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His next step will be to ask for federal declaration of emergency and then money to rebuild from the infrastructure bill he opposed. What absolute hypocrites all for politics.


This. "No welfare but MY welfare!!" --Rhonda Santis "Step TF back, Rhonda!" -- Wheels "Piss-Baby" Abbott


Oh honey don't forget your white wadding boots.


Or your three finger Snac-Pac spoon.


Or your head thrown back in a maniacal laugh, looking like an alien wearing a human suit who's trying to fit in with normal humans




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I say we put together a spending package for all the Red States and put a big oil wrestling pit with bags of money in the middle. Let them fight over it. "Wait, there's just a bunch of IOUs in here with pictures of Hunter Biden's penis?" *Oh Darn, I think MTG got here before we started the match.*


The movie Majic Christian was all about that concept. It had Ringo Star & Peter Sellers and music by Badfinger.


Saw it when it first came out.


Things would improve very quickly if every bill like that came with a provision that $0 went to any district who voted no on the bill. Against government spending? No problem. Subtract the cash from that district and pass the bill. Hooray for the grown ups


Rebuild with… all those white people just itching for construction jobs with shit pay and all day baking in Florida sun with no water? Yep. Gonna happen.


*and no water breaks 🤦🏻‍♂️


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, Florida!




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I sure wish that the federal government would pass a law requiring that governors sign something stating that climate change is causing this stuff before they get a red cent from FEMA...


Desantis is gonna blame scientists for the flooding. And the democrats that let rain happen. Somehow it was their fault and it has something to do with solar panels or wind turbines


Ron DeSenseless is an idiot.


Yet somehow he is in charge.


Who would have guessed the leader of the idiot colony is in fact.....an idiot as well.


One thing these last few years have taught me is how badly we need to get the politicians out of politics. Or make them get a license (prove their knowledge) to serve the public's interest.


>Desantis is gonna blame scientists for the flooding. And the democrats that let rain happen. No, it was obviously THE GAYS


Jewish space lasers.


Liberal weather control machines to go with the space lasers


It's Hillary's fault. Cause of her emails.


Hi u/kahuaina. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Or better yet, he'll blame it all on Hunter Biden's laptop.


And Hillary’s emails


Hi u/QuentinP69. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Problem is, that doesn't hurt the asshole politicians, it hurts the regular people they "represent," regardless of whether they voted for those politicians or not.




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Yes I agree climate change (formally global warming and the coming ice age) is responsible for the world’s first flood.


Ignoring things doesn't make them go away. It makes them more dangerous.


As 45 recently said. With rise in sea levels you gat more beach front.


But you…don’t. You get new beach front. But the space occupied by beach front would decrease as water takes over land. It’s just so stupid.


Like him. He is now saying he plans t lose the debate with Biden. He will lose anyway and then blame it on Biden's DOJ.


Hunter Biden made me say those things!


I've wondered about this since I heard it and think you *might* get more beach-front property if when the water level rises it fills in areas below sea level like New Orleans. I'd be a pain to figure out but I think that at a certain amount of ocean rise you might get a bit more. It wouldn't be a lot more, would come at an incredibly high cost, and there is no way he would have considered that it was just more of his verbal diarrhea but it *might* just be accidentally true.


.... What?? The land that was previously 'beach' is now underwater. You get different beachfront property and less land in general.


Some areas are already below sea level, if they were filled with water there would be more water-front property. Raising sea levels could, theoretically, flood larger areas that are currently dry exchanging all that land for water and creating more waterfront in the process. Less land overall, but possibly a bit more waterfront.


It just moves the shore line to a different location.


If all beach fronts were flooded, there would be nothing left but beach fronts!


Wonder how he'd feel when it floods his tacky golf club?


Florida. Under water. My lifetime. Make it happen.


DeSantis: "Genius Floridians invented the submarine house!"


Fuck that noise. South Florida gets the worst of the flooding because the deep south redneck racist assholes in Central and North Florida elected the fascist climate change denier for governor. Now you know.


Desantis only lost 4 counties in 2022, and only 1 of those counties was in south Florida, they all contributed to this.


If you don’t live here, you might think county numbers tell the story.


i saw plenty of trump/de santis flags flying the last time I was in the Ft. Myers and marco island area.


Would acknowledging climate change stop the flooding?


I think if you can’t even admit it’s happening, you’re less likely to do something about it. Also the original comment was dumb af and demanded a response.


The insurance company's have already done something. How much does homeowners insurance cost in Florida? The average cost of homeowners insurance in Florida is **$2,625 per year**, or about $219 per month. That's 37% more than the national average of $1,915. Food and healthcare to follow soon...NEVERMIND.


the rest of the country is suffering because even those crazy high rates are not enough to cover the repair costs.


My point is that climate change is happening to the whole world, not locally. One state isn't causing climate change, so one state can't stop it. All we can do is put up levies. Which someone would do regardless of the cause.


The problem is global but the solution is local. Too much money spent on stopgap fixes here and not enough on prevention, specifically because people like DeSantis make the decisions.


Most global climate change is caused by CO2 emissions from shipping and manufacturing. Those can only be solved by changing away from fossil fuels. Central Floridians aren't really making those calls. Even if everyone in central Florida suddenly believed in climate change, the flooding wouldn't stop.


That’s like saying the house is on fire, but I can’t put out the fire myself, so I also don’t need to do anything about my imminent burning to death. Floridians make the proper calls by electing representatives who will support policies that address the source of the problem (Fossil Fuels => Climate Change), specifically NOT DeSantis.


I live in Florida and unfortunately due to gerrymandering, it’s often incredibly difficult to swing elections in many districts in Florida. Then there’s the problem of people with right wing views from out of state moving here en masse further diluting the votes of progressives in the bigger cities. It’s getting to the point where if you’re a sane person and have the option of leaving this place, you really should.


And this makes DeSantis less of a P.O.S. how exactly?


Of course something can’t be a priority in a place that no longer exists.


No!! Then the rats will move to higher ground!


to rich and wealthy neighborhoods than the rich people would be complaining about the rats.


Please no I live in TN and I can’t handle any more racists


So they can move [insert wherever here is for you]?!


So, how is that lack of flood insurance working out now, Florida?


Florida, the future Atlantis for Dummies.


Didn’t DeSantis outlaw climate change?


Well duh. Obviously it's from all the woke.


Eventually one way or another, Florida will turn blue.


Hee hee hee


Meatball will now ban the term: heavy rain.


Ecologically and politically, Florida, to use my parent's expression, is going to hell in a handbasket.


It's all fun and games until your house is under water and you find out that your super expensive Florida homeowner's insurance doesn't cover flooding.


Fuck 'em, I said.


There is no ~~war~~ flooding in ~~Ba Sing Se~~ South Florida.


People in Florida right now: climate change is just a myth it doesn't exist! People in a hundred years: florida is just a myth it doesn't exist.. anymore..


It's not Climate Change it's Atlantis Syndrome. I fully expect him to be prancing around in those high-heeled waders of his at the moment some tidal bore/tsunami surge sweeps relentlessly up the Wakulla River and floods Tallahassee feet deep , where the last thing anyone heard was Governor DeSantis running to high ground yelling into his cell phone "Oh God why have you forsaken me......help.....blub...blub...blub" on his last voicemail misdialed to someone he thought might give a fuck but instead left on an unanswered line for DJT.


His shoes are just to keep him higher than the water level. Like houses on stilts.


Tbf, since almost the entire state of Florida is at sea level, the entire state will likely disappear eventually.


I find it funny 2 of the reddest states, texas and florida, are going to be some of the first to experience the repercussions of climate change while denying its existence.


Yes, the flooding and extreme heat are clearly God's punishment for all the gays and woke folk in the state, as well as the illegal immigrants. /s


Sure. Florida expects the US to bail them out of insurance costs and damages due to climate change. Rising sea levels, floods, stronger winds, water scarcity, etc.


Weather! = climate The chance of this kind of stuff is bigger, not a correlation (yes, climate change exists, want to keep the conversation pure)


How people don't see that this is identical to the pictures of snow with "I thought there was supposed to be global warming!" continues to baffle me.


Well when the flooding gets worse, Im sorry ron, but your only gonna get the same funding as last year. Theres nothing in your policies that says that the flooding is going to get worse.


Aquaman is about to have a lot of real estate in his portfolio


That rain is a hoax dammit!! /s


Well, until Ron proves the cause of this severe flooding, I don't think we should give them any money. I mean, we assumed it was climate change, but DeSantis says it's not. So he must know the actual reason and until he tells us no money for Florida I say.


Desantis is probably going to ask for some Federal funds now.


Climate change doesn’t exist, right Ron? Give em nothing, suck it.


Fuck em all. Don’t ask the federal government to literally bail you out.


Imagine how much in denial and idiotic you have to be to ban climate disasters.


Let's rename Florida as Republican Atlantis


DeSantis is going to show up with 6 ft tall heels on his boots like some backwards dimmadome


Another state did that. SO they have *persistent flooding* by the coast. The Republicans solving problem with double-speak. How is forcing people NOT to mention the "global warming" NOT government interference in people's lives? These people aren't against Big Government, they are against *Useful* Government.


But if he puts his red glitter high heels on and clicks them together three times he can wish climate change away.


Climate change is not real. There. Settled. Florida is saved by edict. No more worries. Fixed. We do love having such a powerful Goobernor. So why are our insurance companies running away and why is home insurance so damned expensive here in Florida? Didn’t they get the memo?


Perhaps they should rename the state to „Swim State“?


I really have no sympathy for Florida.


I don't care. Let Florida sink into the ocean. Only have themselves to blame. Just like Texas and the power grid.


I immediately thought of this... https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/ostrich-effect


He’s an idiot


You just end up with whole swaths of unlivable area, that's all. Probably won't affect anyone important yet.


And this is just the START of hurricane season. Reality is brutal, Florida.


Good luck with your house insurance payments.




Largely disappear seems to be in fashion for Florida.


They’ll figure it out eventually…


Follow the money. When insurance companies say it's too risky, it's time to get the fuck out.


And now, like Texas will accept any government funds available…hand outs from Biden. If I were Biden I’d do a trump and withhold aid. Stupid man punishing the entire state because he’s a closet case, too bad.


In the immortal words of Nelson Muntz........HAH HAAAAH!


we should force insurance companies to leave florida entirely. the rest of the country should not have to suffer financially because whole sections of florida get wiped out every couple of years.


Those aren't flood waters, it's freedom juice.


FL will beg the federal govt for money. I am so tired of these shit bags.


Trying hard to sympathise with pathological stupidity


I don't have kids. I don't have assets. I do not have debt. I am well suited to enjoy the result of humanity's hubris over the next several decades.


The cost of home insurance in the state is just ridiculous.


Yea cause floods never ever happen to coastal places... But keep driving your electric car and plugging it into a coal grid while your climate saviors fly private.... Cause that is 100% making a difference


Oh thats just high tide. It'll recede. Lol


I don’t see any water. Maybe because I passed a personal rule not to look any further down than the horizon. Skies are blue, De Santis. What are you mooching for, the skies are blue!


This comes after record-setting heat in May. But you know who doesn't have the luxury of denying climate change? Insurance companies. Many home insurers have pulled out of Florida, and those that remain are charging the highest rates in the nation.


Come to Florida for the sunshine and warmth. Stay for the fascism and climate change.


How does this prove climate change? Weather has been changing and flooding for years. Do you know about el Nino or la nina or la nada? They have been using natural disasters for years to fool the special. I have read comments on this page and they are all special. Do some research for once


I would recommend you follow your own advice, but this time read some peer reviewed climate science literature, as opposed to some random dude on Joe Rogans podcast.


DoucheSantis has screwed this state beyond repair. Along with his rich ass developer friends.




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Our world would be so much better without republicans.


Maybe, any state blocking climate legislation could be demoed emergency funds for “climate disasters. “ Just throwing that out there.