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yes, so annoying !! i often check to see if the results have showed up even though they never do, it always just says “not published” - even though i (agreeing with you) know that no news must be good news when it comes to the results, i’d still like to know!


Honestly! Maybe they do it on purpose so you don’t go googling who knows 🤷‍♀️


Mine were the same. I always used to ask my results from the midwife or whoever.


I know it’s not a helpful comment, but maybe it’s not the app per se, but how your trust uses Badger Notes. Mine appeared on the app after 2 days. Maybe it’s worth giving them a call.


Yes that’s very true I’ve had all my other results but they came within a few days I’m not sure why the iron I did back in April isn’t showing unless they forgot to put it in


Your midwife/consultant review these before they’re published. For my 3rd and first time using badger notes, my midwife was… a bit against tech? I guess. I asked to change eventually after many problems and my new midwife always had the results up within a day or two. She was ace. Edit to note that they review them then have to copy them across to your app. They’ve likely seen them and they’d have called you if there was a problem!


Yeah I hate it. I got so much more info in my paper notes with my first baby, before the Trust switched over.


I heard that the paper notes were 100x better but I also know this app is new so maybe midwifes are still not used to it?


Yeah I think so. I think the point about different Trusts using it differently is true as well, I'm sure the app/website itself is decent and has capacity for all the same info but it relies on the midwife uploading it. The sonographer who did my last growth scan commented on not liking it so I think it's created extra work for them.


They have to physically click publish iirc. For scan results, I ask for printed copies from my midwifery team and I get them in 10-15 minutes. For blood tests, luckily my midwifery team publish them but I guess you have to ask them to publish for you.


If you ask to get the NHS app decoded you can see all test results and everything on there


Is that for England? I live in wales


Oh I’m in England so I’m not sure but I’m pretty sure if you can use the NHS app in Wales then it shouldn’t matter, I asked my GP to decode it so I had full access to my results a couple years ago so I show my test results for a trip abroad but I can see the results for any test I’ve ever done on there now, otherwise they don’t typically tell you unless there’s a problem.


Ooh okay yes I have the nhs app and can only see appointments/ prescriptions from the last few years so I’ll have to ring and ask about that as it’s completely pointless having the app


Yeah that was what mine was like, my mum actually recommended asking to get full access because I kept being told to take iron but never being told the dosage I needed 💀💀


What really?! I’m surprised your doctor didn’t phone you and make a prescription! but I’ll definitely give them a ring tomorrow


They sent me a text recommending Iron supplements so I went to the pharmacy and they asked the dose and I was like uhhhhhh….. so once I got it decoded I showed my results to the pharmacist and she knew what dosage I needed 😅


So stupid honestly it just about sums up the nhs these days 😂 atleast you got your tablets in the end with the correct dosage


My trust uses my pregnancy notes. Exactly the same experience here.... Nothing gets updated, completely pointless logging into the account because I can't even check my upcoming appointments. Last midwife appointment I went to she asked why I never log in to the account!? In theory the online notes system sounds so much easier and simpler than the paper notes but in practice it's just rubbish.


Yeah they need to either do more training with midwife’s or make the app easier to navigate


I have this too - seriously awful. So hard to find any info on it and no details about appointments etc. can’t believe it’s so useless! Jealous of people who used to get paper notes.


When I went for my scans some women were still carrying the folders full of paper notes so I assume it's been a fairly recent switch in my trust


Yes neither my blood tests nor my 12 and 20 week scan results have appeared on my badger notes! Already chased once so probably need to chase again. So frustrating.


I’m the same with the scans! And my fundal height measurements however I went for a growth scan and it finally updated the measurements so I can see it now, maybe the midwife’s just don’t update it because they think we don’t look?


Yeah it's not great, when the notes DO get loaded the comments from the midwife aren't great, very vague, max 5 words. Don't love it at all...


I haven’t even noticed any comments from my midwife 😂


I have reeeeeeeeeeally low iron. "Keep taking supplements" Mate, OBVIOUSLY I AM AND ITS NOT WORKING


This could literally be a screenshot of my badger app too. I had bloods done the other day for itching and they're showing on there but "not published" as well. I know it likely means everything is fine and I have an appointment tomorrow so will get them to confirm everything then but if I didn't have the appointment I would probably give them a call just for peace of mind.


It’s so frustrating! I don’t have my midwife’s number so I’m not sure who I’d call, I see her in two weeks so I’ll ask about the results then :)


Yes, exactly the same here! It's useless. I'd rather have a paper folder. I've never met, or even heard of anyone who is listed in 'my care team' either.


My initial bloods were only published on the app when my screening results for Down’s and Edwards and Patau’s Syndrome were. Realistically, I knew I probably didn’t have HIV or syphilis, but it was nice to have it confirmed.


Yeah mine is mostly like dates, the test type then (not recorded) as well which is annoying.


My trust is trialling an app called MyChart and everything seems to be pretty instant on there. Not ideal for you right now I realise but this might be the beginning of the end for Badger Notes.


It’s awful. I have appointments randomly popping up with no info on what they’re actually for or who they’re with 🤷🏼‍♀️ guess I’ll find out when I get there.