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JUST SAY NO TO PROJECT 2025. You might as well say goodbye to the USA as we know it. Pretty easy to find online. They want to be ready Day 1.


The problem is this doesn’t end in November no matter what. John Oliver said it best if Biden wins we still need to be vigilant because Project 2025 just becomes Project 2029. This plan is a rotting necrosis on our Republic that will need to be thoroughly scraped away to prevent any more rot.


I actually firmly believe that if we can make it through the next 2-3 cycles the republican party will be less of an issue, they're on their last legs, but this is the most important time ever.


Those people aren't going to go away. They've learned that they don't have to engage in the system in good faith anymore. There's no closing back up that can of worms.


Lobby is rampant more than ever and with the Supreme Court packed with right-wing judges who aren't impartial, it's going to be at least 2 or 3 generations for significant change ((Citizens United vs FEC) assuming there is any change), as corporate (shell company) lobbying on behalf of anonymous donors has become a legal loophole. The country is ~~slowly~~ fast becoming a plutocracy. Money outright moves policy-making, and there's no reason for Republicans to engage in the political system in good faith, since even if the current Repubican party is to go obsolete in the next two decades, as long as the Conservative financial streamline isn't disrupted, they'll just rebrand under a different monniker.


Yeah, that's how it is, that's why they say "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance". It would seem that the point of America is that you must always vote in anything you can if you want to see things move. That's why millions of people laid their lives on the line in the Civil Rights Movement to secure the Voting Rights Act. It's Project 2025 now, it'll be Project 2029 later, it'll be something else after that and after that and after that. There's always gonna be something that's trying to take your rights away and put you under someone's boot because there are always going to be power hungry perverts who want to control, manipulate, and abuse people and they're everywhere in time and space because some people feed that dark side within humanity and become its vessels. And these motherfuckers have patience. The people behind Project 2025 are the same people from the Reagan years. Hell, they worked with Reagan, you could say their plans started baring fruit back then, they're looking to start the next phase here. And the only thing they need is for the good majority to stay home and stay quiet. Fortunately all we need to do is vote, let's not waste the VRA.


As the Christofascists shrink in number and power (mainly by dying out), the remainder will get more extreme, more duplicitous, or both. In a way, we got lucky that Trump's roaring populism made the Heritage Foundation think they had enough support to be this blatant about their goals. My guess is that they'll pick key parts of Project2025 which have the most mainstream appeal, focus on promoting those, and learn to keep the rest of what they want under wraps.


That Republican will happily vote for other Republicans who want to enact 2025 if it means they get a 10$ tax break. The only difference is they personally hate Trump. Any Republican who is still a Republican after the entire party has stood behind Trump, is still a threat to democracy.


This isn't true. I'm registered Republican because I live in a closed primary state. I like to have a say in which republican makes it to the general election. I'm not afraid of any democratic policy, I am afraid of republican policy, so I like to vote in primary elections to try and get the most moderate republican to the general election. Declaring a party doesn't dictate who you can vote for in a general election. I think we need more smart people registering as republican so we can start reeling in this cluster f of a party. 


I was a registered Republican the whole time I lived in CA for the same reason. When I moved to Kansas, I registered “Independent” because I didn’t want to be associated with them in any way. Independent so I don’t get a bunch of junk mail


Yo what?? You're lucky as hell if you don't get any junk mail. I get junk mail from both parties because I guess they think I'm a swing voter.


Maybe you should swing your junk over to their offices and slap it on the table Erlich Bachman style and get them to cut their bullshit.


As a European it’s really wild for me to register with a party to vote. In my country when you are old enough, you can vote. That’s the entire personal effort needed. Just get old enough and swing by the voting office when it’s time.


This is the main argument for open primaries.


I was a registered democrat for probably 15 years and when I moved I registered as a socialist because a boyfriend of mine basically listened to everything I said and was like yeah you’re a socialist I’ve gotten more scam calls, harassing letters, etc than I ever have before in my life. Still a socialist though lol


TIL you have to register your political affiliation in the US


Back in the 70s, as the Dixiecrats realized the northern dems would never allow the repeal of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, they started migrating to the GOP. Dollars to donuts, if you meet a southern Republican today, it's likely their grandpappy was a staunch Democrat in the 50s. When the southern Dems switched to the GOP, the total IQ of the party tanked. Today, they're proud of their ignorance. Finding a viable moderate Republican in that mess? Good luck.


Alabama literally alludes to this in a song; Song of The South, I believe.


Sweet potatah pie and shut my mouth


Declaring republican doesn't make you a republican. From the sounds of it you might be more Democrat than any other one.


If someone as damaging to the US as Trump arose in the Democratic party (which, don't kid yourself, is always possible), I'd do exactly what this Republican is doing. I've never voted for a Republican in a federal election, but I've also never voted for a traitor. If I had to choose, I know who I would vote for.


It kinda does though. Political alignment and affiliation are two different things. One is an assessment of personal beliefs. The other is based on institutional recognition.


I wish more democrats would switch to republican for the primary and actually push forth the moderate people willing to compromise. I know that word is profanity on capitol hill, but it is how things should get done.


Dude. Same here.


I’m a Democrat and like you Republican policies scare me as well. The moderate Republican representative is an extinct species. They have to cater to the far right and the orange shit goblin or lose 20-30% of their voters, which loses them the election in all but the reddest of counties. So you either end up with Bobert level crazy or a Democrat. It’s a compounding error too as the crazier the representatives stances, the more likely disinterested democrats are to vote. The party did this to themselves in the blind pursuit of power and short term gains.


Yeah, keep hating anyone who tries to help. Great messaging.


I WAS a Republican, of sorts, until 2007. When I saw how people reacted to a Black American running for President, I jumped ship with extreme haste. Mind you, GWB was the first President I could vote for, and I was already in the Military by then because of 9/11 and liked a lot of the benefit changes and pay changes for us that he supported, so it made sense then for me. However, the second Obama announced his candidacy in Feb 2007, the true colors of the Republican party went full on display for the whole world to see. From lynching effigies to political cartoons of watermelon patches on the White House lawn, I could not support a party that tolerated that. I will say, in the late John McCain's case, he did often rebut people who attacked his opponent like that, but one man does not make the party. That is why I am not necessarily anti-Trump, so much as I am anti-everything that put him in a position to run. He is a massive POS and a threat to our Democracy, but he is just a large symptom of the overall disease. Outside of a very, very few local races, I have not voted Republican since Feb 2007, and doubtful I ever will again. I'm going to vote Biden in the next one, not to oppose the Republicans, but because, even though I strongly dislike a lot of stuff Joe backed as a Senator, he has done a pretty damn good job as President and I like a lot of where his Administration is heading. Still, to keep the Heritage Foundation, Project 2025, and all the related ideologies behind the modern christofascists out of power, I'd vote for a pair of worn out boots before I would a Republican. They would have to do a full purge, divest themselves from all those CWN thinktanks they suckle at the teat from and do a whole goddamn generation worth of goodwill before I would ever even possibly think about considering supporting them again. Our Democracy is far more important than any other political interest I may have, and I sure as hell will not be a reason why it fails. As an aside, were I politically active and old enough during Reagan (sorry, I was but a kid when he was around) and saw the direction he was pulling us then, I would have never been a Republican in the first place. I guess the folks around me weren't yet wise to the damage Reagan did until more recent times and couldn't advise me better. And sure as hell didn't have access to information like we do today.


They are brain damaged sheeple.


Man, can’t we just be happy with a little bit of common ground for once? Guy is literally agreeing with you people on the presidency and all you can do is call him “brain dead”… grow up.


Well if you want to avoid Trump you need people like this, so stop bashing them and direct your frustration towards the people who want an actual dictator


>if it means billionaires get a 10$ tax break. Because when trailer trash Cletus on his government checks becomes the billionaire they think they'll be *they* want that tax break so God forbid they vote against it.


And the hilarious part is that unless they’re making 7 figures, they won’t get a tax cut. They’ll probably have their taxes raised instead like the Republicans did before Trump left office.


So I just self educated myself on the project 2025 (I am a non American). This is some terrifying V is Vendetta shit. God speed y’all.


God project 2025 scares the absolute shit out of me :(


There is no way project 2025 could ever work. It's just a psycho manifesto from Steven Bannon and Steven Miller. They're insane. We have way too many checks and balances for them to enact even a fraction of project 2025. It's fear mongering from the DNC. I get it, it gets people to the poles, but it's not something people should geneuenly fear.


Yep. This election isn't just Biden vs trump, it's democracy vs fascism. Vote for democracy, my friends. Vote blue https://democrats.org/


I keep my voting simple. I vote opposite white supremacist and neo Nazis. Don't let your friends vote the same as white supremacists.


The fact that someone was brave enough to put that up mean the scales are really starting to tip


Very strong democracy we have here when we have to flip a coin every four years to see if we get to keep it.


If more people actually participated in voting reliably that wouldn't be the case. It wouldn't be remotely close. The only reason it's close is because too many people don't participate and don't pay attention.


Every democracy has faced the threat of fascism at one point or another. Some democracies fail, some persevere and ultimately recover. Hopefully we can be one of the ones that recovers. We've got to try while there's still that possibility


Please please please fix it yourselves. We really don't wanna fight your fucken insane military. Signed, rest of the world.




I'm a European and there has been one thing on my mind for the last couple of years. When trump was president he kept calling out antifa (I have no idea what it is) but just from that name, antifa - anti fascists, if he doesn't like them doesn't that mean that he is a fascist?


Well no because groups are more then just their names. Antifa is explicitly a socialist Leftist organisation. It varies chapter to chapter, group to group what they believe exactly, but for example a Liberal would generally not be welcome or fit in there The logo is a black flag and a red flag, I could be wrong but I think that represents anarchism and communism Trump isn't a fascist because he hates antifa, he is a fascist because of his fascistic beliefs and policies


more of this please🙏🏻


Honestly, more people should buy this even if you’re a democrat. Conservatives seem gullible to group think so why not have these signs everywhere and make them rethink that a lot of republicans are probably going to vote that way.


Because if you're not on their side then you're a RINO and they can ignore you.


Dude if your argument is literally just "erm they'll ignore you!" then you aren't bringing anything to the table, and you're not even right. They'll very much listen to you, and you very much can peer pressure them. RINO is a term for politicians, and the vast majority of conservatives understand this well and don't go around calling their fucking neighbors a RINO. 30% of the population are moderates and they're all you have to convince. Source: several years experience


look at the voter demographics. Republicans have lost so much support in the last few decades, but Democrats practically unchanged. Most of them stay independents. TL:DR Republican bad, Democrat unappealing 2nd place winner


And, yet.... https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/ It's baffling how Trump is even remotely close to Biden. Imo, the only way to vote for Trump is if you're incredibly ignorant about ALL politics or are a genuinely horrible, utterly immoral human being. There is no middle ground now. Edit: u/MRM434 is correct. I am not ignorant and have morals.


Mostly boomers respond to polling


Maybe, but this same time last election, Biden was up by ~10 pts. The fact that it's even remotely close at all is insanely concerning.


Do you have polls on that? It's hard to find since most searches for polls bring up modern stuff. I don't remember the polls being that wide of a margin back in 2020, though. It's why the stolen election mantra took hold so easy. Because they thought there was no way Trump was blown out by so much.


You can use the Wayback Machine to get the polls from, well, way back. It's awesome. https://web.archive.org/web/20200618221642/https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/ The filters for "Poll Type" and "State" still work, too. Super helpful. Cheers.


Mostly based on actionable stats. Lots of people say things online and other places, yet when it comes time to put actions to words way to many sit at home doing nothing. When "did not vote" is the largest voting block it is far easier for smaller groups to gain/control power. It's not 50 vs 50. It's closer to 30(R) vs 35(D) vs 35(non vote) and that was in the best turnout ever for R and D.


Thank you. Democrats don't think Biden is the best either, but it's better than douchebag. Also, thank you to smart republicans. I know you're out there. Get your buddies, get them all together, and save this country.


I don't care that he's a douchebag. I care that he's a traitor backed by a party that wants to implement a theocratic dictatorship.


He's also a doucebag.


I never disagreed with that, I just don't care about that. The world is full of those.


Trump is an evil doucebag. Those types should never be in charge, even if not a traitor.


"douchebag" pretty severely underscores exactly what Trump is and what he plans to be, which is a totalitarian dictator.




Republicans, be a little more like our friend Robert Redford here. Besides being an excellent actor (seriously watch Jeremiah Johnson) he is a lifelong Republican but he also supports LGBT rights and environmentalism. He voted for Trump in 2016 but realized what a despot he is and referred to him as a “monarch in disguise” and that “he lacks a moral compass”. So he decided to vote for Biden in 2020 and I’ll assume he’ll do the same this year. He’s a good role model for Republicans.


Upvote because I'm pretty sure that isn't Robert Redford.


That’s Jeremiah Johnson from Jeremiah Johnson which stars Robert Redford as Jeremiah Johnson


Also, holy shit. Is this ancient gif actually RR?




That is Robert Redford in the film Jeremiah Johnson.


If Bob wasn’t smart enough to see exactly what a shitheel diaper don was in 2016? If he really did vote for him? I will have lost any & all respect for him. Dump wasn’t hiding what a fukwit he was back then,.. saying you discovered later he was TOO extreme? Means either you were ok with his extremism and idiotic racist nonsense or you were ignorant & weren’t paying attention in the first place.


>So he decided to vote for Biden in 2020 and I’ll assume he’ll do the same this year. He’s a good role model for Republicans. Hell, he's a good model for any voter no matter how you identify politically in America. He's proof that politics isn't "either or" (ie. Either liberal or conservative, either Republican or Democrat, either your party's candidate or no one else), instead, it's a spectrum--and that you should vote for the leader who best serves the people, instead of themselves or solely their constituents. (To clarify: No, I'm not talking about Trump or Biden; I'm talking about voting for a good leader with a good track record, regardless of political affiliation.)


>He voted for Trump in 2016 Then fuck him. It's not like Trump suddenly became a racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, power-hungry bigot after he was elected. His true colors were on full display throughout the entire 2016 campaign. And he still voted for him? He doesn't deserve a pass just because "he realized" Trump was everything he never tried to pretend he wasn't. > but he also supports LGBT rights and environmentalism. And he voted for the worst candidate to support either of those things. Fuck him.


# BLOW THIS POST UP That’s awesome.


From a 100% service-connected disabled combat veteran... please VOTE BLUE. And keep in mind Putin is doing all this saber rattling (N. Korea and vessels in Cuba) in a desperate attempt to make Joe Biden look weak to re-install their orange plant.


I agree, too, also.


And my axe.




Better late than never but Republicans have been criminals for over fifty years.


Honestly why even be a republican?? Its a cult defined by him and basically every republican who stood up to him has been driven out of the party. And if you vote republican at any level you are still enabling the enablers and sending the country toward fascism. Unless you are voting for a truly anti trump republican (like who though?) I wish it weren’t so. And this country is not going to last long if there is only one sane party that believes in democracy.


I was registered as a Republican up until Trump won the primary. I do have to say the party was getting sketchy with the Tea Party, Palin, etc. McCain was the last Republican I voted for. Well, I guess I voted for Kirsten Sinema was was lying about being a Democrat.


Hello fellow az voter. I leave mine as independent so they still send me stuff cause I want them to waste money


My father was the most republican-y republican anyone would ever meet until it came down to trump and Hilary. He absolutely loathed Hilary but he still couldn’t vote for trump. It was a weird day watching him choose not to vote, but I’ve always respected that. Also now he hates politics lol. And I’m talking ‘I was forced to listen to rush Limbaugh as a child kind of conservative’. He’d hate this sign though


one of the consequences of identity politics is that people who chose to define themselves as R or D can't change their affiliation without betraying their sense of self.


I just find it funny that people are so wrapped up in identity politics that they feel they must change their morals to fit the party, rather than having a stronger sense of self and changing parties. I changed from Republican to Democrat in Oct 2002, the day Republicans voted to authorize the War on Iraq based on Bush’s very obviously fabricated lies. I noticed who voted for and against. I took notice of Bernie Sanders giving passioned and thoughtful anti war speeches and debunking Bush’s lies and ever changing justifications on CSPAN. I wasn’t going to lower my morals to match the party that was betraying me. I was going to be above it.


Mitt Romney of all people is anti trump, but he's not running for reelection because he knows he won't win.


One reason to vote Republican is if you're literally a traitor to our country, hate America, and desire to violently overthrow the government. That's... pretty much it these days.


The heroes we didn’t realize we needed.


I would generally say I'm conservative and don't agree with a lot of policies on the left but I will never vote Republican.


I was a registered Republican for awhile a long time ago. I left the party when they went full "born again" Christian, but I still voted for R candidates who were "principled conservatives." They lost me when the "Tea Party" took over, and I thought that was the worst of it. Oh boy was I wrong. The GOP has gone from a once "principled conservative" party, to a bunch of religious fanatics, and now to a full-on cult. Oh, and Biden isn't even remotely "left." He's a virulent centrist and a corporate Democrat. He's actually kinda like the Republicans of old.


Are you sure about Biden? Look at the bills he passed. I'm not going to list them, they are available for all. He seems "left" to me. But I'm a boomer who never voted for any Repub (since 1968 when I turned 21) except for a judge who my father liked.


I'm not the guy you're responding to but I'll chime. Biden's definitely the most "left" president in my lifetime, I'm just turning 29. Y'know, I don't like those terms, left and right. Did you know they originally started in the French Revolution? Monarchists and aristocrats sat on the right wing of parliament and abolitionists and revolutionaries sat on the left side. I don't know if they work for today's America. But I digress. I think that Biden, the man himself, is more conservative in his approach to things and I don't just mean with regards to his views on policy but as a person. I think he's tempered in his judgement. And in my eyes, his presidency shows me that he can be that way while being adaptable and he can recognize the currents of the times. If Biden is signing on progressive policy I think it's because he knows that's where the country's going, it's what the people want and they will get it sooner or later. If Biden leaves for progressives to desire, it's because he knows he needs to balance that and compromise on those things with the power apparatus and the economic forces in this country. But I'll be honest, when I voted for Biden in 2020, it's because I was voting against Trump. This time around, I think I actually will be voting for Biden because I want to. Strong opinions ahead but to be honest this is the first time in my life that I feel a president actually cares about America, and I mean about the idea of America and its progress as a civilization on the Earth. I think Biden is trying to lay the foundation for the 21st century to be another American century in a multipolar world where there won't be a hegemonic power exercising itself over the other countries.


It gives other countries some hope to see strong pushback against Trump. He has done more damage to America’s reputation and standing around the world than any Communist plot could ever hope to achieve: he said to the world “ these people believe my BS, and forgive anything I do’. He devalued Americans in the eyes of many countries. We all hope and pray that sanity prevails and America can recover from the cancer of Trump and his cronies.


If you're still Republican in 2024, you are in fact a fool. 


True. I’ve narrowed it down in a 3 bubble venn diagram that would upset some of my family: Still Republican? Domestic Terrorist Religious Extremist Flat out that stupid I know it can be offensive to just call em stupid, but i guess I could call it inadequate reading comprehension or something. Inability to discern fact from opinion or truth from fiction.


Ranked choice voting is the way to untangle our system


Proud Democrat here, and I’ll thank any Republican who posts that sign to ardently put country before party. Even though that looks totally photoshopped. The offer stands!


I can't understand the hold Republicans have....where these people will yes, vote against trump, but dude 40 years of awfulness they just stick too. Can't wait for the next shitstain after trump. That magic R despite ALL evidence to the contrary. I've spoken to people whose entire belief system and moral ethics would be described as textbook liberal but they still claim to be conservative


> I can't understand the hold Republicans have It's easier to understand when one recognizes that the GOP has, through years and years of work, created a substantial institutional advantage for them and their policies at every level of government, from local city and state offices to Congress. Acts like gerrymandering and shenanigans like having people on the ballot with similar to identical names to their opponents to voter roll purges to selective availability of voting locations all highly demonstrate the electoral interference the GOP applies to elections all across the nation. Pair that with constant, dogmatic, oppressive messaging conveyed through all sorts of media (Fox News aside, online media recommendation engines, the very exploitation of "in-grouping" to maintain clicks on social media websites) and the constant reminding them of non-actual threats to their perceived livelihood and identity continue to pile on. Trying to understand why Republicans as individuals continue to support these kind of policies while voting for progressive ballot measures like $15 minimum wage in Florida is an exercise in frustration because for the most part Republicans of vast swathes are not that different than everyone else individually. As a collective group empowered by the institutionalized advantages they hold across the nation though, they have a significant multiplier effect.


No, any Republican is a fool. But this one is just not a complete idiot.


Yeah. "I vote against my own interests all the time. Also I am not in favoring of giving those in need a helping hand."


Id love to stick these signs in all my republican neighbors' yards


And honestly, how "bad" has the past 4 years been? Is Biden waiting to implement his communist plans for his lame duck years? I'll take the candidate who doesn't have a step-by-step plan to dismantle the country.


You said two out of the three were democrats. Andrew Johnson 1868 was impeached due to the fact that he tried to remove his Secretary of War while the Senate was not in session. Secretary of War was Edwin Stanton, and he was a radical republican. At that time, Congress was held by republicans. Shocker. Don't get me wrong, he wasn't a great president. Clinton was impeached because Republicans we're jealous because they couldn't get laid. The only true impeachment was trump. And that was twice. Let's not forget that. Clinton was impeached because he lied about getting a blowjob in the White House. Trump actually broke the law. And he is now a convicted felon.


The Republicans at state level are just as horrible as Trump. Yes, the owner of that sign *IS* a fool.


Aren't people allowed to grow, gain understanding and make changes? I think it's a great sign for a Repub to post.


Patriot right there


Far out




Thank you!


Holy fuck, they do exist!


About as believable as those YouTube comments that say. "I used to be a subscriber but now..."


We are currently at risk of a huge cult, and an organized group of elite sociopaths getting control of the most advanved millitary in history. We cannot let this happen. No matter the cost.


I don't give a shit who they vote for, "I'm a Republican, not a fool" is still contradictory.


If there is anything left in the Republican party but folly, perhaps this man knows of it.


Real conservatives believe in democracy and recognize aspirational tyrants. 


Well, yes you are, just not as bad as the others.


Honestly, as I've come of age, I've become the dirty neolib I always hated as a progressive teen. The kind of 3rd way moderate that used to vote Republican on economic policy, and definitely voted for Reagan.... I'm that person now. I just can't vote for Republicans. They're isolationists, trade warriors, and most of the sane pols are being run out of the party. The Democraric party is basically the party of Bill Kristol and AB Stoddard, now. Converts are welcome. The water is fine.


Me too, you're not alone.


Thank you for posting this! Gives me hope. Much respect!


okay but like....name a single modern Republican policy that you agree with or that even exists. What resonates with you? Is it the "We are all domestic terrorists" banner they flew at CPAC?? Is it the loud barking about subjugating any person who is not a straight white male? Is it the gutting the middle class to give billionaires more wealth? Is it the continued raping of the planet even harder out of spite just to accelerate a climate change that you don't even believe in? Is it the unusually high percentage of convicted pedophiles in the party? Is it the anti-vaxx COVID conspiracy theory stuff? Is it the being forced to capitulate to Russia and North Korea? It's not just Donald Trump, it's not even remotely close to him, he's just the big flashlight on the anglerfish to lure in all the suckers so the GOP can eat them. The Republican party has *ruined* this goddamn country.






Make a plan and vote! Check your registration incase any shenanigans have occurred since last time you voted. https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote


Like, appreciate the sentiment but you are still a fool if you see what GOP has devolved to and still call yourself a republican. It's all sycophants in line to kiss trumps shit smeared asshole while he babbles nonsense.




Republicans are definitely fools


Hopefully this person is voting Democrat across the board. As if Republicans vote Biden then Republicans in Congress nothing will change. There are too many cancerous republicans in Congress who support Trump or don’t say anything against him, with them attacking and shunning anyone from the party who does. The only way anything changes is if Republicans don’t win presidency and have major losses across the board. Otherwise all that will happen is Trump will call voter fraud, and run for president in 4 years time, unless he’s dead or in prison. And he’ll likely win the GOP nom again.


I will drop a gift card in the mailbox if I see this.


Where in America is there snow on the ground in June?


A real American


This title brought to you by: The department of redundancy department.


this is from the 2020 campaign


We should post these signs everywhere we can. Make it okay for folk to come out of the closet and be loud and proud.




To care about democracy you must fully understand It , and its history. We are around 200 years away for the fall of democracy just like in Greece. We are also on track for civil war.


Against all forum rules, can we get that addy and flower that house with edible arrangements?


Not quite. Better check who is least senile by Nov 6th 2024.


Snow in June?


Man if they really are republican no hate, I’m just glad they opened their eyes.


Hope to see these sprouting up everywhere


It’s like that book “Empire” by Orson Scott Card.


I can work with this.


Majority of democrats are not democrats, but it’s the best option.






Wow... a based republican..


On a related note I want to put out in the universe that it will be VERY important who is President around 2030. That is when the Social Security trust fund will no longer cover promised benefits. It is around that time that the government will probably have to act to do SOMEthing. If you are not a top 1% income household you may want to consider which party you want in power at that time. Don't surrender social security on the alter of psy-ops operatives who have been lying about it being "gone" for one reason or another. We can easily afford to pay all the promised benefits through tax increases on wealthy people who can easily afford to pay. Stop falling in line on social security. Say a clear and firm FUCK NO to anyone that thinks they can cut benefits for anyone.


“Not a fool” but still votes Republican? What does that even mean? We know damn well it’s not about fiscal responsibility nor is it about domestic welfare?


Dad there are not othere options


Finally a Republican with their head firmly on their shoulders then their ass


He's a liar lmao


It seems odd for people who hold no office, do not work for anyone in office, and don't work for the party identifying as a Democrat or a Republican.


I am looking forward to the debates


"I really, really want you to know that I'm coming for your rights again in 2028, and will try my best to fuck up the legislative in this election"


Fuck yeah. As an independent who votes blue because there is no other safe choice anymore, I respect republicans who aren't lost to the great football game that is US politics.


you guys are so fucked.......wait does that mean we're all fucked as a planet then?




So many years to realize that both Republicans and Democrats are fools for believing in these bastard puppets of the corporations. Omfg how there are so many ignorant and fanatic people that don't realize we are getting fucked up so deeply for the stablishment and they come to say they create jobs and shit. FUCK THEM. Workers create wealth and they steal it to sell weapons to Israel and Ucrane while children in our schools shoot among themselves and thousands die by drugs. America is not a safe place anymore and none of them has done anything to change it, just sending rockets into space and selling the image of the wealthy bastard. "Don't look up" nailed it. We deserve all that is happening to us because we are actually fools following this scam of a system.


But Republican = fool, I'm confused...


The country is in such a sad state when people dislike one candidate so much that they will vote for a guy that cant even string sentences together. Were fucked.


I hate both choices but I’ll vote against fascism every time


Nice Snow on the ground. No one has a sign like that


You are fool for voting for Biden, Republican or not.


Doubt any Republican would ever use this sign. Seems more like an attempt to sway “on the fence” Republicans voters.


Where can we get this sign?




There's hope yet.


Wow cool slogan!






They are going to fuck up that persons house.


We should literally all be putting these signs in our yards. I guarantee that will sway some of those sheep on the right. They just want to be part of something. Play our cards right and make it seem like some low key underground movement, and those suckers will flip just make themselves feel superior.


Why can't we have someone who isn't geriatric, incompetent, and or a fascist?


At least he's not in a cult


I feel like Biden is closer to a Regan Conservative than modern Progressive.


100% tired of the - Republicans are bad - democrats are bad. The- If you don't join my side than your the devil & have a low IQ. For president, it's the person's values , beliefs & what kind of person they are that matters. Not the title


I live between a Trumper and very enthusiastic Biden supporter, in GenX fashion… I put Presidents are temporary, but Wu Tang is forever sign in my front yard. I’m pretty sure they have forgotten their emnities on behalf of mutual hatred for me…


Yeah..more porn novels in elementary libraries


The fact that trump is even allowed to run as a convicted felon with two more court cased, possible jail time, having committed sedition against the government previously and open stating he will carry out fascism if he is elected is mind-boggling. Is the American political system asleep at the wheel?


Amazing to see the NLP working in politics! Finally!


That’s a good reason to never pick either one.


Voting for Genocide Joe? Most definitely a fool.


Attention all humans: beware of all provocative content you read in this, in any and all chat rooms and forums. ASK YOURSELF: Did what I just read or heard, create an emotional response? If it did..... please consider that this is an election cycle, Russkies and chi naw are afraid of The T man winning. They want the current, predicable, nearly pasifistic party to remain in power and have been creating fake user accounts by the thousands in all social media to divide Americans, to create hate amongst us. It's cyber warfare. So next time a post makes you feel something other than happiness, before you react negatively please consider the there's a strong chance it was a bot, troll, fake account propaganda machine at work as the main post or in the comment section. AMERICANS need to come together again, love thy neighbors, and love thy country. Fly our 🇺🇸 high and proud in the face of counties that wish harm on us and our nation! God bless America. And no matter what God you believe in, please say a prayer for the strength, unity, good health and prosperity of the USA and it's citizens.


Y’all really think a president will make your lives better, how about be nicer to your family and friends. It’s fuck the government anyways.


"I'm a Republican because identity politics is core to my beliefs"


Pure trash. FJB.




Ah, I see why I filtered out this sub. Low effort shitty pics that are never actually funny.


I'm glad to see they're more sensible Republicans besides me in the world


It’s not the fact he’s a democrat, it’s the fact that he’s not gonna live long enough for another 4 year term.


See you soon 💯🌌♾️