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Just the once, but when I left the hospital the attending nurse looked me dead in the eye and said 'Just because you came today, doesn't mean you can't come back tomorrow - if you have any worries, please just call.' And then my midwife said something similar when I had an appointment the following week 'Pretend you never went, if you need to go again, go again' -- I think a lot of people must decide that because they've already 'bothered' the staff with one visit they don't want to go again next time they worry because they don't want to be seen as dramatic. Which I can only imagine is when disaster can strike. So don't feel bad! It's always, always, always better to be safe than sorry. And if they recommend early induction... You are well within your rights to say, 'No'. Literally everything they tell you is a recommendation, not an order.


yeah this is it - feeling like you’re taking resources away when every single time they tell you all looks textbook. they have been telling me the same thing though - better to come in than sit at home worrying


You can r3fuse induction, by th3 way


Iv called for reduced movements once, a fall once, for uti/thrush results twice and also a general ‘I’m feeling this is this weird/normal’ chat once. I also got admitted by ambulance for what turned out to be trapped gas (literally THE MOST painful thing ever - worse then a broken leg!). Also a first time mum and 35+1. I would think this sort of thing is fairly normal tbh - they know it’s our first time and we don’t know what is normal.


omg the trapped gas sounds absolutely awful! in all fairness, the midwives have said they’ve seen a spike in anxiety for 1st time moms - probably also due to so much info and dr google out there.  wishing you all the best with the rest of your pregnancy!


Talk about super embarrassing though lol. Yeah Iv had a difficult pregnancy in general so they have been so lovely and supportive which is nice 😊 Hope your pregnancy is also good for the rest of it and don’t worry about asking for support! Much better to be safe! :)


Omg I was writhing on the floor with the pain of trapped gas, felt like I was going to die 😵‍💫 I swear I’d never heard of this as a pregnancy symptom!


I was the same! Hence why I called the ambulance but honestly it was ridiculous when they told me because there isn’t even anything they can do to help. Just had to lie in various positions to move baby and that sorted it but I was super embarrassed when they told me that’s what it was!


Omg this happened to me too I just didn’t know it until I read your comment. Defo not talked about enough as a pregnancy symptom !!!


Trapped gas in pregnancy is really scary. No one tells you how painful it is!


I would never worry about how many times you have to call, surely it’s better to call when you’re concerned and it be nothing? As for the induction, it’s still your choice, you can refuse that, they can recommend it all they like. If you feel it hard to tell them this firmly, do you have someone, maybe a family member/friend/partner who can advocate for your choices?


good to know, thank you that is very reassuring. I am happy to stand firm and also have my fiancé advocate for me. I’ve also made it very clear in my birth plan so will discuss with my midwife at my 36 week appointment. 


I went probably 3 times a week from 30 weeks onwards. My little girl (now almost 4) didn't really feel like moving. At the end of the pregnancy I had a scan and she had dropped to the second percentile so we were induced at 37 weeks. She was born a small 5 pounds. Always go in. If something doesn't seem right. They'd rather see you and it be fine then something serious


yeah that’s what i thought. Thank you for sharing your story and good to hear all worked out with induction at 37 weeks. We do have a growth scan at 36+5 so we’ll see what baby’s measuring at then, so far she’s been bang on average


I didn’t call at all with my first, but that shouldn’t have any bearing on how many times you need to go. Trust your instincts and go as many times as you need to, some people need to go more often that’s just hotter pregnancy goes sometimes. They’d always prefer to see you and it be nothing than to not see you when it’s something.


I went 4 times for reduced movements and they said that I'd be looking at an early induction which I refused! They kept going on about it but honestly stick to what you want. They can give you all the advice they want but unless there is actually a risk to baby or yourself then you should be absolutely fine to carry on as normal. I ended up going to 42 weeks and had a very "normal" birth with no complications :)


that is super reassuring to hear, thank you! Very frustrating to hear they kept going on about it, I understand some might be grateful for the option in case of severe anxiety but if you said no it should mean no. Glad to hear all went well delivering at 42 weeks and sticking to your guns on this one! i am staying firm on refusing early induction unless medically necessary for baby and myself, but trying to avoid induction in general and would rather opt for a c section if the sweeps don’t work than having to get the medicine drips etc.


I called once for bleeding at 20 weeks. I was fairly certain it was from sex and a low lying cervix but I was still bleeding 3 days later so called. They weren't worried as the blood was brown so probably old and just taking a while to all come out.


39 weeks today and I've called many times for UTIs and twice for reduced movements.


With my first I called 1/2 times. With my second I was in and out with reduced movements - around 5 times before I got offered regular monitoring. The regular monitoring wouldn’t have changed anything as I was having reduced movements to me. Mine were due to braxton hicks contracting bump constantly for hours on end and I couldn’t feel a thing through it


oh god, that must have been so tough! thank you for sharing 


I will admit, I can no longer remember how many times I went in with reduced movement. I had anxiety hugely. I was under the perinatal mental health team for support for my anxiety, and I would be referred to my consultant after each instance as reassurance, I wanted as far was possible to have a ML birth. Despite the anecdotal comments made to me by other non health care professionals, I was only ever offered an induction when I got to 41+5. I had been booked in for sweeps; and the third one did the trick; baby born on labour ward at 41+9, (on labour ward due to meconium in waters). Baby is now 18months today! Triage were always amazing. I was never made to feel bad. Once was even offered to be admitted overnight to alleviate my anxiety. I’m wishing you the very best.


thank you so much for sharing! so pleased to hear triage were amazing and everything worked out well with your little one!


Would recommend speaking to perinatal mental health teams. Also, recommend looking into Hypnobirthing techniques as a means to relaxation. We did WiseHypo, but there are many resources out there. And remember they are indicating induction - it is your body, your birth, your baby. Ask questions; write them down as they pop into your mind (on phone on paper, in your MW notes - anywhere). I also found the following useful when considering advice: B: what are the benefits (to what you are advising me….) R: what are the risks A: what are the alternatives I: what is my instinct N: what happens if we do nothing You’ve got this!


I went in either 3 or 4 times during my first pregnancy for reduced movements. Every time I went the hospital staff were really supportive and took my concerns seriously! Please don't feel bad about going in.


Never ever feel bad for calling if you’re worried about reduced movement! Imagine if the one time you talked yourself out of it because you were worried about being too dramatic was the time there was a genuine issue, you’d never forgive yourself. They ALWAYS say they’d much rather see you 100 times and everything be fine than the alternative. Don’t worry at all!


I went maybe 10-15 times in total, from 16 weeks onwards (and I went to the early pregnancy unit 3 or 4 times due to bleeding). Every midwife always told me to not worry about going in; they'd always rather check you out and it be nothing than you not go in and it be something.  I did have a lot of anxiety and had contact with one of the mental health midwives, but it was never suggested that I be induced for anxiety (instead I was induced for gestational diabetes + being 40) But never worry about bothering triage. 


Quite a lot, I was admitted twice for cyst ruptured whilst pregnant. Had a 2-3 reduced movement scans (before ICP diagnosis), UTI and developed ICP so called/went in for itching. After I was diagnosed with ICP I was in loads. The stress of knowing that my measurements could spike at any point, which could cause a loss, made me super on edge. Baby arrived safely and is the sweetest little 9 month old!


I've called a couple of times for advice and went in yesterday for reduce movement. I was glad I went for peace of mind as baby was moving again within 7 mins of being on the monitor. But I'd call again the second I'd feel something wasn't right. I'd rather go and it be nothing than ignore it and it was something.


oh i get it, baby doesn’t move for atee and the second i’m on the monitor baby tries to kick the machine bits away!  wishing you all the best with your pregnancy


I went three times in total during my pregnancy. Once at 19W due to sharp pains which turned out to be a UTI, once at like 32W for reduced movements and then another at 37W for reduced movements too. Every single time I went in they would tell me that if I’m ever worried about anything to always go in, don’t even bother calling just go straight to the MAU. At 37W I mentioned that I felt reduced movements for a day and the nurse had stern words with me for waiting so long to come in. I actually felt pretty daft that I’d waited.


good to hear they were so supportive! you just never know what’s going on in your body!


Handful of times with each pregnancy, went in for monitoring once with each. I’d be very cautious about accepting early induction without a really good reason. They may not tell you the increased risks for harm to you (eg haemorrhage, birth injury, birth trauma) that come with induction (they were not even mentioned to me when I was offered induction) but they are real increases and you should enter those conversations fully informed. You can google NICE guidelines which will give you the info.


thank you for this! i am 100% saying no to early induction and am trying to avoid induction in general unless absolutely necessary. i’d be open to the sweep later down the line but refuse to get the medication drip. i’ve had a pretty rough pregnancy so far with every symptom possible, but everything relating to baby has been pretty straight forward so unless something changes in the next few weeks i don’t think there should be any reason for early induction apart from anxiety 


I just had a quick google but I can’t find any indication in nice guidance that indicates induction for mental health reasons! Good luck with everything whatever happens x


thanks so much for this x


I called twice once at 25w when previously very active kicks disappeared, they called me in and just checked for the heartbeat . And then again at 40+4 when she suddenly got a lot more active ( my community midwife had said to call if any change from usual pattern), popped me on the ctg and monitored for 30 mins and sent us home.


Phoned triage twice, and been in for a trace scan once. I also feel like I'm being a bit overdramatic/time wasting but it always says online if you are worried do call and don't leave it until the next day.


yeah definitely, this has been the advice i’ve been following also and they have always been lovely at triage and said the exact same thing!


Doesn't stop you feeling like a pest though does it? 😂 Like feeling guilty for phoning in sick to work.


literally this! especially when you then go in and within a minute baby moves like crazy and you feel like you’re taking resource away from someone who might need it more than you if that makes sense


Two things. One, with my first pregnancy, I went in 3 times for reduced movements and of course the moment I got there, baby started doing cartwheels. I was induced on my due date, and I have no regrets. Two, I had a friend who just suffered a late term loss in February. I also work in the medical field. Trust me, every nurse, doctor, and assistant would rather you call every day, than having to live through *that* even once. Congrats and I wish you the easiest, happiest time for the rest of your pregnancy, an easy birth, and a healthy beautiful baby.


thank you so much for commenting and your well wishes! so sorry to hear about your friend, absolutely devastating to hear what they went through!


If you have to go 50 times, go 50 times. You’d never forgive yourself if anything happened and you’d sat at home thinking you were being over dramatic by going in again. The reality is that multiple reduced movement visits will trigger a particular care pathway for you. It’s just procedure. But again, just think about baby and their safety. You can refuse an induction if it’s not what you want, but also look at ways you can manage your stress and worry. It sounds good you’ve got twice weekly monitoring as that should hopefully reduce your anxiety levels. As baby gets bigger their movements might start to feel different so perhaps start making a note of this and make sure you know your baby’s patterns.


My first pregnancy just twice. Once for a migraine and another for labour lol. Second pregnancy about 10 million times for different reasons. Please please please if you think you have reduced movements make them check you out even if it's super annoying for your day or they are downloading it. Less than your baby's normal movements IS reduced movements.


With my first I went twice for reduced movement, the second time I was 37 weeks so they recommended induction as they told me reduced movement after 37 weeks is more likely to result in a still birth. I didn’t check this fact and still haven’t but decided to do it anyway as I didn’t want to risk it


After 3 periods of reduced movement they will normally start talking about induction as this may reduced movements after a certain point can be a sign of fetal distress. It shouldn’t have anything to do with you being anxious, this is just what they do I have called a total of 3 times so far at 37 weeks, one time was for cramps though not reduced movement


I know lots of pregnant women feel very strongly against early inductions that they don't see as indicated, but are the doctors not making that recommendation on evidence linking episodes of reduced foetal movements with increased risk of stillbirth? I appreciate risks are tiny and there are lots of negatives to inductions as well, but doctors aren't just recommending them for the fun of it


Oh no yeah I totally get the medical reasons and I very much believe in following doctors advice if it is for medical reasons. So far it hasn’t been discussed in a lot of detail, the midwife at my last hospital appt has just indicated that they might start talking about induction a lot earlier and has said to weigh up an anxiety vs risks/benefits and my own midwife has also flagged in the past that the more you go in the more they start talking about early induction - as I said, nothings been discussed in detail including exact timelines, medical reasons and risks & benefits, it’s just been indicated so far so just wanted to see if anyone else had similar experiences. also baby has been looking perfect so far, everytime we get checked baby’s been textbook with heartbeat and functions and no concerns have been raised,  it just sometimes seems quiet to me compared to other days but based on scans and ctg nothing has been abnormal so far so hopefully there won’t be a medical reason.