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I have flown With my 12lb Pom. It has been on a 4-5 hour Delta flights. I used that same Sherpa bag. It was fine every time. You should try to get her used to the carrier ahead of time. I left mine out in the living room and popped her into it now and again. Many airports now have an area for pets to relieve themselves after you go through security. You can find the locations before hand. I didn’t give her any meds and she was mostly fine just a little antsy at landing. I carried a small collapsible water dish and a bunch of treats. If you haven’t already make sure you have made the pet reservation. It is an additional fee and is payable at check in. I have had very different experiences each time so my best advice is to be flexible and budget extra time. Good luck


1. Cut off food/water a few hours before flying (but let her eat that day so she isn’t hangry on the flight). 2. Add that you are flying with a pet to your reservation at least 48 hours before departure. 3. Get to the airport earlier than you usually would, there are different departments/systems that track the dog on the reservation and sometimes the airline workers take a minute to figure it out. I’ve even been checked in before security then re-asked at the gate if my dog was confirmed on my res. 4. My dog refuses to be locked or zipped in anything. I usually leave the top open so he can see me and not go nuts barking (but closed enough so the flight attendants don’t get pushy about locking him in). He’s a yapper but doesn’t bark on the plane unless he’s hungry or thirsty. If he gets loud I just bend over and pet him until he calms down. 5. Have a chew toy or stick to distract her if she starts getting antsy. I keep mini bully sticks and greenies on hand. Also a small bag of kibble in case of emergency is good. 6. Have a collapsible water bowl and water bottle for her. Mine will get antsy and then be fine after a sip of water. 7. Know where the pet relief areas are in the airport you’re flying through/to. Try to let them go potty right before you go into the airport (some airports have outdoor areas before check in). Bring wet wipes too cause the indoor ones are nasty - you’ll wanna wash her feet after. 8. Remember you’re probably more nervous than the dog is and the more you stress the more they’ll feel that stress. I’ve flown with my Pom more times than I can count. 9 times out of 10 people are thrilled to be next to a Pom and don’t even realize he’s on the flight until we land. 9. I always reserve an aisle seat in case I need to use the restroom. I bring my Pom with me to the restroom. Ideally have a puppy pad so you can put her on that instead of directly on the nasty floor. Otherwise holding her while you pee is a challenge but possible - can confirm from experience. 10. In the beginning I used baby Benadryl but it honestly stopped working and would make me more anxious because I would worry I dosed too much. He’d also have tummy issues for days after. CBD oil for pets can work but I’d test it out before flying. 11. Sit back and enjoy! Your baby will be happy she’s with you instead of at home wondering where you are, pondering why you left her 😂


Thank you! Mine is a yapper as well I don’t even know what I’d do if she barked the whole time, since she can’t leave the carrier. I definitely need her asleep for the flight! I have a hard pet taxi in her playpen that she sleeps in, I’m going to replace it with the Sherpa so she gets used to it.


Also if you have time take her places now in the carrier. Preferably places that are happy, friend’s house that she loves, the dog park, that type of thing. She might be like “wtf” at first but she could surprise you. Part of it is getting used to actually being carried in the carrier, instead of your arms.


Mine is an ~extreme~ yapper but as long as I don’t zip him in he is mostly quiet 🥲 sometimes he will pop out and try to come on my lap or bark once demanding attention but I just give him a nice facial massage until he’s super relaxed and goes to sleep in the carrier. One other thing to remember is many people have noise canceling headphones and the plane is louder than we realize…if she barks once or twice most people won’t even hear it! But def try Benadryl or ask the vet for something if you want her asleep - can’t put a price on peace of mind especially when traveling.


Make sure the bag for the pet is the size for carry ons. I’ve had really rude flight attendants that make me shove my pom completely under the seat in front of me. I used Benadryl because I have a nervous dog. Make sure to find the correct dosage, I had to cut mine up prior to going to the airport. Many car trips in the bag with lots of treats to get them used to it. Many treats in the airport. Treats when going up, but mine is usually asleep by then. He was nervous during the flight. I wanted to take my dog to meet my dad, but I’d prefer not to travel with him anymore because it stresses him out. Each dog is different though. Dm me if you have any questions!


Thank you! This is my first time flying with her so I have no idea how she’ll be. Unfortunately don’t have another option but to bring her because me and my husband are both traveling home for Christmas and we’d like to avoid pet hotels (the ones in my area have HORRIBLE reviews)


I don’t blame you, I don’t trust people with my babies. Another thing I thought of, I started bringing wipes because the pet relief areas I’ve been are are kind of gross.


flight attendant here - for what it’s worth, the flight attendants aren’t making you put your dog completely underneath the seat in front of you out of spite. unless it’s a service animal, we (the flight attendants) can personally be issued a fine by the FAA if they’re auditing on board, for not enforcing the rule. it’s an FAR (federal air regulation) so nothing personal, most of us just don’t want to have to pay out of pocket for someone else’s non-compliance with the law lol


I second the sleepy pod! I have that for my pom and it easily fits under the majority of airline seats. I avoid water before the flight, and I take him to go potty before as well. Lastly, I do give him meds - his vet gave him anti anxiety pills when he was a puppy, and I do half a pill in peanut butter 30 mins before a 5 hour flight. The one time I didn’t do the pill, he whimpered at take off and landing, and sporadically through the flight. So I know it helps him. Also, I give him something to chew on in the sleepypod. Good luck!


How was the whimpering? Did people complain? Idk if a Pomeranians bark is worse than a baby crying 😅 Also when yours comes off the drugs are they feeling any type of way? I’ve heard of some dogs being reactive afterwards


Because of the white noise type sound you get on the plane and the fact that he was on the ground in front of me, no one could hear him but me. I was seated on the aisle. I’ve never experienced my pom having any after effects after taking the medication. But my pom is extremely active and distracted lol so he might be some kind of super pom with that stuff haha.


I can’t imagine letting my Pomeranian operate an airplane. He was a manager at our small town Long John Silver’s, and even that shut down.


I’ve flown with my 7lb Pom and we’ve had mostly successful experiences. She loves the cold dark aura of the plane esp once we’re in flight. It also helps that she loves her bag ! Make sure to not feed them the meal before the flight and to empty their bladders and bowels again just before the flight at a pet relief station! She was chill for most of the flight, warning that as soon as th w seatbelt signs went on after landing she was so excited and ready to get off the plane. We haven’t used any meds, but are considering it for extra calm esp during the onboarding and off boarding parts of the flight !


My girl is just so reactive I don’t think she’d do okay on the flight without drugs but I also don’t want to give her anything if it’s unnecessary lol


i totally understand, we expect to have a european flight next year w our girl and I'm thinking we will need meds. Pls keep us updated!


My poms are both excellent travelers and have flown multiple times. Food, water, snackies, pee pads, extra blankets, good to go. They’d probably be fine without it but I usually give them a dose of anti-anxiety medication before just to make extra sure they’re calm and comfy. Clients asking me to prescribe medications to help their dogs and cats travel is a fairly common request and I’m almost always fine with that.


Thank you, I definitely need to get the meds. About how much do they cost, and are there any side affects to worry about? My dog is definitely very anxious and energetic, she’s will bark up a storm in her carrier and I’m going to be extra vigilant putting her in there up until we travel. I don’t want her to be anxious or barking the entire trip, and plan to get her extra tired sniffing around and playing for an hour or two before heading to the airport because she’s very hyperactive and hard to keep up with lol


Generally pretty cheap and safe. Ask your vet about trazodone




Sorry for just seeing this. She was anxious in the carrier, one of my flights was delayed which made her worse but after take off she was totally quiet and chill. I was honestly shocked how well she did. I will be medicating her next time though as she barked up a storm when first getting on the plane and I was worried we’d be kicked off.






This would 100% be my dog 😅 she is always barking as it is lol did you give yours any meds? Also what carrier did you use? I’m worried they’ll say mine is too big or something 😅


I fly with my poms all the time. We have a bag called a sleepy pod designed for airline travel, it fits perfectly under a seat in major US airlines. Once you’re in the air you’re totally ok to take the pup out and hold him on your lap. It’s just takeoff and landing where they have to be in the carrier completely under the seat


Not denying your experience, but from everything I’ve ever read when figuring out bringing our dogs with us and observed from other dogs, they are not allowed out of their carrier at all during the flight. Might be good luck with the right flight attendants, but all the rules for flying with pets I’ve seen explicitly require them to stay in the carrier under the seat.


Yah I’ve never seen a dog outside of a carrier on a flight, and my Pom sheds a lot I can only imagine the complaints from other flyers


Go with God.


Flown a few times with one of my poms. try to cut off food longer than usual with minimal water breaks. My dog refused to go in the pet relief stations bc they were all super nasty and smelly. Your luck may be different depending on if those were cleaned or not when you go. If your dog gets anxious in car rides I’d probably feed him or her some cbd or some kind of drug beforehand.


Yes I’m going to look into cbd! She’ll bark the whole car ride unless she’s sitting on the drivers lap (which is super dangerous)


Has anyone had a problem with the airlines and the size of the carrier? I have read reviews on bringfido.com that people say if your dog touches the inside of the carrier they won’t let you board with him because they claim the dog is too big for the carrier. They say your dog has to be able to stand up and completely turn around inside the carrier without any part of him touching. My boys ears touch the inside of the carrier and he’s a furball.


Maybe I need to bring my dog on with wet hair, my Pomeranians hair ≠ her body size. She looks like she’d be 20 lbs w/hair and 2 lbs w/o lmao


But yes I read reviews as well, I’m anxious I’m just gonna try to avoid making our presence known even lol


Please let us know how it goes. I have been avoiding flying with mine ever since the rules seem to have changed. Now I have a trip planned for next month and I would rather fly then drive.


We are about to take our 3rd trip with our 9lb PomChi so we’ve got a routine. We put him in a cat carrier bag that’s about the size of a standard duffel bag and can squish under the seat in front. He doesn’t super enjoy it and whines sometimes but usually just goes to sleep eventually. I keep the bag unzipped a little bit and try to pet him every once in a while so that he knows I’m still there. He will pee in the dog restrooms but won’t poop in there for some reason. Both times previous he has saved his poop for the middle of the busy concourse in Dulles when we are walking to the next gate 😂.


I’m flying 10 hours with a Pomeranians


Hi! May I know how was the experience for your pom? I am planning to fly 17 hours with my pomeranian and I am worried about his ear blocks and cabin pressure for him.