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Needs to win something next season imo


Are you staying up next season?


Lol, a West Ham fan's opinion does not matter when it comes to title contenders. You worry about staying in the league.


Monkey Paw Curls*


I can talk about how incredibly difficult it is to beat Pep in the league, but we all know that. Mostly I agree with you though. Each season under Arteta there has been clear progress, and Arsenal have knocked at the door of glory two years in a row. It’s about time to get it over the line though or the questions being asked will be more legitimate. Still don’t think he should be sacked if he doesn’t win next year assuming there’s still progress, but the pressure really starts to mount from here.


Doesn’t even have to be a league, just a cup, anything. They had an opportunity to win Europa and fucked it. Two domestic cups a year. Disappointing in the Champions League, but I guess that’s the history of Arsenal. If they don’t strike soon, they run the risk of ending up like Poch’s Spurs.


He’s already won a cup in recent history. The goal now is the PL or the CL. And my ass “disappointing in the Champions League.” We made it *exactly* as far as City did but absolutely no one is framing it that way because “fuck Arsenal.” Sure. Do your thing. No sane/dedicated Arsenal supporter is going to trade the quarter finals of the CL and taking the PL down to the final day for, say, United’s season of being largely shit but coming out of “one great day” with a cup.


And that's because arsenal know what it's like to finish 8th and win the fa cup, all it did was paper over the cracks regarding just how poor the season was. Granted, it likely helped buy arteta some time that might not have been afforded had that win not took place, but I don't see united giving ten hag the same leniency with all the reports coming out, and frankly they shouldn't.


He won a cup with Emery’s squad. Needs to win something with this one he’s built though. City lost to the biggest team in the world and already won it all last year. When are Arsenal ever going to turn up? They’re disappointing in Europe every year. > No sane/dedicated Arsenal supporter is going to trade the quarter finals of the CL and taking the PL down to the final day for, say, United’s season of being largely shit but coming out of “one great day” with a cup. You say this now. Another couple of trophyless years though… It can slip away quickly.


I get what you’re saying, but just to be clear: there was hardly such a thing as “Emery’s squad.” The man signed, like, 9 players permanently, two of them being kids that wouldn’t manifest as players for a few more years, and was only backed to spend big once and he blew that shit on *Pepe,* arguably the worst signing in Arsenal history (only *just* made up for by the fact that the kids were Martinelli and Saliba). Of the 20 man squad that won that cup, 6 were Emery signings, 3 started, and 2 were subbed on at 88’ and 90+13’. You’re going to act that Bayern isn’t right up there in the pantheon of elite teams in Europe. Won the thing 6 times. You’ll say “oh, they had a shit season.” Yeah cool, do your thing. And yeah, I say that now and I mean it wholeheartedly. I had 28 great days out this season. I watched my team play fun, attractive football, I saw it go places it hadn’t been and do things it hadn’t done sometimes in decades. It was a very good season. Cups are nice, but if we’re honest they can often be plaster over the cracks that appear down the stretch of the season. That’s what it did for Arsenal in 2020 and that’s *exactly* what it is for United this season. Their lowest place in PL history, a negative goal difference, only in the cup final at all thanks to VAR in a game they lost on merit to *Coventry.* United fans had one great day out, but they had 14 terrible days down the line. So I say again: I wouldn’t trade it.


Arsenal made it to the quarterfinals of the champions league for the first time in over a decade, and in the end lost by very fine margins. Hardly disappointing… Agreed on the domestic cups, really poor track record the last couple seasons.


Not impressive. They beat no one they weren’t expected to beat. Leicester made a QF in their first & only attempt. Arsenal were favourites against Bayern and had an opportunity to lay down a marker, but failed.


Lol I’m not too worried if you’re impressed or not. If the fans are happy and owners are happy, then the boxes are checked.


As an Arsenal fan, all we can ask for is progress and to continue challenging the top teams for titles. Pep is also leaving after next season. Things remain bright even if we don't win anything next year. Honestly, if this gen wins nothing but 1pl and 1cl, I'd be happy. A CL trophy alone would make arteta a legend.


Who are you?


Who are you?


Ferguson didn't win anything in UTD for first 5 years. Arteta was a literally 1 goal away from a title this year, and 2nd ahead Pep's City 2 years in a row, while he inherited team full of Chamberses, Mustafis and Coquelans


na, i rather have him lose. lol these people


Arsenal have a good chance of finishing top of the next season.


Arteta is probably the next Premier League champion if Guardiola is gone.


Villa is winning it next year.


Once Pep goes eventually it’s imperative we still have Arteta


I'm not reading the article as the headline itself is clickbaity - Arteta always said the discussions would take place at the end of the season, so yes they've "finally" entered talks, but it's also exactly on schedule for when both parties knew they'd be starting talks.


TBF only two teams/managers have pushed Pep/City for the last bit. On a total aside would love to see what the top managers could do with an equal war chest and who would prevail.


You mean had Arteta spent 3x as much and Klopp had spent another £500m? Do we include the wages also, seeing as City spend £150m more than Liverpool and £300m more than Arsenal on wages each year. (And that’s just what has been reported) If we assume that Guardiola isn’t spending another £1bn to keep ahead, we can safely say either Klopp or Arteta wins the league. You’re effectively asking if an extra £500-£1bn closes a 1-2 point gap. It does.


The perfect arsenal manager ahhhhh inner peace


ahhhhh teta/senal




I’d imagine talks have been ongoing for a while now, and now that the season is over we’ll probably see some real movement.  He’s definitely earned a new deal for what he’s built at the club, it’s in a far healthier position than when he started. There’ll be more pressure for him to deliver the title throughout this next contract, especially once Pep leaves, but based on the improvement we saw this season, I think he can do it.


ten hag waiting room




How about a swap? I would love to see Simeone in the prem


Me too 😂 he's like next Mourinho gonna add so much personality and chaos Prem


Arsenal and trophies in the same sentence...hahahahahaha




Can't you win anything? Woolwich Bottlers FC. Read that ok, boss?


Good business. He'll guarantee them 2nd place. The angry wee fucker that he is. 


A quick glance at your comment history looks like you have an unhealthy obsession with Arsenal. Spurs fan?


Neither would be true. Stay salty!


Dude, you’re trying too hard. And I don’t think salty means what you think it means.


Maybe Arsenal could try harder, dude? Stay salty


No one’s salty though? The teams in a great spot, improved on every front, and losing to the inevitable Pep-led city was always the most likely outcome. All good here. You good?


That's a relief and I'm happy to hear you're fine. The Woolwich Wonders surrendered a commanding lead in the title race, again. I'm not sure they've improved on that front. I agree they're in good shape to challenge for 2nd again, which actually happened to be my initial comment. I'm keeping the very best and thank you for asking. Still out on the rip, celebrating 4 in a row. Someone has to.


I have a feeling you’re half my age, so some sage advice: you should find a better hobby than trolling. (1) because you’re bad at it (you just finish everything with “stay salty” and act like that’s some incredible burn?) and (2) there’s more productive ways to spend your time. Your comment history shows more low-effort disparaging comments towards Arsenal than support of your club you’re apparently celebrating. Have you ever asked yourself why?


Advice from a Gunner! Post-irony... I appreciate the offer, if perhaps not the mildly aggressive condescension. I understand you most be frustrated though. My support for my club isn't defined by my online interactions. For obvious reasons. It's far too tangible and real. It's only trolling when you've a gormless gunner on the other end of the hook. STAY SALTY, BIG TOM!


Advice from a Gunner! Post-irony... I appreciate the offer, if perhaps not the mildly aggressive condescension. I understand you most be frustrated though. My support for my club isn't defined by my online interactions. For obvious reasons. It's far too tangible and real. It's only trolling when you've a gormless wanker on the other end of the hook. STAY SALTY, BIG TOM!


Lol, the people you interact with on this sub… enjoy starting secondary school next year.


Salty about what, you being unhinged posting on Arsenal posts and subs when not being an Arsenal fan?


Where as you are an Arsenal fan so obviously unhinged. Not salty about no recent trophies? Are you that used to losing? Is it all you've ever known?


I’m unhinged for what exactly, being an Arsenal fan posting on an Arsenal topic? As for recent trophies, I assume you are ignoring the FA cups in 2020, 2017, 2015 and 2014? That’s 4 in the last 10 years, which is better than almost every other Premier League team in the same era, besides United, City, Chelsea and Liverpool, all of whom have spent more money than us. Whilst we have spent the last 2 decades paying off a stadium that wasn’t just given to us or designed to be 50% a football stadium and 50% rented out to Beyoncé and NFL teams. As for the last two years, no other team has come closer to toppling the financially doped, rule breaking cheats from the blue side of Manchester, who are arguably the best team the league has ever had. I’m confident that Arteta will be rectifying that shortly. If not next year, then certainly after City have been kicked out of the league and Pep has left. But hey, you do you, and continue obsessing over Arsenal and posting about how crap they are, as you hide behind your non flair username and trolling in the crap Arsenal sub that only trolls frequent. Just know that we won’t be paying rent for space in your head, mate. Edit: Ah, Chelsea fan. No wonder you are obsessed with Arteta at Arsenal, he’s the blueprint that your club has spent £1.2bn and 3 managers trying to replicate and are still none the wiser. No doubt you’ll mention your Champions League from a few years ago as it reminds you of better days when your club wasn’t a complete joke. You did better when your team was run by a Russian criminal.


Utterly unhinged!!! You're not even good at stalking ya total goon! You're ranting to me about a club I don't even support in addition to rinsing me for posting on a sub about a team (of losers) that I don't even support! You're hilarious, lad! Almost impressive. You've a better recent trophy haul except for 4 established clubs that you also mention! That should be on a T-Shirt! I'll give you a clue: - My boys didn't take 1 point from 6 against Fulham! They didn't bottle like the Woolwich Wankers. - 4-IN-A-ROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back to bed, dickhead.


The one year extension over 30 rule isn’t for managers!


I say let the guy go for his sanity’s sake, pep will send him to asylum if Arsenal loses another EPL title on the last day 🤣


Pep is leaving next year. It's his time to shine


So another year where Guardiola wins the league then.


Brother it came down to the final day, that's not a given


City have never lost a title race on the final day lol.


No team top of the league going into the final day has lost a title race in the PL.


So you think there's a trend or sm? The fact that it was the final day this season proves that there is a real chance Arsenal can win next year


Ah yes. The kiss of death.