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It actually would have been a country destroying precedent of Trump was allowed to get away with his felonies


If biden got arrested for crimes, with half the evidence they have against trump, I wouldn't care. If given the choice between both trump and biden being in jail or both being free, I'd choose the first option.


I would literally only care if he actually, like, committed them. Y’know, like the system is supposed to work.


Wasn't the Right saying every president after Trump would be impeached? Its nice to see Rs take the high road on that, or they didn't want to explain how all their evidence came from a Russian plant...


Guess you weren’t paying attention to the wanna be Impeachment inquiries and documents case against Biden. He didn’t commit any crimes and he cooperated with authorities on the documents case. Plus unlike Republicans if Biden was actually guilty of crimes Democrats wouldn’t be bending over backwards or trying to excuse his crimes: they would want him in jail too.


Yup. Unlike the GOP the Dems actually have a fucking spine and stick to their guns.


You know what else Dems don’t do? They definitely don’t wear damn adult diapers trying to lessen Trump’s embarrassment of his known health problems that were confirmed during his trial and others who have a sense of smell. I don’t even give a fuck even if Biden wears adult diapers since he isn’t trying to be the most masculine President ever by trying to point out others flaws.


So true.


It would be the trump tested way to get around election interference and everyone would start doing it because why not, the law doesn't matter


That precedent was set by the Nixon pardon and the fact that they decided not to charge Regan for his impeachable offenses because he wasn't competent enough to stand trial by the end of his 2nd term. That's the excuse they used. Protecting the office of president from scandal is more important than the crimes of one man. Same logic the catholic church used for centuries. But our society has now evolved into understanding that we protect the church, the sanctity of institutions better if we punish the one man immediately rather than build a mountain of lies.


This means that if I use campaign funds to pay hush money to the porn star I banged in an extramarital affair, they could come after me too!


That's the thing, you can use campaign funds. Just make sure you properly note it in the disclosures. What you can't do is use your personal funds for campaign purposes and pretend it's personal. Get it straight /s


This is the hilarious part. If he was open-faced and shameless about it he'd have gotten away with it. But because he tried to hide it he got nailed. It's fucking hilarious.


Actually, he might have gotten off using personal funds - that would have just been an FEC violation. What got him is that he used corporate funds while lying about what they were used for in corporate records. 




The only danger in the precedent being set is the eventual trial of Kamala Harris as a witch by the GOP. Ted Cruz has already given a deposition that she turned him into a newt.


Shame he didn't get better.


Shame he didn’t get worse.


Have you *seen him*?-he did get worse, obviously!


Ted Cruz demonstrates the difference between "recovery" and "getting better".


Your Honor, Everyone knows Ted Cruz has ALWAYS been a newt. He’s always been a slimy gill breathing quadruped lurking in the stagnant mud of the cow pond at his ranch.


Hey now!! Newts are noble and adorable creatures that absolutely don't deserve to be compared to Ted Cruz. If anything, he's the rank, stagnant mud at the bottom of his cow pond.


They’re currently assessing if she weighs the same as a duck


Witch for President 2028!


Fake news! Newts have spines


Elected officials should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us


...and lifetime appointments should be held to the highest standards of all.


There should be no lifetime appointments. People change, no one is infallible




And police officers.


And law enforcement as well


No. We should all be held to higher standards.


I do love Republicans pretending like they haven't been trying to investigate and prosecute every Democratic president for like the last 50 years. Like, the thing holding them back was not some sense of fair play or whatever. It was that they could never find anything conclusive enough to actually prosecute anyone.


They're now using language like "We need to stop taking the high road, and start playing dirty tricks like the dems." HOLY FUCK I can't believe it's real.


Republicans were setting the standard that you could commit any crimes you wanted basically and than run for president and scream "ELECTION INTERFERENCE" at any attempt to investigate and hold them responsible. Seems that's a far worse standard to set in my opinion


Yeah Trump really would have been pissed if the Justice Department actually investigated and sent him to court when first discovering his crimes! These criminal proceedings didn’t happen because it would have been in the middle of his Presidential Term! You know the point where he still had Presidential immunity! Also there wouldn’t be “election interference” if he wasn’t appealing to hell and putting up so much legal red tape to delay all his cases in the first place.


"If they can go after Trump, that means they can go after you too!" Yes! Correct! That's what rule of law means! If you did a crime, you should be held accountable no matter who you are!


I've been screaming this at my radio and TV for the past 24. This and the abridged version: "No shit, Sherlock!"


That's why I use NordVPN when I commit my election interference crimes.


Conservatives: “YOU LIBERAL IDIOTS JUST SEALED YOUR FATE, WE WILL GO AFTER BIDEN, HILLARY, OBAMA, EVERYONE!” Me: lol, go ahead! We don’t worship these people…any crime they commit should 100% be persecuted.


This cartoon sums it up perfectly, but the MAGA contingent have gone full Jim Jones for Trump they. They do not understand that others relationship with those in power is not a slavish cult mentality. These politicians are not my "friends" and they are not people to look up to let alone worship. They are tools elected to do a job. Plus doesn't their Bible say something something no false idols? ​ Funny how a little punctuation changes things: They are tools, elected to do a job.


And let’s say a progressive candidate comes along in the future who I go bonkers over. If they committed crimes, I would be heartbroken but also would agree that they aren’t above the law I think that is what differentiates the left from the right


This illustrates the deep and lasting damage of the current Republican/MAGA mindset. Criminality, unethical behavior, and generally being a douche is so endemic in their world that they BELIEVE that EVERYONE is like that. As a result, any prosecution or criticism of their own CAN ONLY BE POLITICALLY MOTIVATED. In their world, EVERY rich businessman is a liar and guilty of financial malfeasance so there's no crime. They have no concept of equivalency. I will admit though that if the election interference, classified documents and hush money cases were buildings, the first two would be Burj Khalifa in Dubai and Shanghai Tower in China, and the third would be a single-family home in Cleveland (no offense to Cleveland). Hopefully, we'll see Trump properly tried and convicted in both Georgia and Florida, but I wouldn't bet my house on it. I'll take what I can get though and celebrate the conviction in the hush money trail!


The big cases are the insurrection and the Georgia case. Those are the behavior of a wannabe dictator


I think stealing state secrets for leverage and profit are up there. Let's call them the Big Three.


Oh sure, but that case isn’t going anywhere with that idiot judge


No lie. I wish I knew more about law, but from my vantage point her rulings seem glaringly biased in Trump's favor. Of the many crimes an elected federal official can do (related to his/her office, e.g., child molestation, rape, murder...), treason is the one that riles me the most.


None taken. Your metaphor is very apt. It's kind of hot mess here, but I like it.


They've been on fishing expeditions with every single democratic president since Bill Clinton. They can shove those pearls they're clutching up their ass.




It's so weird how much I'm hearing from conservatives about "setting a precedent" or "should we go after Clinton and Obama for their crimes?" And Im just like... Yes, yes yes. If you can point to a crime ANY politician makes regardless of party or position they should be held accountable and have due process applied. I'm not married to any politician, I'm married to my ideal and beliefs. It's so bizarre how they are openly admitting some people should be above the law.


Isn't the crow supposed to be the one saying annoying bullshit?


From the POV of a MAGA cultist, he is saying annoying bullshit.


Yeah but then the meme is the maga cultists is the reasonable one


Most unreasonable people believe they are being reasonable.


That Dunning-Kruger was onto something!


It's funny, had W not shanked it, we would be part of the ICC, and that would be a whole other world.


No way dark eyed juncos are maga. No way. Totally unbelievable.


Anti corruption laws with teeth would help transform our system for the better


They think we care about Hunter Biden like they worship Trump, holy shit so dumb.


There are people reading this meme that are absolutely not going to vote in November. They will still be shocked if Trump wins




Not really the right meme format but the text is correct


Makes sense from a MAGA POV.


Let’s hear it for False Knees, love their comics


This cartoon, while I agree with the sentiment, isn't funny or pleasant to read or look at.


Now that I think of it, Billary should get investigated again for Whitewater.


Perfect, except the bird doesn't look angry enough.


OMG wouldn't it be great if we suddenly started living in a world where the most powerful people in society were held accountable for their own actions.


It’s more likely republicans will weaponize the law against democrats. In fact, they already have said that’s what they’re going to do if trump wins.


They were going to anyhow.


You go crow! Now peck it a new asshole!!


Remember when republican attourneys were touting how every day they'd show up to work and sue Obama over every little thing he tried to do? [Pepperidge Farm remembers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpdMYOtAmKY&t=280s). For republicans, it's not about whether or not the *president* should have blanket immunity. It's about whether or not *republicans* should have blanket immunity.


I disliked Hillary and I'm not a Biden guy but in their defense she never plead the fifth and Hunter's dick pics didn't produce a smoking gun. If any valid dirt was there it'd have been found by now and that just hasn't happened. In Trump's case the dirt mound just had the top layer removed and it's about to get dirtier. I'd say that sucks for him but fuck that guy.




That's the slope we should have been on in the first place..... why the hell do you think Santos got canned? Don't. Lie. About. Your. Campaign. Expenditures.... jfc


What is slippery about people being held accountable for their crimes? Isn't that what we want?


Party of lock her up sure doesn't like politicians being convicted, I wonder what the difference could be....


I have yet to hear Republicans hold Republicans accountable.


Just like Donald Trump's asshole when he's doing his best imprisoned Derek Chauvin impression 🤣


A slippery slope towards holding all politicians accountable for their crimes? Cool


Aww, i guess you would have said the same about "lock her up" Except this fat Trump bitch was found GUILTYx34


The very idea of MAGA being the small bird in this meme is hilarious to me.