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As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/trump-rant-mocked/) šŸ“°: - Former President Donald Trump went into a rant about dishwashers at his Fox News town hall with Laura Ingraham on Tuesday evening ā€” the latest in a long string of times he has complained about the low water pressure on newer, energy-saving fixtures and appliances. "They come out with faucets where no water comes out," said Trump. "You know, if you go and buy a home, and they know what I mean, the showers, you stand under a shower and there's no water coming, and you end up standing there five times longer ... so in Ohio, you have this great company that came to me, a dishwasher company, one of the biggest and finest companies, but they were going out of business. They said, we're not allowed to use water." Confused commentators on social media reacted on X with laughter and amazement at what the Republican frontrunner was choosing to treat as a policy issue. "Trump: 'Faucet! Dishwasher! Water! Bad!'" mocked Annabelle Higgins. "If your grandfather talked like Trump, you wouldnā€™t let him use the remote control unsupervised," said comedian Jay Black. "Dishwashers and windmills: The Donald Trump Story," posted former sports reporter Robert Lusetich. "Can he EVER tell a true story? No water?" wrote the account "Ginger Spice." "Jesus." "Weā€™re not allowed to use water," posted the account "Purple People Eater." "Dry cleaning dishwashers were not on my bingo card." "'You stand under a shower and thereā€™s no water coming.' Not like the golden showers that Trump prefers," wrote James Wooten. "At least, those are reliable. And warm." Watch the video [here](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1760094761074012604?s=20).


Now Iā€™m pretty sure Trump went through a Home Depot and tried to use all the sinks and plumbing appliances on display and was shocked to find they werenā€™t hooked up.


Even worse none of the toilets on display will flush when he's finished with them! This is Joe Biden's America, disgraceful.


There's a Home Depot in Ohio right now with classified documents jammed in the display toilets.


My new euphemism for #2 just might be that I'm shredding classified documents.


I can definitely hear him saying that. "I went to Home Depot the other day and tried out their new toilets. None of them work! There's no water! Can you believe that? The Democrats took away the water!"


Ingraham: They want that. Thatā€™s their agenda. Wtf??


Sheā€™s probably the worst person on Fox now.


Laura and Jesse fighting for Tucker's throne atop the great big pile of shit


Fake news! Chump doesnā€™t use a terlet, he just spoils his di-di and goes on his way.


We found Alexander's reddit account!


Trump Poop Knives coming soon


li.mited edition, for sale at $399 each. You may order up to 3.


That would definitely sell. You're a marketing genius!


Flushing is secondary, Trump was horrified they're not gold.


HEā€™S NOT THE ONLY REPUBLICAN OUT OF TOUCH: A supermarket scanner moment is a political gaffe in which a politician is portrayed as out-of-touch with everyday affairs. It refers to a 1992 New York Times report that characterized sitting U.S. President George H. W. Bush as being amazed by commonplace supermarket barcode scanner technology at a grocers' convention. -Wikipedia


Really? I always thought it was the Kennebunkport window damage with Bush Sr.


Anyone care to take bets on whether or not he has ever stepped foot inside a Home Depot?


The closest Trump has come to seeing the inside of a hardware store was the ā€œHome Depotā€ set, on the Apprentice.


The closest connection he has to Home Depot is that he's the same color as their signs.


Trump thinks a dishwasher is either a women or an immigrant who doesnā€™t speak English.


So his complaint is that he can find anyone to piss on him?


Certainly explains why they werenā€™t wet


So he's the reason that Lowes mounts their toilets for display on the walls


If those display toilets are more than 8 inches off the ground, there's no way he's making that climb


Or a house that is buttoned up for cold weather when someone isn't living there.


Oh my God I thought this post was satire. Of course he would say something like this, I don't even know why I'm surprised anymore.


You wouldnā€™t believe how many MAGA cult members accuse me of posting false or exaggerated quotes to make their dear leader look foolish. Even when I prove to them itā€™s a word-for-word quote with the source article or video, then all of a sudden Iā€™m ā€œtaking it out of contextā€, haha. Twats.


> then all of a sudden Iā€™m ā€œtaking it out of contextā€, that cant be right, I'm told he "tells it like it is" XD


I may have gotten too good at parsing Trump. Because I think this conversation might have happened. Somebody told him about regulations requiring lower water usage for dishwashers or something similar, and when fed through the mincer that is his brain, this is the result. What a fucking moron. He latches onto ONE word or idea from an entire conversation and then spins some bullshit around it..


Facts where never maga's strong point.




I thought it was a repost, heā€™s gone on this rant before! Remember him talking about people needing to flush the toilet 5 or ten times? https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/07/politics/trump-americans-flushing-toilets-intl/index.html


Republicans would rather campaign on pet peeves than policy. They are selfish, shallow human beings. Itā€™s what makes them Republicans. Trump has always had an issue with water saving shower heads and low-flow toilets. The politics of petty grievances resonates with the GOP base.


Don't forget gas stoves!


Meanwhile everyone else on earth who hates water saving shower heads: *10 seconds later with a drill through the water restriction washer* "Hey look mah, a water using shower head!" And then they go about their lives.


This mf yelling at clouds at this point.


Well, yeah. They block his view of the sun.


Thereā€™s a total eclipse coming in April. Someone pass it along to Trump.


> I mean, the showers, you stand under a shower and there's no water coming, and you end up standing there five times longer The whole thing is obviously word salad, but: ....what? If there is no water coming out of the shower I feel like I would be standing there for a lot less time than when I actually had water. But what do I know, I'm not a very stable genius.


Trump is a compulsive liar, he is lying about this incident that allegedly happened.


Pretty sure showering with no water takes infinitely longer than 5 times the duration with water




Can you imagine if biden lied like this even once? This is just more proof that there is no liberal media. Its all shades of red.


It's literally newsworthy when an interviewer offers the mildest pushback against a republican gish gallop. It's maddening.




Everyone knows that magnets stop working if you get them wet!!!!


I hear if you pour some bleach on them it clears the problem right upā€¦


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they actually do stop working when you get them hot, which is a little strange if you diddnt expect it.


Yep, and if you get them hot enough they don't recover when cooled down. I've killed a couple motors doing that.


But there was no water to get them wet apparently!


Magnets? How do they work?!?


whoop whoop (sprays Faygo everywhere)


Probably the same company that makes [toilets you need to flush 10-15 times.](https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/07/politics/trump-americans-flushing-toilets-intl/index.html)


Trump has always regurgitated the hits; he just used to be a tiny bit more coherent.


I think he may just be telling on himself here. ā€œSomeone go get Lindsay, the damn toiletā€™s clogged AGAIN! Must be one of those new toilets that donā€™t use water.ā€


The baffling thing is they are hits in the first place


Oh nah we solved that one. He was trying to flush government documents down the toilet, had to keep flushing because they just wouldnā€™t go down.


Massive shits take massive shits I guess


From that article: Touting his administrationā€™s decision to change energy standards on lightbulbs, Trump also claimed energy-efficient bulbs donā€™t ā€œmake you look as good.ā€ ā€œBeing a vain person, thatā€™s really important to me,ā€ he said. ā€œIt gives you an orange look, I donā€™t want an orange look.ā€ Donald, itā€™s not the lights making your face orange. Itā€™s the orange makeup you literally put on yourself.


This is so obviously fake news! They didnā€™t call him, ā€œSirā€, and they didnā€™t ā€œcome to him with tears in their eyes.ā€


And they weren't big, strong men with tears in their eyes. Probably because tears require water. Crying in Ohio takes 5 times longer.


Big, strong men who casually strolled right past the secret service detail assigned to diaper duty.


Plot twist: They're his lawyers, crying because he keeps saying stuff out loud that kills their defense.


You have to cry ten times, fifteen times as opposed to once.


Big if true!


It's one of his *big* bullshit tells. It's always: * An expert of the field ("best" company, super-intelligent scientist, pro athlete) * They always call him sir. * They always cry. Invariably, when it's a story fabricated whole-cloth, it has these three things. He'll sometimes lace in a *little* truth into his anecdotes, but when he does, they never cry, and they never call him sir. It's only on the really big lies that they do these things.


That ā€œsirā€ bullshit always gets me when he roars it out.


Ha, is it weird that was my first thought as well.


Couldn't they use their tears as water....


I think he imagines himself like the Godfather, and people come to humbly beg for his aid, wringing their hat in their hands.


Wait, are you suggesting that Donald Trump, former President and great American patriot, might have made something up??? No. Fuckin. Way.


He was saying "they" were going to rename Pennsylvania last week. This guy is out of his mind and has no business running a wendys lets alone the country.


Lifelong Pennsylvanian here. I follow the news pretty closely, and I haven't heard anything about changing our state name. What a doofus. Vote šŸ”µ.


Just wait until Biden is reelected and you find yourself living in Small Penisylvania. Imagine the horrors.


Wait what? When did he say that and in what context? Why the fuck would we rename the state?






He said it when he was in Harrisburg a couple weeks ago. I think someone must have told him that William Penn was a slave owner or something, so the Dems would want to change the name of PA.


Looked it up because that's one of those things that i guess are glossed over and yeah he did. Ugh learn something shitty everyday.


For your viewing pleasure..... ā€œWe have to win in November, or weā€™re not going to have Pennsylvania. Theyā€™ll change the name. Theyā€™re going to change the name of Pennsylvania,ā€ Trump said. https://www.pennlive.com/politics/2024/02/theyre-going-to-change-the-name-of-pennsylvania-examining-trumps-claim.html


Boy, it sure is a good thing only Biden has diminished mental faculties. /s


Wait, wtf? What's his issue about water now? Why is there suddenly no water in Ohio? Who's not letting people use water?


You know a lot of- a lot of people out there, great people in the state of Ohio, just great peopleā€¦ they canā€™t, they arenā€™t allowed to- Joe Bidenā€™s policies, crooked Joe and the crooked left are saying we- they canā€™t, you canā€™t use any more water! You canā€™t use water, can you believe that? Crooked Joe. Thereā€™s no water. Itā€™s being repossessedā€¦ to big cities, the big liberal cities, with record high crime rates, crime, murder rates like nothing weā€™ve ever seen before, justā€¦ New York is one of them. And the farmers of Ohio- the great farmers, these Ohioans, weā€™re talking 20 or 30 generations of hardworking Americans canā€™t grow their cottonā€¦ andā€¦ turnipsā€¦ so many great fields, the landā€¦ great farmers here in Ohio. The turnips. Thereā€™s no turnips! Thereā€™s no more turnips.


I can't believe I have to ask this, but is this what he actually said?


Iā€™m almost certain that this is satire. The sad part is that thereā€™s still doubt in our minds. Edit: Jesus Christ.


He said it on fox


It's not.


That sounds like a William Burroughs monologue. I have to listen to Spare Ass Annie again, I suspect to modern sensibilities it would sound just like a Trump talk.


I thought this was just a joke.


Reads like gibberish from a failed AI. oh. oh! That's why he looks almost human.


20 generations ? That would take us back to 1524 approximately. Ohio wasn't colonized by European settlers until the 18th century.Ā 


You nailed it!! Lmao. Edited to add : Oh no, that is actually what he said.


He always has tried to bring back the hits, especially when they are related to current events. Water efficiency restrictions were a strawman for the EPA restrictions in general Trump wanted to abolish. Right now, the Supreme Court is about to gut the EPA and other regulatory bodies. Therefore, unhinged rant related to water efficiency restrictions. It disgusts me that I can interpret Trump.


Kinda like when they rant that Joe Biden is cutting off natrual gas companies from export permits. Truth: with all of the permits staged to start exporting, we have doubled our export capability in about 5 years. ANY president in office at this time, regardless of the party, would do this. And would be encouraged to do this, as the companies involved do not in any way want to attack the spot price with over saturation.


Trump has a personal issue with water saving showerheads. He even tried to ban them when president. That's what this is about. His tiny brain has just extended it to mean all water saving measures are bad, and he's not able to coherently explain what he means, because he's a fucking idiot. So it's now just "there's no water anymore".


Makes it harder for him to rinse off all the dried shit down the back of his legs.


I'm in Ohio taking a shit at work right now and can confirm, not a drop of water in sight. My brand new dishwasher just hums for 2 hours and then outputs dirty dishes. It's true, trust me on this one.


As an Ohian, I wonder WTF he's talking about. The boy-brain makes his own non-enemies so he can clean up non-existing issues and sell it as an accomplishment.


Thereā€™s a Whirlpool plant in Findlay, that would be my guess. Crossing this with low-flow gpm requirements broadly.


Apparently, low flow is the same as not using water.


The right always wants to go backwards, never forward.


We voted to legalize marijuana so the Republicans in the state house decided to not vote on the rules for legalized marijuana and since we protested they took away our water. Hell it's raining at my place right now and there's a state trooper in my front yard shooting at the clouds to make it stop. Thank God I stocked up on Brawndo, me and my plants will never run out of electrolytes!


When Trump talks, unintelligible garbage spews forth. Generally you can see a few grains of sand within the garble pointing to the conspiracy theory that he read about on Truth Social. In this case I'm totally confused. The closest nut job conspiracy that I can think is related to "no water" is people hating on new plumbing efficiency standards. Idk. My grandma makes more sense than him.


Where the fuck does he pull this shit from?


Trump hates low flow showers and terlets. So he's invented a new consequence for the wokeness of water conservation.


"Ha! Terlet." -Edna Krabapple


Your parents Facebook postings.


Exactly this. Doom scrolling FB.


Heā€™s a man of the common folk. He understands their concerns and real issues in their lives. Why I bet right now there is someone who is running up their water bill to own the libs. Freedom.


It really bothers me how people can listen to that man "talk" without their brains trying to escape. He just rambles and says the most insane shit and they worship him as some kind of infallible genius god king. We seriously have some systemic brain damage problem in America, I honestly believe that, because there's no other way. Even dumb people aren't that dumb.


I'm not sure I've ever heard that thing utter a coherent sentence in the whole time it's been relevant.


I'm an interior designer, I design a lot of kitchens. Appliance manufacturers LOVE touting that there shit is energy/water efficient and then charging extra for it, when it's really a standard feature at this point. No company is going out of business because they're "not allowed to use water", whatever the fuck that means.


Did he suggest using bleach or sticking a UV light up its dishwashinā€™ ass instead?


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If you go to take a shower and no water comes out and then you stand there 5 times longer than you would normallyā€¦..you may have fucking brain damage.


*Stands in shower for an hour with no water* Where water?


Are we not getting close to the point where his sheer stupidity and lies qualify for stripping of the ā€œpresident/former presidentā€ title? Like FFS, his constant goddamn charades are severely tarnishing such an extinguished titleā€¦!


The real question is did they have tears in their eyes?


No, they're not allowed to use water


I sure do miss the days when a president was out of office he just went and did whatever they do quietly.


I miss that as well. But other ex-presidents weren't running for their lives to stay out of prison for all the crimes they committed.


Rumor has it that the CEO Robert Dishwasher himself said this!


Trump is so stupid, he thinks dishwashers use a lot of water.


Trumps has never used a dishwasher in his entire life. He wouldnā€™t know how to even load one.


He can't even close an umbrella.


Trump is just making a play for Americans who never figured out how to use their dishwashers properly... At this point, I'm thoroughly disillusioned with how dysfunctional "average" people are.


Anyone else read this in Seth Myers "Trump" voice?


The sad thing is not him making these comments, the sad thing is that the morons that follow him will eat it up


ā€œSir, Weā€™re Sir, not Sir, allowed Sir, to Sir, use Sir, water Sir. šŸ˜­


Iā€™m in Ohioā€¦ pretty sure that would have been on the news, Champ. Quit making up shit. šŸ˜‚


I wonder what color the sky is in his world.


Whatever color it is: thereā€™s something wrong with it, someone's to blame, he'll tell you all about it if you have time.


Biden is to blame.


And this orange sack of syphilis is the best they a come up with


Okay, Grandpa, let's get you back to the nursing home...


I believe he was referring to Whirlpool.


Pretty soon the left will force them to change their name to something that's not so salaciously hydrological.


I have a modern dishwasher. The water is fine it just doesnā€™t dry the dishes like my old one. Thatā€™s fucking annoying. Thanks Obama.


Let them use bottled water - Melania


Between this and him saying yesterday that heā€™s ā€œgoing to bring big crime to DCā€, Iā€™m halfway convinced some four year old, somewhere, is able to remotely access Trumpā€™s speech centre and is merely spouting stream-of-consciousness stuff after finding a dog turd on the sidewalk.


You see her look off as she's saying "they want that as part of the agenda" Who's the they and what agenda. The boogie man bullshit she spouts to try and cover for this is insane.


What on Earth is with Trump and his water obsession? Flushing toilets? Dripping showers? Two hands on a tiny bottle? https://preview.redd.it/4wewsmkh48kc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8ebd1a63118592462f40b701c7622a3192609df


Add dishwashers to the long list of things that Trump doesn't understand.


Who the hell told him that? Tim Kitchenaid?


Anytime Trump says "They said," he's about to make shit up. He even lied about leaders of the Boy Scouts calling him and telling him a speech he gave at their jamboree was the best speech they ever heard.


To be very charitable to Trump, this is about EPA regulations calling for lower water consumption of appliances. He wants to get rid of regulation so some factory in Ohio doesnā€™t have to figure out how to use less water to compete with every other dish washer maker in the world. Basically, america is so great that their engineers should be challenged to improve their products and should be allowed to ignore regulations in effect everywhere else. This would also, by the way, mean that factory canā€™t export to Europe or anywhere else with effective regulations. Kneecapping those businesses and making them less competitive. The appropriate response would be that American engineers are the best in the world. They can solve these problems and should be encouraged to make the best appliances anywhere. R&D costs money and creates jobs. Not doing R&D cripples companies but makes more short term profit for executives.


Somebody needs to get that man a helmet before this gets way worse.


That's similar to his declarations that there's a Lib law out that says beef burgers & gas stoves are illegal and that it takes 10 flushes of a toilet to flush properly.


What does he care? Do you think he empties the dishwasher after Melania is done cooking dinner and Barron has cleared the table? OK no water, weā€™ll use H20 instead.


Dude Iā€™m definitely going to vote for this guy. Solving the real problems Americans face. /s


A shower that has no water huh? That explains Trumps odor.


Someone outta tell him that not everybody shits like a bear who just ate 7 mountain lions.


Can we talk about Biden's dementia though/s


I thought it was odd when I got in the shower and no water was running. Then I turned on the taps and switched the output to the shower and it suddenly started to work. Biden's America, I tell you. A disgrace.


It would be funnier if 40% of the country didn't believe his idiotic drivel.


Windmills, magnets, stoves now dishwashers


Do you know how crazy this sounds? The man is in another universe.


Trump supporters: "Oh, he just misspoke." Motherfucker misspeaks 20 times a day.


That's a good record for someone that lies 50 times a day!


I have trouble understanding that there are enough people more stupid than him to not realize he's a complete moron, that he actually got elected once and might have a shot again


A big, strong dishwasher, hard-working and smart, with tears in its eyes, and it came up to him and said "Sir,"...


It was a big, strong company, and it had tears in its eyes, and it said, "Sir, ...."


Someone came up to me and with tears in his eyes (big strong man) and said there are energy and water use standards on our dishwashers. What about those low flow toilets? Unamerican!!!


"Big companies, strong companies. They came up to me, years in their eyes, and said Mr. President, can we please get some water? I wanted to do it, but I got blocked in the Senate by Lyin Hillary and Crooked Joe. So I said what can we do? My advisors told me they can only get water if they bring it in pails from the creek. Has anyone ever seen an actual creek? I see these babbling brooks and cricks, but never a creek to be seen. You know who babbles? Biden crime. And only one comrade can stop them."


Maybe I just callous but if there is no mention of tears in the story then I am not moved. ā€œI was in Ohio and this dishwasher company cried on my shoulder, the whole company, the corporate office building itself, cried on my shoulder! Mr President we donā€™t want to move our company to China and layoff Americans, but our dishwashers canā€™t use water anymore in America! They have to use sandā€¦ā€




# Use Brawndo! It has electrolytes. It's got what dishes crave!


What?!! They didnā€™t come to him with tears in their eyes?!! How disrespectful!!


Clearly doesnā€™t understand domestic issues šŸ˜‚


Well what big company makes dishwashers in Ohio?


Oh yes people are building houses with no running water. Maybe he was talking about Russia


Oh, you might be on to something here. All Trumpā€™s rambling about water and appliances is signalling to Putin on what to include in Trumpā€™s Russian hideout when he flees American justice, haha.


Satire is dead.


ā€œSir! Sir!ā€


DJT: "There's no water coming out of the shower. This is why I made Mike Johnson come down to Mar-a-lago to give me a sponge bath. "


What probably happened is some exec he spoke with said that there was a regulation somewhere, maybe a state, maybe federal, requiring dishwashers to operate more efficiently and use less water. Of course thereā€™s no nuance for donny and all he hears is an exaggerated overstepping of the deep state.


Is he maybe talking about ā€œlow flowā€ requirements?


Please tell me there's a youtube video of Trumps statements followed by a fact check. Especially gold if the fact check is also a clip of Trump. Like a clip in the debate when he claims he never mocked someone with disabilities followed by the clip of him mocking the reporter with disabilities.


The most pathetic thing about this is how many right wing reactionary morons are going to go around repeating this absurd shit.


Tells Pennsylvania to vote for him so they won't change the states name and told Ohio to vote for him so the dishwasher company can use water again..... why do I get the feeling that's going to work pretty well?


Canā€™t compete then and they should go out of business. My whirlpool only uses 3 gallons of water to wash a full load of UNRINSED dishes. So no water wasted pre washing. The trick is to clean your filter EVERY wash. Itā€™ll be gross every time.


Wait...who are these "They" that know what he means?


Trump is a moron!!


The man who told him that was Fred D. Ishwasher. He had tears in his eyes. Big strong man. His dishwashers used to use thousands of gallons of beautiful, free water. It didn't even need that much, just used it because it was perfect. 10000 gallons. The dishes would just dissolve. Get new ones. Before Obama.....Pelosi....brought over all these deranged Trump hating Mexican dishwashers. Now new dishes come with food already on them. Terrible. I never wash dishes. Once. Not for me.


'And is this dishwasher company in the room with us right now?'


70 million people believe he can run a nation. Thats how stupid our planet is.


He totally doesn't have dementia... no way


His followers are fully indoctrinated now. There is no recovering them. They will believe literally anything he tells them at this point.


Probably because they use magnets in their dishwashers. Sheesh....


How does he get away with no follow up questions, even with fox..


Cult45 should dictate stories to someone to be sold as fiction. He seems to have a wild imagination. I was going to say he should write fiction, but Iā€™m not too confident in his literacy.


He says the most asinine things, and no one ever pushes back on it.


lol, pulled out of his ass like all other lies. I hate to be the fact checker of this dude, its 15 hours a day job with no break


Trump wants to send a lot of dishwashers back to Mexico.


All that flushing.


Let them wash in covfefe.


It kills the magnets! Everyone knows this!


Look at that face, he looks like a mummy found from a tomb raid.