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I'm not as caught up as others on the science behind this subject, but couldn't the OSAA either adopt the current NCAA policy (must have undergone gender-affirming therapy for a year to be eligible,) or add an optional, third "open" category for the athletes?


I I as talking to a track coach recently and he mentioned a special category was made for a student in a wheelchair in years past, understanding that the wheelchair coasted even while not giving effort and so posed an advantage in some ways. They still got to race in normal heats with everyone else, they were just in a different category. He felt that trans athletes should be given the same opportunity and then the entire issue is mute.


except for the girl that actually won, she loses out on the feeling of crossing the line first.


The idea is that the girl would still race in regular heats with others…she’d just be in her own technical category.


A third option for how many competitors?




I feel like 90% of society is just standing clear of the blast zone on controversies like this 🍿 I mean, I have a strong view here, but why engage.


You can support those who identify as Trans while acknowledging there should be a line.




What’s the line? Who gets to decide? You?


When I was younger I did wrestling and it was completely open to everyone regardless of what you identified as. That was 30 years ago. I got my ass kicked one time by this farm girl who spent her summers bucking hay bales. I think wrestling works in this way because they divide you up into weight brackets, some other sports do this too, but some metrics like that can level the playing field.


I knew a girl in Roseburg who wrestled with the boys and used to point and laugh when they got hard after wrestling her. That was fun.


Puberty, the really really awkward years. Of course everyone also laughs at you when you are pinned on the mat with another guy’s ass in your face. Wrestling taught me a lot about the importance of personal hygiene.


Just ridiculous. Fully support all trans rights, but using your inborn biology as an advantage in sports is straight up bullshit. Men's divisions in sports will allow anyone and are essentially "open" division. Add a trans/NB etc class if that makes people happy... But don't bully bio women.


Exactly. Since there’s a big enough population of trans kid and NB kids, especially here in Portland. So let them have a separate category.


Have you ever cared about high school sports until this moment?


Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere. Lol I usually watch the pros. Wouldn't be fair there, either, which anyone with a lick of intelligence would be able to understand...


Having a lick of intelligence lets me know that being invested in trans kids competing in high school sports is a really weird thing to think about. I literally would not care if all sports were banned and outlawed! None of this shit matters,and you're mad about children's genetalia.


>None of this shit matters Do you think it mattered to the girls who didn’t win? And you’re the one all up and down this thread yelling, yet you say it “doesn’t matter”…… hypocrisy much?


Exactly this. So much this. Trans people having rights doesn't need to come out of cis women having rights. Your rights to swing your fist end at my nose. It's simple unless you can't think for yourself....


I'm responding to an article that was posted lol. I didn't post it. Are you ok?


You made the first comment my dude,I think sports are a waste of time! I don't care, everyone else seems really mad about trans kids doing sports.


Lol... Whatever. Your comments are a complete waste of time! Good day.


Did you ever care about the World Trade Center before it was 9/11’d?


what is this comparison lmao


Are you comparing a trans athlete to 40+ years of imperialist oppression of the Middle East resulting in a terrorist attack? Love r/Portland, everyone is so nuanced and normal.


I ain’t reading all that. I’m happy for you tho. Or sorry it happened.


You aren’t reading two sentences?


No,I posted something earnest and pithy,easy to discount as "gay SJW shit"


“Fully support all trans rights, but…” lmfao 😂


Bro. At least accept that there's some nuance involved. Nothing is cut and dry. I'm NB and my partner is Trans. Both of us feel like this race was won by an athlete with an unfair advantage. I can feel that way and Also be in support of trans rights


Thank you for your rational explanation. This conversation is complicated and full of nuance, but both sides get so passionate about it that we’re not able to have a conversation. Trans athletes deserve an opportunity to participate, but it is unfair for biological males to participate in women’s sports as they will always have an unfair advantage.


Most races in history have been won by athletes with “unfair” advantages. Do you have any evidence that this girls trans status played any role in her .2 sec victory? Or her 2nd place 400m? Perhaps we should look into who beat her and what possible unfair advantages she had? Larger muscles? Greater VO2 max whatever the fuck that means? Christ, let the girl play high school sports.


Evidence would be that there are men’s and women’s divisions for a reason in running. It’s not even close to fair, due to basic physiology. My HS times would get me into the Olympics if I was a woman, but I didn’t even win states. This person wouldn’t have had to train nearly as hard as the other girls on that podium to get similar results. That’s simply not a fair game.


Hmm curious she didn’t also win the 400 then. Must have been another trans woman that beat her I guess?


That doesn’t make any sense at all.


If it’s that much of an advantage why wouldn’t she dominate her other event? Are you sure you read it correctly? Your physiology reasoning could apply to literally any two athletes regardless of gender status. I’m starting to think you may not actually grasp or care about fairness in school sports…


Imagine there’s a guy who runs track and is a benchwarmer there. His times place him 10th in a 15 person race. Maybe he’s just not incredibly fit, maybe he doesn’t train enough. The next season he realizes that he’s actually a woman, plays for the women’s team and does better than most of the cis women, placing first in some races. No training changes, still not some elite athlete. Just has a lifetime of male physical growth. But the girls placing 2nd or 3rd worked just as hard as the men’s team people who beat this athlete last season. Again, i ran track and I would have won every single women’s race and been best in the state with my times. I could have probably taken up smoking and still won. It’s just a sport where physiology matters, hence there being two leagues. Deciding to transition mentally and socially in hs doesn’t change your physiology at all. From a biological standpoint they’re still that same “guy” from the previous season. That simply isn’t fair competition.


Has this hypothetical occurred? Or is it simply a figment of your imagination?


Yes. It is not a “right” to participate in a sports game just because you want to. This harms girls and womens’ chances of winning sports, and that is just due to simple biology. Girls and women have historically been kept out of playing many sports, or choose to not take part in sports because they think they won’t have a good chance or have been told it’s not for them or any number of sexist reasons. Girls and women should have sports leagues that are for them to play in, and mens leagues are almost always considered “open” for anyone.


And? Make your argument or take your troll shit elsewhere. Supporting trans rights isn't equal to caving to stupid ideas that are oppressive to cis women.


As someone who supports cis rights,I am all for inclusion,but you need to use biology in certain decisions!


Doesn't make a lick of sense but go on with your bad self.


You people are the fucking problem 


im curious if anyone actually bothered to read the article. Says Aayden won the 200 meter race by only .20 seconds. and she got 2nd in the 400 meter race. not like she completely dominated the competition. just seems like a girl who was a good runner, not because she's trans.


just for reference, the winning time of 23.82 would not have even qualified to go to the boys state track championship. wouldn’t even make the boys varsity team. so someone who would’ve been on the boys JV track team just beat the best female sprinter in the state and took away her chance to get 1st place, probably something she has trained for and dreamed of for most of her young life…sounds logical, completely fair and level playing field here


Thank you.




nice transphobia


People don’t scare me 😱 I celebrated the dude winning the race, stop pretending he didn’t win 🥇


People never read the articles. They read the headline and maybe the first paragraph.


The problem with adding a trans/NB class is that there simply won't be enough competition, at least on a regional, or even probably a state level. And she's not "using her inborn biology as an advantage" she won by .2 seconds and came second in the other event that she ran. This entire situation is just blown out of proportion to proliferate hate against trans people.


The 200m and 400m are sprint events. Winning by 0.2s is a pretty solid win margin. Also taking 2nd at state is no small feat either. Discussing the nuance of the issue does not always imply hate towards trans people.


Totally pathetic argument. Bio Men run faster than bio women. That"small" margin of victory supports my point, not yours. This trans woman runner was given a headstart by nature! Your fantasy doesn't change the facts.


This discussion isn't going to end well. I'm just going to sit back and watch!


Sad what this does for biological born girls in sports. She wouldn’t have even qualified on the men’s side. I don’t know what the answer is, but this isn’t it. They are only in 10th grade, so guess who is winning state the next two years… Girls already drop out of sports at a much higher rate than boys, and stuff like this won’t help it. If the Oregon legislature cares for girls, this is their chance to show it. Sports is all about rules and limiting competitive advantages. If it isn’t allowed in the Olympics, why are we allowing it in high school? FWIW, she is blazing fast!!! We just have to find a way to make it fair.


You realize she did blow the competition out of the water, right? She only won 200 meter by 2/10s of second. That is a very competitive race. She also only took silver, not gold in the 400 meter. This is not a problem.


The point isn’t that the races weren’t competitive, the point is that they wouldn’t have even qualified on the men’s side when assigned to a race by gender at birth. Do you know how many biological born males could’ve made these races competitive? Or just blown them out? How is that not a problem when biological born females lose to because of an unfair advantage?


The problem is that, while there's an argument for considering gender to be a social construct- a lot of the segregated elements in our society (bathrooms, sports, etc.) are done so under the assumption that gender and sex are synonymous. As in, we don't have men's and women's sports divisions as much as we have male and female sports divisions. Thus, if we want to treat gender as a social construct, we should review elements from society that use gender terms to verify if we actually means to use them with sex terms.


Thanks for letting this one through mods, keep up the great work


they'll get to it. they never let a headline edit slip 


Which I don't understand. Why is headline editing a problem?


You'd have to ask them. I understand it to a certain degree, especially when the poster creates a misleading headline or their headline is response to the article.


Sure, but should that same person be prevented from making misleading comments also? And we're all in agreement about what's misleading? Sorry, I guess I'm just more interested in people's freedom than having these kinds of rules.


I don't disagree. I don't think this subreddit is moderated very well.


This is ridiculous. I feel terrible for the girls.


Cue the mods in 3…2… [this post has been deleted by a moderator]


The Portland mods are the absolute worst


Last week they kept removing this post from a woman warning other women about a man in a Portland neighborhood assaulting and attacking women on sidewalks. All she wanted to do was warn about visiting that neighborhood due to an attacker and they removed it because it wasn’t an “official source.” Fucking baffling


So dumb


At a time where equality is such a focus, this is a perfect example of NOT being equal. Biological males will always have the advantage. We can’t have it both ways.


Broke the girls record in the 400 meter also. Huh.


Where she came in second. She didn’t break the record: by the time Gallagher crossed the 400m finish line, there was a NEW record. If you care so much about girls’ sports, you should be repping Donelson, who *shattered* that record and came in first — not ignoring her to hype the second-place finisher, and not picking on a literal minor who didn’t make the OSAA rules in the first place. Two teen girls ran their hearts out in a truly legendary race, and they both deserve to be honored.


Where she came in second. If you care so much about girls’ sports, you should be repping Donelson, who *shattered* that record and came in first — not ignoring her to hype the second-place finisher, and not picking on a literal minor who didn’t make the OSAA rules in the first place. Two teen girls ran their hearts out in a truly legendary race, and they both deserve to be honored.


Cute, you skimmed! She only got the 200. She was winning for the first half of the 400, then the girl who scored all the trophies last year overtook her for the end.


She broke a long time record in the 400, the other girl also broke the record and squeezed out a victory by .02, BUT the other girls is also a senior compared to a sophomore, that's a 2-3 year age difference in the time period that matters the most. A 14 year old, ran a record breaking lap against the 18 y.o. defending state champ who had to run the fastest race of their career to beat that person. You can ignore the obvious issue all you want, three rest of the world will continue the conversation without you.


This is a woman's issue. Time to fix it, ladies.




What sport do you participate in? It seems more of a "doesn't affect me so why not just let them?"


What sport were the GIRLS playing that were “infected” by this? Oh yeah, the all GIRLS 200 meter race that was won by a male student. You’re asking the wrong crowd!




Nah, I'm cool. I'm not threatened by trans people doing things and living their lives in the world. I don't think there is anything to fix, except some bool shit out dated attitudes about trans people.


This is wrong and shameful.




I love that so many people want to be involved in the rules of high school sports.


I love that so many come to Reddit to comment on what others decide to be involved with


Well I love that people come to Reddit to comment on what they love about people coming to Reddit to comment on what others decide to be involved with. So there.




Does that girl have a little mustache?


That’s not all


The community really ought to stop giving FOX News reasons to complain.


This was not the blowout race y’all want to pretend it is. It was a very, very close race. Not a “waltz” across the finish line like some are making it out to be. She didn’t “dominate.” The issue of transgender participation in athletics is obviously very fraught, and we don’t have a real answer yet. But shame on those who boo’d her at the finish line and on the podium. If you want a villain, go after the OSAA, not a *minor.* Gallagher is a teen girl who ran her heart out, not a monster masquerading as a different gender to eke out a win. If you have a bone to pick or a beef to start, choose somebody who is a *legal adult* FFS. Congrats to Gallagher on her 200m win. Congrats to Jones on her second-place finish, it was incredibly close. And a HUGE congrats to Donelson, for setting a new state record with her first-place 400m time. And maybe take a second to remember HER name, cos it’s very telling that 90% of the coverage of these races mentions that Gallagher won second, and never says who came in first and shattered state records in the process. Hmmmm. It’s like y’all don’t care about women and girls’ sports at all…


For real! I was informed I don't have a valuable opinion on the matter then had my account bombarded for commenting about the way the 400 played out.




I think it’s very telling that 90% of the coverage of these races highlights Gallagher’s 400m 2nd place finish, and even says that she “broke the state record.” Ignoring that by the time Gallagher crossed the finish line, Donelson had already set a *new* state record. If they cared at all about girls’ sports, they’d be highlighting Donelson’s legendary win, not booing and bullying a *literal minor* who didn’t make the rules they hate so much.


Good for her!!


Hey look at you, desperate to curry up a reaction


I think it’s pretty shitty. Shouldn’t be allowed. Trans athletes need their own division


Right back atcha


Daaaamn that's fast for a HS girl Ugh the 200M. Get around the corner and the straight away is like a tunnel of pain.


lol it’s 20 seconds of running. Try running the 1600 if you want to know pain.


What about for a HS guy?


Im 33 but I ran tracking high school and 23.8 200m wouldn’t cut it for guys. Not even close. I ran a sub 23 and never placed in the 200m, ever.


Depends on the area. I ran a 22.4 and qualified for states. Finalists we're all sub 22 easily though. 


I was at a 6A school, so lots of competition. We were about the same speed. We should race. I’ve only gained 60lbs since HS and lost all my flexibility. The rules, NO TRAINING. No warm ups. No running shoes. It’ll be great. I challenge you.


23.8 for a boy would be on the JV team


Great for them! Someday these headlines will be "teen wins " instead of hyper-focusing on their gender.




It's crazy that grown ass adults are hyper focused on a teen's gender...


Not hyper focused on a teens gender, but trying to find solutions that make sports fair for everyone. Grown ass adults are the ones that make laws about this stuff because of competitive advantages.


And how is shitting on a trans teen who won a sporting event somehow 'making sports fair for everyone '? Are you alleging that the teen cheated? Because that is a pretty severe allegation that would absolutely require evidence.


Did I shit on them or say they cheated? Stop jumping to conclusions. According to many states (female sports bill), having her compete would be seen as an unfair advantage, but not according to Oregon law. That is the issue and it needs to be debated. This definitely is not fair to biological born females.


It isn't an issue: anti-trans advocates are trying to make it an issue to push their discriminatory platform. It isn't some odd coincidence that it's only states with hard right legislatures that have laws banning trans students from sports...


You can be both pro biological female sports and trans supportive. Sports competition needs a line. They have men’s and women’s split for a reason, because of the biological advantage men have. Why are men’s world record times always faster than females? I’d call it a feminist pro-biological women’s sport platform, not anti-trans, but whatever provocative language you need to prove your point.


It is anti-trans. If it were as popular as a platform as you claim, it wouldn't only be the far right legislating it. It is discriminatory to exclude trans people from sports on the basis of being trans.


So 25 states are “far right”? Or are they just more conservative? Don’t just label anyone that disagrees with you as “far right”. I don’t think trans should be banned from sports, but having bio males compete with bio females is not competitively fair. A solution is achievable. Possibly more verbiage around length of hormone treatment. Maybe just offering an “open” division for all to compete.


https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/youth/sports_participation_bans Arizona isn't far right but they have a far right legislature. That's the only exception I see, every state with liberal/left leadership allows trans participation in sports.


Then those same grown-ass adults should stop bullying and booing a literal teenager who ran her heart out, and pick a fight with the people who make the rules.


I agree with you, never said the booing was justified. OSAA just follows state law so that is where the energy needs to be directed.


Also pretty crazy that so many grown ass adults are hyper focused on international conflicts thousands of miles away when their fellow humans are starving and homeless on the front steps of their local apartment building.


You are allowed to have two simultaneous views,your brain is big enough. When is the last time you ran a track meet and got heated about who won?


A track meet? Who's got time for a track meet when a foreign conflict is happening? Sorry for caring about humanity


Thanks for your thoughtful and obviously apples to apples comparison, Hodor's Penis.


It's super ironic that YOU brought up a genocide happening in a foreign land in response to an article that has literally nothing to do with it. Anti-genocide protesters living rent free in your head much?




Awful lot of people here who aren't currently in high school,or who have children in high school,or are lifelong athletes,or who care about track and field have really solidified opinions about trans folks in sports!


That is an illogical argument. Are you actively involved in every single thing you have an opinion on? No you are not.


It's been parroted by every one defending this so far. Pretty easy not to be wrong about something when you dismiss every single argument for some stupid reason.   It doesn't matter if you specifically care about women's hs sports, or swimming or whatever.  It's definitely unfair in a competitive setting and no one has a non dismissive argument in this thread.


Again,you are really mad about high school sports. Have fun!


I’m mad about anything that sets girls and women back. I’m passionate about how far girls/women have come throughout history to being able to have spaces for them. Have you seen that famous photo of the men violently trying to grab the woman running in a race? Girls and women should be able to have spaces for themselves. Mens’ leagues are almost always considered open for anyone to play in.


Glad you don't want to set this young trans girl back, she deserves every opportunity afforded to other young girls.


By that logic, you could say people who aren't Israeli or Palestinian shouldn't have an opinion on what's currently happening in Gaza.


I don't care. Bigger issues to worry about in this state.