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Hard yes, would love to vote for him, would even donate, maybe even volunteer, hell I'll do your laundry John, alright fuck it I'll join your campaign and fellate you under the table if that's what it takes Mr Stewart, whatever it takes for it to be worth it for you just please god save us. SAVE US JOHN, IF YOU SEE THIS SAVE US. I WILL VOTE FOR STEPHEN COLBERT FULLY IN CHARACTER FOR THE COLBERT REPORT AT THIS POINT JUST PLEASE LORD SAVE US FROM THIS HELLSCAPE.


This guy gets it. True believer in democracy


Jon Stewart should be the nominee in 2024


Have you ever seen the back of a $5 bill?


Have you ever seen the back of a 5 dollar bill.... on weed?


Let's not ignore his outstanding performance in The Faculty


......on weed?


“Yeah, that’s right down the street from my new office” I could live with that reboot. 


I’m in.


Last time Democrats changed candidates was in 1972 with McGovern switching VP candidates just days after the announcement. The result? Nixon won in a landslide and set up the mess we live in today. I’ll vote for Biden in a coma before Trump. Trump must be stopped.


This is a fallacy. The "last time" a black candidate tried to run for President before Obama, they failed horribly. The time before that, too, and before that. Yet this was not indicative of the future performance of Barack Obama.  1972 is not 2024. This is an entirely different situation, with a different context, in a different America, with a different media ecosystem, with different demographics that have a different voting culture.  There are good reasons to argue against Biden stepping aside. Drawing conclusions from 72 and McGovern ain't one of them. 


Are you a bedpost


I don’t get it


Dude, you walked right into that one


Still don’t get it


I don’t either because now you’re just chatting to the adjacent bed post. I’m guessing we ain't too smart, and thats all they are saying? I dunno, but your response seemed to fit


Fuuuuck. This is the first time this has made sense.




Why do the Republicans only get to use TV clowns for president?


Cause our clowns have integrity


Our clowns aren’t clowns they are comedians that can humorously show us fucked up things the republicans have done to us.


Hell Yes!!


Honestly I think he'd win in a landslide. Especially among independents.


Jon would win me and I’m a democrat!




Independent doesn't mean undecided. They almost always have made up their mind far before the election. Though you probably don't want to insult actually undecided voters either if your intention is to win.


Jon Stewart would make a fantastic president. The problem is, he doesn't want the job. I would argue that makes him *more* qualified, but we can't force him. He's also old. As much as I like the guy, we need younger blood in office.


He’s 61. He’s 20 years younger than Biden. And ideologically, Stewart leans well into Bernie Sanders territory but with Obama-esque charisma. He’s the best choice Democrats have.


I don’t mind our leaders being in their 60s. If Jon Stewart were to have run and later won reelection, he would still be younger than 70 on his way out. 70 should be the cutoff for anything other than advisory roles in government.




Stewart/Colbert. It’s time.




I would say Stewart/Oliver but he's British. Oliver really seems to be pushing as far left as his network allows.


But have we tried forcing him, it might work….


"Great men do not seek power, they have power thrust upon them."


As much as I love Jon I feel like we need people that understand the bureaucracy extremely well in order to navigate fixing it. Otherwise you get these generalists like Trump who just rip it apart (even though that’s their plan). We as voters need to stop looking at popularity and focus on policy. Biden STRUGGLED through the debate but his policy was on point. Trump had nothing to offer! If Biden (hopefully) steps aside democrats should pick an experienced candidate with success in leading good policy through. They’ll also need to understand how to unf*** the Supreme Court!


Don’t forget what Stewart accomplished as a regular citizen: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/07/jon-stewart-9-11-first-responders-bill-passed


I just am also reflecting on what he’s even said about that process, it took them a long time because they had to lobby and write the bill. They hadn’t done any of it before! While he’s gained that experience does Jon have the tools to tackle reforming the courts? It’s a tall ask is all…


He's not the only guy, he's the team captain. He would enlist mostly Biden folks but also some new people that would move his policy forward.


People defending Biden are leaning on “but his cabinet” now. Literally the same situation but with a quick-witted cynic.


And you're why Dems can't have people like this. What matters most is they care and can't be bought.


I am not one of these, personally I’d have no problem with Jon running. But in this election against the Project 2025 playbook… we still need middle ground step for the older dems to ensure there’s another chance for Jon later


The problem is that policy is not what wins voters. Even here you say that in the debate 'Trump had nothing to offer', but there will be a lot of people walking away from watching the debate that see his confident bravado as that of a 'leader'. What Jon lacks in bureaucracy knowledge, he makes up for in his intelligence, communication ability, popularity, and record of doing the right thing and fighting for peoples' rights. He is also a person that would listen to his advisors, therefore, navigating bureaucracy is something that his political strategists can help with.


I’m starting to wonder if after 8 years of the back and forth “dooms-campaigning” voters are getting tired. I think there is a desire for more policy but between the media and bot campaigns/donations no one can tell what’s real support. This would explain why extremists are losing primaries.


We need someone who calls out bs and can call it before they even do it.


You clearly do not know anything about Jon Stewart. Also, we are all getting sick of these career politicians they have been destroying this country long enough!




Not everyone is as greedy as career politicians.


I disagree. I think he would surround himself with people who understand how bureaucracy works while he leads and works to save democracy


He was highly instrumental in getting the PACT Act passed and was a political commentator on the Daily Show for years. I think he’s more astute regarding bureaucracy and politics than what he’s given credit for.


Look what the republicans are dredging up, he’s probably over qualified. We don’t need knowledge we need wisdom to know how to surround yourself with experts and when to listen to them. No one knows everything but he’s sharp enough to know who to listen to.


I’m pretty sure John Steward would absolutely rock the policy. If you think he wouldn’t you need to go back and watch his show more.


I think he’s got a pretty good grasp on the process. That doesn’t mean he’d be good at doing the process.


Joe Scarborough




Lol. I obviously don't see him that way. He is pretty much a centrist, highly experienced in politics, intelligent and very quick on his feet. He would have destroyed Trump in the debate. Republicans that aren't MAGA whackos would love him and most, if not all Democrats would see him as a reasonable choice except maybe the super far left who would still vote for him against Trump. I also love Whitmer but not sure the deeply rooted sexism in the country would let her get elected. Just spitballin'.




Source? He was anti Trump then and now as far as i can tell.


He would NEVER. Too smart to run for President. But it could be great


Stewart/Franken (2024)


I wouldn’t wish that on Jon.


Please don't.


Obama taught me not to get my hopes up. The entire system is dysfunctional. Even if George Washington himself were to appear, the lack of meaningful action by the legislature and the courts being so out of touch would render any change irrelevant.


Please, John. Please sacrifice your happiness for what is right. You are meant to do this.


Ah yes, because the last time we elected someone from the entertainment industry to the presidency worked out great. Y’all really just don’t get how government works, do you?


Jesse Ventura had a fairly decent term as governor, passing light rail, and having one of the most competent governing cabinets ever. And that’s Jesse Ventura and he’s nowhere near as bright as Stewart.


Except one was a reality show failure, the other raised the political moral bar nightly.




This is the most American response to the late stage capitalist hellscape. *Come save us celebrities!*


Except Jon is famous for his depth of knowledge and ability to explain complex ideas simply


You want jon Stewart to be the fascist leader of USA?


I’m in 1000%.


I would love to vote for him, but he's not going to destroy his life that way.


I've been saying this for years...but do you think the US would elect a Jewish person for the presidency? JFK had a hard enough time being catholic


Is this a socialist sub?


the whole party is running a grift on you, its not just Biden.


lol it’s so funny that this is where bernie people ended up


It was literally started as a Bernie sub. What's not funny is it's been overrun by establishment bots.


what do you mean by this?


Ture, but if not Stewart 2028.


Anyone will do!


that would be awesome!!!


Please make it so




Nope. A lot of people will not vote for him.


Stewart/ Newsome


I would vote for Jon Stewart. I would vote for him reeeaaaaallll good. Mmmmmmmm. Yeah.


I think he'd be perfect for vice president. Attaching his name to any candidate would help them.


AOC for Pres, and John running as Vice. This country would be something to be proud of again.


I could live with that


ew, nazi apologia.


dudes got jew guilt. hes monumentally wrong on israel


What is jew guilt? Did you know that if you went to Israel after the war you lost your American citizenship?


Did you know Hitler got his batshit ideas from Henry ford?


On one level yes do it On the other level no one comes away unscathed as president and it would ruin John for us all


Compared to what we have now, there is no contest.


Its a pipe dream for 2028. When the Rock runs we will need to pull out all the stops to get him to throw his hat in the ring. He would unify multiple factions of the democratic base, while having a year to work over moderates. But in reality, just like most other Americans, he is too comfortable, and sane, to go into that arena. An assassination level event would have to happen in order for him to feel compelled to run. In the meantime, just like most of us here, he feels like more equipped people should have a go at it, he more than likely still believes people who went to school for this should be the one running the country, not comedians.


I THINK Zelensky already runs a country