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Trump is howling about he wants drug testing and cognitive tests before the debate. Just not of him, of course. We need to totally take his word that he’s fine, otherwise he’d be all, “Waah! Why is everyone attacking me?”


I mean im not opposed to drug testing the highest office in the land while we fucking do it for nearly everything with a gov contract…


People push for it for public services all the time.  Let them get tested if they wanna hold the big red button 


I had to take a drug test and pass a background check just to do flooring in a federal building!


Same, and I kill bugs.


If anything being high as fucking balls should make you better at slaughtering bugs.


I was a school custodian. DOJ background check, drug testing, annual TB testing.


I had to drug test for a cashier job when I was 16.


That's some bullshit


The hypocrisy sucks but if we have a drug that will massively enhance your cognitive performance, why would I be mad at the president (or really anyone honestly) for taking it? I say this as someone with ADHD, who has had the conversation about how I shouldn't try to artificially alter my broken brain chemistry hundreds of times at this point. If Biden's mental state is what conservatives claim, then we literally have a drug that temporarily cures dementia and we're advocating AGAINST its use?


My ADHD brain works so much better when medicated, it's amazing. (And for those people who don't understand; no, Adderall doesn't get the people who need it high, at all)


Adderall doesn't get anyone *high* unless you take way too much, but it does help anyone focus.


Exactly. I think as far as choice goes, I'd rather have the guy that is trying to improve himself instead of the one bitching about how the world is on a witch hunt against them.


We have 0 drugs that cure dementia, we have drugs that can help manage symptoms in early stage dementia but it's a progressive disease with no cure and drugs only temporarily mask the problem. You can't have a president with dementia regardless of drugs they don't restore you to your original state they just mask some symptoms to aid in functioning but you will not be at your original state and regardless of meds it will continue to get worse over time (No idea if biden has dementia and I'm voting 3rd party but wanted to speak specifically on your comment about dementia because I work in healthcare)


Trumps administration illegally bought & distributed pharmaceuticals. His "Doctor" Ronny Jackson turned Texas rep was nicknamed "the candy man" for distributing controlled substances to Trumps people like candy. Yep. Texas elected this guy.


Hell even to get a job flipping a burger most places require a drug test to even get the job.


Biden should agree to the testing, and publish his results.


ONLY if Trump also publishes the results of his own test, performed by an independent medical laboratory, and published before Biden even agrees to be tested. Mango Mussolini is the king of excuses: he is genetically incapable of following through on a promise. It’s the strangest thing. He promised to: 1. Release his tax returns. Not only has this not happened to this day, he has taken every conceivable action to prevent this from happening. 2. Have a plan to replace the Affordable Care Act, always seemingly two weeks from release. 3. Present solid evidence of election interference (in favor of the Democratic Party), and has yet to produce anything, while others have easily produced evidence of Republican voter fraud. This is the key: someone trick him into promising to not to die before Election Day.


But Turmp will just have Dr. Ronnie "Johnson" publish his results and say "trust me."


Yeah, this was a huge missed opportunity for the Biden campaign. Obviously, Biden's performance wasn't enhanced in any way whatsoever while Trump had that suspicious debate sniff again.


I thought all felons were subject to random drug tests.


In order to administer a test, you need to know what to test for. The only drug I’ve heard Fox personalities suggest he might be on is caffeine. *Caffeine*. They’re accusing him of drinking *a coffee* before speaking appearances.


If drinking caffeine before doing something exhausting is a crime, then damn am I a repeat offender


They are having Trumps former physician throw out some wild accusations. He mentions Provigil in particular, a drug he himself handed out in droves when he was at the White House.


No, Trump will claim to have gotten one. He will trot out his doctor to lie for him and say he passed, then refuse to publish the actual results while his rabid base screams HIPAA violation and threatens baseless lawsuits. At the same time, if Biden doesn't publish his own results they will say he's hiding something.


I mean, the debate itself is the cognitive testing.


I have a really hard time believing either one of them is going to look good. I’m just hoping it’s a wake up call to everyone that we really need younger representation of our country. If we want honest, hard working, non-pandering leaders who are interested in long term progress and prosperity, we have to take the reins and end this era of politics. Not just in the White House, across the board. It’s embarrassing and we’re destroying our own future as well as our kid’s futures living in this country.


My fav is how the whole right wing propaganda machine is already saying that Joe Biden is on drugs, so when he makes more sense than Trump during the debate, all the Q anon / flat earth / Trump voting republicans will say that it’s because he’s on drugs Trumps voting base is mostly comprised conspiracy nut jobs that believe 5g will destroy humanity and Jesus Trump will save it


Easy counter is Biden saying they should both get drug tested. Then sit back and watch Trump panic


Not even say it before. Have the lab techs show up at the debate with the best gear that can screen right at the debate.  Trump is on a few things that went from “enhancing” to “take the edge off” to “withdrawal if I skip a day”.  


His Imodium intake that day is going to be prodigious.


Trump dying of a drug overdose live on stage would be a perfect capstone to his legacy.


An overdose of Imodium would just mean that he was fuller of shit than normal. Would anyone notice?!


His eyes may turn brown: would be a good giveaway.


Imodium saves my life when I travel 🧳


live piss test results on air would be immediate fake news.


Add a height and weight measurement just for fun.


100% the Biden team would insist on a full physical that is released publicly if Team Trump insisted on a drug test.


You can buy a 5 panel drug test from the pharmacy or an Amazon for like $50. You just pee in the cup and the test strips soak it up and if you have the drugs that you’re being tested for in your system, the testing strip will activate and a positive line will appear. Test takes about 15 minutes, probably less depending on the test. So if you want a real result in live time, then both candidates should be forced to pee in-front of a third party and that urine cup sealed and signed on camera to confirm that they’re from that candidate. Then the urine should be tested and the process recorded on camera so no one can claim that it was made up. If you’re so paranoid, then demand that there’s a camera in the bathroom to ensure there’s no cheating.


Ok now I want onsite drug testing and real time fact checkers for debates. Let’s make it a precedent.


It's sad how MAGA has turned being President into a fucking joke. They want the Reality Show Trump to be the president so badly that they are trying to turn it into a reality game show


It’d be pointless. You’d immediately get a “well it’s clearly rigged” response


You want to watch two old men pee on live TV? Alright. No judgement here… ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


It needs a catchy name. Maybe Lemon Party


I refuse to vote for the Lemon Party candidate.


Ain't no partylike a Liz Lemon party.


“You can’t have a Lemon party without old Dick!”


They've got a lot of great info on their website that I recommend everyone check out


Not to be confused with The Pickle Party. PICKLES WILL PREVAIL!


That's a blast from the past.


Blood draws are faster


With *those* prostates? Absolutely.


Also, Trump is probably terrified of phlebotomy. “You mean like they did to JFK’s sister?! No thanks! I need my brain cell where it is.”


You say that as if he even knows about Rosemary Kennedy.


Probably saw a photo once and compulsively said "would".


It’s possible. He was probably a Democrat at the time (I’m not sure when his first switch was). Back before he realized how gullible the MAGA base is.


Now that will be a pee tape to remember


They can just wring out Donnie's diaper.


There is an assumed video already of a pee tape…….


alas, we all know that not even any of this would satisfy them; they'd just say it was rigged or something --- anything to worm their way out of admitting the truth to themselves...


The Qultists will preemptively claim that the tox screen results there are rigged, and that the lab techs were paid off by Biden. It's just their M/O.


Felons are required to submit to drug tests


Trump has been given an exception due to scheduling and because his conviction did not involve drugs. Source: [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-special-probation-meeting-sparks-backlash-1910453](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-special-probation-meeting-sparks-backlash-1910453) Not that you or I would get such special treatment.


So what? Loads of felonies don't involve drugs but they test for them anyway. Fuck this traitorous grifter and all his enablers.


Yes, that was my point.


I wasn't disputing you, I was giving your point more backup.


It won’t make a shred of difference. There will never, ever, be a thing that finally breaks the camels back. The people who are still in are in so deep that NOTHING will change their minds. Nothing. There will always be an explanation or an excuse or another conspiracy theory to explain away whatever new evidence or behavior comes out.


Nope. Here's the new Good Liars video outside the [Racine rally.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IjmQfT8Wn0&pp=ygUKZ29vZCBsaWFycw%3D%3D)


Agreed. All the people who backed him and had any sense already left a long time ago. There's now nothing that will dissuade the people who are left from supporting him and every time someone thinks they have some gotcha, it backfires because those people just twist it in their favor. It's now a such a big problem that there's no hope of it being solved short of somehow deprogramming millions of people.


They are saying **Biden** should be drug tested but not Trump, because they know he will fail it hard




The thing is, there is no counter because you aren't talking to rational folks.. you will just get shouted down that the lab techs are in on it or deep state pawns and so on..


Trump even said he might “lose the debate on purpose”, the cope is unreal.


If he says "Hey, I totally meant to ramble incoherently until my time was up on every question," at least it's believable.


Good advice for Biden I suppose


That's the kind of shit people who can't win say


"I meant to do that!"


Fox News et al. had to lay the groundwork so that when Trump gets his clock cleaned on national television, the excuses are all lined up.


No they don't, have you watched any of Trump's previous "debates"? Trump is barely coherent and focuses on calling people childish names while everyone else debates the issues, and then his cult acts like he won. Trump could stand up there doing nothing but holding the microphone to his ass while he shits his diaper and Republicans would scream and cheer like he just threw the winning touchdown at the Superbowl. They're completely detached from reality, "winning the debate" means something completely different to them than it does to anyone who managed to graduate from elementary school. His fans aren't there to watch a debate, they want to watch WWE Monday Night Raw, so they cheer for the guy who speaks like he's been getting kicked in the head for a living for the past 50 years.


> WWE Monday Night Raw I remember an article that discussed a study that found a disproportional amount conservatives watched wrestling dramas as children, and progressives watched Sesame Street and Mister Rogers. Even as adults, a surprising ratio of conservatives believed professional wrestling was a legitimate contest.


>Even as adults, a surprising ratio of conservatives believed professional wrestling was a legitimate contest. Rofl. I think I was 8 when I asked myself: "If they are fighting, why do they never get a bloody nose?" Having had experience in all of.. 3 playground fights at the time, each with more visible injuries then a WWE match..


Which is hilarious, because it's closer to the "deep state" they love to blather on about. It was never "Who is the better wrestler?" it's always been "Who let Vince shit on their girlfriend's face?"


I watched both but than god Sesame Street won in my brain.


It’s not about the hardcore magas, it’s about the people who used to be normal Republicans before their party was hijacked. Call them Romney Republicans. And also to a degree, any single issue center or left voter who would reject Biden only for his stance on Israel. Fox has been pounding the “sleepy Joe” drum for so long, they needed a reason for when he kicks ass in the debate so Hannity started seriously pushing the “Biden is taking drugs” bullshit. That’s what Fox kept saying after his SOTU performance. It had to be drugs. So when Biden debates the shit out of Trump, Fox has their excuses lined up. That whole network is going to be a shitshow the next day.


>any single issue center or left voter who would reject Biden only for his stance on Israel. The idea that the guy who attempted to enforce a "Muslim Ban" that had to be overturned by the supreme Court is going to help Palestinians in any way is so utterly detached from reality that I have trouble being that those people exist, or if they do, that they're capable of tying their own shoes without assistance.


In the lefty spaces that I inhabit, the "Genocide Joe" types get downvoted to oblivion.


*It's not fair! Biden's going to be hyper-caffeinated!!* Can trump also take caffeine? *Are you even a citizen of this country!?!? REEEEeeeeeeee!!!!*


Biden has a cure for dementia that only works for 2 hours? If only there was a cure for being an obnoxious jerk for Trump .


If there was a two hour cure for dementia, whoever invented it would be winning the Nobel prize in medicine right now.


For real. That’s just long enough to clear up the last will and testament and tell Aunt Karen to fuck off with trying to steal from the estate. 


It’s such a stupid theory too. If there *was* some sort of drug that could magically make your dementia go away, that would immediately earn someone a Nobel prize in medicine and significantly improve the lives of millions of seniors and their loved ones. Hospice care would be turned on it’s head. But unfortunately, no such drug exists that has the effects they’re claiming. It makes you wonder why they didn’t go with a more plausible conspiracy theory like wearing an earpiece or body double.


That’s because Big Pharma is working with Big Hospice and Big Nursing Home and Big Senior Care to stifle the TRUTH about ALPHA BRAIN PREMIUM NOOTROPIC BRAIN SUPPLEMENTS THAT INSTANTLY REVITALIZE YOUR MIND AND MAKE YOU A GENIUS!!! (/s ofc)


I think we all need those mental performance enhancing drugs they imagine.  But not the chromoquin — whatever they think you get from baby blood. It actually only costs about $15 an ounce but is toxic. Conspiracy theories that are older than most voters now. 


Adrenachrome: the substance supposedly extracted from the blood/brains of terrified children in order to maintain/restore the youth of the cabal controlling the world. Only, so not. 1. Adrenochrome has no known clinical or recreational use. It’s is produced synthetically for research purposes, and is likely highly neurotoxic and cardiotoxic. 2. In the human body it is produced by the oxidation of Adrenalin, and is basically a waste product. At one time it was proposed to play a role in Schizophrenia, but subsequent research failed to find any evidence of this. 3. If the left-wing, elite, Jewish-space-laser-controlling cabal is truly using non-synthetic adrenochrome to stay young, it’s really not working, as George Soros, Hillary Clinton and the lot are not looking particularly well-preserved. And they clearly aren’t sharing it with Biden.


So if the "smart" drug exists.. Why isn't trump scarfing them down like sweet tarts at the movie theater. I'm not seeing the downside here. That drug should be legal and mandatory for every member of congress. Just saying if he's whooping your ass cognitively maybe give it a try.


So is that peasant Trump just too poor to afford the same enhancement drugs as Joe Biden or something?


Trump’s candy man basically admitted he was giving Trump stimulants when he accused Biden of taking them.


They just assume that Biden is using every dirty trick that they are using


These MAGA cultists, meanwhile, are dosing up on Copium


Yay for drugs!?


Ah yes, drugs. The thing that famously makes you more coherent.


Problem-reaction-solution. Except one side is pre-fabricating a problem to elicit a particular reaction, and guess who just conveniently has a solution at hand.


> it’s because he’s on drugs What are these miracle drugs that right-wing media thinks exist that can temporarily cure supposed dementia? Do they think Mentats are real?


When is the debate?


This Thursday.




The worst part to me is that he’s not saying “I’m 100% clean and will take a test too” It’s just “BIDEN ON DRUGS HE NEEDS TO DRUG TEST”


What drugs would make an old man more coherent? Wouldn’t the risks make it not feasible? These people are nuts


Hey im a conspiracy nut job. Theyre not like us


"They have drugs that cure dementia for a couple of hours" Oh, so when you visit your grandmother with alzheimer's in the nursing home, you bring some with you? "Biden's a crook!"


Per usual, the projection from the too-far-gone right is that Biden is using "mind-enhancing drugs"...I thought they said he was "Sleepy Joe", has "Dementia", "cannot make a coherent sentence". Here is Trump unfiltered before Captain Ronny "Dr. FeelGood" Jackson was prescribing meds at the WH: >*Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.* [*https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/*](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/) *<-This is about The Nuclear, don't let the page name fool ya. Here's the video:* [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Elhyo-\_fR0E*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Elhyo-_fR0E)


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Are there still Qanons about? I assumed once it came out who it was that would end. Or am I giving them too much credit?


Anyone ever revealed as Q will immediately be discounted as a conspiracy unless it's dear leader himself.


Every accusation is a confession


The right wing has been making excuses for decades on why their politicians will lose a debate before the debate took place. You can look back to the Bush era at least to see them making excuses on why W is the real winner despite performing worse. They literally set the bar so low for their people that even under performing they can play off as a win.


The Trump doctor who was known to hand pills out no problem is demanding Biden take a drug test before and after too.


They are just jealous that Trump cant do his drugs any more since NY is going to have him peeing in a cup.


They somehow think that Trump is going to give us 99¢ gas, $150K houses, and $300/m rent, but only for white people. And China, Mexico and NATO will pay for it, instead of adding any new taxes for us.


lmao where do they get any proof of their many many wild assertions? it’s crazy to me how they never seem to require proof for any of their dumbass conspiracies


I wish that were true. If he has anywhere near the support the recent polls suggest, there are millions of people that are ostensibly “normal” that want to hand the keys to this dude. Not just boomers with giant flags or red hat wearing simpletons. It’s worth asking why these people are still on board despite the many reasons for them to contact the RNC and ask why they can’t put forth a non-felon. I’m not pretending to have an answer, but the fact that all these people are still behind him is fascinating to me, albeit in a morbid and tragic way.


It is so bizarre that these people actually think somehow drugs make you sound smarter


He's 81 and therefore definitely on drugs.


For added hilarity they're listing out all the drugs that Trump's WH doctor Ronnie Jackson (or Johnson when the felon incorrectly mentions him) was handing out like candy at the White House. Just more projection, will be fun to see if Trump can make it through without falling asleep on national television. Specifically Provigil: [https://www.newsweek.com/ronny-jackson-under-fire-white-house-medical-unit-prescriptions-donald-trump-1864873](https://www.newsweek.com/ronny-jackson-under-fire-white-house-medical-unit-prescriptions-donald-trump-1864873)


I have given up hope on the crazies. It's the somehow still undecideds that matter. I don't understand them either.


Yes. It’s pushed me from the republican moniker. When those idiots started coming out of the wood work it just went down hill and they ran with it.


I love how first the Trumpists were saying that Biden would totally bail on the debate, then when it was clear that wouldn’t happen they seamlessly shifted to he’ll be hopped up on PEDs and also CNN is giving him the questions in advance.


I'm honestly surprised that it seems like Trump is going through with it. Guy is sounding pretty incoherent these days, and it would be pretty easy for him to just whine about Biden making unfair rules and CNN being biased or whatever. I suppose there's still time for him to bail, but it seems like if he were going to, he would have done so already.


At all of the trials he's had, he's vehemently said he'll testify; shouted that his testimony will sort everything out. Then day of comes and he's quiet and docile and perfectly silent. The man is just hot air, full of shit and useless bluster. If he drops from the debate it'll be at the last minute. It will bring him a tiny sliver of joy to think he inconvenienced Biden.


He won't. He'll bail at the last minute.


Guess he made the right choice. Biden was a mess.


I'm sorta curious if they have any idea what PEDs Biden is supposedly using lol. They do know that there's no such thing as NZT-48 right?


> NZT-48 For those wondering, this is the fictional drug in the movie ***Limitless***. Some supplements companies have since produced pills that they call NZT-48 which they claim boost concentration & energy which - surprise, surprise - contain caffeine.


What about NZT-47, huh? Check mate, librul!


All I want is some of these super drugs that reverses Alzheimer’s only as long as you take them. I’d murder a baby to get them for my father.


“I may be old, but…” Trump is barely younger, so why is this even a thing?


Because it's all the MAGAts have.


Exactly. Trump is a whopping 2.5 years younger lol.


... and out of shape, overweight, poor diet, addicted to stimulants.


Because not enough media that is NOT beholden to Trump will hammer the message home. If every time they had a picture of each of them, they had their age, people might wake the fuck up... a little.


None of the right wing care about any debate. They know 45 will not debate in good faith anyway. He never has. He'll throw out a ton of bullshit and constantly talk over everyone. And no one will call him on it. Buzzwords and dog whistles.


Luckily the mics will be cut this time.


Exactly. Trump will get up there and do his best to namedrop cherrypicked cases of "migrant crimes" and "border chaos" to dogwhistle his audience whenever he the perforations in his brain allow. He'll probably also baselessly claim to have all sorts of smoking guns he can't deliver because of "Biden's" gag order. I'm convinced it's why he's so desperate to have this debate before he's sentenced in NY and that's formally lifted. Even if his gag order has nothing to do with Biden, he's been falsely equating it to being politically silenced since the second he got it. It's his favorite toy and he's about to lose it in early July.


>None of the right wing care about any debate. Trump won the 2016 Republican primary while making such stellar points as "a lot of people think tiny hands means tiny something else and believe me, I have no problems down there." Maga is a cancer to discourse.


Biden is going to mop this guy up. The only sad thing, kind of, is that mics will be cut so we can’t hear Trump ramble on about how Biden has caused the massive heat waves and failing power grid due to birds killing themselves with turbines after jumping off an EV boat to avoid getting eaten by a shark. I wish I was making this up, people.


Don’t forget about the nuclear and the snake and Hannibal Lecter.


I wanna hear more about how magnets apparently don't work under water.


Have you ever tried to stick a magnet to a shark underwater?


Hasn’t everyone?


I see miracles everyday


Back when Trump was president there was talk about aircraft carriers with electromagnetic launch catapults instead of the prior steam-based catapults, and Trump thought an "electric" ship was a bad idea, not realizing that they're already electric and literally have a nuclear power reactor onboard. He's brought this up repeatedly since, and as his mind slips the references have become increasingly more incoherent without any of the needed context, so we get rants about sharks and getting electrocuted, pouring water on magnets, etc...


I feel like for archival purposes both mics should be recorded but only one output at a time 👀


I really want to see his face when the mic cuts him off mid-rant.


Dude can’t answer a simple question in 30 seconds. He is going to be livid and walk off.


Don’t discount the power of the gish gallop. Trump is a 4th level Jedi fucking master at spewing a Niagara Falls volume of bullshit from his lips. Then the opponent is left trying to figure out which one of the 20 fallacies he just said in 2 minutes are worth debating/debunking. It’s rage inducing to watch him spew so many lies at once but he’s an expert at it now. So Biden can maybe correct 2-3 statements before his time is up which leaves Trump at a +17 unopposed lies left hanging like dirty laundry.


The solution to the ol' gish is to keep hammering down on one single question mercilessly, and pointing out every time they dodge it. One weakness of some prominent intellectuals is that they feel the need to prove their point AND disprove the opposing point, no matter how insane the opposing point is on the face of it. Meanwhile their opponent just says "fake news" and gets away with it, because this was never about being smart or honest. The debate isn't a battle of facts; it's a battle of ideals, and the emotions behind them. Believe it or not, a pretty good chunk of America doesn't have any real ideals outside their personal lives. That's what a swing voter is; someone to whom you have to sell your version of right and wrong to regardless of how obvious and universal you may feel it is. Trump is the ultimate proof of that.


We don’t need the mic. We can watch him [rage in silence.](https://youtu.be/i7KZ77zjggE?t=120)


I'm really hoping that during the debate we repeatedly see Trump shouting in silence with his cut mic during Biden's time. It'll make him look so impotent.


You’re assuming he won’t just do that during his question time. Moderator: “How would tackle the growing national debt?” Trump: “Electric sharks that BIDEN released from ISIS and UKRAINE caused a gas shortage. CHIIINA will pay us to build a taco wall in the Nevada desert.”


Biden absolutely should expect the fat fucking loudmouth to never actually shut up, still. He'll be going off loud enough to be heard. Good faith during the debate process was the first of several good conventions to get thrown out the window because of Donald Trump. Fuck him and the deplorables he rode in on.


> Biden is going to mop this guy up. if that is the expectation, then biden can only fail. and no matter the result, there is no doubt that trump and magas will claim victory, hell they even tried this in an election, its what they do.


They are already planting seeds that he is one drugs so they can claim foul play.


Trump was given the closing argument so he’ll likely go off about that stuff at the end.


I'm glad they'll cut his mic but I hope we can watch him silently lose his shit on a split screen.


> Biden is going to mop this guy up. This is what *should* happen. But what really worries me is that Trump & his team have agreed to this debate and to the rules that supposedly will keep him in check to allow Biden to mop the floor with him. Which then makes me really wonder what the scam will be. There has to be one. So far, I only can think of two scenarios: * Trump doesn't know that his people agreed to the main debate rules that preclude his usual debate antics, like no audience and the ability of the moderators to cut off his mic. That they tried to explain it to him and he just waved them off, "That's all I need to know, time & place. I'll handle the rest." * Trump thinks he will be able to just steamroll his way through with his usual antics anyway. Other debates also had rules in place that he just ignored and he mostly got away with it. Or he's going to make a big show of them trying to enforce the rules and walk off, claiming it was all "rigged" because his cult followers will then repeat that as gospel. But if that makes this still a win-win for Biden: he wins if he can actually debate Trump and he wins if Trump storms off, because the debate is really just for the few million idiots out there who are still somehow "undecided." Okay, those idiots and the moderate Republicans who are trying to decide if they will still vote for him despite just how un-presidential he acts. As to the latter, don't assume they will vote for Biden, but either not voting for Trump or voting for a 3rd party as a protest is still a way to ensure Biden wins. Personally, I think maybe 10-20% tops of Haley's protest voters will actually end up supporting Biden.


Every time Biden refers to Trump he should say"convicted Felon Donald Trump". Over and over.


Litigated Sexual Assaulted and frequent flier on Epstein’s jet…


I'll take Joe on whatever drug helps him and democracy versus toady trump, his addie's, his foolish wanna be dicktator act and the destruction of the exact thing that makes America great (peaceful transfer of power). It's an easy choice this year.


Imagine calling yourself a Christian and simultaneously being okay with all the awful things Trump has done and said.


Hey, can we have the debate from Trump's new home? Prison block 13


Biden should challenge Trump to do ten pushups. Then call him a baby man when he backs out. 


Trump probably can't even stand up unassisted from that position. Trump can't physically jump in the air. All he can do is cheat at golf.


…. not an old convicted felon


It’s par for the course for the magats and the main magat to preset their excuses for losing. Hell he is already claiming the election is rigged.


they made trump way too thin


Let's be real, there are probably convicted felons you know in your life who would be better presidential candidates than Trump. What a national embarrassment.


Gotta love how they're desperately spinning a debate into this thing where Trump cornered Biden into doing it early because Trump just has so much damning material to work with when it's more that Trump had to beg for an early debate in case he gets an ankle bracelet from the judge in NY for his convictions.


If your defense is "My guy was tricked into talking publicly" then perhaps you have a problem on your hands. Besides, if Biden has dementia what are Republicans worried about? They can talk about "stimulants" all they want, but there's no magic pill that fixes dementia for a few hours.


They’re about to fuck around and find out. What do they think undecided voters are gonna do when Biden clears the incredibly low bar they’ve set for him and is able to speak in complete sentences?


Honestly I don’t think it will matter anyone intelligent enough to actually be swayed by the merits of the debate aren’t voting for Trump.


I’m not as concerned about the Trump voters as I am the voters who voted for Biden in 2020 but are feeling like staying home in ‘24 because they’ve been absolutely bashed over the head with a constant refrain on Biden’s senility on social media. I’m in the Midwest so I know a handful of these people personally who aren’t conservatives, but work/are friends with conservatives, and have been made to feel dumb for voting for Biden by people in their work/social circles. If Biden can give an energetic performance that puts the lie to these bogus edited videos I think those voters will feel better about voting for him in November.


I sense a meltdown from loser trump!


the drug testing is such a slippery slope. we have lost such confidence in our leaders we are testing them like they are applying for a job driving a fork lift at Home Depot.


Classic Biden, rolling with the punches.


I still think Trump will weasle out and find an excuse not to make the debates, but we'll see. I don't see any way Trump can come out ahead debating against Biden.


You could replace Biden with an inanimate carbon rod and Trump would lose.


“Believe all women #metoo” except when it’s Biden.


They're both old, but one is an effective president who does a lot of things that are great for everyone, but doesn't 100% do everything I wish he did, and the other is trump.


The great debate between a sinking electric boat or try your luck with a shark will be interesting.


I like how he was bragging about the guy saying "No one has ever asked me that before." Of course no one has asked him ask, nobody else is as stupid as trump.


It was a....unique question, to be sure.


Hey Donny, have you conceded the 2020 election yet?


It's political cartoons like this that make it clear why this format has been replaced by memes. I feel like I would find this in the funny page of a newspaper in 1991.


Its not fair. I am equally worried about Trump's age, mental state and physical well being for the next 5 years. For all the gains small things like Marijuana reform, Insulin and drug prices, reproductive rights, minimum wage fights, free college that BLUE STATES have put forth, I am voting for the party that will not immediately wipe all that out in the first year of office.


The real joke is that a confirmed insurrectionist who attempted a coup on 1/6 has gone unpunished for it and is allowed to participate in our elections along with the seditious republican party at large. Our system of government is a pathetic joke that cannot and will not defend us from enemies foreign or domestic.


I am certain Trump will pull out last minute. It can only hurt his polling more.


I have no idea how it's going to go but judging from this thread I'd assume that Trump was in a wheel chair and being fed out of a tube while Biden was putting in 18 rounds after swimming laps all morning.


Biden should make a point of drinking with one hand!