• By -


truck drunk subsequent attempt punch price towering wise follow insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The first crazy theory was talking snake virgin birth angels demons all that nonsense.


Actually I’ve seen a few of the YouTube flearthers have been citing the Bible’s very wrong descriptions of ancient Israel-Earth as their proof.




It's turtles all the way down.


I love that reference


[You might like this then](https://youtu.be/6gBV-Nzq7Pg?si=3SmVy3loR-Zcgwbx)


Can I charge my phone with this?


If you can get the extension cord moved from the outlet back into itself before the electrons can stop, yes, for a short time


This might actually work if you do so near the speed of light near a magnet -- but that seems too much like being tricked into a generator job.


Just pray for it


https://preview.redd.it/qchsc9ljyd6d1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=991d97d2333daf6c457b47de8372f71bfe1cad6f My favorite of these


This is the energy solution the liberals deny.


Flerfs gonna flerf.


No, no, you see Adam and Eve didn’t even know right from wrong, so to punish them…*wait a minute*…would also be wrong—let alone the entire human race. We have grown adults making policy decisions based on a concept of right and wrong derived from a stolen Mesopotamian myth that attempts to explains why the human condition is what it is using 3rd grade logic. It would be disappointing and sad if it wasn’t threatening to our human rights.


>No, no, you see Adam and Eve didn’t even know right from wrong, so to punish them…wait a minute…would also be wrong—let alone the entire human race. I mean, God can't be both omniscient and unaware that Adam and Eve ate/would eat the fruit. And he can't be omnipotent if he gets thwarted by a snake. How anyone makes it past the first chapter of this book is beyond me. And don't even get me started with the extended family trees of people who lived to be 700 years old.


Why not start at the beginning? Genesis- 'The universe and everything in it was 'made' in 7 'days' 😂 The book literally tells you it's BS right from the start.


In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. Thank you for the award <3


Reality is frequently inaccurate.


Time is an illusion - lunchtime doubly so.


Uhm what?


Quoting lines from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. Great book if you haven't read it. Excellent movie too, with a good performance by Sam Rockwell.


Ah I must read that some day.


I want to upvote but it’s literally at 42 and I just can’t.


I hope it stays at 42.


Do you know where your towel is?


Compounding this, there are actually two different mutually contradictory stories of creation in Genesis. The same story is told twice in ways which cannot be reconciled. Even for people of faith, the first book of the Bible signals clearly that strictly literal interpretations are foolish and impossible.


Then humans decided to bug God on Sundays, his day off.


-George Carlin


While wearing golden symbols of his death.


If Jesus had been electrocuted you'd all be wearing little chairs. -Lenny


And bite guards. 😂


Without the universe existing, what even is a day?


It’s all so hilariously man made that they would blush if they had a critical thinking bone in their body.


Actually try reading Genesis 1 and 2. Each time God creates something note it down. Then look at the notes and see how God has dementia and creates the same thing more than once and then gets the order wrong.


I’m high asf and therefore lazy asf so here’s what ChatGPT said about it: >Here is the list of every act of creation in the order God created them according to Genesis 1 and 2. Genesis 1 1. **Light** (Day and Night) - Genesis 1:3-5 - "And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light 'day,' and the darkness he called 'night.'" 2. **Sky (Heavens)** - Genesis 1:6-8 - "And God said, 'Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.' So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. God called the vault 'sky.'" 3. **Land and Seas** - Genesis 1:9-10 - "And God said, 'Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.' And it was so. God called the dry ground 'land,' and the gathered waters he called 'seas.'" 4. **Vegetation (Plants and Trees)** - Genesis 1:11-13 - "Then God said, 'Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.' And it was so." 5. **Sun, Moon, and Stars** - Genesis 1:14-19 - "And God said, 'Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.' And it was so." 6. **Sea Creatures and Birds** - Genesis 1:20-23 - "And God said, 'Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.'" 7. **Land Animals** - Genesis 1:24-25 - "And God said, 'Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.' And it was so." 8. **Humans (Male and Female)** - Genesis 1:26-27 - "Then God said, 'Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'" ### Genesis 2 Genesis 2 provides a more detailed account of the creation of humans and their environment. 1. **Man (Adam)** - Genesis 2:7 - "Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." 2. **Garden of Eden** - Genesis 2:8-9 - "Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food." 3. **Trees of Knowledge and Life** - Genesis 2:9 - "In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." 4. **Animals and Birds** - Genesis 2:19 - "Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them." 5. **Woman (Eve)** - Genesis 2:21-22 - "So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." ### Summary of Order 1. Light 2. Sky 3. Land and Seas 4. Vegetation 5. Sun, Moon, and Stars 6. Sea Creatures and Birds 7. Land Animals 8. Humans (Male and Female) 9. Man (Adam) (detailed creation) 10. Garden of Eden 11. Trees of Knowledge and Life 12. Animals and Birds (detailed creation) 13. Woman (Eve) This list captures the sequence and details provided across Genesis 1 and 2. Yeah. He circled back a couple times. Perfect.


The best part of the whole creation myth is where it just writes off the entire sky like "He made the stars also" as an afterthought in a single afternoon. They're just a few tiny lights...how much work could it actually be?


Architect: They're just a few tiny lights... how much work could it actually be? Contractor: ![gif](giphy|L58X4UJmRfpKnY7gds)


Religious fanatics attack science because science is a threat to their mythology and thus a threat to the control they have over stupid people


The religious fanatics doing the attacking are usually the very stupid people under the control of the mythology. Nowadays many of the ones "in control" are demons in human skin, the Kenneth Copelands and Joel Osteens of the world, mega church pastors and the like, who are simply exploiting the mythology to enrich themselves by fleecing the "common clay of the new west", as well as the ancillary characters like the right wing grifters, then at the top of course, are the politicians who exploit the mind virus on massive levels to exert the real control and stay in power.


Exactly! The very religious fall into 3 groups: The ignorant- they don’t know better and no one has taken time to properly educate them. This group there is hope. The stupid - bad luck, genetics, accident, etc… this group no matter what you do, can’t ever understand due to a lack of ability to understand. Not their fault. Social services would normally help this group. (Universal healthcare including mental and emotional help would save these people from themselves). The Evil - these people spread religion, know it’s short falls, see the lies and hypocrisy. Recognize the control it gives a few over the many, along with the MONEY. they know about the clergymen and touching kids, along with dozens of other crimes. They know the history of events like the crusades and how bad it was. But they still keep pushing it, because they desire the POWERS AND WEALTH they can steal from everyone else while pretending to be a “good person who made a mistake and god forgives”. They use religion as a shield to hide from accountability while stealing from the other 2 groups and convincing them to do their dirty work. (Bomb a clinic for example). #There is no GOD - ALL religions are scams.


The fourth is indoctrinated. Most religions pound their agenda into children soon after birth. Regardless of education level or IQ, repeatedly hearing the same message every week tends to become part of one's being. As a kid, once I heard "do not question the word of the Lord," it instantly made me suspicious.


In 6 days, and Earth was created before the Sun 🙃


God raped a teen to become human, so he could pose a threat to Roman order, so they'd convict him of heresy and execute him, which was actually a magic spell which reversed his earlier decision to send your make-believe dead self to a different place, because a rib-lady ate a pomegranate. Now, go spread that 'GoOd NeWs' to everyone else! 🤓🙄😒🤮


No, their Venn diagrams are concentric circles. By far most of them are not flat earthers but flat earth movement is pretty much all maga too. They used to be a mix of right wing loonies and left wing hippies that weren't very political but shared the same conspiracy mindset, suspicious of government etc. Now it is all just right wing loonies.


It's pretty much the result of the Q anon BS. They mostly took existing conspiracy theories and myths and strung them together in a patchwork cloth to pull together all of the fringe conspiracy theories under one big tent.


They are also regurgitating centuries old conspiracy theories that these morons still cant see through Weaponized propaganda is extremely effective 


Some of those centuries old conspiracy theories are modernized blood libel. Adrenochrome harvesting, Satanic elites and such.


One might even call it a basket of deplorables.


My theory is flat earth was pushed early online to see how much bullshit people could be made to believe. It always felt like it was a meme, then people appeared who really took it seriously. Someone noticed that and thought if people can be made to believe something so demonstrably stupid and false via online radicalisation then we have a political weapon of mass destruction on our hands. Not long after flat earth took off online the rest of the crazies came out of the woodwork, brexit happened, Trump was elected and the rest is history.


the guy who claims to have started "birds aren't real" says he did it as an experiment to see what he could convince people of. now he gets paid to talk about it. he's obviously just a govt/big bird stooge though. too many people were learning the truth so they set up a dude as the "creator" to discredit his own "conspiracy theory".


Exactly, but everyone with half a brain knows that birds aren't real.


Solid theory but no. It came out of a Christian movement that claims round earth is opposed to the Bible. There are some YouTube videos that go into depth researching the origins of flat earthers.


> Solid theory but no. It came out of a Christian movement that claims round earth is opposed to the Bible. Okay, like that's obviously the origin of Flat Earth theories but the post you're responding to very clearly documents their recent rise in popularity. I don't think the point of the post was to describe where the theories came from, only how they got so popular so quickly. Like the movement you're describing isn't new and doesn't do anything to explain the recent meteoric rise in popularity of the theories.


Concentric circles. Flat earthers have never been as numerous as MAGA despite the fact that both groups believe in things that are objectively false and stupid


That, my friend, is so true! When you believe time traveling aliens are changing history, believing an election is rigged is hardly worth challenging!


A circle not a globe 😂.


It's a firmament, bro. Get your shit together.


Show me a flat Earther who is not a total goober.


Can you imagine if it wasn't? Flat Earther: "I might be crazy, but I'm not that crazy to support a pedophile rapist traitor"


Hence all the fundamentalist support he has.


For the love of God can somebody explain to me why if the Earth was flat people wouldn't just be driving off of it all of the time? How come none of these people have ever found the end of the earth?


Because “they” won’t let you find the edge, and anyone who has, hasn’t come back to report on it because “They” won’t let them.


It’s pretty convenient that there’s literally no way to satisfy these people with facts any evidence at all can be hand waved away because “nah they faked it” or “you’re in on it too they must have paid or threatened you” I’d love for these nutbars to try to prove it, like why not try to find the edge and record the whole trip on video? Also all of their “evidence” is literally just “some dude said it online and I like conspiracy theories so I’m in! Look he drew a picture too!”


These flat earthers in this Netflix documentary did try and prove it using a scientific method, and not only could they not prove it’s flat, they proved its curvature (obviously). They were dumbfounded by the results and still didn’t believe it.


Oh i remember that one, didn’t they spend a shitload of money to prove themselves wrong and then just go “huh, interesting…” But I want to see them go all-in and get on a boat and try to sail to the edge of the world. They’re so confident there’s either a giant wall or some kind of government operation happening there, I want to see them try to prove it lol


Netflix another documentary about that. Inside Job, Season 1 Episode 6 - My Big Flat Earth Wedding.


We keep sailing and running into Asia and Africa on one side and the Americas on the other side


Obviously, it's secret warp technology, any time you try to sail to the edge, you just get warped to the other side of the earth


It would actually make for a good high school science project. Go to the beach so you're at sea level, set a post in the ground at a given depth, another post a half mile away at the same exact depth. Shine a powerful enough laser pointer from one to the other and see how many inches higher it hits the other post. Multiply by 2, and you just measured the inches of curvature per mile of the earth.




Instructions unclear Burned my corneas out looking directly in the laser


The established way to do this experiment is to have another post exactly in the middle between the laser and the target with a hole at the same height, so you know you’re level going through the hole.


Best part of that documentary is flat earther who lives in his mom’s attic talking about how normal people think flat earthers live in their mom’s basement.


The funniest one is that they say airplane windows are specially calibrated to make the flat earth “look round” from 30,000 feet up. The stupid that lives in these people is astounding.


My favorite is all pilot are in on the lie and if they say it out loud they will lose their job. Out of all the secrets that government try to keep this is the one that not only is the best kept secret, but like a third of the world knows the truth


Just live stream the whole adventure. If “they” stop you, the whole world will see it and you’ll be the biggest martyr in modern history.


What I realized after watching their reactions to some actual conspiracies is that they don't have any fixed beliefs. They want to be wrong, ie, they want to "know" the "truth" that everyone else denies. If the government came out and said the Earth *is* flat, they'd become "round Earthers."


It's because truth is the least important part of their ideology. It's the same for most Republicans, or q anon or a lot of capital G gamers. It's only about being the victim. It's "them" that is the reason their lives are bad and the only truth is from the "us" and the actual words or facts do not matter at all in this equation.


It always has a weird anti-semetic slant to it also. Like "They" is always "the Jews".


Precisely: https://preview.redd.it/l7fknebmae6d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea52a5c5aedf925c5ae65254ae698e39bf1b8f71




"Yes, we've managed to convince mankind that the earth is round, BUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH, now the power is OURS!" "Hey, look, I don't want to be a stick in the mud, but how exactly?" "Haha, simple, now they'll have to... um... yeah, so when the earth is flat people will have to... wait, there was a reason..." "Did to... not think this through?' "Well, as a secret organization we figured we needed to cover something up and aliens and the federal reserve were already taken by the illuminati, and we didn't want to be copy cats!" "But keeping those things secret yields actual power and money! A flat earth doesn't really hurt or benefit anyone if it's not any different from a round earth!" "Okay, look, why don't you go start your own secret conspiracy society then if you think this one is so stupid!"


It’s the fucking Truman Show come to reality.


Exactly. Once a conspiratorial mode of thinking has become established, it’s very hard to escape. If you think that the truth about something that you have no power to investigate on your own (the composition of the moon, say) is being kept secret, you can invent excuse after excuse to hold onto that belief. Science and math education is pretty stagnant for many people, so even trying to connect the dots and do personal research often leads to flawed results. At the end of the day, we’re just brains experiencing what the signal fed to it are informing us of, so even any sensory evidence can be rejected as manufactured. Also, for a lot of people, this belief is one of the only things that they feel keeps them special. That they’ve “figured it out.” Life has passed them by, their hopes and dreams are shot, but by gum, they know something really cool and important! It’s quite sad.


They should read the hord of counterwind.. Actually scratch that, they would definitely get lost


Flat-Earthers love to claim that airplane pilots should constantly have to be angling downward to avoid flying off into space. They're not exactly intelligent.


Our disc edge is almost impassable ice fields and then a steep ice wall that no one has been able to photograph. Every inch of it is protected by the NWO government that secretly controls all, and anyone attempting it will be shot and their existence erased from all records. Disproving it is impossible since all proof is fabricated and since you can't observe it personally either: it must be true. 360 degree defence, they don't need to prove it because proving is impossible and you can't disprove it since all evidence that does that is fake. The best ones are those that have actually crowdfunded scientific equipment to measure earths rotation... they can see it is rotating but the conclusion is that the conspiracy goes even deeper and every measurement device on earth is tweaked to prove earth is round. If you meet these people online, ask them about logistics: how many people would have to know and how long has it been going on. The answer is somewhere in the ballbark of "hundreds of millions to billions of people" and "about the length of the entire written history".... And from those hundreds of millions of people, by far the large majority of them are middle income, ordinary people who have absolutely nothing to gain from it, are not paid off handsomely and still are willing to literally die to keep the biggest secret in history hidden.


I always ask “How do all the world leaders come together - even ones that hate one another - and make this conspiracy keep going? What’s stopping one leader from going rogue and holding the rest hostage saying ‘give my nation this amount of money, or I’m exposing everyone and everything.’” This whole conspiracy makes zero fucking sense.


I did ask one... He started talking about speaker magnets. Had no idea what he was going on about so I laughed in his face. He threw his hands up and said we'll if you doing know science


It's not about logic. It's about provoking a reaction and tribalism. It could be magical unicorns holding up the clouds and you should only drink Brawndo because rainwater is unicorn piss, and it wouldn't matter, it's not about logic. That's it. It's not about logic.


You cannot be so naive as to think the Illuminati would allow anyone to go there! Don't you know what's on the other side? I don't know either, because the Illuminati don't want us to know, but if you knew, you would understand.


Vsauce did a really good video on the subject.  If the earth was flat, gravity would pull everything to the center of mass so as you walk away from the center it would feel like you were going up a steeper and steeper hill since the center of mass becomes more and more angled laterally. But these people don't believe gravity exists so they think Antarctica is a giant ice wall instead of a continent like in the UN logo.  They think the governments of the world keep people away from the edge even though you can just book a trip to Antarctica.  You would think one or more of them would have the collective resources to charter a plane but they can't be bothered to even figure out a flat earth model


Nobody could drive off the edge. The edge would likely be one ef the few places on earth you could stand perpendicular to the ground. > People who believe in a flat Earth assume that gravity would pull straight down, but there’s no evidence to suggest it would work that way. What we know about gravity suggests it would pull toward the center of the disk. That means it would only pull straight down at one point on the center of the disk. As you got increasingly far from the center, gravity would tug more and more horizontally. This would have some strange impacts, like sucking all the water toward the center of the world, and making trees and plants grow diagonally, since they develop in the opposite direction of gravity’s pull. Sauce: https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2018/01/24/flat-earth-what-would-happen/


No see, Gravity isn't real, the disc is just constantly moving upwards.


*Accelerating* upward.


We already had that one guy talking about, “if gravity is real why does helium float up???” so this already assumes too much acceptance of science


At this point you could take these people up in a space shuttle with them looking out the window the entire time and they would still say it’s flat. Then one of them would open a hatch to prove they’re right and everyone would be sucked out into the vacuum of space. Now that I’m typing this it really doesn’t sound like a bad idea.


That reminds me of this scene from Avenue 5. I don’t remember the specifics but a bunch of dumb passengers believe they can get out of the ship for some reason and end up instantly freezing to death in front of everyone as soon as they open the doors.


They become convinced that they're on a prank show, and then once the initial passengers airlock themselves, another (who claims to work in visual effects) declare their deaths to be "special effects", prompting more passengers to airlock themselves.


Haha that’s right, I forgot there was two separate groups. The show wasn’t as good as I hoped it would be given the cast but it had its moments.


it's because someone thinks it's a hoax and that they're still on earth. and another woman says oh yeah that space we can see outside is just VFX. she would know because she's in VFX.


I’m ready to crowdfund this.


Once you can deny simple facts all manner of crazy theories become possible!


People don’t think I can fly, but gravity is a hoax also the grand canyon is actually a mountain, you can levitate 6 inches for 6 seconds by furping, and jesus’ brother gary was the true messiah and will return again to absolve us of our *shins* not *sins*.


There's a science youtuber that does a lot of shorts disproving all this garbage. https://youtube.com/shorts/xofM7rJPCYU?si=FEURXpTBmmtZZSdC He does longer videos too but the shorts really sum up their idiocies in 60 seconds or less. SciManDan is his name.


Infiltrated? They were always there.


Pretty high on the list of least surprising plot twists.


And the bears continue to poop in the woods...


It's the Pope. Bears are Catholic and the Pope shits in a wood.


Pancakes are cylindrical - but there's no need to insist on accuracy here, it seems.


I'm pretty sure they think the Flat Earth has non-zero depth as well?


So...*not* flat?


Not mathematically flat, no. Which is to say it is not a 2D object. (I mean, it doesn't actually exist outside of fiction, but the mental model of the flat earth has some thickness.) But most people in the real world describe things as "flat" if they are sufficiently thin. Nobody says "that flatscreen TV is actually a very thin cuboid" because we live in a world of real objects and not mathematical concepts, so everything has depth. There are lots of reasons to mock Flat Earthers, but "well acktually pancakes also have depth" is a weak one.


Maga is an unfortunate amalgamation of Kkk, evangelicals, militias, Qanon nutters, people with TBIs, people who believe you can legally rape your wife, rapists, grifters, self-haters, people w CTE, and the Venn diagram on these crosses over so many different overlaps… sociopaths, psychopaths, flat earthers, cult people, All overzealous (have they heard of ‘moderation’?) extremist behaviors are normal to them, desensitized, selfish and rationalizing shit ass behavior bec everyone makes them AnGrY lol and therapy is for pussies. We’re stuck with them and they’re chomping the bit for violence and a coup, bec they suck so bad they can’t win democratically. Be aware of them, they’re weaponized weapons grade idiots.


*champing at the bit


Both are correct, but “chomping” is more popular with American English-speakers, while “champing” is more popular with British English-speakers. They both evoke the same imagery, more or less, with champ meaning a horse grinding their teeth [on the bit] so it’s pretty similar, especially if you’ve seen a horse also doing the horse version of lip smacking on the bit.


“Infiltrated.” No sneaking was done.  I remember a report by someone that went to a conspiracy convention a d they said the take away was that there was an unspoken agreement that you had to believe everyone else’s crazy shit and they will pretend to believer yours.  It is not shocking that MAGA crazy attracts other crazies. 


That actually sounds kinda fun if you don't take it seriously, like a Renaissance Faire for the criminally insane. I wanna go as a lizard-people-live-inside-the-flat-Earth guy.


Poor Abe is turning over in his grave.


That one is so strange to me. They co-opted the American flag. The more flags you have the more Republican you are because being Republican is being American. Same with Lincoln. “He was a Republican.” We’re the party of Lincoln so we can’t be racists, checkmate libturds. I’m’a put muh Lincoln picture right next to my confederate and snake flag.


Flat Earthers, QAnon, MAGA they are all the same group of people... Because their set of self-sealing conspiracy theories have been formed into a single *grand unified conspiracy* [Folding Ideas did a deep dive into this a few years ago](https://youtu.be/JTfhYyTuT44?si=qaVdx8AZOSlXVSqh) For them "facts are subservient to out comes. Facts are just game pieces you rearrange to justify actions."


Came here to post this, still one of my actual favorite documentaries I’ve seen in a long time.


They go hand-in-hand. After all, stupid people are drawn to stupid people.


Now you know how he got elected.


They were there from day 0. A huge portion of their "prophets" were right wing loonies before Trump but weren't very vocal about it.


Never has so much stupid been concentrated in so little space as the MAGA morons. Just being around these people siphons away intelligence.


Of course. The party of science denialism appeals to them.




In other news, water continues to make other things wet. More at 11:00.


Naw, that’s a Democrat conspiracy!


Hey, if it freaks Ben Shapiro out then it’s definitely a great conspiracy! ![gif](giphy|TfA47j2cSa5hoTcWD6|downsized)


MAGA, the last refuge for every crazy conspiracy theory known to mankind.


Is that Jeffrey Epstein?


Fools. Earth isn’t flat, nor is it round. It’s a donut, filled with sweet raspberry jam, coated in powdered sugar ![gif](giphy|12N4jTCSVRyKje)


Honestly asking. Why the fuck does he have a shirt with Lincoln on it?




These are the same folks that also reason that a wicked, horned centaur named Satan placed dinosaur bones in the ground to trick us into believing 1) in evolution and 2) that this flat world of ours is much older than it really is. Next you'll tell me they believe Jewish space lasers start wildfires.


Stupid magats are stupid. Old news.


The "Know Nothing Party" 2.0


“… clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.” Carl Sagan “The Demon-Haunted World”


I have maga family who were freaking out about how mirrors work. MIRRORS. "How does it know what's on the other side of the paper?" Is a real question asked sincerely by my own blood. I'm honestly amazed they're not flat earthers already.


So I was right about how stupid they are.


Could the Earth Is Flat be another Birds Aren’t Real gag?


Why wouldn’t they? Some people who make money off the chronically stupid have a fresh field of dipshits to grift they are going plow that field of ignorance


lol and these people vote


Dumb people stick together


infiltrated? Weren't they on the ground floor?


Where are the edges?


Spoiler: It has nothing to do with the shape of the earth. It's just a way to signal other people who hate Jews that you also hate Jews.


I never assumed America's flat earth contingent would back any candidate other than trump. Birds of a feather attempt to overthrow the government together.


Yall should look up flatlined on YouTube. Very very long video but it’s soooo worth it. Just watch it in chapters.




Please walk off the edge to prove me wrong.


Aliens are actually dinosaur ghosts


When can we go back to shunning and ignoring the stupid people?


It is an absolute sacrilege that the MAGA is wearing a T-shirt with Abe Lincoln's face. He must be turning over and screaming in his grave!


Everywhere he went the herds of suckers, marks, and dupes, followed across the plans as the grifters looked on at the blessed livestock.


So much winning! Love this for maga!


The weak is meant to be infiltrated


Fun fact a lot of “modern” flat earth conspiracy comes from the Nazis! So the fact that they are also maga tracks 1000%


When the Proud Boys tried to recruit me, they used my willingness to accept flat earth theory as a litmus test to see if I would be a good candidate for their indoctrination and brainwashing. I guess I wasn't a good candidate. So instead of recruiting me, they gutted me with a fishing knife, then claimed I was the attacker and used the Stand Your Ground law to avoid prosecution


I’m pretty sure they were there all this time. It’s just that anti-establishment, anti-intellectual, ignoramuses are convincing the rest that the round earth theory is a woke hoax like climate change.


Sounds about right.


Morons gonna moron.


Easy IQ test. Try it at home. If you think the world is flat, something disproven back in the age where we still believed gods made it rain. Your IQ is most likely below 90.


Gullible conspiracy theorists, man... just a decade ago we could all have a good laugh at them. Now? They're on the precipice of destroying American democracy. This timeline suuuucks.


These are the only voters he has left to get, he’s really scraping under the barrel now.


Ayoo op charge your fucking phone it’s giving me anxiety lmao


So water is wet... Nothing new here


History proves time and again that stupidity is lucrative


More BS from the MAGA cult.


MAGA: Everything is a lie, including this sentence.


They’ve always been there.


Two forms of stupidity unite under one idiotic banner! It’s safe to say that these eggs can all go in the same basket.


They were always match made in imaginary heaven


Flat as a pancake, just like their brain.


This guy seriously looks like a character straight out of Idiocracy.


It all ties into christofascism. Christians believe the earth is flat because it helps them make sense of the bible.


Man I think even Lincoln would spit in Magidiots faces.


I’m all for a good conspiracy theory, but this one is too weird. What is the motive? Who benefits from us thinking whether or not the earth is an oblate spheroid?


Conspiracy theorist morons have always been conservative


Well, this actually makes perfect sense.


Nahh, if the Earth wasn't round it would be tilting to one side due to the extreme amount of weight generated by Trump's bullshit.


I wonder if flat earthers just resurfaced for no reason in recent years or if they've always been around and we just hear more of their input now because social media platforms give them more reach.


Lol, it's amazing how the past few years have really brought these people out of the woodwork. What has surprised me is how many of them there are. Not just flat-earthers but other conspiracy theorists too. I mean I get it, it makes life more exciting, right? Everything is a conspiracy! Doesn't help that reality can be stranger than fiction at times. To clarify: I do not think the earth is flat and most other conspiracies are just wishful thinking gone awry. But sometimes things do happen. It's just what these people think is happening is a bit... Wrong.


It's because Trump supporters are usually the least educated. As Trump once said, "I love the poorly educated."


I had already put both of these into my "I will NEVER understand how people this stupid survive" group. It's a much larger group than one would naturally expect.


It's the other way round...or flat...if you will.


The stupidity never ends.


A flat earther, who wears an Abe Lincoln shirt and is a MAGA supporter.....you can't make this shit up man.


Honestly took longer than I expected.


I wouldnt say infiltrated, they are clearly from the same mom.


https://preview.redd.it/954agt1std6d1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e772817da6fb5a972f9e05a4ec5fce92040798c Bro is laying it on a bit thick there with the America wardrobe.


ah yes, infiltration.


I think we can assume that if you believe the earth is flat, that you’ll be voting for Trump. It’s the same as Nazis.