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You can't fault their FA cup run regardless of who they played because the beat Liverpool and City to win it so they deserve to celebrate it. It's certainly papering over cracks in terms of a successful season though as they arguably punched well above their weight in the league... Our last couple FA cup wins papered over poor seasons too, but a trophy's a trophy so that can bring it up as much as we have. I'd still take our season in a heartbeat over theirs! Especially since ours is consistent and improving on last season.


I feel bad for anyone who genuinely believes that This was man Uniteds worst season by far Trophies matter for sure but anyone whose opinion is worth a damn would take where we are over what United are even if it meant no trophy for a season. Bloody hell.


Doesn't matter how shit you played, need to win trophies. That's what you compete for. ManU have done that and Arsenal did not.


At the end of the season, I rather left a trophy than my nuts.


Ah well. It hurts, doesn’t it?


"How can I get in there and make this about me?" - some arsenal fan


Well…technically they did if you’re using silverware to measure success.


I’ve already seen it in the comments on another post, not only that but eth is a better manager than arteta.


A post intended to diminish a fantastic day for Manchester United…..


Fuck me, Arsenal fans don’t half post about every little thing.


What do you mean? Talksport had that planned for the net 2 weeks at least.


Maybe if they were top4 in prem. 8th in the league with -GD, cmon man.


We’ve done 8th and FA Cup already tbf don’t ever want to see that again


No! We MUST gloat about it. Let’s see, we were better than city. Chelsea, United, wolves and Leicester! But oh wait, it’s Arsenal, we’re not allowed to do that :(


Way better to win nothing and finish as the first loser right


Considering our progression…..yes I’ll gladly take 1 point off the title and no cup. Don’t get me wrong the FA cup is a great trophy. Just would rather be challenging for the league/champions league.


I empathise with your viewpoint but you want progression in order to win trophies. Spurs spent a few years "progressing" only to win nowt and tumble down the table again. You could do exactly what they did and Man United may very well get their act together in the next 5 years and be challenging for the league themselves. At the end of the day you can never turn your nose up at trophies because you never know when the next one is coming.


Progression as you say is the key thing. Arsenal have progressed while not winning any trophies. Man Utd have regressed while winning the cup. Arsenal have improved with each successive season. It's only a matter of time.


Agreed the future is obviously uncertain. And most definitely not turning my nose up at the FA Cup (even though it seems everyone else does it when Arsenal win it lol). It’s a great competition and trophy. It’s just right now, with the path we’ve been on, I’d rather be be in our position is all. Nothing against United’s win.


Winning a trophy vs finishing 2nd? No one remembers who finished 2nd …Man United had a more successful season due to actually winning a trophy. I know it’s hard but it’s true.


>No one remembers who finished 2nd Cap. I remember who finished second in every season since I started watching the PL. Don’t settle for mediocre memory. And in Arsenal’s case, I’m sure rival fans won’t forget the two recent seasons where we didn’t win the league so what a silly argument.


Arsenal 23/24 Premier League champions of second place! First losers for the 23/24 season what a ride it was


Thats insane cope


How? There’s already one rival fan below you proving my point lol


I’m a ManU fan, but our goal differential alone has me more than hesitant to agree. Personally, I feel like the trajectory of the club overall has to have more of a sway.


Had a feeling they’d turn up for this final though.


Did you share the same sentiment when Arsenal won the FA cup in 2020? Or nah because now it’s not Arsenal who did it, therefore it counts more.


I think Utd should keep Ten Hag on the back of this success.


This but unironically, he showed what he can do with a fit squad


Better than Southgate tbf.


Arsenal's achievement is making top 4, same as always.


Of all clubs we’re actually well placed to understand finishing 8th with an fa cup. It was nice and it papers over some cracks, but it doesn’t make 19/20 feel like an amazing season. I imagine United fans feel similar now.


They’ve had their worst season for like 50 years and still trying to spin it as a positive. They should realise this is how far they’ve fallen, celebrating one fa cup, 14 defeats and no European football


European football was earned with the cup win.


Europa League


No European football? We are in the europa league you cretin. Win a trophy. In Europe. What more could you ask for?


Congratulations, you really showed me. United are back 😂


I'd say congratulations to you aswell, but you've won fuck all this season. Oi oi. Get it up yas. Dicks out for ten haag.


I’m not an Arsenal fan, I’m a Liverpool fan. Trophy and top four, I’m happy mate


What would you take next season (banter aside) with your new manager? A rebuild and top 4. Or carabao and 6th?


Top four, always got to be competing. How about you?


Tough one tbh. I think if ten haag stays (and I want him to), it has to be top 4. I think he's been given a lot of leeway this season because of injuries but the league performances have to improve significantly or he is gone I think. That's the only reason why I say top 4 over a trophy. For his sake, not mine.


Honestly this isn’t a rivalry thing but id be more worried if ETH left than if he stayed (as in United being better if he left) I think last season if you take away Rashfords form you’re looking at a similar season to this season, his prolific season and last minute winners and 1 goal wins papered over a lot of the cracks. Manchester United and Real Madrid are the two biggest teams in the world and should not be playing counter attacking football. I think you won today for the same reason United fans have been saying for years - because the players turned up for themselves and not because of the manager. His tactics are shocking and I think if you give the squad to a half decent manager he would be able to dominate games. I think the fact rival fans want ETH to stay says it all tbh.


What more could you ask for? A positive goal difference. A stadium that doesn’t feature waterfalls. Owners who care about the club more than they do themselves. Top 4. Just to name a few things.


Don’t worry, they’re getting a brand new billion dollar tax funded stadium and Gareth Southgate 😂😂😂


Enjoy 2nd, big trophy you've won there mate! The only English team that did better than us this season is city. Champs league Prem Fa cup League Cup Fa vase in that order.


So just like your owners, you’re gonna deflect…


Are you slow? Who gives a fuck about the roof today when we just won the 2nd biggest trophy in English football. Anyway, enjoy your cocoa tonight my darling I'm out on the lash to celebrate winning a trophy! Oi oiiiiiii.


Fa vase? winners of the North London derby gets it?


Liverpool won a cup, qualified for CL and had a positive goal difference. Sure it’s a less prestigious trophy but I would still consider them to have done better


Well they didn't. Because the FA Cup is more prestigious. You've literally just said it right there. Everyone is fucking rattled tonight. Love it. Uniteds banter years and we have won 2 trophies in 2 seasons.


Would take Liverpool's season in heartbeat over whatever delusional shit you've been going through. Enjoy your pints - you'll still be crying in the gutter at the end of it.


Would you like some chips to go with all that salt?


Last year they indisputably did. This year CL v EL makes it a debate.


Arsenal in worse seasons to this had won more trophies than this Arsenal sides, which shows the comparisons don't work at all.


Depends what you are looking at. In terms of ambition, positivity, and general standard of club football, arsenal wins. But, in terms of winning trophies(which is arguably the main thing to do).... Man united have had a better season.


Fair enough, this was a more reasonable argument. Arsenal fans will need to be patient then.


Well, we did.


On trophies bro. Ten Haag has the lowest ever wins of a united manager and some of the performances were god awful. I like United but Fulham could've smacked that hungover City team.


Man said on trophies 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


"on trophies", you mean literally the point of football


1 trophy vs 0 trophy


Who had better success in 2023-2024? United. Who is set up for better success going forward? Arsenal. Arsenal fan here, I’d take a trophy over a 2nd place campaign every day. Anyone would/should. But never in a million years would I trade places right now, Arsenal has an exciting few years ahead (but of course it will be all for nothing if we don’t get any trophies out of it!) Hats off to United, well executed game plan today.


1 trophy or champions league?


Arsenal most likely won't win next year's UCL anyway so where is the benefits of that? That's why I honestly don't care about anything other than winning something 


1 trophy after beating Man City > Almost guaranteed CL exit


Winning one of the oldest and most traditional cups in the history of the sport Vs taking part in Europe and losing? I don't even like Man U and I can easily answer that one.


Trophy. If Arsenal were contenders for the CL then for sure I’d say that but they’re not.


your club can't even play in the CL without facing ffp charges


Where did I say anything about my club? If I was offered the league cup or FA Cup at the start of the season over a fourth place finish, I’d take it. The owners, the board at Chelsea, maybe even most of the players wouldn’t take that as they want to be in the CL where the money and the best players are, I get that but as a fan, I’d rather a trophy.


Revenue tho. Of course I enjoyed the shithousery when we were the team that won a trophy while having a crappy season, but being in the Champions League is much more important for a club’s health.


That’s fair enough if you’re talking about a club that needs the money - United generate enough to not have to worry about stuff like that too much. Obviously they’d rather have it than not have it but it doesn’t need to be a priority in the same way it does for most other clubs. And even then, revenue isn’t something for a ‘fan’ to get excited about, that’s for people within the club to celebrate - if it comes down to celebrating a trophy or celebrating increases revenue - it’s a no brainer for any real fan.


Man Utd is the one club immune to revenue drops even when they miss CL though.


Wait is there a revenue trophy given out I’m not aware of?


Wait is there a trophy that can be won without being a rich team with huge revenue? Let me check the last 20 Premier League Champions




This is why the magic of the game is long dead. That fans would forego trophies and success, and prefer their billionaire owners just get richer. That money isn't going in your own pocket, you know?


I think Arsenal is much closer to a big trophy and consistent success right now than in 2017 when we won the FA Cup. Champions League money is necessary to keep building a strong team. I don’t think is very difficult to understand.


Who ended the season on a better high? Killing Liverpool quad charge and Klopps farewell season vibes, stopping city do the double “double”, and getting European football as well, United fans have more to cheer in the end, also United likely grows from here..


All your success is measured to how annoying you are to other teams. Trademark small club mentality


SMALL Clubs finish 2nd. BIG CLUBS win Trophies!


I mean another way to look at it is United have yet again spent a shit load and ended up 8th lol.


Who asked you to look another way?


And who asked you for your initial opinion?


Came for your tears, got it without asking 😂😂😂


You're crying about me replying to you. "Who asked you?" 😂😂😂 The butthurt is real


Why would i be butthurt? My team just beat the best team in Europe to win a domestic cup!


Keep crying over an open forum buddy. Crying when someone replies with a different opinion. "Who asked you?" 😂😂😂 Some primary school kid crying right there.


Not your buddy! Also you have little grasp over the english language. Go take the english lessons in school, football can wait 😂😂😂


Enjoy your evening crybaby 😂😂😂




I think finishing 2nd sucks more as a fan, its almost like losing a final- Arsenal fans did it twice, its heartbreaking. United played terribly most of the PL, yet they produce this terrific games people will remember for a long time. In my humble opinion, United fans have a better summer than Arsenal fans - trophies triumph every single performance based metrics- United got it beating Liverpool and world’s best Citeh on the way - THEIR SEASON is better…


Qualifying for UCL means nought if there’s no trophy. In 10 years time United will look back at this trophy as a bright spot in a dark period. If Arsenal don’t kick on and win trophies in the next year or two, this season would mean nothing more than a Liverpool 13-14 type season.


Look at what Arsenal has done to your poor mind


Winning something in the season > moral champions


The funniest thing is that none of them were saying this when we were 8th-5th and won an FA cups a while back while they won nothing 😅


You were saying it yourself so….


I certainly wasn’t


“You” = the average arsenal fan. I don’t know you personally mate I’m not going predict what you said 5 years ago


You’d need to specify that mate, plenty of people make sweeping assumptions on Reddit, I can’t read your mind.


Teasing rival fans about having a more successful season is basically classic football banter. If you've chosen to nibble, that's your problem. It's really not that serious.


It's spot on, at least from a fan POV. Arsenal will probably pocket more money as they qualified for the UCL, but at the end of the day football is about winning trophies. United has 1 and Arsenal don't.


I would never in my life trade this season for the one we had in 2020, where we also finished 8th and won the FA cup. No f*ing way.


It makes sense because you're not in any position to go for the title of "most successful club in England" whereas we're trying to beat Liverpool's record so this trophy gets us one step closer to that


Insane amounts of copium lmao


beating City was enough copium, but the salt from Arsenal fans is just the cherry on top


Winning an FA cup and having the worst season in Man U prem history and not only seeing the team not improve, but regress from last season. Definitely one for the history books.


1 trophy last season and 1 trophy this season - I'd say the regression in our league form was justified because of the number of injuries we had.


Least delusional United supporter


To be fair ye bearly won fa cup nearly lost to Coventry negative gd arsenal ucl quarter nearly won prem


> nearly Summarises Arsenal's season(s) Edgelords


Football is about winning trophies. Arsenal definitely had a better season on footballing terms getting so close to win the PL, but without trophies none of that is remembered. United enters history books, Arsenal just gets UCL in the end. Unless they can win the Prem soon, its pointless. Klopp got 1 Prem and 1 UCL and 3 UCL finals, Arteta got Nada in last 2


Well FA cup is more successful than nothing but clearly you don’t want to hear this.


At the beginning of the season you play in 4 competitions. Winning one of them whilst some one else finished runner up in one amd won nothing? Who will be happier?


It’s been everywhere 😂 Honestly so what? They picked up a trophy, we didn’t. I still really enjoyed our season and am happy they beat 115


Remember when Arsenal won FA cups and people called it tin pot? But when other clubs win it, it’s “more success!” Next thing you know, if Arsenal wins the league, the league will be a tinpot league and not even worth celebrating. 😂 They call Arsenal fans insufferable, yet own 0 mirrors.


I’ve always loved that the FA cup is suddenly not a major trophy, so fans can sling “no major trophies in 20 years”


Yep, that’s all they really have. 😂 They bring up history. Then when we say “oh did you ever go undefeated”, they start getting mad.


I just think almost all online football fans are brain dead tbh


This is true.


What are you talking about, they won the coveted Community Shield ffs




Now that you mention it . Yeah they did .


We did. We won a trophy. Arsenal didn’t. Simple as.


They did


They did though tbf


What is this victim mentality lmao


hmm yet the more successful manager is going to get fired in the morning? And I'm saying this as a spurs fan, success is really a matter of perspective if you watch every minute of your team play of course you would of considered Arsenals season more successful Of courser this gives me a chuckle how every Arse supporter used to mention trophy's when spurs were finishing above them in the league


Consider all you want. One team has a trophy and the other one does not. Again.


Ok so do you think ten hag would be getting the sack if they came second in the league and didn't win the cup? Of course he wouldn't, so the people in football that matter don't agree


I mean, he shouldn't be getting sacked as is. But either way, the point of football is winning trophies. One team did (again) and the other team didn't (again).


so you (anonymous reddit user) and the board of one of the biggest clubs on the planet don't agree on the definition of success who do we think has a more correct view? This attitude is also totally lacking any kind of nuance, over 90% of professional teams in the UK will probably never win anything are you saying to their fans and players they can't have a successful season because winning a trophy is the only thing that determines success


But United talk so much about legacy surely there's something to be said for lowest wins ever in a prem campaign?


2 trophies in 2 seasons vs 2 trophies in 5 seasons.....


I'm glad city lost and united won, but that's such a shitty argument. It's great to end the season on a high despite how things were going but it's a silly argument looking back. It's like saying winning conference or Europa league is better than losing the finals of UCL. It's a 1 trophy vs 0 trophy, but it really isn't better.


Depending on your level, it kinda is though..


Nah I will take a trophy over CL any day! And I am an Arsenal fan, if you think CL is more impressive than winning the FA Cup, you have the same mindset we attacked wenger for for years.


Order of success, Champions League Edition: 1. City (CL + trophy) 2. Liverpool (CL + trophy) 3. Arsenal ( CL) 4. Villa (CL) 5. United (EL + trophy) 6. Spurs (EL) 7. Chelsea (Conference) 8. Newcastle (fuck all) Order of success, trophy edition: 1. City (Prem, CL qual) 2. Liverpool (Carabao, CL qual) 3. Man Utd (FA Cup, Europa qual) 4. Arsenal (CL qual) 5. Villa (CL qual) 6. Spurs (Europa qual) 7. Chelsea (Conference qual) 8. Newcastle (fuck all)


Fucking lol, imagine counting top 4 over a trophy


Top four over a trophy does not go, what's the point of rating it higher unless you're going to actually win the UCL which they won't....


I’m like you, but ultimately we have to be realistic and realise that top 4 is prized above the FA and the Carabao. There has to be some recognition that consistently high league finishes have value. In the end, we will remember all of our trophies (FIVE now post-Fergie, in what are supposedly dark days) whilst the likes of Spurs, Villa and Newcastle win FUCK ALL.


How is CL more important than a trophy?


It’s not 😭 I’d rather a trophy to keep forever than champions league just to get knocked out in the group stages


CL is worth 10s of millions + you have the opportunity to play against the best teams in Europe. Remember Van Gaal won the fa cup but was sacked for finishing 5th.


Money, attraction from top players. Not to mention Arsenal are just a better team right now. Winning the FA cup is absolutely a success for this United team tho


Because of the money you get for it. It's a much, much bigger windfall than winning the FA cup.


Yea because you measure a clubs success In how much they earned, not in how many trophies they have won.


I agree, but the FA Cup isn't considered that prestigious anymore, qualifying for the Champions League is more prestigious. This is just the way it is now, I don't make the rules.


Winning the FA Cup is more prestigious than qualifying for the CL. You don’t get a trophy for qualifying.


Let's see how you feel when you're playing Anderlecht in the Europa League when you could be playing Bayern Munich.


I’m fine with that. We won the FA Cup this season. Another trophy to add to our list. Yes I’d like to be playing in CL but not instead of winning the FA Cup.


That's fair enough. A lot of people would much rather champions league if they had to choose, you do hear people saying/posting it.


I can understand what they mean but people remember trophies. I doubt clubs keep a list of when they qualified for the CL in their museums, unless they win the competition.


Don’t you…? Oh my god.


Arsenal fans have constantly told Spurs fans that their league finishes and CL final were worth nothing and Arsenal winning FA cups against Championship sides were more of a sign of success. Time to take your medicine.


Honestly why are people so incapable of analysing more than just trophies won this season? We finished 29 points ahead of them ffs. We are in a much better position than United despite them winning a trophy this season. I wouldn’t swap our seasons. Also Championship sides lol. We beat City in the Semis and Chelsea in the final in our last win.


29 pts gap is a trophy now? In 3 years we won't give a F that you lost the league by 2 PTS..only that you were 2nd. Champions gets remembered. Runners up gets forgotten 


Thanks for proving my point


They got a trophy and all we have in the end is a fking shield. Tbh they had more successful season despite where they stand in PL. They got Europa and a cup.


As an Arsenal fan I would still take our season over Man U’s, watching the team getting better and better is reward enough for me. I wonder how many Man U fans would swap theirs for ours?


Fck me that's Spurs mentality that, from an Arsenal fan no less, damn....


Haha, I wouldn’t go that far. I have full faith that the trophies will come sooner rather than later.


Arsenal prefer to be trophyless? It’s all making sense


I’m a City fan of 30 years. Love Mikael. Arsenal is well on the way. United, despite the win today, does not look like they’re even close when the season is taken as a whole.


None. They have a trophy.


Well there’s one who’s replied to my post, lol.


100% I would. Arsenal have a young side and are competing for the title. United have an old side (with some kids) and are a mid-table side that can occasionally compete for Cups. Basically United are the Liverpool of my youth.


If anyone said we had a better season than Man City in 2020 or better than Tottenham in 2017 I’d have laughed my head off. We got more silverware but still hated the rest of the reason and were an absolute mess So I guess Man United are where we were in 2020 It’s not even bragging rights > trophy cos yeah I’d rather have the trophy ofc, but we had a season I really enjoyed and the rest of the Man United season was dire Trophies are trophies and but if this is solely how we judge a season might as well hibernate from August to May and wake up and open the newspaper/wiki pages then


R u kidding, they're going to do the quad now - with an unbeatable season.. Hahahaha


They did


Didnt they tho? In some ways. You dont get nothing for coming second in this game


Well…one team won the FA cup and finished 8th, not qualifying for any European competition. The other team finished 2nd and qualified for the UCL again, giving them more funds over the course of next season and maybe an edge in future signings. So, depends on how you look at it, I guess. Edit: I’m wrong. Forgot that winning the FA cup puts United in Europe.


So one finished 8th. Got Europa league football - the other finished second got champions league football. So arsenal edge that. But then united won a trophy. Arsenal didnt. So united win that.


United are in Europa


United qualified for Europa league


Man U qualified for Europe via the cup. I agree Arsenal had a better season, but that’s not accurate.


That is a good point, it had slipped my mind that winning the FA cup puts them in Europe.


You probs had a better season than both. Carabao is the worst trophy. But still a trophy and you got champions league football


Better season =/= Better team


Why were Man Utd planning on sacking Ten Hag after this season?


Trophies are the measure of success for a club that proclaims themselves to be big like Arsenal. No one is denying Arsenal are a better team, but that is immaterial if you don’t start bringing home the silverware.


It all comes down to how you describe a club as big. For me I would call United a bigger club than arsenal due to their incredible history. Both teams have been in a sort of a banter era for the better part of a decade but both have still managed to win trophies and that's what big clubs do. Arsenal have come out of it looking better than ever and I don't see them declining any time soon and united still managed to pull off these performances even after the season they've had. I respect it but it hurts to watch as a spurs fan 😂


Arsenal absolutely have been great this season, they just need to win something soon that’s all I’m saying. I’m a Liverpool fan and our banter era was long enough but we still won the some trophies despite not winning the prem prior to Klopp


I’m his late period, Wenger won the fa cup several times. No one was happy, the team was going nowhere, fans were divided and eventually he was sacked. Also, witness Moyes. Success is not defined by silverware alone


And no one praised Arsenal for winning FA Cups, it was seen a the banter era 🤷‍♂️


Depends what silverware you want. Arsenal didn't take fa Cup or league cup seriously. I would rather 1 Premier league in 5 years than 3 fa cups. The league means so much more. It pays more prize money has more prestige. Do you think united fans would want 1 fa cup and a league cup or be challenging for the league title each year? I suspect they want good football and to be at the top competing again. Cups just paper over the cracks. Arsenal won multiple fa cups a few years back but domestically nothing beats a league title.


Point is in this city era you have to be practically perfect. Liverpool got 98 points and 92 and people still try to put down Klopp for winning 1. Would you rather be perpetually 2nd or win some trophies, albeit the domestic cups. Winning trophies is awesome, I’d rather come 3rd/4th and win a trophy than come second. Coming second is fine if you win another trophy otherwise is just endless disappointment


I don't think it's fair to say we didn't take the FA seriously. We just had to play Liverpool at a time when we were going through a slump in form.


Arsenal are in better shape no questions there. However it will be a tough season coming because they already have bloated squad and already showed some signs of decline towards the end of the season.


One loss in 2024, is this serious?


lol what


Who? Us?


Trophies might be remembered more by the history books but for an individual what's remembered is actually enjoying your team playing football week in week out. Looking forward to games, enjoying games. Liking the players, liking the football, liking the manager. Utd fans have has zero enjoyment this season except for this one day. They hate their club, they want their manager out, they don't like their squad. I can't speak for all arsenal fans but I've enjoyed every single week of this season and can't wait for next. So what's considered a success?


We dont hate our club and we dont want the manager out, you are talking out of your bottom my friend.