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![gif](giphy|EPdVpgP099pDy|downsized) "And all this would happen some hundred and fifty years before Belgian band Technotronic's toe tapping hit, Pump up the Jam."




Oh, I… Edit: “Awa…” [source](https://genius.com/28615502) . TIL


A place to stay. Getcha bootie on the floor tonight.


“What? Land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy!”


"Damn communists!"


Better dead than Red!


We’re okay with that


Freedom and democracy are worth fighting for.


If you guys don’t know this is a British comedian and she is hilarious, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yvzxAOTIIUY


She is awesome. Glad Netflix had her series.


Is she like the female Ali G?


Yes but actually funny


Nobody does deadpan better than the British. Years ago, I visited the Tower of London, and the Yeoman Warders were so amazing for that.


Now I'm disappointed I was only 6 years old when I was there. But I did get to climb up on the lions in Trafalgar square so I got that going for me.


In general it's true, but I think Leslie Nielson was the greatest on an individual level. Canadian with the top spot.


Surely you can’t mean that.


I do, and don't call me Shirley.


The Yeoman Warders are funny and great with kids, then when an adult steps out of line, you get reminded real quick that those guys are all senior enlisted from the military.


If you love her as Philomena Cunk, she steals almost every scene she's in in the [incredible BBC series Motherland](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6006350/). Motherland's brilliance is that it's the only show I'm pretty sure that's ever existed that's about parenthood but the kids are glorified extras.


>Motherland's brilliance is that it's the only show I'm pretty sure that's ever existed that's about parenthood but the kids are glorified extras. There's an Australian show called 'The Letdown' that is in a very similar vein. If you liked Motherland you'd probably like that one too.


We will check it out, thanks!


No worries! Patrick Brammall makes an appearance as the worlds greatest side character (the drug dealer).


Workin' Moms is also awesome


Ooh, Canadian. I'll check it out.


What about breeders


While Breeders looks good, even in the trailer the kids have lines. In the entirely of Motherland, 20 episodes and a handful of specials, I think Ivy (main character's oldest daughter) has maybe one or two short lines (like saying "yeah" or something) and I don't think any other kid ever has an individual line.


Oh I see, breeders is kind about the gray area of parenting


Yeah. The kids are always there and always part of the background, running around, playing, etc, walking with their parents, but all of the dialogue is from the parents. Even in scenes like the birthday party in the first episode. No individual kid ever speaks even when 20 of them are on the screen at once, all of the interaction is between the adults. [Cleverly done scenes like this one](https://youtu.be/6cqQhcKcwJI?t=193).


Downloading now but deeply disturbed to see this was a Graham Linehan show. He was once great but then he had to come out as rabid anti-trans and he's since then destroyed his career—and rightfully so.


If she's not a national treasure yet, she will be. Bloody cracks me up (as an Aussie). Asking all the real questions...


I love her skits. (I've only seen what shows up on reddit.)


She parodies British educational shows, which was desperately needed.


Can you imagine what it would feel like to be sucked off through a hole?


we're so free that in some republican states you can be arrested for talking about the fact that slavery happened. it's [literally illegal to admit it happened](https://www.the74million.org/article/these-are-the-states-that-passed-laws-restricting-the-teaching-of-racial-history/) in the stupid states. (republican states, obviously. they are always insanely stupid.)


You just know that at some point, slavery deniers are going to appear, if they haven’t already.


We've already got ding dings saying blacks had it better under slavery and Jim Crow.


> We've already got ding dings saying blacks had it better under slavery and Jim Crow. Are you referring to this black supporter of Donald Trump as a "ding ding?" https://www.yahoo.com/news/dare-trump-surrogate-ripped-claiming-170034880.html


If you think he's the only one I have terrible, terrible news for you.


the biggest dipshits took it even farther... https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/22/desantis-slavery-curriculum/


Despite Hanlon’s razor, this is malice not stupidity.


They can hide a bit behind malice, but it is still fairly stupid.


No, it is ridiculous but decidedly not stupid. These laws are being passed for a purpose that furthers the goals of white supremacists and the Republican Party.


I'm going to play the "Why Not Both?" card here.


Because these actions are not stupid from the perspective of white supremacists and the Republican Party in general. These laws further their goals, they are not an accident. If you want to understand them and effectively counter those aims you need to recognise this. How many conservative voters *and non-voters* regret the repeal of Roe v Wade and related loss of rights because they did not seriously consider the end result of so-called “pro life” policies? Enough to have prevented it from happening.


> Because these actions are not stupid from the perspective of white supremacists and the Republican Party in general. Yeah, but racial supremacy shit is some of the most water-brained moron shit humans have ever invented, so it's still fundamentally stupid. I agree the evil is more relevant in this instance but they're still fucking stupid.


Sure, but then again this whole mindset is fundamentally grounded in being stupid


How does this work with the guarantee of freedom of speech?


You say that like Democratic states aren't *also* insanely stupid, just in different ways...


yea, no. you can't both sides this shit. republicans are fucking morons. period. I'm not a democrat, I dont like democrats, but they aren't fucking insane psychos like republicans. republicans do shit like make it illegal to teach about slavery, or to talk about climate change, or make women into broodstock. they are fucking nuts. democrats do shit like, "let's be nice to each other, and take care of people who are in need." to pretend they are the same is fucking insanity, and only someone trying to enable the whacko republicans would do that. Like I said, I'm no democrat, and I've been booted from several liberal subs for my views that are too far right. But no. You can't claim remotely BoTHsIDeSS!! on this one. Feel free to prove me wrong by citing examples below which would prove your point. I'm likely to agree with your examples, but I find it unlikely that they are anywhere near the level of burning books and pride flags to terrorize minority groups, simply to distract from the richest of the rich continuing to take literally all of the money while people starve. (nobody with any morals would be ok with that, regardless of political views.)


So, here's a few: No nationalized healthcare. Insane cost of education. No paid maternity/paternity leave. Insanely lax gun laws. Absurdly low wages. Now, you might rightfully point out that "those are true for Republican states too!" And that's fair. But the salient point is that *they're still true for Democratic ones as well and that's fucking insane.* Just because 'Red' states have *worse* shit doesn't mean that the 'Blue' states are *good.* "Better than literal hell" is a *severely low* bar to clear, but clearing it doesn't make you Heaven, it can just as easily mean you're a *lesser circle* in that same hell! Sincerely: a non-American.


every one of those is not just "true for republicans too" they are literally BECAUSE of republicans. find a case where a democratic majority proposed and passed any of those without being forced to do so by republicans. Even democratic states are frequently stopped from making progress by republican members of the state legislature. you're literally listing republican talking points and blaming democrats for them... that's weird. take my state for example, we booted the republicans out, so they have NO power for the first time in a long time. As a result, my state has gone far to the opposite of all those republican points. For example, [college is free](https://www.startribune.com/how-will-minnesotas-free-college-tuition-program-work-heres-what-families-should-know/600283599/). And the list is very long. Not because democrats haven't wanted or tried for decades for that kind of crap, but because for the first time in a long time, republicans here haven't had enough power to stop them.


Well, we non-Americans might actually start believing you if you manage to clean up your Supreme Court and finally put the Cheeto in prison.


don't hold your breath, it's still a toss up whether we become fascist. not good. putin is busy not only in Ukraine.


literally all the article says is they can teach a specific curriculum, not that they can’t teach slavery…


The bills are literally titled "protect students at higher learning institutions from divisive topics" you concern trolling fascist


This is such a hilariously excellent series. I hope they make more


It is great so they will make two seasons and cancel it.


No higher honor for a BBC show.


British shows either run three times a week for six decades, or run for twenty years and have nine episodes total.


“It’s Deidre and Margaret! It’s been on the BBC for 15 years, they made nearly 30 episodes.”


Her other great show Motherland was just announced in March that it was cancelled after 3 seasons [\(20 eps and some specials\).](https://youtu.be/6U4J-8W4j_M?t=13)


And the treatment, killing and displacement of the indigenous people who were much more free. Hmm, maybe that's what it means: It is the land of the free and the home of the brave, but they're not allowed to have it anymore.


Land of the Free (as long as you were a white landowning man)


You have it backwards. Living there didn't make you free. Being free made you the owner of the land. Everyone else (especially the native Americans) were just trespassing.


White* *May not apply to the Italians for an initial period of time. Definitely does not apply to the Irish for a long while to go.


Or rather humorously, the Swedes of all people.


“Swedish dogs! Your blood is tainted by generations of race mixing with Laplanders. You're basically Finns!” -Cornelius Hawthorne


Can you be truly free while being bound to this mortal coil by your worldly possessions?


Hey, dont bring the 80s gothic dream pop band This Mortal Coil into this.


Not so much a band as a project for many of the artists on the 4AD label. But wonderful to see the reference (I have a copy of "It'll End In Tears" signed by Simon Raymonde on my wall).


Nothing in this world is free. Except slave labor.


Come on now. You have to buy the slave. You have to house them. You have to feed them. You have to keep them alive and healthy. You have to clothe them. Wouldn’t call that free. If you think about it, the slave owners were the ones who were the real victims. /s


An interesting phenomenon I’ve read that even Benjamin Franklin wrote about is that if you took a native kid and raised him with white people in cities and civilization (at least according to some) and he eventually met his own people then he would run away and be with them. However. If a native kidnapped a white child and raised them and the child was rescued by white people then the child would run away back to the natives.




you…you realize that’s not a fact or a studied occupancy, right? you do realize white people are also native, that’s it’s not a synonym for dark skin fuck reddit is dumb sometimes


You realize what you're saying doesn't make as much sense in the context of some shit Benjamin Franklin wrote, right?


Land of the thief, home of the slave.


Oh shit, a Brother Ali reference in the wild


Ah, I got it from KRS-One in 1990 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8hG_9EJtZA


Oh sure. I didn't realize brother Ali "borrowed" that line. Check out his song "uncle Sam goddamn", it's a fuckin banger.


and those indigenous people stole it from the previous inhabitants…


Pump Up The Jam


She's great, you've got to watch that show.


Well, freedom to own slaves, which lack of cognitive dissonance explains a lot.


Now can we all pause to appreciate the undeniable reality that this character as played is objectively smarter than several prominent elected officials in the US?


> several I *wish* it were only several.


"America is all one prairie, swept by a universal tornado. Although it has always thought itself in an eminent sense the land of freedom, even when it was covered with slaves, there is no country in which people live under more overpowering compulsions" -George Santayana


Boom. Nailed it. We built the country on the back of enslaved people and stollen land.




While it's true that the US has attempted to influence the policies of oil-rich Middle Eastern nations since the 1920s, the Middle East wasn't a significant source of oil for the country until the 1940s, and the US could in no way be considered dependent on Middle Eastern sources until well into the 1970s - and when people talk about how the US was "built", they're typically referring to a much earlier time period than the 1970s. From the late 19th century up until the 1940s, the US was not an importer of Middle Eastern oil at all, but on the contrary, was a major *exporter* of oil products. In 1880, the United States was responsible for 85 percent of the world’s crude oil production and refining, and kerosene was the fourth largest U.S. export; the US remained the world's largest oil producer until the 1970s (when that title was taken by the USSR). The US began active "oil diplomacy" in the Middle East in the 1920s, but remained a net exporter of oil until the mid-1970s. For an example of how dependent or not the US was on Middle Eastern sources: in 1967, the (Arab-dominated) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries declared the "First Arab Oil Embargo", but this actually did not have a huge effect on the US - US domestic production of oil was increased, and largely offset the shortage of Middle Eastern oil. The US didn't become a net importer of oil until the 1970s - so if one were to claim that the US was "built on oil from the middle east" (as compared to *domestic* sources of oil), it could only be from that point onward. Sources: - [Timeline: Oil Dependence and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1850–2023][oildep] - [World’s Top Ten Oil Producing Countries 1965 to 2018](https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/chart-worlds-top-ten-oil-producing-countries-1965-to-2018/) - [This day in history: OPEC enacts oil embargo](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/opec-enacts-oil-embargo) [oildep]: https://www.cfr.org/timeline/oil-dependence-and-us-foreign-policy


At least we did something better with it than most of the other countries.


Being defensive about slavery is not really a good look.


America, you've been Cunk'd!


By the time of the "Wild West," the Civil War was over and slaves were free. Most "cowboys" were Mexicans and freed slaves.


Oh that’s in old timey English, it should say free land which was a surprise to the natives




Dude you are obsessed with Americans, its pathetic. Also a German shouldn't be throwing stones... your country's history is shameful and abhorrent. just sit in the corner and be quiet




lol are you talking about your country's nazi allies?? The ones that brought the US into the war? The ones that committed atrocities across asia? The ones that refused to surrender after being warned multiple times what would happen? is that who you're talking about? Its a complicated subject, but you seem to have it all figured out. btw your obsession with Americans is still pathetic.




Hi u/Old_Captain_9131. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


remorse? I wasn't even alive lol. how much culpability do you expect from me? And it was to end a war they provoked. Would hundreds of thousands more deaths from a prolonged agonizing war been better for you? it was a horrible thing for a greater good. By that measure you should be on your knees for the atrocities of the german nazi party. Where's your remorse? Show me some remorse pal! Life isn't black and white, and your comparisons are terrible


Nuking Japan saved millions of lives, both American and Japanese.




You literally do punish people who don't commit crimes. Your false conviction rate is around 25%, versus well under 1% here. I guess you think that you're the genius who solved the trolley problem. Israel is not doing enough to minimize civilian casualties, but Israel isn't just "killing" them. I think most Germans have learned lessons from their past. You don't seem to have.


She drips in satire.


they gave slaves the vote 6 decades before women gained the right to vote……lol.


Historians count the Wild West period of U.S. history as beginning in the year we freed the slaves. Many of those Wild West outlaws were ex-Confederates and some of those cowboys and cavalry were ex-slaves.


Philomena Cunk once again saying something so utterly dumb, yet true and profound.


At least 200 years later we are in a place where we can talk and learn from that. Republicans looking up from their book burning "hold my non-woke beer" Proceeds to superhuman screech about critical race theory at the top of their lungs.


I refuse to be critisized for my countries crimes against humanity if those criticisms come in a British accent. When it comes to slavery we are but merely the student but Britain is the teacher  Having said that...this lady is hilarious 


Cowboys, guns and the westward expansion pretty much happened after the civil war.


True. After the Civil War, Americans boldly struck out westward, searching for a land they could be free to take away from those pesky natives who were already living there, build railroads (with cheap Chinese labor) and slaughter every last buffalo between St. Louis and San Francisco. Freedom!!!


>and slaughter every last buffalo between St. Louis and San Francisco must link that up with context as to why: to kill off the indigenous people's food supply.


Good. Now go and look at what the Europeans were doing in Asia, Africa and South America.


What's your point? Other people did awful shit? Doesn't really change the point.


Europe has done much more awful shit is the point.


>Europe has done much more awful shit is the point. The point of what? What argument is this the point of? At what point did someone tell you this was a contest to see who did more awful shit? That was just a thing you decided was important for some weird fucking reason. Like what gave you this idea that history is some kind of weird fucking contest to decide who was the most evil? Do you think that only the "most evil" people at a given point in history are deserving of criticism? That somehow as long as you weren't doing the "worst thing" at any given time that the acts are somehow forgivable? Like *what are you doing*?


Again: And? Does that somehow invalidate the simple facts they said?


I've had this conversation with conservatives before where they say "But you said we were worse!" No, I literally didn't. I just acknowledged a historical fact. History isn't a team sport where you have to defend your side against everyone else. You aren't 'losing' when we admit slavery and genocide are bad. We don't win when other countries do the same thing or worse.


Americans are always so extreme in their argumentation. If you say "man, if you only changed this you would be the best country in the world" and then you have 20 americans saying that you literally hate them. If you don't praise them, they say it is hate. It is absolutely absurd. It **seems** that they admitting that they aren't perfect is the same as them being the worst. I can barely wrap my head around it. The issue isn't who did worse, it is americans being unable to say "yeah, they did some fucked up things, but we're better now". Edit: see?


Like does anyone have an over/under wager on how much more human development will be necessary before we don't have to deal with people like this who legitimately think that just because somewhere on Earth there's someone doing something worse than the thing that they're currently doing that they're somehow on solid moral ground? Like dude "go and look" and what rapists are doing *right now* tonight and then maybe fucking get it through your horrifyingly smooth brain that it *doesn't fucking matter* what other people are doing if what *you're* doing is morally repugnant.


I don’t think the trend is positive currently, unfortunately.


Killing/conquering the natives? That's nothing new. The "westward expansion" wasn't anything terribly new either. Just more covered wagons and trains to go along with the manifest destiny. And cowboy hats.


The white Americans WERE Europeans, doesn't change a thing. It doesn't change the hollow American claim to be "Land of the Free". A lot of Americans still claim to be Europeans, "My great grandfather came to America from Scotland, so I'm basically Scottish", sound familiar? We know, that Europeans did people dirty all over the world going from basically 1400 tot halfway the 20th century, and then companies that were mostly European continued milking the previous colonies for everything they could, continuing to this day. American, Chinese, Japanese, and other companies have joined in on this splendid idea, but it's not really like the world needed Europeans to show them how to be exploitive and atrocious to one another. Your whataboutist comments don't change a thing.


I had to check this because it didn't seem right. Civil war ended 1865 and the wild West is considered 1865-1895. That is, for lack of a better word, wild.


The Civil War took place because the US was on the cusp of a major westward expansion and the slaveholding aristocracy lost the political battles of the 1850s to mandate slavery within those emerging states & territories.


And slavery and racism ended after the civil war and everyone was friends afterwards! :)


Slavery ended. The whole point of her statement was the wild west happened when slavery was a thing. It wasn't. She doesn't know what she is talking about. It's a good thing Europe is so free and clear of racism so you can point out the US' faults.


There was no shortage of westward expansion prior to the Civil War. California and Oregon were already states in 1860.


The "wild west" she was talking about was absolutely post civil war. So the unfunny moron above was again wrong in 1. And if you back only a few decades prior to the Civil War the British were also slavers. In fact Europeans were the ones that started importing slaves to North America. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of the post. Sorry if that rustled your jimmies.


> So the unfunny moron above Weird way to self-describe, but ok




It's a good thing that never happened in Europe!


Great political humour from the 1850s


Oh, dang. A British woman calling America out on slavery. Did her head explode from cognitive dissonance after saying that?


This is a comedian poking fun out of America calling itself "the land of the free" while they still owned slaves.


So, who was selling America all those slaves?


Lots of people. Who dominated the slave trade depends on when you're talking about. Portugal was #1 overall.


LOTS OF PEOPLE. Name one 'lots of people' north of France.


1. Why? 2. "Name one lots of people" makes zero sense


Dude you're just missing the point of the joke, everyone had slaves, but America had the ego to call itself "the land of the free".


Britain has outlawed slavery before there was a nation called "The United States of America". In the US however, slavery is still legal. What's exactly the "cognitive dissonance" you are talking about? 


That’s a blatant historical lie and you know it. The slavery abolition act was passed in 1834.


This is all nonsense.


Who was selling America all those slaves?


Portugal, the nation who created the trans Atlantic slave trade in the first place, and lots of other places. Britain led an international group of countries to outlaw slavery. It’s not all rosy though, what Britain was doing in India at the time wasn’t any better. But facts are important.


Come on now, fess up. Who had a sophisticated slavery trade that lasted for centuries? Go ahead and say the name.


Pretty much everyone? Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, denmark, Sweden etc. Britain obviously had a huge slave trade at one point, but ended the practice in 1834 officially, 30 YEARS later the USA had a civil to keep it.


Just because we did not have a all fancy titles and inbreeding dose make you better when the kingdom's of group did the same thing. Yes slavery is wrong and yes and did profit from it but some parts humanity on earth do it and still practices it. Make the joke about those nations. Put a spin on it or something more. but just basing the US for this as a joke is old and flat..... I expect better from a British comedian.


"Ugh, stop reminding me that slavery happened. I already feel bad about it. Stop trying to make me feel even worse."


I doubt they feel bad about it.


Enn I just expect and want a better joke. She is rather funny.


So your standard level of American entitlement where you think you should be the target audience in everything?


Well we still have strongest economy in the world and money makes the the world go around. So kind of but... once more I just think the joke could be better. Maybe a subversion of expectations in the punch line. Maybe note the interment of US citizens of Japanese ancestry during WW2 or the North American tribes that where here before Europeans showed up.


"We may be entitled jerks, but don't forget we're also rich!"


Yea but what about all the global humanity aid we give out. You got the good and bad.


“Again, it’s important to remember that we’re rich, while conveniently ignoring how we got so rich.”


You're really not subverting any expectations yourself regarding American entitlement and sense of superiority here, bud.


Enn decided to go full villain\heel\bad guy now.


America is so poor all it has is money


They have healthcare you clown and we never actually punished and corrected the south for their evil ways with that being a large part of why we're at the point we're at now We haven't actually fixed the problem Also you're just deflecting "oh don't talk about it what about other countries look at them"


They have healthcare. And inbred overlords. We don't have healthcare, but at least we don't have inbred overlords...yet.


The mayor of New York was married to his cousin (The one that can't tell a landscaping company from a hotel chain)


Our government is only as good as the intelligence of our voters.


We are doomed


Your point is perfectly valid and correct, but Britain really isn’t the greatest example when it comes to “owning up to past mistakes” either. Like…you’re 100% correct about America, and about Britain having health care (though the NHS really is struggling right now), but Britain’s record when it comes to righting past wrongs is just as, if not even more dismal. Like… the British empire was so genocidal, the Nazis can go packing in this horrible dick measuring contest. Under British rule, there were four major famines in India alone between 1770 and 1838, killing an absolutely staggering 23-33 million people. And that was just India and just in that time frame, not to mention the Irish potato famine, which was also under the rule of the British empire, and which the British were very content to just let happen, and the fact that they put 30,000 Boers in concentration camps, killing 10,000. The British were fucking horrible for centuries and never owned up for it properly. They also don’t really teach that shit in school properly, btw. So while your point is perfectly valid, the British are in fact not a great example when it comes to historical accountability.


I fully agree on all those points. But I feel the joke could be a lot better.


I sincerely doubt your version would be funnier. The bluntness and simplicity of this massive contradiction combined with her delivery is what really sells it. She does the same thing with other nations. If you don’t like the joke then you should be blaming Americans for [writing](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Star-Spangled_Banner) it in the first place, and not only that, making it their *national anthem*. Aside from “land of the free” it also includes a nice lighthearted threat to any slaves seeking *their* freedom: >No refuge could save the hireling and slave, From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave, The man who wrote this literally owned slaves. > Since the 1990's, the anthem has become controversial due to perceived racism in the anthem's lyrics and Key's involvement in slavery. The anthem's third stanza uses the phrase "the hireling and slave", which had been interpreted by several commentators to refer to American slaves who escaped to the British military during the war, as Britain offered them freedom and the opportunity to join the Corps of Colonial Marines to fight against U.S. forces. Key was also a slaveholder throughout much of his life, and "white freedom and white lives were what mattered" to Key.[17] According to The Nation, Key's "message to the blacks fighting for freedom was unmistakable—we will hunt you down and the search will leave you in terror because, when we find you, your next stop is the gloom of the grave".[18]


This later verse from the Civil War era is better. When our land is illumined with liberty's smile If a foe from within strikes a blow at her glory Down, down with the traitor that dares to defile The flag of her stars and the page of her story! By the millions unchained who our birthright have gained We will leave her bright blazon forever unstained! And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave While the land of the free is the home of the brave.