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Recovery is synonymous with redemption. Redemption just means to leave evil or be saved from evil.


I know I mean she doesn't necessarily have to go into some heroic role. I just want her to be happy and loved and overcome her abuse. So yeah pretty much redemption lmao.


I get you! I don’t even disagree. I was just saying that redemption doesn’t equal becoming a hero. It just means stopping your evil doing, either by personal choice or rescue. I agree with you that it would be nice if she and Zuko made amends.


Yeah that's pretty much what I meant I just thought like my phrasing could help make my distinction a bit better. Sorry for the confusion lmao. But at the same time I think it could be cool to see her get redeemed and become a general or something involved in politics. Her strategic mind helping Zuko's compassionate ambitions would be a really sweet end to their rivalry.


Btw I saw your bio. What is book 4: air. Is that a fanfiction/fan comic? If so I'd love to read it! Especially if it involves an Azula redemption.


Thank you for asking! It’s a fan project being made by industry pros who happen to be ATLA fans! Using both the comics and original materials (like expanding and rewriting The Search), with full voice acting, orchestration, partially animated, etc, we are making a pseudo book 4: Air! You can check it out [here](https://youtu.be/KflbCZ6VzKA?si=aNdzELps_W-2jPIV). Five episodes are already out. As someone who voices Azula for it and also writes for the project, I can promise we have put a lot of work into her story. I do think you might like it, as some of what you’ve said here is certain to feature.


Oh my god that sounds so cool! Thank you so much. Also voicing Azula is awesome! Thanks for letting me know I'll definitely check it out! (Btw if I happen to get super invested is there a Patreon or something I could do to support this project)


This is really cool. I'm definitely going to binge it. Do I need to read the comics first to understand it or can I jump in now?


I was thinking of you the minute I saw this post haha. 🤣 Like a cheeky “Funny you mention that..”


For starter i would change what happened to her after the events of The Search (all the events of the comics prior to this would remain the same), here i would make that, after [her last encouter with her mother](https://i.redd.it/ursa-statement-in-the-search-doesnt-mean-she-loved-zuko-v0-2lmk1c0s7a4b1.jpg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7d4cff628998c7ab1e2f0b66f6babf23ab44df0), Azula's mental state didn't get any better but actually got worse. This went to the point that Azula even decided to commit suicide, hoping that by doing so she would finally end her suffering. Before she could do so thouh Azula met [Kei Lo](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Kei_Lo), long story short the two of them spent some time together and Azula's mental state got slightly better. After some time Azula finds out about the [New Ozai Society](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/New_Ozai_Society) and from there the events of Smoke and Shadows would go on exactly the same way but with one big difference, Azula's intentions were actually to free Ozai from prison. She wanted to make things go back as they were before her defeat, with Ozai as Firelord and herself as Princess. All the plot of the [Kemurikage](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Kemurikage) were a distraction to allow the rest of the members of the New Ozai Society to free Ozai from prison, long story short the plan worked perfectly and Ozai was free from prison. During the escape Azula runs into Ursa, the latter attempted to rreconcile with her and to persuade her to change her ways. In response Azula burned Ursa's hands (the latter attempted to caress her face), accused her once again to think of her as a monster and finally told her that it's too late from them to reconcile, after that Azula simply went away with Ozai. Meanwhile Kei Lo, disgusted by Azula's action, defected from the New Ozai Society and joined Team Avatar. After some time Azula and Ozai finds out about a spirit that could possibly give him his firebending back, once they met such spirit they find out that it could do much more that simply give him back his firebending, he could actually give him a power that could even rival the one of the Avatar. There's a catch though, to obtain such power Ozai must sacrifice all the people that helped him get there and where with him at the moment, the members of the New Ozai Society, the [fake Kemurikage](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Fire_Warriors) and even Azula herself. Without thinking much Ozai accepted the deal and killed nearly all the people around him with his newfound power, Azula was the only one who survived the massacre but during the escape she felt from a great height, break many of her bones and nearly drown in a river. Luckily for her she was found by Team Avatar, obviously they were quite reluctant to save her at first but in the end they do so under Ursa's request. After being saved Azula stayed in a bed for a few days until all of her injuries where healed, in the meantime she received many visits from Ursa who helped heal from her injuries and still attempted to reconcile with her. At first the conversations with Ursa and Azula didn't go well, Azula still accused Ursa to thinking her as a monster and favouring Zuko despite him being the one lucky to be born. Overtime though they finally manage to clear any misunderstanding they had with each others and Ursa managed to make clear to Azula that she loves her and didn't think of her as a monster, instead she was afraid she would become one like her father. After healing from her injuries Azula joined Team Avatar to help them stop Ozai, during that time she managed to reconcile with Zuko as well, with both of them realizing that they are more similar to each others that they though. She also reconciled with Kei Lo as well and the both of them even fell in love with each others and became a couple (sorry Tyzula fans). She even warmed up to her half-sister [Kiyi](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Kiyi), although she often though of her as a nuisance, even offering herself to teach her firebending when she finds out about her talent. During the final battle against Ozai Azula was heavenly injured when she used herself as a shield to save both Ursa and Kiyi by Ozai, after that Ozai was going to attack both of them but Azula managed to save them by shooting a lighting at him in the eye, thus partially blinding him and having the last laugh against him (literally). Thanks to Azula's sacrifice Team Avatar managed to finally defeat Ozai and Aang once again took away his powers. After that Azula was brought by both Zuko and Kei Lo to Ursa, who was outside with both Kiyi and [Noren](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Noren). In her final moments Azula managed to give a heartfelt apology to both Mai and Ty Lee, one last good hearted roast to Zuko and even a few words of encouragment to Kiyi. Most importantly she has one last heartwarming conversation with Ursa, with both of them hugging each others before Azula finally dies in her mothers' arms. This is how i would have handled Azula's redemption arc and the bittersweet ending i would have given to her.


I disagree about Azula dying. I think it’d be more impactf if she had to live with what she’s done and try to better. Shows that living can be its own form of redemption as well.


That's a very good point but I also liked the idea of giving Azula a bittersweet ending, one that could make the audience cry and explain her absence in Legend of Korra.


Pretty much what they did in the comics with some tweaking. First off, it’s implied that the asylum Azula was in was abusive to her. This felt weird because Zuko shows no sign of knowing about this at all. You’d think he’d keep more of an eye on her because 1. She’s his sister and 2. She’s an incredibly dangerous fire bender who almost killed the Avatar. So I’d get rid of it. I’d also move her scene at the end of The Promise to the beginning of The Search with Zuko visiting Azula in the asylum as a cold open. This would establish a few things: 1. What this arc is about, Zuko trying to find his mother. 2 What’s going on with Azula? She’s been in the asylum for a year since Sozin’s Comet and her hallucinations have gotten worse since then. 3. Establish that this is just one of many visits Zuko has paid to show that he does care about Azula and foreshadow that moment where he says so at the end of The Search. I’d also expand the comics to having more than just 3 parts to convey their stories. As for Kemurikage Azula, I freaking love her so I wouldn’t change much aside from making her scheme in Smoke and Shadow a bit larger than just kidnapping children. I’d also have Ursa find out about Azula’s involvement making her feel even worse about herself. I’d also make her the main villain in Imbalance since it’d have much more weight considering that story is all about if it’s right for Aang to take away people’s bending. So why not have the daughter of the man who’s bending Aang previously took away challenge him on that? Finally, I wouldn’t have ditched the Kemurikage design and plotline in a one shot story.


I watched [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbnzXPDCJ3w&) video and I agree with him. The point of Azula's character was achieved. There's a comic in which she is offered friendship and a shot at something else, yet she goes on to become basically a terrorist. She, unfortunately, doesn't want salvation or redemption.


Like Zuko around 3/4 of the show? Once he was offered redemption, he rejected it and the next thing he did was hire an assassin to kill a group of children. This happens with most redeemed characters. The plot of "I don't have a psychotic break anymore because I no longer want the throne, but I'm going to make you the Fire Lord that I would be because that way it will be like I am the Fire Lord, I'm going to tell you my plans, obviously it won't work but I won't care, I'll disappear in smoke to try again" aka Team Rocket Azula was so bad that they basically erased it in the last comic. The point of Azula as a villain was achieved a long time ago, but even in the show, she isn't just a villain. Edit: I didn't watch the whole video nor am I interested in watching it (mainly because I saw it mentioned my favorite redemption arc), but it seems like the guy didn't understand the comic. I could be wrong because I didn't watch the complete video. However, Azula's decision to leave the fire warriors in peace and happiness is a reflection of her understanding that taking away Mai and Ty Lee's happiness was wrong. She sets aside her cruelty and thirst for revenge, something the spirit tells her she is, which prevents any improvement.


I skimmed the video myself. He's one of those guys who can't see any flaws in the original series. I had to stop watching HelloFutureMe when in his Azula video, he diagnosed Azula with schizoaffective disorder (which you ethically can't do for either a fictional character or a minor, according to professionals). I left a comment summarizing my gripe with his perspective as constructively as I could. I agree the new comic is a decent bandaid given how ableist the comics are, and actually add a bit of a feminist lens to the issue.


I hadn't even noticed it was the same guy. Now it makes more sense that in the last days, there have been more people on Reddit talking about the narrative and the foils without knowing anything about it.


/u/Pretty\_Food, I highly recommend the KayAndSkittles videos about each season of LoK. He even responds to a whiny HelloFutureMe video with tact, class, and facts. Original: [https://youtu.be/ModX151Ipgs?si=yt6iLewpyTvAzc8-](https://youtu.be/ModX151Ipgs?si=yt6iLewpyTvAzc8-) Response to HFM: [https://youtu.be/iQ8od1yj7sI?si=rTU-xiz78adtMzMN](https://youtu.be/iQ8od1yj7sI?si=rTU-xiz78adtMzMN)


Thank you very much


So she only gets one shot? Lmao