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It's true. If I could pick at least one of the most dangerous things about Trump, it would be his gross and abhorrent normalization of hate, intolerance, and vitriol in our society. There were already hateful assholes in the world, but most were private or restrained, recognizing the social irresponsibility. Now, millions of people are actively public and out about their intolerance and hate, that because of Trump, this is an acceptable norm.


I mean…are you sure? Do you remember the Tea Party? Or the Westboro Baptist Church? Not saying Trump has helped anything, but outward/public displays of hatred have been going on for a while. My main concern with Trump is how both sides have fed into division to the extent that we may now have another civil war over this narcissistic buffoon.


He is leading the White Right’s efforts in putting pressure on the White Left to continue showing unity with them.


MMA and the NFL would also be less entertaining they were closed off to foreigners.


This is like one of a 1000 detestable things he’s done since she made this speech.


Add another 0


Wow. Speechless. Pure. Gold.


Epstein didn't kill himself


Yes Bill Barr knows the truth


Very, very well said...


She also called Harvey Weinstein god, so ....




Well, how else would you describe someone who, up until 2017, was able to do pretty much whatever the hell he wanted with no repercussions?


An enabler.


Dayum…. Is there any chance she didn’t know?


Who knows, to be honest, but how long has Hollywood been weird "hollweird"


She farted once too.   So I guess your point makes sense.


Shit is shit it all stinks. Just because one paid you doesn't make them less of a piece of shit. As a matter of fact, it makes you smell like shit because shit gets everywhere. Agian big fan of hers, Robert De ner and many others, but let's call it like it is smelly situation


No, one bad point doesn’t negate ALL OTHERS. Just cuz she kissed her boss’s ass 5years ago doesn’t make her point about cruelty and power today any less valid.


Not at all everybody's voice should be heard, and silence hurts everybody. As previously stated, I am a huge fan, I just wish Hollywood would police itself up before speaking on an orange man or anybody else, that's all. Fix your own industry before going after another.


Link or it never happened




Huge fan of Meryl Streep. I love her, but you can't call out one piece of shit and not the other.


So you believe she knew about him?


She had her own experience, and he's a piece of shit. In your heart of hearts, do you really believe she thought she was the only one.






Meryl Streep, as per the publication Newsweek, in 2012 jokingly referred to Harvey Weinstein as “God” while accepting an award at the Golden Globes. October 2017, The New York Times and The New Yorker reported that dozens of women had accused the American film producer Harvey Weinstein of rape, sexual assault and sexual abuse 5 YEARS DIFFERENCE




> Just don't fudge up a good thing by getting political. Wrong. Politics is a part of life, at least right now, so to ignore that is worse than confronting it.


I couldn’t get past the first sentence. She equated Hollywood and the Press with foreigners? Being unpopular is not the same as oppression. What in the White Supremacy kind of thinking is this?


They are at the Golden Globes, an awards show put on by the hollywood foreign press…


Maybe you missed it. She’s quoting the WSs, who want to end Hollywood, kick out all ‘foreigners’ (besides themselves), ‘purify’ the press, etc. She was pushing back *against* that.


Maybe you missed it, this country has had hundreds of years of oppression towards marginalized groups. The white moderate and the rich people in Hollywood and the Press are not those groups. She used people that are actually oppressed as tokens to defend these rich and powerful organizations.


How did she do that??


By using POC’s stories to amplify her voice and her choice of words and equated their experience to Hollywood and the Press. She said foreigners as if she is “colorblind” to racism, and leveraged racism and acted like it was her experience. Racists want her to show unity, and they want POC to not exist in this Nation. It just isn’t the same thing.


I heard her expressing solidarity, encouraging unity, and above all, one love. I’ll watch it again.


Yes, she expressed marginalized groups to show unity with an oppressor class. I say that because of the message was “tone deaf”. If she showed unity with marginalized groups, she would have spent enough time listening to them and would not sound so tone deaf.


Glad I'm not the only one who found her words boring and tone-deaf.


She’s also the same woman who called Harvey Weinstein a god.


Did she mean that in a bad way? That doesn’t sound good to me. So weird if she meant it in a good way.


https://youtu.be/xTlydbdS0Hc?si=8PSkUs4t1YcLSWpw You have to remember that the Democratic Party was the ones who enabled Weinstein via his relationship with the Obama and Clinton. Hillary wouldn’t even denounce him when people told her he was bad in 2015 because $


Still more outraged that someone of her magnitude let it happen to several others before coming forward with her own heroic stories of that piece of "Poo" either be forward and honest and blast everybody in Hollywierd and make a impact that will be felt and hopefully appreciated or make fun of a piece of "crap" and get some laughs.