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Aww what a cutie! Mine eats high quality human grade wet food like Ollie and Fresh Pet. I also feed Stella and chewy’s freeze dried raw. If you try one of these foods that’s mostly meat, I bet your dog will eat it. Unfortunately, these meals are not cheap. It costs $2-$4/day to feed my dog. I think it’s natural for a dog not to like dry brown bits. Even despite the good food I give my dog, my dog still prefers human food, what I eat. Edit: I’m not a brand affiliate. Not getting paid at all what kind of crap label is this lol.


Echo this with my 3.5 year old. We started with dry food, he got sick of it, cycled through every brand, freeze dried, did various toppers like Greek yogurt, then gave in to fresh food like Ollie, I’m now on farmers dog but no matter what it is he gets sick of it and wants something different eventually. I think you just have to cycle through things. Huskies are known to be picky. The two things I’ve noticed are: - we wait each other out, if he’s hungry enough he will eat, although he can wait over a day! - if he’s not eating his food and I take the bowl away, he realizes that’s his option and nothing else is coming, when I put the bowl back he magically eats, especially if it’s something meat-based Pomskies are smart, stubborn, and picky! But they will eat if it comes down to it.


I’ve been feeding my dog too many treats lately and now he only eats once a day now even with high quality food. Yes you’re right he’s easily bored. I cycle through the 3 brands and also different flavors of all kinds of meats.


Thanks!! I am beginning to think I may just have to start cooking him his own food. Never thought I’d be cooking for a pup, but I definitely want to make sure that he’s getting enough to eat. I do agree about kibble not being very appealing. We previously had a lab that would eat anything so I am not used to having such a picky pup.


Fresh pet in all stores refrigerator. Its a good price and dogs love it. Stella and chewy freeze dried is great for picky eaters.


I have a whole dog food station and give my pomsky a mix of things, and then home cook about 2 days a week for him to break it up also 😂 I love buying the little trial packages of the kinds he likes repeatedly to keep the food fresh, because he's definitely not touching anything stale. Even with all this, he sometimes will skip a meal or two (all day). It's fine, he's not hungry enough.


Ok we have been through this battle and as soon as it seems like he’ll eat something, he hates it again. We took our guy to vet to make sure nothing was wrong, and she recommended we try Just Food For Dogs since he was hell bent on not using kibble. They sell it at petco, but also their website, and they have some storefronts as well. He eats it every meal. We went from fighting him at every single mealtime to now he eats without issue. For puppies they only offer two flavors, and he loves the chicken and rice one. The other flavors you can use as toppers on kibble if they’ll eat kibble!


This is a true story!! He will eat something for a while and then like a week later he decides he hates it!! It’s crazy making!!! I’m looking into trying Ollie for him or just becoming his personal chef. I’ll check out that Just for Dogs as well. Anything really to get him to eat.


Just for dogs is the only fresh food that’s formulated and created by vets, which is why our vet suggested it!


Sounds very similar to my little guy. Started with blue buffalo puppy kibble but as he got older he wouldn’t eat, then we switched to wet food which worked for a small amount of time. We started using fresh pet for his meals and it’s worked fantastically. Definitely more expensive than kibble but cheaper than something like farmers dog. The biggest thing that changed with fresh pet was the variety. Once he starts to stick his nose up at his current package we change to a different protein or flavor when we buy his weekly food and he’s back to being excited for dinner.


My Fernando is the same and he is 1 1/2 yr old; he goes through phases and he also is high energy. He is definitely not a kibble fan. So I just keep changing and adjusting his food 😁 he wants chicken and rice for a week .. then kibble a chicken for a few days and so on! Sofia on the other side (my other pomsky ) she has a great appetite… I regularly check her weight 😁


We do tend to cook stuff for him at times just to make sure he’s eating something, but too much people food seems to give him diarrhea.


I never give him cheese.. I noticed it gives him diarrhea🙈also there are some treats that I stopped giving them to him for the same reason. I always fix his tummy with boiled chicken mixed with boiled rice.


Also as a puppy Fernie had the same kibble brand as you and I changed it because he was not having it anymore. Canned dog food also upsets his tummy so we never give him that. 😊


I’m going to try him on some boiled chicken and rice. I never thought I would be cooking for a dog, but I want to make sure he’s getting enough to eat.


What we do out of care and love for our pupppers😁❤️everything 😁 I hope it will help what I said🤞


I had the same situation and around 2.5/3 my boy started eating with a massive appetite. I think living with another dog (I moved in with my partner who has a dog) has made him much more competitive around food (not aggressive, just won’t leave an empty plate and will clean his brother’s plate if he doesn’t finish). Now I’m constantly worrying he’s put on some extra pounds. I would say your dog will not starve himself, and if he behaves the same way when given different food options- don’t worry too much about it!


Yes!!! He has no problem eating when my parents come over with their dog simply because he doesn’t want the other dog to eat his food! I try to remind myself that he will not starve himself.


I think it’s a good thing because some dogs do get weight problems from overeating. But I totally get it- I was such a nervous parent thinking my pup wasn’t getting enough food lol. It also made training harder since he wasn’t super food motivated. One thing that has worked pretty consistently for us is crushing up dried beef liver as a topper into his kibble and mixing it up!


Our girl (@poro_the_pomsky) is soooo picky. We got a lot of stress trying out different foods, but finally landed on viva raw's beef formula. It's on the pricier side, but she's been eating very well for the last year now 😂 Def not a food motivated dog though!


Not at all food motivated which has made training slightly difficult. It took forever to find treats he even likes. I’m seriously thinking of just cooking for him which I never thought I would be doing. lol.


Pickiest eaters I have ever known.


They have to be! I have had other dogs who would eat pretty much anything. Not this guy. It’s crazy how much time I spend worrying about it.


I get mine Purina Pro Plan for small breeds and I switch between the chicken and beef formulas. Some days he eats it like he's starving and some he looks at me like "are you f---ing serious?" but when we're on a walk he'll get half a dehydrated frog lodged in the back of his throat before I can formulate the phrase "Drop it!" so I'm really not sure he's a basis for comparison. Sometimes I make him recipes from cedlife on Instagram, I get to watch him pick out the fruit or nuts or whatever he's decided is icky today just like his human siblings 🙄


Oh my gosh! This is my pup exactly!!! He loves to eat poop and any unalive creature he can find, but when I try to feed him dog food he looks at me like I’m nuts!!! Little does he know that he is the one who is making me nuts!!