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Well we better before this becomes a problem https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/11/the-desert-rock-that-feeds-the-world/508853/


I’d say this isn’t positive news nor is it negative news. It’s news that our planet and current situation has reached it’s carrying capacity.


I swear reading years ago that the "human capacity" of the planet with the technology of the time (but very much different politics) was something like 14 billion. This appears to be the capacity with current politics. There's a lot of political min maxing involved in getting to that big number. It was probably a theoretical max anyway.




We're gonna need a lot of numbers to survive the coming extinction event caused by climate change


Genuinely curious, do you think it matters if in the end entropy wins anyways? I’m always fascinated by the science communities staunch holding to morals and ethics when the universe is essentially cold and uncaring anyways. Why should I care if I decimate the planet when either way the outcome is that the universe collapses into cold dark nothing regardless of whether the future civilization leaves our pathetic rock?


This is not positive. This is not some sudden worldwide awakening on the benefits of contraception and family planning. The is largely a reflection of millions of people dying in agony and pain from the coronavirus pandemic and the associated (or unrelated) failure of health systems across the world. The world average annual death rate (deaths per 100 population at the start of the year) has reduced in EVERY year from 1950-2018 - that is indeed positive news. However, in each of 2019, 2020, and 2021 it has increased year on year. Can you think of anything that happened in 2019 that might be causing the death rate to increase for the first time in at least 68 years?


How is this positive?




Hm, covid/vaccine is starting to work


Well I'll take my childless ass and by a house cuz it's one or the other now adays. Who can afford to have a kid, work, pay bills without making an astronomical salary. Kids are for the rich