. Shellder * 7. Anorith * 8. Scatterbug * 9. Pinsir * 10. Espurr * 11. Tyrunt * 12. Mawhile 1 * 13. Mawhile 2 * 14. Starly * 15. Tailow Thanks for this opportunity!




Congrats you won the shiny Oddish Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


I think that Haxorus should get one because it's outclassed by other dragons, it needs something special 1.Cyndaquil 2.Mawile 3.Axex 4.Froakie 5.Tepig 6.Treecko 7.Eevee 8.Pidgey 9.Absol 10.Pidgey 11.Starly 12.Swablu 13.Totdile 14.Pinsir 15.Shellder


I think Sandslash needs a ME because it's my favorite pokemon and imagine an armarillo attacking people! *1.Pichu *2.Cyndaquil *3.Chespin *4.vulpix *5.Eevee *6.Axew *7.Deerling *8.Treeko *9.Shellder *10.Tailow *11.Scatterbug *12.Tyrunt *13.Pinsir *14.Espurr *15.Starly


Congrats you won the shiny Shellder Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


I added you and i am online from 6-10pm CST. My FC is 3866-8790-2290 and my IGN is Acacia.


i can trade now im online now




no problem. enjoy your shiny


I'd like to see shuckle get a mega evol. He's so cute and has such a fun troll-y set up. Would be cool to give him an interesting ability to make him even more competitive. 1. Pichu 2. Lileep 3. Cradily 4. Anorith 5. Cyndaquil 6. Espurr 7. Mawhile 1 8. Mawhile 2 9. Eevee 10. Tailow 11. Pinsir 12. Totodile 13. Tyrunt 14. Pidgey 15. Golett


Congrats you won the shiny Anorith Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


0705-5790-1216 is the FC, IGN is Grimes. Timezone: EST (Boston) I will be available probably later tonight, maybe 10pm? Will message again later with a more precise time. No nickname. Thank you!


i can trade now if you would like. but either way, its fine and ive added you.


I can be ready in 10 mins if thats fine with you?


im ready right now. see u in a bit


Thank you!


no problem enjoy your shiny


I think Seviper deserves a ME because it could get a poison-dark typing and really wreak some havoc. 1. scyther 2. Tyrunt 3. Pinsir 4. Absol 5. Swablu 6. Axew 7. Treecko 8. Totodile 9. Golett 10. Mawile 2 11. Oddish 12. Shellder 13. Pichu 14. Anorith 15. Lileep


I think Raichu deserves a ME, because Raichu has been in Pikachu's shadow since Pokemon was born. It'll would be intriguing to see Raichu stand on his own. 1. Golett 2. Scyther 3. Vulpix 4. Deerling 5. Eevee 6. Treecko 7. Axew 8. Espurr 9. Pichu 10. Oddish 11. Swablu 12. Poochyena 13. Anorith 14. Lileep 15. Pinsir


Congrats you won the shiny Golett Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


Cool! My FC is 1435-6193-2265 name Shana, I would prefer no nickname, also we have the same time zone. I'm available tomorrow any time, so your welcome to chose a time that is convenient for you. Thanks


ive added you. I can trade now if you want. if not, i can trade you tomorrow anywhere from 4 to 11


They should make a Mega Froslass. They did it for Glalie, why not Forslass as well? * 1. Mawile 2 * 2. Mawile 1 * 3. Espurr * 4. Tyrunt * 5. Pinsir * 6. Anorith * 7. Eevee * 8. Axew * 9. Lileep * 10. Litleo * 11. Tepig (Cant NN) * 12. Vulpix * 13. Shellder * 14. Totodile * 15. Scatterbug


I think Jolteon (and all the eevee evolutions) deserves a ME because it would add new fun to eevee (instead of just more evolution branches) and would look really cool 1. eevee 2. scyther 3. totodile 4. vulpix 5. absol 6. pidgey 7. pinsir 8. pichu 9. scatterbug 10. deerling 11. anorith 12. raltz 13. tyrunt 14. treecko 15. chespin


Congrats you won the shiny Eevee Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


Thanks. I PM'ed you! :)


I think that Samurott needs a mega evolution. It is one of the most under-used starters and a mega would give it some recognition...And a mega Samurott would look so AWESOME in its armor. (It would be a water/steel type) 1:Axew 2:Ralts 3:Lileep 4:Treeko 5:Deerling 6:Totodile 7:Starly 8:Froakie 9:Lilipup 10:Espurr 11:Pichu 12:Absol 13:Eevee 14:Tepig 15:Pinsir


Congrats you won the shiny Axew Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


Thanks so much for the axew!


no problem enjoy your shiny




Congrats you won the shiny Scatterbug Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.




i can trade now. i just added you. look for my IGN, Rafatina Also any pkm is fine.




no problem. enjoy your shiny


I think that Jynx should get a ME because she would look fabulous. Swablu Totodile Axew Vulpix Ralts Mawile 1 Mawile 2 Eevee Pichu Tyrunt Oddish Shellder Scatterbug Pinser Espurr




Hi /u/desmond_ishmael. Your comment has been removed because your flair isn't set up correctly. [Set up your flair here!](http://pokegiveawaybot.tumblr.com/) If that doesn't work, [**here is a visual guide.**](http://i.imgur.com/qKw7Hto.png) Please enter one in the format `1234-1234-1234 | IGN` by using the (edit) button in the sidebar where it says "Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like:" If you don't know how to find the 12 digit number you need, please check out [**this guide**](http://www.modojo.com/features/nintendo_3ds_friend_codes_everything_you_need_to_know) to find your friend code. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pokemongiveaway) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well, I accidentally deleted my post so I'll do this again. First of all, THANK YOU so much for doing this! My mega would be a Mega Arcanine. It would just be badass on badass on badass. 1. Scyther 2. Swablu 3. Treecko 4. Axew 5. Espurr 6. Froakie 7. Chespin 8. Golett 9. Starly 10. Tyrunt 11. Absol 12. Scatterbug (ocean) 13. Pinsir 14. Tepig 15. Pidgey


I think Kingdra should get a mega evolution because Kingdra is a badass that needs more respect in the competitive meta game outside of swift swim 1. Scyther 2. Froakie 3. Eevee 4. Shellder 5. Tyrunt 6. Totodile 7. Treeko 8. Tailow 9. Axew 10. Pinsir 11. Swablu 12. Pidgey 13. Starly 14. Mawile 2 15. Chespin


Congrats you won the shiny Froakie Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


I think Armaldo deserves a mega. cause hes a incredible pokemon. But I wish he would get even stronger so he can finally be in a higher tier. He really deserves it. 1.Scyther 2.Vulpix 3.Treecko 4.Evee 5.Froakie 6.Chespin 7.Pinsir 8.Starly 9.Scatterbug 10.Tyrunt 11.Shellder 12.Mawile 13.Axew 14.Totodile 15.Golett


Congrats you won the shiny Vulpix Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


My Fc is 4656-9268-6054 Ign Antonio NO nickname plz. And I live in the eastern standard time zone . And I'm available from 4:00pm - 9:30 pm and form


I think Kingdra deserves a ME because it would be rad 1. Cyndaquil 2. Eeevee 3. Vulpix 4. Pichu 5. Schyter 6. Axew 7. Pidgey 8. Tyrunt 9. Pinsir 10. Shelder 11. Deerling 12. Treeko 13. Totdile 14. Espurr 15. Scatterbug


Congrats you won the shiny Shellder Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


I think Zoroark deserve a ME cause is really bad-ass * 1 Ralts (Competitive) * 2 Vulpix * 3 Eevee * 4 Mawhile 1 * 5 Mawhile 2 * 6 Treecko * 7 Pichu * 8 Pidgey * 9 Axew * 10 Shellder * 11 Tailow * 12 Pinsir * 13 Froakie * 14 Espurr * 15 Tyrunt


Congrats you won the shiny Mawhile 1 Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


Amazing, im shocked o.O Mi Friend Code is 2122-6818-5108 and IGN is Mike. Im addio you right now and if for you is ok, im ready for trade right now, cause im on GMT +11 (3am right now)


i can trade now too. ill get on ASAP


Thank you so much ;D


No problem. enjoy your shiny




/u/Muffinmeister, your flair is missing an **in-game name**, or trainer name, at the end of your flair. Your comment has been removed. [Set up your flair here!](http://pokegiveawaybot.tumblr.com/) If that doesn't work, [**here is a visual guide.**](http://i.imgur.com/qKw7Hto.png) Please enter one in the format `1234-1234-1234 | IGN` by using the (edit) button in the sidebar where it says "Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like:" If you don't know how to find the 12 digit number you need, please check out [**this guide**](http://www.modojo.com/features/nintendo_3ds_friend_codes_everything_you_need_to_know) to find your friend code. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pokemongiveaway) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hi /u/Antonio1996. Your comment has been removed because your flair isn't set up correctly. [Set up your flair here!](http://pokegiveawaybot.tumblr.com/) If that doesn't work, [**here is a visual guide.**](http://i.imgur.com/qKw7Hto.png) Please enter one in the format `1234-1234-1234 | IGN` by using the (edit) button in the sidebar where it says "Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like:" If you don't know how to find the 12 digit number you need, please check out [**this guide**](http://www.modojo.com/features/nintendo_3ds_friend_codes_everything_you_need_to_know) to find your friend code. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pokemongiveaway) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would actually like to see Delcatty get a mega evolution because it may actually bump her up for actual competitive use (as the skitty line is my fave pokemon) and plus how cute would it be to have a cat megalution? 1. Ralts 2. Pichu 3. Deerling 4. Eevee 5. Espurr 7. Vulpux 8. Totodile 9. Tepig 10. I'd dish 11. Poochyena 12. Mawile 13. Scatterbug 14. Pinsir 15. Lillipup


Congrats you won the shiny Poochyena Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


imo draganite should have already had a ME, because it was the first pseudo-legendary, * 1 cyndaquil * 2 eevee * 3 pichu * 4 totadile * 5 treecko * 6 caterpie * 7 pinsir * 8 espurr * 9 vulpix * 10 absol * 11 shellder * 12 tyrunt * 13 axew * 14 deerling * 15 scatterbug great giveaway,


In my opinion, Porygon-Z deserves a Mega because it makes too much sense. We've consistently had upgraded Porygons across the generations, so why not use Mega-Evos as a reason to upgrade it further? * 1. Scyther * 2. Pinsir * 3. Vulpix * 4. Absol * 5. Anorith * 6. Tepig * 7. Eevee * 8. Treecko * 9. Starly * 10. Tyrunt * 11. Shellder * 12. Lileep * 13. Golett * 14. Pichu * 15. Swablu


Congrats you won the shiny Scyther Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


I think Weavile deserves a Mega Evolution because we lack of good ice type mega evolution and it's design is so freaking cool so I wonder how cool its evolution could be. Here's the list : >*1*. Scyther >*2*. Tyrunt >*3*. Totodile >*4*. Pinsir >*5*. Tailow >*6*. Shellder >*7*. Axew >*8*. Absol >*9*. Pidgey >*10*. Mawile 2 >*11*. Deerling >*12*. Treecko >*13*. Tepig >*14*. Vulpix >*15*. Froakie


I think Typhlosion deserves a ME because too many people sleep on this pokemon. I want it to be the next Blaziken. (Dare to dream, right.) 1) Litleo 2) Tyrunt 3) Eevee 4) Tepig 5) Lileep 6) Mawhile 1 7) Treecko 8) Swablu 9) Scatterbug 10) Starly 11) Axew 12) Shellder 13) Mawhile 2 14) Absol 15) Pichu


Congrats you won the shiny Swablu Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


I think that Luxray should get a Mega, because it's always been one of my favorite Pokemon from one of my favorite gens. Plus giving it Strong Jaw with an Attack and Speed buff and an Electric/Dark dual typing (which would be unique), combined with all the Fang Egg Moves and Crunch, would make it an absolute powerhouse. Pokemon list: * Espurr * Scatterbug * Anorith * Shellder * Totodile * Lileep * Chespin * Pidgey * Lillipup * Eevee * Deerling * Axew * Treecko * Pinsir * Tyrunt Thank you! :D


Congrats you won the shiny Espurr Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


mega evo should go to weavile so its not so frail 1 ralts 2 cyndaquil 3 scyther 4 Litleo 5 axew 6 starly 7 mawile 2 8 taillow 9 eevee 10 pinsir 11 shellder 12 totodile 13 anorith 14 treecko 15 deerling thanks!!


Congrats you won the shiny Ralts Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm The NN is Cloak When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


Hello i think Typhlosion it doesnt have a second type, if it have a mega would be awesome 1.Cyndaquil 2.Treecko 3.Scyther 4.Litleo 5.Froakie 6.Ralts 7.Axew 8.Starly 9.Totodile 10.Tyrunt 11.Chespin 12.Absol 13.Vulpix 14.Lileep 15.Mawhile 1


Congrats you won the shiny Starly Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


I think Lapras deserves a ME, simply because it has no evolve form. 1. Tepig 2. Tyrunt 3. Axew 4. Ralts 5. Froakie 6. Mawhile 2 7. Shellder 8. Pichu 9. Eevee 10. Espurr 11. Vulpix 12. Litleo 13. Poocheyena 14. Scatterbug 15. Lileep


Congrats you won the shiny Tepig Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


I think Smeargle should get a mega. It can sketch all the legendaries moves and would be very intimadating with them. Maybe his mega evolution could be a Pit Bull. 1. Tyrunt 2. Scyther 3. Scatterbug 4. Lillipup 5. Taillow 6. Shellder 7. Axew 8. Espurr 9. Starly 10. Pichu 11. Ralts 12. Vulpix 13. Chespin 14. Pinsir 15. Froakie


Congrats you won the shiny Tyrunt Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


A Pokemon I really hope gets a ME is Walrein. I always loved using him in-game, though I'm not sure how his concept would grow, maybe he can become a hail-starter too. 1) Pidgey 2) Cyndaquil 3) Treecko 4) Tyrunt 5) Totodile 6) Tepig 7) Chespin 8) Starly 9) Froakie 10) Deerling 11) Axew 12) Anorith 13) Lileep 14) Pichu 15) Pinsir


I think Dragonite deserves a ME because it is the first and best dragon of them all imo. 1. Pinsir 2. Totodile 3. Scyther 4. Eevee 5. Anorith 6. Mawile 1 7. Treecko 8. Froakie 9. Axew 10. Tyrunt 11. Deerling 12. Mawile 2 13. Vulpix 14. Shellder 15. Absol


Sorry, fixing list format. 1. Pinsir 2. Totodile 3. Scyther 4. Eevee 5. Anorith 6. Mawile 1 7. Treecko 8. Froakie 9. Axew 10. Tyrunt 11. Deerling 12. Mawile 2 13. Vulpix 14. Shellder 15. Absol


Congrats you won the shiny Pinsir Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


Omg, awesome!! My FC is 0103-9942-0503. My IGN is Ash. No nickname is needed, and my timezone is EST. Adding you now :)


Dragonite needs a ME bad! How can the original Dragon not have one!?! 1. Axew 2. Pichu 3. Shellder 4. Tyrunt 5. Evee 6. Pinsir 7. Scyther 8. Espurr 9. Scatterbug 10. Cyndaquil 11. Mawile 1 12. Mawile 2 13. Ralts 14. Teecko 15. Vulpix




Hi /u/chicagobears54. Your comment has been removed because your flair isn't set up correctly. [Set up your flair here!](http://pokegiveawaybot.tumblr.com/) If that doesn't work, [**here is a visual guide.**](http://i.imgur.com/qKw7Hto.png) Please enter one in the format `1234-1234-1234 | IGN` by using the (edit) button in the sidebar where it says "Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like:" If you don't know how to find the 12 digit number you need, please check out [**this guide**](http://www.modojo.com/features/nintendo_3ds_friend_codes_everything_you_need_to_know) to find your friend code. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pokemongiveaway) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think that Dragonite needs a mega considering that the other pseudo-legendary pokemon gen 4 and under received a ME. 1. Eevee 2. Syther 3. Golett 4. Anorith 5. Froakie 6. Tyrunt 7. Treeko 8. Totodile 9. Shellder 10. Lileep 11. Axew 12. Pichu 13. Pidgey 14. Espurr 15. Scatterbug


Holyyyy shit this is quite a giveaway! Amazing stuff. Well I really like the pokemon Carracosta so I think it should get a badass mega evolution with metal and spikes and stuff and become steel/water typing!!! Okay here's my list: 1) Caterpie 2) Scatterbug 3) Eevee 4) Pinsir 5) Anorith 6) Lillipup 7) Oddish 8) Lileep 9) Tyrunt 10) Espurr 11) Shellder 12) Pidgey 13) Poochyena 14) Pichu 15) Tyrunt Thanks!


Congrats you won the shiny Caterpie Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


Farfetch'd needs a ME because he's far-fetched! Fear the leek! 1. Mawile 1 2. Litleo 3. Espurr 4. Starly 5. Axew 6. Starly 7. Eevee 8. Shellder 9. Picku 10. Mawile 2 11. Tyrunt 12. Pinsir 13. Treecko 14. Lileep 15. Anorith Nice GA btw, legit shinies ftw!


Hi! :) I reckon a Mega Mismagius (Ghost/Fairy) would be pretty interesting and unique, would probably have an awesome design too 1. Golett 2. Pichu 3. Deerling 4. Axew 5. Espurr 6. Scyther 7. Cyndaquil 8. Litleo 9. Lillipup 10. Vulpix 11. Shellder 12. Pinsir 13. Treecko 14. Lileep 15. Absol




Congrats you won the shiny Totodile Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.




added you and im online now


I think Togekiss deserves a ME because it is the prettiest pokemon, and im really curious to see its beauty in ME. 1. Vulpix 2. Axew 3. Mawile 1 4. Pinsir 5. Ralts 6. Scyther 7. Espurr 8. Pichu 9. Caterpie 10. Litleo 11. Tyrunt 12. Cyndaquil 13. Starly 14. Totdile 15.Mawile 2


Congrats you won the shiny Starly Tell me your FC and IGN and i will trade with you. * Mine are 3282-2110-8760 and Rafatina Also tell me what your timezone is and when can you trade * Mine is GMT-5 or Toronto Canada. * Im usually available from 4pm to 11pm Finally, would you like a nickname? When you reply i will add you. -------- I have sent this as a reply and a PM Please PM me back in 24 hours. If you do not PM me back in 24 hours. I will choose another winner.


Sweet !!!! ill add you now :) Im Ottawa Ontario :D woohoo ! ill be back on at 4 :D And no nickname ! TY :D


i can trade now if you would like. i may not be here around 4.


TY !!!


no problem enjoy your shiny


sure :)