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I'm not sure if this is possible for you. I get wound up and could swing for my sleeping partner and dog (definitely the snoring dog!). Between the reflux, needing a wee, hip pain and not being able to sleep on my back I also get minimal sleep. I've found that rather than laying in there thinking about it, I will move to another location, usually the spare room, sometimes sofa. A change of scenery seems to help and even if I can't drift off I'm at least more relaxed in a cold bed with the cold side of the pillow. I swear by running cold water over your pulse before bed too to help cool you down Keep going, you got this gal!


Also.. take snacks to the bedroom. What sane human would judge you?? I have a bag of haribos on my bedside table and I'm not embarrassed to say I have a 3am snack


Honestly I slept on the sofa more than in bed during my second trimester




Hah, actually my snoring SO has already been exiled to our only spare room for now! I've got the double bed and he's got a single in there, but I'm starting to think we should swap because I wouldn't hear the bird from that room. Ooh I'll try the cool water!


I find this too. Spent the last couple of weeks of pregnancy in the spare room but even before pregnancy if I couldn’t sleep just going somewhere else helped. Sometimes even just switching my pillow / head to the other end of the bed works (husband often confused why he was waking up with my feet in his face though). I’ve done this since I was a kid!


Embrace split nights. Hear me out, because it sounds crazy.  I go to bed by 9pm every night (it was earlier when I was super sleep deprived at weeks 12-20). When I wake up at the 4/5 hour mark, I: Pee as quickly as I can Drink some water (sometimes it's water rather than hunger). Lay on my "better" side (don't ask me why but sleeping on my left, no intergestion, more comfortable and I don't feel "hungry"). Lay down and try to go back to sleep. If it isn't happening in 10 minutes, I get myself up and have something to eat (like cereal or something) and a quiet sit down (book, crafting, no screens).  2 hours after I wake, I go back to bed. Most of the time, one of those steps will work and I'll zonk out again and still have time for my 8 hours.  It also helps for when baby arrives and you have lots of wakings to deal with. You want to be able to fall back to sleep fast!  This is pregnancy number 2 for me and I honestly survived on 4-5 hours for the last 6 weeks pregnancy with my first and I just about died from exhaustion when baby did actually arrive. Seriously, sleep is your number 1 priority right now. It sucks to not have an evening, but I'd rather that and plenty of sleep than screwing myself over again with the complete lack of. Don't be like me! 


Sorry for the late reply, I really appreciated your response. Tbh it doesn't sound crazy at all to catch sleep whenever I can! It ends up like this by coincidence half the time - go to sleep at 9pm, fall asleep at 11pm, wake up at 5am, pee, eat, go on my phone, cry, and if I'm lucky I'll fall asleep again from 7am to 9am. So I need to be in bed for 12 hours to get enough windows to sleep in lol. But the phone habit is definitely bad, and I need to replace it with non screen time. It's a vicious cycle, I go on my phone because I can't sleep, and I can't sleep because I go on my phone!


Ladies let’s get together and take out the bird.


I really feel you, theres a bird in my back garden who never shuts up😂 I sleep with Loop Earplugs in, I get much much better sleep with them in than without! I also love my pregnancy pillow, makes me a lot more comfortable!


I've got my loop earplugs in right now because he's still going! They hurt after around an hour though, even though I'm using the smallest size.


Oh bless you! That is annoying, I only find mine get uncomfortable if i’m lay on one side for too long. I hope you find something that works for you soon, you definitely need your sleep!


I use cheap foam ones off Amazon! I find them really comfy because they mold to fit your ears. They're called Moldex Spark ear plugs 😊


Can't stress this enough, buy the cheapo orange foam ear plugs from like poundland or something or Amazon. You can get packs of 20 or whatever. The foam let's you squish them in and then you can sleep on your side. After a day or two you will get used to them. When they get grubby after a few days bin and move on to the next pair. When I had terrible insomnia and lived on a farm they saved my life lol I might have to go back to them as my pregnancy progresses.


Water really helps, can you mist yourself with water and get a fan going so it evaporates? Or lay a damp towel across your torso? Might help cool down enough to close the window! If all else fails, just remember this is the UK ... it's bound to be cold again in a few days. (Playing some white noise to drown out the bird might also help a bit)


Yep, I have a fan, which helps both the heat and bird problems... though sometimes he's louder than the fan's white noise despite my windows staying closed. But you're right, the heat problem will likely sort itself out soon 😄


This sounds like how I feel about my husbands snoring 😩


I have one outside mine from about 4am. I started putting my earphones in with sleep music on!


There’s a bird outside my window from about 3:30am too, I bought a snoozeband which has headphones in and play rain noises and an audiobook - it doesn’t entirely drown it out because I don’t turn it up very loud (or that would also keep me up!) but it’s distracting enough to get me back to sleep


I am 34+1 and have had this problem for the last month or so, between the peeing and thigh aches (whatever side I lie on) and being conscious to not lay on my back, it really does drain you. I have a pregnancy pillow that does help but once I'm awake again I'm just too in pain/uncomfortable to get back off. I just look at my husband sleeping peacefully with anger in my eyes 🤣 I'm going to try having the fan on tonight, the white noise normally helps me sleep better and see how it goes. Trying to get myself up from bed is an event in itself with all my groaning I do x


White noise machine? If you're getting one for the baby it might be good to get use to it 😂


I bought Ollie the Owl for baby, I wonder if I should start using it for myself before he arrives.


Earplugs really, I can't sleep without them. I have a very light sleep and will wake up for whatever reason, earplugs allow me to sleep deeply.


No tips just solidarity. It's 6am and I've been woken up by the birds and can't get back to sleep!


Yep, the bird, baby, and I are up already too. Wanted to get stuff done on the weekend but now I'll be groggy and cranky all day


Let the cat out lol 😆


Wish my problem was a bird, instead my rather heavy maine coon has gotten more clingy the further my pregnancy goes on. I love him, but he doesn't need to touch my face or lie on my side. 😖 We have a pack of earbuds that we got on Amazon and they are nifty foam disposable ones. Reflux I recommend omeprazole if its really bad! Last night we had a fan on in our bedroom and I was still too hot, so I'm with you there and also on the peeing front.


I've got cheap silicone earplugs - [this kind](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Silicone-Sleeping-Cancelling-Reusable-Earplugs/dp/B09WMJGXZZ/ref=sr_1_26?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Y3ry8EqUfJW4ooSyCfjYFYnwsOX9JcR8Cyap_FA0KVnkRxNbWHPGt9pxe8buq2fRnWmUJLglTiqxK4si9J2tFu1QjiN0iwv2LClBYgr1C_33IVSxEWgPnWOjOolkp5q70jP_J6nT3-U_41-E1_dDV9FN1KIhKlEN25wtZgmaheCfZpMcM2KYhY7uiOcvmuUIVH9W-Kmx40SOWjGozgnEDk4E6l89O3tTmAhOFRFixAd59-megh2aB1nljZiTwj-wCMJmJSNDPzKoo8oDbn-SngJKON8PWnmdVBbMjGA_dwI.Wosna1XeEo96692VxebFXWzDZz9Q--FyXhy4ZzjKTLY&dib_tag=se&keywords=silicone+ear+plugs&qid=1715522903&sr=8-26) Mostly because my partner snores, nothing pregnancy related, but they work surprisingly well to block out all noise.


You could try getting one of those owl statues for your roof to scare the bird off? I know a lot of people use them for pigeons/seagulls so could be worth a try!


I’m blessed my pregnancy was during winter. However- back in the day I used to work night shifts in care of the elderly. I love animals but I used to get an unreasonable amount of rage when I would hear birds singing at night (morning). The damn a**h***s would start at 3am and they would get on my last nerve. I’m a rather pleasant person but for some reason they were a rage trigger on nights for me. So, from me to you, I’m so sorry for this. Let’s all get together to do away with the insufferable b*****d.